I think the double standard exploits a shortcut in our psychology that tells us that whoever is breaking laws and getting away with it must be at the top of the hierarchy. Casual law breaking serves as proof that the person has real power over the police, judges, and other officials who have power over you. If you know the only reward you'll get for fighting for justice is a boot in your face, then you'll just have to shut up about it like everybody else.
How did they miss CHANGES IN THE OUTPUT OF THE SUN?? The changes are regular with predictable solar cycles.
I've wondered for a while if every tree on the planet could take up the extra CO2 by growing a few extra leaves. Turns out, according to satellite data, the earth is greening. We need a break from scientists so we can see other people.
A major problem with Reddit and this site has always been that when a sub-group develops and creates a new subreddit, the larger group gets cut off from the flow of information that inspired the creation of the sub-group. "That sounds like pizza-gate, go over there." So then the larger group becomes blind to that category of information.
I keep coming back to the idea I saw here a few days ago: any plan to prove election fraud would be missing a giant opportunity if it only exposed one election cycle as rigged. Senators come up for reelection every six years, and their elections are staggered, so if you wanted to remove every fraudulently elected senator you would need proof from three different elections. If this "plan" existed, it could have started with the 2018 midterms and be finishing up in just two more weeks.
The amazing thing is, you could be totally right, but the telling of lie upon lie eventually solidifies and becomes like a bedrock that we all have to base our thinking on. Chances are most of our thinking is based on false premises.
Here's a question; if the whole virus thing is fake, why did they keep coming out with "variants" that were so hilariously un-scary. It felt like "omicron" ruined their plans. It only confirmed the predictions of dissenting scientists who were predicting more transmissible but less deadly variants.
I took my mom in Burbank, CA. It was a full house. Lots of audience participation, people applauded and cheered, a "Let's go Brandon" broke out. Many stayed after to discuss.
Whoever was saying this was a bore are wrong. This carefully lays out a case that proves huge election fraud and no one should be complaining about it not being flashy enough or whatever. It's a whole lot more interesting that most types of civic engagement. Tell your friends to watch this movie.
They use sound arguments, even if ultimately they are wrong. Raw death numbers are meaningless without the context like what percentage of the population was vaccinated. If 99.999% of people were vaccinated, then the numbers in that chart show the vaccine works. If it was 50% then the numbers look bad for the vaccine.
I value reddit-like forums like this specifically because of how frequently misinformation gets debunked. The way we treat comments equally instead of prioritizing accounts with more "followers" makes it possible for a random person with specific knowledge to have their voice heard when it counts. This site's credibility doesn't come from being right about everything, but by having a system that's better at finding the truth than others.
He forgot to mention FOX