I've been waiting for that day. We were told to trust him and I have no reason so far to doubt him. Trolls mistake silence for nothing happening, as if these things are made public in real time. That's how you know they're shills because no one is this stupid...right?
Plus we were told Sessions would be needed for other important work. Q post 16 on 10/31/2017.
Edit: in a post 2637 we were told Sessions departure> Law, in the list of who had departed at that time.
Well, I'm gonna go ahead and schedule an appointment with my primary care physician for Monday morning, because I don't think this erection is going away anytime soon...
He HAS to do something. He knows that his life, as well as the lives of his entire family, are effectively over if he just does nothing going forward. The Left will destroy them all once they have complete power. Trump knows that he must do something big & stop them.
The swamp is looking to Utterly destroy him NOW if they could. Don't be surprised if the MSM and Dem's start testing the waters to accelerate Biden's "Virtual Inauguration" to sometime this week in an effort to keep Trump from being able to declassify Everything. In November about a week-10 days after the "Steal" the Lord pointed me back to 1Kings chapter 1. Just before King David was about to die one of his son's Adonijah though the should be King. He "Knew" that God had told David that Solomon was to be his heir but he thought he could sneak in and be King. He recruited on of David's top Generals & advisors Joab as well as the High Priest to back him. Nathan the prophet gets wind of the plot & tells Bathsheba Solomon's mother and she then reminds David of his promise that Solomon is to be King and then Nathan comes in & tells him of the plot to install Adonijah as King. David then tells them to get his mule and robe and lead a small contingent back to his throne where they will Rightfully anoint Solomon as king. Just as Adonijah thought he had Pulled off his steal of the throne, everyone hears the shofar horns blowing & celebrations of Solomon's anointing to be King and then word comes back of this EVERYONE flees Adonijah to escape being linked to Treason.
Adonijah ends up being executed not long thereafter.
I believe Our version of this story will soon be played out.
But what makes us sure that the military courts are just too? Didn't people in the military lie to Trump about removing Troops over seas? I don't trust anybody anymore.
This goes with the theory that it was the military who propped up Trump to run and win in 2016. We needed 4 years of Trump before the mass could accept the storm that is yet to come.
What if, like another poster said, Trump is no longer president after the 20th, and after all arrests are made, we are left with Pompeo to take the presidency for a brief time, until Trump returns after it's all sorted out.
I just keep noticing that Smooth Orderly Seamless is SOS. As a sentence that's pretty clunky. As a coded message from someone possibly left completely alone behind enemy lines ( if that's what has happened) it may actually be concise
I have been thinking we are all speculating on that message without knowing a crucial fact: who sent it? The message screams "This is a fake video!" So we are still left confused. If Trump sent it, SOS could make it all mean that he made it under duress and we aren't to believe he is conceding. That doesn't mean a mind more devious than the usual lefty thought to make an obviously fake video to create a false impression.
I've been thinking that video message was the latest way to signal weakness to his foes, to make them all pounce one last time. Not all of the bad actors can know precisely what to do at all times from instructions from above, and many will know how to read what they think are comms and directions on how to act. The media for example all thinking Trump would be condemned with the Mueller report, all suddenly devastated when they saw their Cabal had failed, while they were lead to believe they were about to deal the mortal blow. SOS is pretty genius, and you too for spotting it.
Let's assume that Trump's "concession" video is the message that Trump wanted to put out there.
I was put off by it because the video switch angle
at 1:28
That was odd. He NEVER does that. Why the jump angle.
Then someone else pointed out that the jump cut lasts
until 1:45
17 seconds
Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet.
If there are no coincidences then that means what was said during the 17 seconds was the "Q" message meant for those people who can discern it.
This is what he said during the 17 seconds:
"A new administration will be inaugurated
on January 20th.
My focus now turns to insuring a smooth, orderly, and seamless transition.
This moment calls for healing and reconciliation.
2020 has been a challenging time for our people."
This makes perfect sense because the only message that the enemy would allow to be forwarded by Trump is a humiliating message of concession.
If you ignore everything else he says and focus on just what he is saying during those 17 seconds...
That is the Q message.
That is the real message meant for us and this is the only way he could get it out to us. To do otherwise would ramp up the attack dog media.
Get this:
"A new administration will be inaugurated
on January 20th.
Now that ALL of the traitors have been outed a NEW MAGA administration can be inaugurated.
"My focus now turns to insuring a smooth, orderly, and seamless transition."
