XOXOGG 2 points ago +2 / -0

**I've got zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, Ivermectin, NAC, and dog dewormer at the ready. **They're NOT getting me to take the vaccine this time. Previously, I had to vaccinate to take my Mom to cancer treatments. Sadly, she has another cancer and I have to take her for the next 5 weeks. Hopefully, they don't mandate this at the hospital in that time. I'd love to use Ivermectin and dog dewormer to see if that will help her fight this cancer but she is not willing. She's one of those people who do whatever the DR tells her to do. God bless her. Please pray for my sweet and sassy Mom!

XOXOGG 1 point ago +1 / -0

It seems to be $100 for 100 tablets today. I ordered some to have on hand.

XOXOGG 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm glad you posted this question. It is something that has bothered me. I wonder if that is the real reason for allowing "warp speed" for the vaccines and the shut downs. If this is the case Trump really is always two steps ahead or the cabal. He would not have been able to fight a murder charge as easily as fighting the classified documents and election fraud.

Interestingly, he put Pence in charge of the Covid19 team. Was Pence in on the set up?? Is that why Pence is so angry with Trump? Pence 100% could have legally sent the electors back and chose not to - it doesn't make sense how angry Pence is over that but ... if Trump saw the set up and created a counter setup... hmmm. We will never really know and we can only speculate.

XOXOGG 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm curious what made someone (either the person who found it or who they turned it over to) look at the videos of this "popular" coach. I've read the phone was unlocked. If someone left their phone unattended with me I would do everything I could to make sure they knew I didn't invade their privacy.

Of course I am happy this guy has been caught I just think there is a missing part of the story -- who looked at it and why. Did they already know?

XOXOGG 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can't stand him and he always turned up on my twitter feed. I never have followed him and don't understand why I kept seeing his tweets so I finally muted him. Thanks for the heads up.

XOXOGG 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm going to do this for two months. I already take NAC and I can really tell a difference. Thank you for this!

XOXOGG 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a question -- why even bother with the planes when the explosives were all that was needed for their desired outcome? If it was all done to have an excuse to go to war the explodes were enough. Why involve airplanes?

XOXOGG 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you!

Interesting about the MS stem cell treatment. It makes sense.

Good luck with your treatment. Let us know how it goes!

XOXOGG 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you!! I will look into it. I knew the people here would have insights.

XOXOGG 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, I have questions!! First, did you start treatment? Is it working??

A family friend has rheumatoid arthritis. He goes to another country to get the cells and it's been life changing. Right now it seems it's not lasting as well in between appointments.

Another friend in common has started going with him to get help with her MS. She hasn't noticed any improvement.

My Mom is in her late 70's. I've posted about her before. She had brain radiation. It is taking a toll on her. Also, she has a lot of back pain. But, to be honest she'll never agree to it. But, I'd like to look into it anyway.

Can you throw me a name? Bonus if it is in the midwest. Good luck and thank you!

XOXOGG 2 points ago +2 / -0

How GD stupid do they think we are?? There is no way, none, that 60 minutes would be sympathetic to a Trump supporter shown on tape talking about "taking the capital" unless he were, in fact, not a Trump supporter.

Ray Epps probably was just as puzzled as Jussie's coconspirators about were to get Trump gear for the theater. We really are watching a movie.

XOXOGG 4 points ago +5 / -1

They're going to keep postponing it until they're sure we've forgotten about it.

XOXOGG 3 points ago +3 / -0

We really are watching a movie. This cannot be real.

I'm sure they're going to do all they can to trash ultra maga for rightly pointing out it's highly suspicious Ray Epps has not been held accountable for his role on J6. Clearly, there’s no way 60 minutes would be painting him as a victim and showing him sympathy unless he was, in fact, not really a Trump supporter.

XOXOGG 2 points ago +2 / -0

Linking you all to another thread that was already started. I didn't see it. Sorry!


XOXOGG 3 points ago +3 / -0

Sidenote: CatTurd has mentioned quite a few times that he was offered a lot of money to go against #47. It sheds light on a lot of people that flip flop on Trump doesn't it?? Always follow the money. But, sometimes they're so sneaky in making payments --discounted beach houses, board appointments, and I'd suspect insider stock transactions. It's all so corrupt.

XOXOGG 2 points ago +2 / -0

They infiltrated the Proud Boys and you don't think they're here?? This is a time to be skeptical of any information. Better yet ... stay home and protest at the voting booth. Wait for a Trump parade, go to a Trump rally and stay away from their traps.

XOXOGG -1 points ago +1 / -2

I don't think there is anyone I view as being more corrupt than Nancy Pelosi.

But, this video seems to show that the odd story was actually true. I commend Paul Pelosi for being so calm. It probably would have been wiser for him to let the police try to disarm him but ...

LOLing at the description of walking in and watching those two "hold a hammer". What an odd thing to say, right?

XOXOGG 2 points ago +2 / -0

So the say ...

I hope you're right but I am skeptical.

XOXOGG 15 points ago +15 / -0

I don't think this is accurate. I checked his tweets -- it's not there. Careful with those who want to deceive ....

XOXOGG 46 points ago +46 / -0

I hate how skeptical I am consistently anymore but I'd bet that he has already passed and they're going to keep him alive long enough to keep people from saying it is another sudden death from the vax. I hate feeling this level of mistrust.

He's only 24 years old. Just so sad.

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