boystupid 2 points ago +3 / -1

Please post your full and total understanding of how a $30 dollar ticket that nobody can afford and will encourage group viewing, piracy, and just plain apathy, will make more money than a $5-10 ticket that's a no brainer purchase for almost anyone.

boystupid 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is a GREAT idea. I suggested on PDW they should post the movie for free somewhere, officially of course I'm not suggesting anyone do any pirating and I said that on PDW too.

There is a TON of research showing that if you release a movie for free, even temporarily, you'll INCREASE the total revenue by upping the hype for the movie and getting more eyes on it, which will INCREASE sales, even though it may seem counter-intuituve.

I can't tell you how many movies I've NEVER bought because I haven't seen them. And how many movies I PAID FOR THAT I ALREADY SAW!

Because I know I liked it and want to support it!

Anyway. PDW mods accused me of "piracy" and deleted any comments I made suggesting it even though I SPECIFICALLY said "DO NOT PIRATE THIS MOVIE I'm just saying it would be a good idea for them to do a few free screenings."

Glad people here get that idea and aren't totally retarded.

Me personally I didn't plan on buying a ticket just because I'm already upset about the election and know what's in the movie. I don't really want to pay to get upset about something I already know.

That being said, if I can catch it for free and I see with my own eyes that it's a great documentary about how this all happened and not another over-hyped let-down like we've had so many times before.... I'd GLADLY buy a ticket for someone else to watch it.

Officially releasing it for free, even if it's just one or two live-streams or some very limited way, it only increases the movie's credibility.

It gives it optics that say "YES we need to make money to cover costs and raise funds for other endeavors but WE MADE THIS FOR YOU THE PEOPLE and we KNOW that if you see this movie for free, YOU'LL WANT to buy a ticket EVEN MORE because it's that good.

Wouldn't have that effect necessarily if you just made it completely free. But a few free screenings like at the Trump rally and a few limited online ones is a great idea!

I do hope it's official though I don't appreciate copying without permission in any way.

boystupid 7 points ago +7 / -0

Same. Nibble off about a half inch or 250 lbs worth. About once/2weeks.

Never felt better tbh

boystupid 2 points ago +2 / -0

I haven't received an official diagnosis - had MRI but no lesions. Classic MS symptoms. I'm not sure if I have MS or maybe subclinical Brown-SΓ©quard syndrome-like thing going on from a potential injury. Or maybe I'm having mini-strokes. But MS matches the best based on patients I've talked to with all of these.

God help me I have Kaiser. They're useless. They're the Walmart Auto Center mechanics of doctors who I basically think are glorified mechanics anyway. They're not scientists.


Ivermectin is the only thing I've been doing differently these days.

Could just be time healing an injury.

Impossible to say for sure because I don't even know for sure what the fucking problem is.

Every appointment I make no matter what kinda specialist I see they pretty much just go "oh maybe it's (insert rando diagnosis here)" after asking 2 questions total and then either tell me "nothing we can do" ... or they run a test and it's inconclusive so they give up basically immediately and say "come back when it gets worse here's some rando pills you don't want".

The "diagnosis" they have me half the time is just a fancy science name for the symptoms I've having. Not an actual fucking diagnosis of a condition, syndrome, injury, anything. Just "aphasia" or "neuropathy" YEEEAAAHHH I KNOOOOWWWW WHHHHHYYY THOUGH YOU EXPENSIVE USELESS FUCKS AREN'T YOU EVEN CURIOUS?!?!?

Sorry drives me fucking bananas. I don't care that we they don't know. Whatever I don't know either. It makes me crazy they can't be bothered to spend more than even 5 minutes in any single attempt at figuring it out.

Seem to be getting better and better all the time though.

Slowly. But hey that just gives me confidence it's not a rocketship and crash improvement like I've had before with these symptoms where I improve rapidly only to eventually loose all of it and end up worse.

Like I feel legitimately more alive. It's ... well it's great!

I can walk better. Fewer migraines. Left eye vision less blurry and returning to normal (normal being same as right side). Significantly decreased numbness on my left side. Breathing deeper.

Only thing it doesn't help with is THESE GODDAMN HICCUPS. I pray you don't have this symptom. Jesus Christ have mercy.

I'm hesitant to say it's the ivermectin just because I'm very conservative about adopting hypothesees... but I'm sure as hell NOT going to test it by stopping it either. It's too cheap. And I haven't gotten a cold since. Usually get 'em pretty frequently unfortunately otherwise.

Plus I got a bunch of rare cancers and non smoking-related lung cancer in my family so it just makes extra sense to keep taking it.

boystupid 5 points ago +5 / -0

I can fill you in! Tickets for the virtual premiere streaming May 7th are available today!

Where I point you to go is their website to buy one!


Don't have an hour?

Watch the trailer! It's basically everything you need to know in 2 minutes minus the details.

You know how trailers usually work these days they give away the ending. It was rigged. Spoiler alert.

boystupid 2 points ago +2 / -0

lol I HOPE they try that shit

After two fucking years of them screaming for everyone to get vaccinated!?