"Smooth" "Orderly" & "Seamless"... odd choice of words... SOS
That is a distress call. There are two parties to an SOS call. The rescuee and rescuer.
My focus now turns to insuring an SOS transition... A transition to RESCUE America.
"This moment calls for healing and reconciliation."
Now if Biden was inaugurated I wouldn't be experiencing any healing or reconciliation. The only thing that would heal me is if Trump came to the rescue.
"2020 has been a challenging time for our people."
That is a total understatement. Is he talking about America or is he talking about us specifically?
Check this out... in order to get the :17 you have to subtract
from 1:45
You do that by putting
to do that subtraction. Let's transpose the message the same way you have to transpose the timestamps to subtract to get the 17 seconds.
"2020 has been a challenging time for our people.
This moment calls for healing and reconciliation.
My focus now turns to insuring a smooth, orderly, and seamless transition.
A new administration will be inaugurated
on January 20th.
That is a very different message. And it gives a WHOLE new meaning to the very last thing he says in the video:
"...and to all of my wonderful supporters, I know you are disappointed, but I also want you to know that our incredible journey is only just beginning."
Is it tripe or does this man literally means what he says?
That's genious. The public will actually listen to the hearings etc whatever happens. If Trump just arrested them all, public would claim dictator etc. Amazing play.
There was a doomer on T_D who groused my question.
I asked this: If Trump is preparing a military strike to arrest the traitors, and while he's doing that, Congress impeaches him, would the military finish the mission or stop operations to follow Biden's lead?
The doomer was just "Biden, it would be illegal otherwise, give up."
But if it's the military in charge NOW.... doesn't matter what they do to Trump. 25th, Impeachment....
Q said that nothing can stop what is coming, and has used that phrase quite a few times. Q also said the military is the only way, as everything else is far too corrupt.
Impeachment doesn't mean shit is the same as indictment, "has been charged". If the senate agrees then he's "convicted". Now that's game over. And he still needs to do a defense and will ask for more time etc. So it will take these fuckers over 2 weeks to try to do it. So I don't see it happening.
As for the military, this is all what's in the constitution. If it says somewhere that the military can take over or something then cool. But I am not learned on this. I would think congress still has power. Although I remember Bush's Patriot act gave power to the Pres to suspend the constitution if we are at war.
If Trump fires Pence, who takes the role of President of the Senate? Would that person be required to call the Impeachment Hearing into order, or is there a procedural play here that buys him time?
The President pro tempore or president pro tem, of the United States Senate is the longest serving Senator from the majority political party in the United States Senate.
Oh wow. I always thought that #4 in line was the Majority Leader of the Senate. I wonder how many others made that mistake:
Number - Office - Name
1 - Vice President- Mike Pence (R)
2 - Speaker of the House of Representatives - Nancy Pelosi (D)
3 - President Pro Tempore of the Senate - Chuck Grassley (R)
4 - Secretary of State - Mike Pompeo (R)
If Pence and Pelosi are guilty of Treason (and arrested on the 17th by the military), Trump can then step down on the 20th and pass power to Chuck Grassley or Pompeo, and let them sort out the election crap (or even re-run the election) to ensure the country believes in it's fairness. Which would easily result in his 2nd inauguration by March/April.
I want gallows and public executions. I want the elite scum to have their heads cut off and their hearts cut out. Just to be on he safe side. Then drop the bodies in a volcano, just to be extra safe.
Those were for other agencies. You want the Cabinet succession plan. Usually after VP it has been SOS, then Sec Defense, then Sec Treasury, but it has often been changed. However, after his term ends he has no cabinet.
At this point, we need the military to sort it out, if anything because no one trusts the political class or the media. I have family that don’t believe anything Trumps says any more than we believe anything Biden says. We don’t believe each other media sources. We are all at an impasse. As Pilate said to Jesus, “What is Truth?”
I don’t like that option. How about the cases before the Supreme Court? How about arresting Biden for China bribes and corruption. Have the military general do a Norman Schwarzkopf briefing showing the fraud. Declare Trump the winner and tell the RINOs and democrats to fuck off to Guantanamo.
Steve Bannon was just saying the other day on WarRoom that we should not be surprised if this goes into March/April. Also in the evening broadcast he mentioned that is the End of his First administration. IMHO-I firmly believe Bannon KNOWS of the Plan to Save the World via the Great Awakening. He has kept his show on this straight & narrow path while Not sounding like he's on the Q train-he's On the Q train. Remember while there are no conspiracies, there are also No Coincidences
Plausible Deniability just like POTUS when asked about Qanon.
