A Cessna overflew a restricted area near DC. Jet's were scrambled to intercept it, and broke the sound barrier on approach.
The Cessna later crashed south of Staunton Virginia, but the military is claiming they had nothing to do with the crash.
Pornography company to hold pro-celibacy talks at local high schools.
African nations are so well known at being peaceful with each other and their own citizens, so I'm sure this will be super duper helpful. I honestly can't think of a better group of leaders to broker a peace deal than the most peaceful people on earth.
1 - God. Because he is in complete and total control.
2 - Jesus. Because is the redeemer and the only way by which we may enter the Kingdom of God.
Trusting women in politics is like trusting a rattlesnake with a "pet me" sign on it's neck.
There's a reason the dragon went to Eve first.
I went to get a haircut Sunday and the girl who cut my hair looked so much like my sister in law that I thought she had moved to my town and started cutting hair for a living.
It was uncanny.
My problem with videos like this is that we have no context.
Yeah, he does appear to be a bit of an ass here, but we don't know how he got to be a bitter asshole at this point. It could be entirely that she knew this was being filmed and played the nice girl for the camera, but otherwise is horrible to live with. I mean, all it seems like he's asking her to do here is walk the dogs... it's not like you can't walk the dogs when you're pregnant.
At the same time, perhaps he is a giant jerk and we don't know about it. His presence on air certainly doesn't preclude the giant jerk thing. I mean, he's abrasive, combative and argumentative even on his show and perhaps it extends beyond his act.
We weren't there, we don't know and honestly Candace comes across as a bit of a snake to me. She's says a lot of the things I want to hear, but after 20 plus years of interacting with some of the world's best liars, I feel like she's just saying the things I want to hear.
Any American still working in a hostile country under this administration at this point, especially after watching the Afghanistan debacle, is missing a few IQ points.
My home insurance went down quite a chunk this year. But then again, I'm with USAA which has always been cheaper for me than alternatives.
Doesn't matter.
Never again.
If you ever try to legitimately tell me that men can become women and vice versa, then you're too stupid to be giving you my money.
What kinda special retard announces their plans beforehand? The special kind of moron that doesn't actually want to accomplish the task they say they're accomplishing.
For some reason I never could describe, that scene always raised the hair on my neck.
Now do all of the companies who were bailed out in the 2008 market crash, like Government Motors who was "too big to fail".
Police botched the raid at Yergeau's apartment on April 6 when they accidentally went to the wrong residence and broke down the door to his neighbor's unit. The neighbor, Stacey Wezenter, said they raided her apartment and placed her in handcuffs before realizing they were at the wrong apartment.
How hard is it to memorize at most four numbers and make sure they match the door you're kicking down?
They need to have one of those match the numbers tests before you can go to the academy:
"Does the number on the left match the number on the right?"
"Maybe? They kinda look the same, except that one has some squiggly lines, so it's a wittle confoosing."
"That's a five Mr. Dewey"
"Oh that's why it's all squiggly! When do I get my gun?"
"Oh God in heaven..."
Athens is one of my favorite cities on earth, but I despise the local politics.
Clarke County is 100% politically owned and controlled by The University of Georgia. If a politician is moving their mouth it's because UGA has their hand up their asshole working their mouth like a sock puppet. If UGA likes this woman, she'll get top-notch legal counsel and a slap on the wrist. If they want to get rid of her... so long lady.
The catholic church is absolutely 100% the Mystery Babylon religion, and the "little horn" spoken of in Revelation... so when some popular Mary worshiper starts talking about the "True Reset" it makes me more than a little worried.
The same dickless cops that were out closing down mom and pop businesses and putting boots on the necks of the unmasked in public for two years?
I swear I'm taking crazy pills. Why does anyone think the tyrant's lap dogs are gonna step in and help?
Do they not even understand their customer base in the slightest?
Yes, the Son's of God are human men.
The daughters of men are the "daughters of men" because God created women from Adam's rib, therefore this verse merely reinforces that men are subservient to God and women are subservient to their fathers/husbands.
The Son's of God are not Angels/Demons, and there's not one other iota of proof you can find in the entire Bible that says otherwise. It's why everyone has to back this verse up by going to the demonically inspired book of enoch which is literally a heretical text.
The last two Durham events flopped harder than a 400 pound man off the high dive onto his stomach.
If he does something spectacular this time, then great, but I'm not huffing lines of hopium for the third Durham round.
Angels are completely asexual. They were not created by God to reproduce and he sure as shit has enough control over his creation to keep his messenger servants from dropping down to earth and popping out a few kids.
Nephilim simply means "giant", and yes, there were giant humans at one point on earth. God originally created humans in an extremely wide range of sizes and colors, just as he created the first humans to live almost a thousand years and later shortened our lifespans after the flood. There's no need to invent some weird explanation of Angels coming down and getting busy with the girls in order to have giants; they always existed.
The Book of Enoch is an apocryphal text that disagrees with the Biblical texts in several areas. If you're spending more time in it, than you're spending in Daniel and Revelation right now, then you need to rethink your priorities.
Unless there are web cams at the entrance with people monitoring them, then profits will win that battle every time.
Why are they mad? They should be happy since they support degenerate godless lifestyles...
Consider me confused.
If you want to listen to the ridiculously long intro music to every episode, the super cringy wolf howls, the "current news" segments from 30 years ago, the random songs in the middle of the episode while he goes to take a shit, then by all means feel free.
Yes, I actually would like to have my favorite song edited if the radio station broke into the middle of it with a 30 second advertisement. That way I get all of the content without the unnecessary bullshit.
You don't get the point of editing and are clearly struggling with the concept, so I won't respond to any more of your idiotic replies in this regard.
Good day sir.
o7 to all my 35P-KP's
All two of us