Thomath 4 points ago +4 / -0

I do not need more proof.

Sadly though there are many out there who still do not see any SADS-Vaccine link. The more proofs to spread around the better. I will share this ... also.

Thomath 1 point ago +1 / -0

This will protect him from nothing. Nothing. He has to know that.

Libs underlying "Rule of Law" is "The End justifies the Means." If they think any kind of dis/mis-information, any kind of slander, any kind of mock investigation will help their endgame, it easily falls within their understanding of "Rule of Law."

I see "Rule of Law" in its true meaning and would like to see it enforced more evenly and thoroughly upon our "ruling elite," (the political / media / big-Tech / big-Pharma / big-... class)

Thomath 2 points ago +2 / -0

Presidential Cognizance.

National average for gasoline first hit $5 in June of 2022.

It only took him 17 months (there's that number again) to realize he was "president."

Thomath 1 point ago +1 / -0

Close. Linked by CasuallyObservant is the "Royal Standard of the United Kingdom".

In the picture is the "Royal Standard of the United Kingdom for use in Scotland" It is very similar, but quadrant arrangement and content is slightly varied.

Not enough of an issue to address - unless one is being quite particular regarding official royal protocol ...

Good find to CasuallyObservant.

Thomath 3 points ago +3 / -0

And if they do run out of names, they will simply re-define words. They have no limit.

Thomath 4 points ago +4 / -0

I had experience with this 25 years ago. Three friends began having multiple health issues hit them in their late 30's, early 40's. All three - Heart. Pulmonary. Autoimmune. Pain disorders. Diabetes. and Cancer, and more. All three were given 18 to 24 months to live. Two had Dr's go the standard path: Standard health protocol/practice per issue. The third had a Dr that chose a tailored healthcare path that took into consideration all the issues AND their interactions - meaning some of the treatments for a specific issue (e.g., Cervical Cancer) were NOT the recommended path (hysterectomy and synthetic hormones for life.) The first two were gone within 2 years. The third, my best friend, is healthier today than 25 years ago.

The healthcare for an individual doesn't always fit the standard ICD (International Classification of Diseases) recommendation. Hospitals and healthcare facilities hide behind ICD for cost (read that as "liability") reasons. That may still be in the best interest for most individuals - but not all.

Thomath 1 point ago +1 / -0

1 million bpd of oil now off the market - Isn't that what resident Biden is releasing from the SPR?

Thomath 3 points ago +3 / -0

Not unlike using a Mueller Investigation to conceal the illegal investigations of Trump in the 2016 race. To quote Harry Reid, "It worked didn't it." Or so they thought.

Thomath 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fact: Sussman lied

Fact: The FBI knew he was lying, so "no harm done".

(After all, the lie didn't impact the behavior of the FBI.)


The FBI was not duped.

The FBI was complicit.

The FBI should be prosecuted.

Could this acquittal be evidence toward such a prosecution?

Thomath 2 points ago +2 / -0

So if news media can be proven to be complicit, actively working to get Hillary elected (really "anyone but Trump" in their words) - do they then lose their 1st amendment protections as they are no longer operating as journalists but rather corrupt politicians? And should they then be prosecuted similarly?

Thomath 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is with great effort, great blessing, and great support that a child can escape from being born into such an evil-saturated environment - that of Satanic ritual / offerings / play / etc. Even with recovery, there may be much remaining that one may never fully heal or recover from - combinations of dreams, phobias, startle responses, trust, body responses, physical injuries, etc.

With God, with loving support, with time - it is amazing how much healing and recovery is possible, and how much good can come out of the resultant life.

On the secondary topic - copulation between man and spirit - the scriptures allude to it two different times. The first, in the time of Noah when "every thought of every person was continually on evil" (Gen 6:5) The second was after the flood in the land of Canaan where there level of evil was an abomination.

Scriptures infer the result of such evil and "inter-species" copulation was the Nephilim, literally the giants (e.g., Goliath). Gen 6:4 says that such giants were on the earth "in those days [of Noah] and afterwards" - after the flood [in Canaan.]

I do not see that we have had evil of such magnitude yet today - but I would not be surprised if we get there. We are definitely headed that way.

We are in need of revival.

Thomath 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or (taken out of context) one could simply say,

"God came from Teman" - Habakkuk 3:3

Works for me.

Thomath 4 points ago +4 / -0

And it is done to their own children with the (warped) objective that it will make them stronger: able to control (manipulate) their own subconscious, their emotions, their tomorrows, and even others. In a so-very-perverted way, the "parents" tell themselves they are doing a good thing.

But its all a lie. And based on lies. And pulls from the father of lies. And generation upon generation it destroys.

Psa 73:16-18. Scary.

God is stronger. And therein lies victory and healing. No doubt. No lies.

Thomath 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not saying it is easy.

Many good things in life are not. They take hard work.

Just saying that you can do this.

Thomath 2 points ago +2 / -0

Praying for you.

You don't have to "retrain a 53 yr old brain" - you're already experienced at making good decisions. Treatment. GA. Value of family. Value of prayer. Etc.

Just the daily reminder, "I am doing this (not lifting over 15 lbs) today so that next year I can do ....

I've been there. I had Spinal Cord Compression surgery in 2015. I was 59. Grandkids were 2 & 3 yrs old. No lifting over 10 lbs for 1 year. I fully complied. I found ways to play and hold without lifting. Now I lift, carry, play, rough-house, and pray with them.

This too will pass. Go with the strength (and healing) of God.

Thomath 2 points ago +2 / -0

"No fly zone" = No zipper

Thomath 4 points ago +4 / -0

WTI oil price currently $113.35 per barrel. Biden blames Russia.

It was $53.13 when Biden took office and $92.81 when Russia invaded Ukraine, a 75% increase. That's on Biden. The increase since is 22%. That's on Russia AND Biden.

Thomath 3 points ago +3 / -0

No DS-run "panel" will allow anything to be presented for the public that is not first screened by the DS. Anyone, especially Trump, introducing non-approved information will be shut down as in "out of order" and the panel immediately recessed until the DS can regain control.

But Truth is growing at the grass roots. Not too long before organizations the DS once felt confidently in control will be lost to them. Go to a school board meeting and observe.

by IAmOne
Thomath 4 points ago +4 / -0

"When I pondered to understand this,

It was troublesome in my sight

Until I came into the sanctuary of God;

Then I perceived their end."

Psa 73:16-17 (NASB)

Thomath 1 point ago +1 / -0

She is reliably consistent.

-- Charged with handling the Ukraine "crisis"

-- Charged with handling the southern border.

Wonder what she gets next? Inflation? Education? Human trafficking? lobby for SCOTUS pick?

-- I bet it isn't anything on their "care about" agenda.

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