If they're stupid enough to try it, and they are, we'll have some fun.

The timing is ripe for them to get ripped a new asshole over this argument.

boystupid 3 points ago +3 / -0

My only alternative thought is that maybe he's just making a circular wave and then pointing to someone after. I've seen people make waves like that. And even point after.

BUT this one looks WAY more like a Q than how Trump specifically normally makes that kind of wave when he does it, because he's waved like I just described before.

This one was so different than those other circle-then-point waves I've seen him do, I'm convinced.

I'm normally kinda of a hater of these kinds of gesture analysis theories.

But this one is totally a Q.

boystupid 2 points ago +2 / -0

How is it we all thought she was paid oppo the last election and then when this election comes along we all inconveniently forgot until it was over!?

Because I remember this being a major discussion last time around. And frankly even I forgot about it until reading your comment.

boystupid 0 points ago +1 / -1

Your hypocrisy is overwhelming. I'm sure you're unaware of it as I've never in my life met a hypocrite as hypocritical as you who was capable of recognizing even 1% of their hypocrisy and in light of that I'm not really telling you so you stop; I'm just telling you because you deserve it.

boystupid 2 points ago +4 / -2

I'm not saying you should be organizing hits on VIPs here, but if you're scared to speak your mind, you've already lost ESPECIALLY if Q is real.

We're here because a bunch of cowards couldn't stand up for themselves for 5 seconds so maybe stop encouraging people to remain in fear.

boystupid 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yup. I sell those N20 chargers as a part of my job. It's not the same thing and I'd say most buyers are frat boy party types or stoners, less so gay partiers but they do buy them also.

It's definitely not healthy, but I seriously doubt it's causing AIDS. That goes for both.

Poppers are probably much worse for you. They're not known to be especially dangerous either though, EXCEPT when used with Viagra or Cialis - some people claim this can lead to deadly acute hypotension. Like your blood pressure will drop to nothing and you'll drop dead on the spot - but even that I've never personally heard of actually happening and I have a lot of customers who I know are doing exactly that, and I know some of them are using meth on top of that so it might just be a myth.

Don't recommend trying it though. It might not cause AIDS but that shit can't be good ....

The people who use them regularly... don't seem like healthy people at all.

boystupid 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's isn't pretty clear what happened. But it is pretty clear that's not happened.

boystupid 1 point ago +1 / -0

You know that greaser didn't wear a hat right!? You think he's classy!?

How can you be classy and have decorum without a hat?

boystupid 5 points ago +5 / -0

Hey think for yourself!

boystupid 2 points ago +2 / -0

Every libtard I know has exclaimed they're voting for the lessor of two evils every time there's an election.

If you vote for the lessor of two evils, you might as well be a libtard in my book. That's how I'll think of you.

I remind people who vote this way every time, they got who they voted for.

btw tip in talking to people who vote this way:

I find phrasing it that way is particularly face melting for a certain kind of person. Not "you got WHAT you voted for" ... everyone's heard that and just gets mad uselessly automatically. But for some people "you got WHO you voted for" fries their brain for a just a second it's fun. It works best when you're sounding like your trying to give them a point or something, less so when used as an argument.

boystupid 7 points ago +7 / -0

Honestly I lost a lot of trust in him after that file was never followed up on. It was for the best for me afterall I shouldn't be trusting anyone. But at the time there were certain people I did and he was one of them for better or worse.

boystupid 2 points ago +2 / -0

Pelosi was sanctioned a whole ago. It actually mentions that fairly prominently in the article.

As for others I don't know if they've been sanctioned already or not. If not, interesting. If so, there you have it.

boystupid 1 point ago +1 / -0

I bet we'll start to see this regularly like we did with all the "lone-wolf" 6-week-cycle shootings/bombings/often dubious events of 5-6 years ago.

Are they bringing that back? Use summer and Covidfest and a round two of 6-week-cycle events as an excuse to Shanghai lockdown our country?

boystupid 13 points ago +13 / -0

I'm inclined to agree. I'm not discounting it entirely.

If some scientist comes along with a plausible explanation for how this could be accomplished and how it can be proven, what types of evidence we might expect and how to look for it properly (is it falsifiable?) etc etc

I'd love to hear what they have to say. I don't care how "official" the scientist is or if they're even credentialed in ANY way.

But I'd need a significantly more thorough explanation that I can verify through my own research process before considering this snake venom idea plausible at all, nevermind consider that it may not be a psyop.

Always keep an open mind. Those of us with minds, change them often. In my mind as of only today, this is a psyop or a dumb distraction at best.

boystupid 11 points ago +11 / -0

Or is he wasting valuable time on a distraction that would otherwise be solved by a bigger picture win?

I don't know I'm just asking based on what the above commenter said sorry if that's stupid.

boystupid 3 points ago +3 / -0

The dose on the bottle is what I'd be recommend tbh

It's already a high dose AND it's in the most bioavailable form.

I wouldn't take more without doing more significant research for yourself.

I've seen people have excellent results using the dose on the bottle.

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