toddapollos 3 points ago +3 / -0

Remember in 'Goodfellas" when Pesci, thinking he's going to be "made" ,instead takes a slug in the head?....That's Hu...

toddapollos 9 points ago +9 / -0

Im old enough to remember buying milk at the local dairy..and elections being decided same day...good times, man.

toddapollos 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wait til you see what ___________ did? a. Hillary b.Comey c, Brennan d. Biden e. Obama f. zzzzzzzzzzzz

toddapollos 7 points ago +8 / -1

Hope Scott gets better. Regardless of his vax commentary, he's been right on many issues. Secondly, i admired his willingness to remain involved with his former girlfriend's kids. it is easy to mock and ridicule him for this, but my guess he formed quite an attachment to these children, and foresaw how wrecked they would've been had he been absent in their lives. I taught for 33 years, and my classes were strewn with the wreckage of kids who would bond with a new " mommy boyfriend", only to be crushed when mom moved on.

toddapollos 1 point ago +1 / -0

Butthead: " He, he,... he said ebullience.." Beavis : Ya -ya....ebullience...uh, what's that?"

by PepeSee
toddapollos 3 points ago +3 / -0

It is the act, homosexual sex, that God condemns. Not feelings, urges, desires. By suppressing the knowledge of God, the requirements of his law, which is in every man, even those who have never heard of His law, he gives them over to a reprobate mind, and takes the "blinders off" off them. Even so, those, who know they are violating God's design, can be forgiving, and, like the alcoholic, can strive to refrain, one day at a time, against the urges that beset them.

toddapollos 1 point ago +2 / -1

The dam should break in about two weeks...

toddapollos 0 points ago +1 / -1

I thought elections post 2020 secured? Why would i be pleased to know Trump can predict the upcoming fraud? This post begs many questions..

toddapollos 0 points ago +1 / -1

Two more weeks, two more executive mansions..

toddapollos 4 points ago +4 / -0

Looked, and didn't see any scripture here. Nor any nod to Christ Jesus, the King of Kings , and Lord of Lords. To those who are Spirit -filled, He will provide the discernment necessary to overcome times of trial. "I can do all things through Christ Jesus, who gives mew strength"

toddapollos 3 points ago +5 / -2

That assumes that the "lost or destroyed" claim is true. Would an agency, after accomplishing perhaps the greatest feat known to man, lose all data and proof of said accomplishment? An agency that could pull off this hoax could, i dunno, possibly hide the true shape of the Earth....oh, wait...

toddapollos 11 points ago +11 / -0

"and unlike the "unwashed", Birx continued, " I will not be held to account for this fact."

toddapollos 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wrap your arches. Leave them on. I run, and dealt with this. I only improved when i left my wraps on all day, not just running..even to bed. I just kept them on until the pain went away. Youtube will show you how to wrap them.

toddapollos 4 points ago +5 / -1

Trump can't be the face of the "correction". Too many sheep would bleat to death. Mid-terms. Domino of states declaring 2020 election void. Durham prosecutions ramp up simultaneously. Supremes rule. Congress declares "do over "election as fraud proof explodes like carpet bombs. Military squashes desent of new elections. Trump speaks less, not more. Let's the election come to him. In the words of Wile E Coyote, "Brilliant, sheer unadulterated brilliance"

toddapollos 10 points ago +10 / -0

No friend, you don't find him, He summons and calls you, at a time planned "from the foundation of the world."

toddapollos 1 point ago +1 / -0

"My name is Emer j Fudd, millionaire, I own a mansion and a yacht"..and i am fully vaxxed.

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