downwithuppish 0 points ago +2 / -2

Could be that he's aged up a picture you know is them so that you can then go out and compare to people you suspect might be them.

downwithuppish 2 points ago +2 / -0

Very effective tactics. The left love doing this. They make the most outlandish, ridiculously offensive statements and opinions. Then they offer a compromise that doesn't sound so bad in comparison but pushes their agenda along. Watch them put out a statement saying it's not about that one particular person but about the fact no such care is available in general.

downwithuppish 1 point ago +1 / -0

That video of the fake Biden is incredible. He walks, spins around, walks backwards a few steps, spins back again. No way can the real Biden or the demented frail Biden walk like that. Is it Jim Carrey? Very tall and lean like Carrey. Need video footage of Carrey walking to compare.

Also I was wrong about the Shaman. He is an actor but he is on our side. So what was the ruse on J6? He was definitely being protected and escorted around the building. Does this mean Trump knew about the plan all along and had his people on the inside?

The envelope thing indicating the start of the arrests and executions. I will accept that's what was happening. It makes sense looking at Hillary's nonplussed reaction. She's been in trouble before and came out the other side. She wouldn't be concerned. Bring it on she'd probably say. Biden looked genuinely confused and concerned about what it all meant. Probably because he's a corrupt scumbag pedo who sold out his own country. BUT I will defend the shot of the Bush's forever. That screengrab was taken as the casket was being carried out. A hymn was being sung, Laura was singing. Jeb had chosen to watch silently. Laura held up the hymn sheet as if to tell him he should be singing. His face is disbelief because he wants to mourn his father and he's being told to keep up appearances and sing with everyone else. Remember this is long after the envelopes were handed out at the start of the funeral. So Jeb would've seen the envelope already if the Bush family received any.

downwithuppish 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't care who he is I just want to know why they chose that word. What's it supposed to mean?

LA Beast I completely get because hes a big strong handsome chad who does crazy manly(beastly) challenges.

downwithuppish 8 points ago +8 / -0

What is this beast obsession? Daily Beast. Mr Beast. What is beast in this context?

downwithuppish 1 point ago +1 / -0

"You were caught on tape showing someone documents that proved Russiagate was a hoax and we lied to the world. Aha we got you now Trump"

downwithuppish 1 point ago +1 / -0

That quote they have of him showing the docs to someone even has him saying 'this proves my case' or 'this wins my case'. I don't know why they'd want that line put out there because it proves he has the evidence on them and now people can see that they're trying to take it from him. It looks so guilty.

downwithuppish 4 points ago +4 / -0

Interesting that he uses the word traitor. Meaning they believed they were on the same side at one point?

downwithuppish 11 points ago +11 / -0

Reminds me in one of Hunter's self pitying meltdown chat messages on his laptop he complained to someone that he was being accused of killing kids. Two things. I don't remember such a claim ever gaining much traction and secondly where did he hear or read this?

It also reminds me of Joe Biden's random outburst of 'They think we drink children's blood'. The Bidens sure are nervous when the subject of dead kids apparently crops up.

downwithuppish 4 points ago +4 / -0

Accusations Trump has moles working in the Biden admin spying for him?

downwithuppish 5 points ago +5 / -0

From pol

Couple of things to remember when dealing with shills and trolls and their demoralisation attempts

They stole the election before, what's to stop them stealing it again? No point in voting when its rigged.

If it were that easy they would've spent the past three years ignoring Trump. Why would it matter what he said or did if they can just steal it again?

They're going to frame him. Democrats don't care about the law. They'll make up charges and throw him in prison.

They've been wanting to do that for years. If they really had the power to frame him it would've happened in 2016. Or after Covid. Or after Jan 6. Or after the raid. Or after Stormy. Or after the crazy cat lady.

It's been over for Trump countless times and always occurs when they need a distraction. The true attacks aren't on Teflon Don. They're on the public. All to bring you down and feel hopeless. It's them that are on the ropes. They fear the election can't be stolen again. They fear the public will not be so placid again. They fear the evidence against Biden is too great to ignore. Their only hope is to make you doubt Trump and believe your vote is better off somewhere else.

downwithuppish 1 point ago +1 / -0

The most telling thing is the realtor emails Podesta's friend Susan Sandler and says they found a handkerchief that's "white and black". But Sandler then emails him and describes it differently. His friend "thinking" it has a map that "seems" pizza related comes across as a coded warning.

It's possible for the realtor and friend to have spoken on the phone after the first email. But if that was the case then why would Podesta's friend need to "think" or guess about it? The realtor would've confirmed it in more detail.

The handkerchief? Yeah its black and white with a map of restaurants on it. Do you want it back?

What's concerning is Sandler is guessing as to which handkerchief he left behind. To me this implies there were multiple handkerchiefs. Maybe some got used and others didn't.

downwithuppish 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's a bird house/feeder and could easily have been put in by kooky Joe to keep him entertained

downwithuppish 2 points ago +2 / -0

And just as Trump returns. How convenient.

Though I have to say I know we like to drop red pills on NPCs but most people don't wish to see a video of a child being beaten up. I don't think its that odd for Twitter to view it as offensive

downwithuppish 2 points ago +2 / -0

Kept warm by giant propane generators isn't it?

downwithuppish 1 point ago +1 / -0

The North Face was founded in San Francisco by Douglas Tompkins and his wife Susie Tompkins Buell.

Susie Tompkins Buell is noted for her close friendship with Bill and Hillary Clinton and her status as a Democratic Party mega-donor

Susie Tompkins Buell is often described as Hillary Clinton's soul mate

Buell along with George Soros and other Democracy Alliance members funded the Secretary of State Project, an American non-profit, 527 political action committee focused on electing reform-minded progressive Secretaries of State in battleground states, who typically oversee the election process

In 2016, Tompkins Buell donated $500,000 to lawyer Lisa Bloom's firm in order to assist women who came forward with sexual harassment and assault allegations against Donald Trump leading up to the 2016 presidential election.

downwithuppish 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anyone want to bet thats dirty Dem money too?

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