The_Yoyo 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't think she is eligible to be president since she was not born in the US so it would have to skip over her.

The_Yoyo 1 point ago +1 / -0

this is my one concern - if McCarty was the DS plant and how they really wanted McCarty as Speaker - if Biden gets 25th/impeached then now we have McCarty as POTUS which can be just more of the same at best or at worst - somehow even worse than Biden

The_Yoyo 3 points ago +3 / -0

I totally get military flights not being affected but I would imagine private flights would still fall under any FAA regulations like this.

The_Yoyo 16 points ago +16 / -0

this is ridiculous that its split so perfectly down party lines - this is one of the items both "sides of the aisle" should be in full support of - i know its one of the things that the american people as a whole will agree upon

The_Yoyo 4 points ago +4 / -0

Man the amount of gaslighting happening here like I wonder how kind the history books will be to some of these people.

for that matter I wonder what may have really happened during "dark times" in our own history that we are all unwillingly ignorant.

The_Yoyo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've tried to go get farm fresh eggs at my local farmers market the last 2 two weeks but they havent shown up unfortunately.

If I am going to pay 6 bucks for a dozen I rather have it been direct like that versus the shit at the grocery store.

The_Yoyo 16 points ago +16 / -0

You know whats crazy about this article? considering the claim is there were miscarriages I know a lot of first time mothers who take pictures/have a photoshoot during the last month - the pictures shown to be proof do not look like any thing like someone being pregnant but maybe a little fat.

The_Yoyo 5 points ago +5 / -0

I am not positive but its more of a threadreaderapp term to list out all the tweets in order so it can be more easily read at all once instead of continuously to show the next sequential tweet

The_Yoyo 1 point ago +1 / -0

liberals: systemic only applies to racism!!

The_Yoyo 6 points ago +6 / -0

What would be interesting to see if the trend of "delete his account" that was referenced in the thread was actually something that was manipulated to the top by bots which then really drives home the fact that a handful of people were responsible for shaping the general opinion and narrative.

The_Yoyo 1 point ago +1 / -0

there are going to more tomorrow and sunday by others - he has it in one of the following tweets.

The_Yoyo 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its interesting that the picture I see the most of Kanye now online is that one in the picture which has him wearing a balenciaga mouth piece (an older picture) since now they want to associate him with the company (even though they dropped him a while ago)

The_Yoyo 1 point ago +1 / -0

wait disney is involved with titlemax the auto title loan company? thats a new one for me

The_Yoyo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Seriously it would be one thing if it was a landslide and someone won by 20%+ and then you say unfortunately 7% of the population did not have their vote properly accounted for etc.

But when the margin was under 1% there is a huge problem there when you openly admit that 7% were disenfranchised. The number of disenfranchised votes outweighs the margin by at least 600%

The_Yoyo 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yesterday there were several Israelites showed up outside of Barclays Center in support of Kyrie Irving who made his return to playing basketball which is probably why its trending under Sports

The_Yoyo 8 points ago +8 / -0

They delayed it and fought tooth and nail - you're absolutely correct I wonder how much actual shit was scrubbed/removed from their servers in that time. Considering how quickly some of the trafficking hastags were identified and removed I am sure the real incriminating stuff was probably already removed during that time frame.

The_Yoyo 2 points ago +2 / -0

If it wasnt publicly traded - people would have less faith in it and oddly enough allows any three letter agency to hide in plain sight. It also allows even more market/money manipulation to drive wealth upward.

The_Yoyo 31 points ago +31 / -0

I absolutely hate the amount of H1Bs out there and how they've driven down wages. I get a ton of these head hunters messaging me and when I tell them I grew up in America and a US citizen and I need no sponsorship they still try to lowball a position by 30-50k

It's the side of illegal immigration that most of America turns a blind eye to

The_Yoyo 16 points ago +16 / -0

a step in the proper direction but anyone with even a modicum of brain cells know that gas was never even close to 4 dollars let alone 5 dollars nationally under President Trump. This 'fact check' is an easy one - hopefully will see more on other lies (less obvious ones) pushed out by big tech/media/leftists

The_Yoyo 1 point ago +1 / -0

I went to Costco to buy candy for our company's trunk or treat event yesterday. Spent 200 bucks and the amount of candy it got me was shocking surprising how little it was. And that too after about 45 bucks off "instant savings"

Last year we had so much candy left over and this year we all ran out and we actually had about 15% fewer kids show up to the event compared to last year.

The_Yoyo 4 points ago +4 / -0

I am pretty sure Russia did interfere in 2016 but in a way to stop the dems from stealing the election themselves which is why they're beyond super salty about it still

The_Yoyo 1 point ago +1 / -0

It went up 30 cents today in my part of Texas. It was 2.89 this morning when I left to work and 3.19 when I came home.

The_Yoyo 1 point ago +1 / -0

There is plenty as mentioned but suppressed on msm and social media outlets because it doesn't support the narrative.

Remember how msnbc doctored footage last year of a war scene and ran with it and immediately and then patriots started spreading how it was manipulated? They can't run that risk again since the people now more than ever can research what was from a previous training exercise or a movie.

It will all come to light. I have faith in God

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