Ma Bell - got ill communication
How would you track Rat Lines?
It’s Jim.. welcome to the Pause… look into th EyE.Balls
All of your dreams/nightmares will be Destroyed..
God Wins
Air Tag - the trucks
Welcome to San Diego.. sunny beqches.. correct culture & AR /s hidden in the Hill Sides.
This will Destroy the Democratic Party…
Meme Canons are being Locked & Loaded..
Tomorrow we assault
TDS.. MKUltra…
Kill your Television… save your wife
Not Today,, $atan..
Contact projection, holographic words from the booth.
11 yr. Old -Dies of Heart Attack.
Something we never saw in a Pre-Covid World.
Yes, Controlled Demolition.. 90’s Vegas Syle.
Man, I stayed in that area a few times - 7 yrs ago now was the last.. it was a Major Tourist area.
Predictive Programming,. To Soften the blow..
We Are At War
The Q plan is to destroy the Satanic Deep $tate… God loves all of his Children,,. & God Wins.
These Elite Douche bags.. have no Idea ,. How Business’s work. Logistics .. or real world (streets) work
This corruption has been ongoing,,. I also have a feeling -Rat Lines are being tracked & Monitored.. pray this ends soon . & God Bless these Children
Rules ?? Propaganda to narrate an Agenda
We are the News
The Month of June (Overview - Calendar) is dedicated to the Sacred Heart. The Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Lu Alzheimer