ceegeegee 3 points ago +3 / -0

I heard yesterday that Trump raised more campaigning one day a week than Biden raised the entire month.

(And I don't think it even matters - as BB has repeatedly out over on Badlands. the trials don't keep him from the campaign, they ARE the campaign. I think there is a lot of trurh there.)

ceegeegee 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is weird, I honestly do not remember how I found GA. At this point, I chalk it up to the Divine.

ceegeegee 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think the summit is in sight. But then I think of the drops that "August is a hot month." and I don't think we are there quite yet. Also, I think we need to do the conventions. R is in July, but D is August in Chicago. There have been so many historical echoes recently, that I get the feeling there may be something there. (Where does RFK Jr. play onto this? His father's last public words were about 'onto Chicago and let's win there'.) What will happen, I do not know but I am tightening the seat belt

ceegeegee 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe it is not a person? The seven dwarves in that scenario were computers...

ceegeegee 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think that is entirely plausible. During the first summer of CV, I read her book 'Licensed to Lie'. Very interesting.

ceegeegee 3 points ago +3 / -0

Love the concept of DDQDA because it is very easy to teach using a non-political topic so people get used the concept first without the emotional baggage clouding everything.

I think about a story a friend of mine who works in life insurance told me. Labs came back positive for nicotine when the client had said she had never used tobacco.

Friend: "Ma'am, have you ever smoked? Client: "Absolutely not." (DENY) Friend repeats question Client: "No, but I don't think it is a big deal." (DIMINISH) Oh, I tried in high school like everyone else, but that was kid stuff. (QUANTIFY). Friend repeats question. Client: What are you accusing me of? You just are trying to screw me! (DISTRACT) Friend: "Ma'am I am going to ask you one more time- have you ever smoked?" Client: "Well if you call a couple of cigarettes a day smoking!" (ADMIT)

Always loved the story, but my point is if you take the concept of Overton's Goalpost and break it down into something relatively benign yet relatable, you start to be able to see it on other places.

ceegeegee 5 points ago +5 / -0

A friend of mine and I were talking - I forget the exact topic, but it was something conspiracy related. She paused and said," You know, the older I get, the more I think conspiracies are true." She is fairly liberal and I thought silently to myself 'the alarm clock has rung'.

ceegeegee 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't disagree, but for now, I will give thanks and savor the small victory.

ceegeegee 3 points ago +3 / -0

I can't stand PE. Two companies I have worked for now in 10 years that are PE backed. They. Suck.

ceegeegee 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would have more respect if they just outright said "this is who we want to run." Fine. But it is the charade of going through the primary process under the guise that we little people have a say only to turn around and flip it is what will destroy them. Not sure I care..

ceegeegee 1 point ago +1 / -0

The news reports say it was a Bell 212 helicopter. I looked at pictures of them, but it is hard to tell.

ceegeegee 4 points ago +4 / -0


Those words mean so little to me now. Which is sad - because there are people who are truly hurt by this kind of bad behavior. But I blame it on the kids who have cried wolf 50 billion times...their behavior is far more odious. They weaponized compassion.

ceegeegee 4 points ago +4 / -0

Remember the PPP loan program at the beginning of CV for small business? I was very involved in learning about it because my family has a small business. They got shut out of the first round because larger businesses with better access to the banks gobbled up the cash. Small business as defined by the program was any company with up to 500 people - I remember asking someone thst was giving a presentation about it and he said the definition was according to ERISA guidelines. But he thought it should have been capped at 200 employees as those other companies had other options.

I played around with the website www.pandemicoversight.gov which listed the different business, the loans they got, etc. I remember doing a sort to see who got the biggest loans. One of the largest? Planned Parenthood. Now, PP has something like 5-6K employees and gets something like $500M from the government via Medicaid reimbursement alone. I remember thinking how in the world they could do that? They got millions while legitimate small businesses were being pushed into a second round. It turns out that they are structured as individually incorporated charities. Yep, they are basically franchises, like Burger King. Except the local BK wasn't getting $1M in PPP money.

ceegeegee 3 points ago +3 / -0

Dang I'm getting old...

ceegeegee 12 points ago +12 / -0

Know a guy who does some work for a biotech company developing cancer drugs. Under "right to try" laws pre-CV, they got 1-2 inquiries a month. Now, they are getting 4-5 a week.

ceegeegee 6 points ago +6 / -0

So very sorry for your loss.

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