If Trump is instituting NESARA/GESARA he has to step down as President for 120 days. If you remember sometime back just after election Trump was called Candidate Trump. 120 days from that time is in March. Then we have to have a new election and elect Trump as President. It fits. Then we will transfer to gold back currency and the old banking system will no longer exist. All debts cancelled under old financial system. If you don't know about NESARA search You Tube. Tons of videos explaining.
Didn’t Q reference something to the effect of a Trump admin 2.0? I think that comes after military is finished. It’s what the people wanted and voted for. Trump deserves a term where he does get absolutely trashed every day.
It’s an interesting theory and goes with Steve Bannon saying this won’t play out like people think. Good point also about transferring power to a Chinese asset. Everybody knows Biden is so compromised he wouldn’t even qualify for a basic security clearance.
It's not very good OPSEC to announce your strategy, including exactly which troops and units you're using, and the pretext/clandestine way you will deploy them. I'm calling bullshit.
Funny this very scenario occurred to me out of the blue earlier when I was working out. That little space between Trump and Biden is when the military, under the command of Miller, makes the move on the traitors.
One thing people may want to prepare themselves for is Biden being sworn in on Jan. 20. The reason being is that will be the final cap on the crime against the US - a fraudulent President installed by traitors and foreign powers.
Shortly after he is sworn in, the military will finally take action. The downside, is this will technically be a coup and may not sit well with millions - but it would be the military upholding their oath to defend against both foreign and domestic enemies.
Trump has played his part up to this point. Now it is time for the military to play theirs. Then, once complete, Trump can be sworn in for his first term as the first President of the Second American Republic on March 4.
For sure! If biden gets sworn in that's it he will be in full control of the military, I ain't . buying the he has to be sworn in bs. They have all the proof they need of the treason! Anybody that will be sayin that bs is trying to stop the Americans that would fight if trump refused to act. thinking there is some grand plan after jan20th, nope once biden is in that's all she wrote and will be 2 choices after that we fight or we lay down and consent to their fraud and power!
I think with Nancy pushing for impeachment that Trump will resign (for optics) before Biden can be sworn in. Before leaving office (for optics), he will order a smooth transition to the US military to sort out the treason and drain the swamp - so he would not look like a dictator taking over the country. Once the military drains the swamp, new elections will be held, where the power is restored to the people. Trump may even be sworn back in as the rightful winner once the truth emerges. No matter what happens, GOD is in control and allowing it to happen for his purpose.
Enter military lawyers Sidney Powell and Jeff Sessions. Trust Sessions, right?
If sessions appears I would love to check some older drops.
Sessions warps onto the battlefield from a Dr. Strange portal in the final showdown against Soros
The Silent Executioner is, I believe, his nickname.
Would be the most wild twist. And all the “muh trust sessions” trolls should be messaged...
I've been waiting for that day. We were told to trust him and I have no reason so far to doubt him. Trolls mistake silence for nothing happening, as if these things are made public in real time. That's how you know they're shills because no one is this stupid...right?
Plus we were told Sessions would be needed for other important work. Q post 16 on 10/31/2017. Edit: in a post 2637 we were told Sessions departure> Law, in the list of who had departed at that time.
Yes! Thank you!
"No one's this stupid right"
You would hope not but yes even some on our side are.
You're right.
cue The Simpsons "say it" meme
What makes a good movie??
Didn't Trump fired sessions?
Maybe sent him to do some work out of the spotlight
Sessions also reopened cases into Epstein
Trump is a WWF Hall of Famer
I wonder if Barr's recent anti-Trump bs is theater...
“The whole secret lies in confusing the enemy, so that he cannot fathom our real intent.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Fuck yeah
This is the most plausible aspect because if it’s about trump at the onset then the never trump normies will close their minds to anything after that.
Could he appoint Flynn?
It would create a conflict of interest or at least a believable one. They'd keep him away from it.
Well, I'm gonna go ahead and schedule an appointment with my primary care physician for Monday morning, because I don't think this erection is going away anytime soon...
Prove it! Let’s see a pic!
Me irl:
Literally a woodie!
? Frealing awesome
Wait...but that means I just admitted to clicking on what I assumed was your dik pic to see your dik pic. Fawk.
Too small for my taste
you made it to Gaw
God damnit Barry, stoo being so gay. ???
LMAO. You made me ink.
