The Church is not for the lost. The Church is the body of believers that are the Bride of Christ in the age to come. The Church is to be protected from corruption and false converts are to be weeded out so the Bride may be presented pure and undefiled to God. If "worship" caters to the unbelieving it becomes merely entertainment and glorification of man. The unsaved cannot worship God the way he commands. A "church" full of the lost is not a church at all!
Members of the Church are to go out into the world and spread the gospel to the unsaved. You do not invite the wolves into the sheep pen!
People must be informed of the coming judgement of God of all sin. That is done by reading the Scriptures and preaching from them. Only through the power of the Word of God is anyone convicted of their sin and brought from spiritual death to life and godliness.
A non-Christian cannot will themselves to stop sinning. They are enslaved to sin as we all are at birth. Only the transforming power of the Holy Spirit makes us disgusted by our own bad behavior.
Christians are to discern right from wrong, proper teaching from false teaching, wisdom from folly, and many other things. The important first step is to FIRST examine ourselves (remove the plank from our own eye) before we can see clearly to make righteous judgements. Don't be a hypocrite, in other words.
John 16: 32-33: "Behold, the hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and will leave me alone. Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me. I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
I think I had it twice, and I am unjabbed and immunocompromised already because of my autoimmune medication. But since I have been taking the supplements people on here have recommended (zinc, quercetin, NAC, etc.) I haven't been sick again. They are spraying chemicals over my town every few weeks and that gives me a wet cough but the cough doesn't last as long as it did before I took the supplements.
This world is the devil's kingdom for now, but he is limited by the power and authority God grants him. One day the world will be destroyed in fire, the devil and all who follow him (and all false gods) will be cast into outer darkness forever, and there will be justice served for all of their crimes. The world will be reborn perfect and free from all evil.
“Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” - Joshua 24: 14-15
I've seen glimpses of the immediate future a couple of times. They were just minor future events that happened around a minute after the thought entered my head out of the blue. At least one of them was a test of my obedience and since I knew the test was coming I was prepared. I believe those predictions were from the Holy Spirit affirming His presence. God is real, He loves his children, and the Holy Spirit dwells within every Christian.
People who are not saved (non-Christians) are not filled with the Holy Spirit of God and are therefore slaves to their flesh (lusts, desires, addictions) and cannot be expected to obey all the laws of God. Therefore they cannot please God.
Christians are held to a much higher standard since we have a supernatural gift of self-control and perseverance. This however does not mean Christians become sinless or perfect in this life since we still have the same flesh all people have that tempts us to sin/disobey God.
My doctor keeps pushing me to get the vax and now she's telling me to not take the medication I need because suddenly people like me can go weeks without it (supposedly). I bet it's because vaxxed people have destroyed immune systems so their bodies can't handle their medication anymore.
The illustration for "love thy neighbor as thyself" is the man seen robbed and bleeding on the side of the road and the one other man that stopped to take care of him (the Good Samaritan). If you were that bleeding man, you would want help too. The good Samaritan wasn't buddies with the robbers.
If one has a personal enemy with a vendetta, a Christian is commanded to show kindness to him to "heap burning coals on his head" and not repay evil for evil. These are behaviors toward an individual, not movements, not ideologies, and not evil acts. A Christian's chief concern in society is his own conduct so that if anyone slanders him it will be a baseless accusation.
I personally believe most of the vilest workers of evil will not ever be redeemed (pedophiles, baby killers, those with millions of deaths on their hands, etc.), not because God is powerless to change them, but because he is using their evil for his purposes.
One of those purposes is to show us that we would all be like these scumbags if God did not restrain us by our own consciences. Another is to show us what happens when a nation denies and hides the truth and rejects God. Yet another purpose is that through our hate for their evil, we can get a glimpse of God's hate for all evil. God is far more patient than we are, and he uses times of trouble to chasten his children.
Christians cannot expect non-Christians to have the self-denying self-sacrificing love for their enemies that God has for Christians who were once his enemies.
My parents did this to me. At holidays I had to let family members who were basically strangers hug and kiss me when I didn't want them to. It did lead me to think I didn't have autonomy over my own body regarding touching (so long as my parents endorsed it).