We have another winner of the internet! ?
You better sand that thing
Slam the door on it.....kek
Random speculation isn't that interesting.
We have no idea what is going to happen.
But he has to do something within 11 days or the country is fucked.
I think he will do something, but I have no idea what.
He HAS to do something. He knows that his life, as well as the lives of his entire family, are effectively over if he just does nothing going forward. The Left will destroy them all once they have complete power. Trump knows that he must do something big & stop them.
The swamp is looking to Utterly destroy him NOW if they could. Don't be surprised if the MSM and Dem's start testing the waters to accelerate Biden's "Virtual Inauguration" to sometime this week in an effort to keep Trump from being able to declassify Everything. In November about a week-10 days after the "Steal" the Lord pointed me back to 1Kings chapter 1. Just before King David was about to die one of his son's Adonijah though the should be King. He "Knew" that God had told David that Solomon was to be his heir but he thought he could sneak in and be King. He recruited on of David's top Generals & advisors Joab as well as the High Priest to back him. Nathan the prophet gets wind of the plot & tells Bathsheba Solomon's mother and she then reminds David of his promise that Solomon is to be King and then Nathan comes in & tells him of the plot to install Adonijah as King. David then tells them to get his mule and robe and lead a small contingent back to his throne where they will Rightfully anoint Solomon as king. Just as Adonijah thought he had Pulled off his steal of the throne, everyone hears the shofar horns blowing & celebrations of Solomon's anointing to be King and then word comes back of this EVERYONE flees Adonijah to escape being linked to Treason. Adonijah ends up being executed not long thereafter. I believe Our version of this story will soon be played out.
Or just hand the keys to the castle to military and let them sort it out.
With respect I disagree, fren.
We always need a Commander In Chief at every second of every day.
Any weakness and our enemies will attack like hyenas.
The Constitution specifies all the rules about who is President.
Agreed, he's not going to be Commander in Chief unless he brings the storm before 20 Jan.
But what makes us sure that the military courts are just too? Didn't people in the military lie to Trump about removing Troops over seas? I don't trust anybody anymore.
That's the point. No fucking frills for traitors and terrorists.
This goes with the theory that it was the military who propped up Trump to run and win in 2016. We needed 4 years of Trump before the mass could accept the storm that is yet to come.
What if, like another poster said, Trump is no longer president after the 20th, and after all arrests are made, we are left with Pompeo to take the presidency for a brief time, until Trump returns after it's all sorted out.
Don’t really care about trump as much as I want to see justice for those who committed treason and sedition
He's sacrificed enough. I wouldn't be upset if he retired.
I feel he was elected though so he should fill it.
Moses passed the torch to Joshua.
Obiwan passed the lightsaber to Luke.
Juan O Savin said place your bets for April Fools Day or maybe he said he'd place his bet for that day.
Original inauguration day was not even in January but...March?
Don't lose hope at any point.
Try April 30th
3/17 anyone?
I think Pompeo and all Trump's cabinet are out when his term ends.
I just keep noticing that Smooth Orderly Seamless is SOS. As a sentence that's pretty clunky. As a coded message from someone possibly left completely alone behind enemy lines ( if that's what has happened) it may actually be concise
I have been thinking we are all speculating on that message without knowing a crucial fact: who sent it? The message screams "This is a fake video!" So we are still left confused. If Trump sent it, SOS could make it all mean that he made it under duress and we aren't to believe he is conceding. That doesn't mean a mind more devious than the usual lefty thought to make an obviously fake video to create a false impression.
I've been thinking that video message was the latest way to signal weakness to his foes, to make them all pounce one last time. Not all of the bad actors can know precisely what to do at all times from instructions from above, and many will know how to read what they think are comms and directions on how to act. The media for example all thinking Trump would be condemned with the Mueller report, all suddenly devastated when they saw their Cabal had failed, while they were lead to believe they were about to deal the mortal blow. SOS is pretty genius, and you too for spotting it.
Let's assume that Trump's "concession" video is the message that Trump wanted to put out there.
I was put off by it because the video switch angle at 1:28 .
That was odd. He NEVER does that. Why the jump angle.
Then someone else pointed out that the jump cut lasts until 1:45 . 1:45 minus 1:28 equals
17 seconds
Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet.
If there are no coincidences then that means what was said during the 17 seconds was the "Q" message meant for those people who can discern it.
This is what he said during the 17 seconds:
"A new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th. My focus now turns to insuring a smooth, orderly, and seamless transition.
This moment calls for healing and reconciliation.
2020 has been a challenging time for our people."
This makes perfect sense because the only message that the enemy would allow to be forwarded by Trump is a humiliating message of concession.
If you ignore everything else he says and focus on just what he is saying during those 17 seconds...
That is the Q message.
That is the real message meant for us and this is the only way he could get it out to us. To do otherwise would ramp up the attack dog media.
Get this:
"A new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th. "
Now that ALL of the traitors have been outed a NEW MAGA administration can be inaugurated.
"My focus now turns to insuring a smooth, orderly, and seamless transition."
"Smooth" "Orderly" & "Seamless"... odd choice of words... SOS
That is a distress call. There are two parties to an SOS call. The rescuee and rescuer.
My focus now turns to insuring an SOS transition... A transition to RESCUE America.
"This moment calls for healing and reconciliation."
Now if Biden was inaugurated I wouldn't be experiencing any healing or reconciliation. The only thing that would heal me is if Trump came to the rescue.
"2020 has been a challenging time for our people."
That is a total understatement. Is he talking about America or is he talking about us specifically?
Check this out... in order to get the :17 you have to subtract 1:28 from 1:45 .
You do that by putting 1:45 above 1:28 to do that subtraction. Let's transpose the message the same way you have to transpose the timestamps to subtract to get the 17 seconds.
"2020 has been a challenging time for our people.
This moment calls for healing and reconciliation.
My focus now turns to insuring a smooth, orderly, and seamless transition.
A new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th. "
That is a very different message. And it gives a WHOLE new meaning to the very last thing he says in the video:
"...and to all of my wonderful supporters, I know you are disappointed, but I also want you to know that our incredible journey is only just beginning."
Is it tripe or does this man literally means what he says?
That's genious. The public will actually listen to the hearings etc whatever happens. If Trump just arrested them all, public would claim dictator etc. Amazing play.
Exactly. Optics. Trump fired Sessions? Needs to look impartial.
But they already call him all those thinga.
If Trump really is Cyrus, then he will most likely step down after draining the swamp and defeating Babylon.
Guys read Scavino’s post after the electoral votes were certified!
“While this represents the end of the greatest first term in presidential history, it’s only the beginning of our fight to Make America Great Again!”
His term has already ended! The military is in control at this moment.
There was a doomer on T_D who groused my question.
I asked this: If Trump is preparing a military strike to arrest the traitors, and while he's doing that, Congress impeaches him, would the military finish the mission or stop operations to follow Biden's lead?
The doomer was just "Biden, it would be illegal otherwise, give up."
But if it's the military in charge NOW.... doesn't matter what they do to Trump. 25th, Impeachment....
Exactly! That's why Q said impeachment proceedings will not matter.
I'm really not versed in Q. Really came here because it was interesting and T_D is getting to be a downer. What did he say?
I assume he's talking about impeachment now at the 11th hour, not the previous one?
Election theft.
Last hope.
Congressional focus.
They think you are STUPID.
They think you will follow the STARS.
They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.
Malwarebytes keeps blocking that site because of a trojan. Try qanon.pub and search for 953.
Man I mis the qmap aggreagator that had the best search facilities.
Q said that nothing can stop what is coming, and has used that phrase quite a few times. Q also said the military is the only way, as everything else is far too corrupt.
Impeachment doesn't mean shit is the same as indictment, "has been charged". If the senate agrees then he's "convicted". Now that's game over. And he still needs to do a defense and will ask for more time etc. So it will take these fuckers over 2 weeks to try to do it. So I don't see it happening. As for the military, this is all what's in the constitution. If it says somewhere that the military can take over or something then cool. But I am not learned on this. I would think congress still has power. Although I remember Bush's Patriot act gave power to the Pres to suspend the constitution if we are at war.
If Trump fires Pence, who takes the role of President of the Senate? Would that person be required to call the Impeachment Hearing into order, or is there a procedural play here that buys him time?
The President pro tempore or president pro tem, of the United States Senate is the longest serving Senator from the majority political party in the United States Senate.
Chuck Grassley.
Wasn't he mentioned as a key piece?
Oh wow. I always thought that #4 in line was the Majority Leader of the Senate. I wonder how many others made that mistake:
Number - Office - Name
1 - Vice President- Mike Pence (R)
2 - Speaker of the House of Representatives - Nancy Pelosi (D)
3 - President Pro Tempore of the Senate - Chuck Grassley (R)
4 - Secretary of State - Mike Pompeo (R)
If Pence and Pelosi are guilty of Treason (and arrested on the 17th by the military), Trump can then step down on the 20th and pass power to Chuck Grassley or Pompeo, and let them sort out the election crap (or even re-run the election) to ensure the country believes in it's fairness. Which would easily result in his 2nd inauguration by March/April.
So then his "SOS" message might mean that Pompeo takes over.
Aren't the dems in controll of the Senate now, or doesn't that start until the new Congress opens?
New Congress was sworn in 1/3. We're now operating under 117th Congress.
Trump can't fire Pence only Congress I believe
I want gallows and public executions. I want the elite scum to have their heads cut off and their hearts cut out. Just to be on he safe side. Then drop the bodies in a volcano, just to be extra safe.
100 UPvotes to THIS^^^
Have heard other sources say something really weird/unexpected will happen. I think you may be on to it.
I vaguely remember some Q posts about continuance of Government. Anyone remember those (or have the links handy)?
If Pelosi and Schumer are arrested, how far down the chain to you have to go to get Pompeo in as acting President? What about Grassley?
That would be really unexpected.
Those were for other agencies. You want the Cabinet succession plan. Usually after VP it has been SOS, then Sec Defense, then Sec Treasury, but it has often been changed. However, after his term ends he has no cabinet.
At this point, we need the military to sort it out, if anything because no one trusts the political class or the media. I have family that don’t believe anything Trumps says any more than we believe anything Biden says. We don’t believe each other media sources. We are all at an impasse. As Pilate said to Jesus, “What is Truth?”
Trump = genius
I don’t like that option. How about the cases before the Supreme Court? How about arresting Biden for China bribes and corruption. Have the military general do a Norman Schwarzkopf briefing showing the fraud. Declare Trump the winner and tell the RINOs and democrats to fuck off to Guantanamo.
lol full of corruption
General Flynn and Mike Lindell both said 10/10 Trump will be inaugurated.
He just said he won't be at the inauguration on the 20th. Maybe the inauguration won't be on the 20th?
Steve Bannon was just saying the other day on WarRoom that we should not be surprised if this goes into March/April. Also in the evening broadcast he mentioned that is the End of his First administration. IMHO-I firmly believe Bannon KNOWS of the Plan to Save the World via the Great Awakening. He has kept his show on this straight & narrow path while Not sounding like he's on the Q train-he's On the Q train. Remember while there are no conspiracies, there are also No Coincidences Plausible Deniability just like POTUS when asked about Qanon.
Maybe, it won't end the way we think.
If Trump is instituting NESARA/GESARA he has to step down as President for 120 days. If you remember sometime back just after election Trump was called Candidate Trump. 120 days from that time is in March. Then we have to have a new election and elect Trump as President. It fits. Then we will transfer to gold back currency and the old banking system will no longer exist. All debts cancelled under old financial system. If you don't know about NESARA search You Tube. Tons of videos explaining.
The suspense is killing me!
Didn’t Q reference something to the effect of a Trump admin 2.0? I think that comes after military is finished. It’s what the people wanted and voted for. Trump deserves a term where he does get absolutely trashed every day.
How does he protect himself & his family... especially w/o secret service?
All presidents have ss for the remainder of their lives if they so choose
I hope you're right. MSM is hounding him like a wounded animal right now, even though I would dare to say his speech on 1/6 was a perfect speech.
this is what I believe too. Maybe Flynn., an Interim president.
It’s an interesting theory and goes with Steve Bannon saying this won’t play out like people think. Good point also about transferring power to a Chinese asset. Everybody knows Biden is so compromised he wouldn’t even qualify for a basic security clearance.
Pompeo, Mnuchin.
It's not very good OPSEC to announce your strategy, including exactly which troops and units you're using, and the pretext/clandestine way you will deploy them. I'm calling bullshit.
Funny this very scenario occurred to me out of the blue earlier when I was working out. That little space between Trump and Biden is when the military, under the command of Miller, makes the move on the traitors.
I speculated this for a while. Not sure if it is how it will really play out.
However, the designs for the next AF1 did clearly say 2024.
There must be a reason Washington DC is now encircled with a military fence.
One thing people may want to prepare themselves for is Biden being sworn in on Jan. 20. The reason being is that will be the final cap on the crime against the US - a fraudulent President installed by traitors and foreign powers.
Shortly after he is sworn in, the military will finally take action. The downside, is this will technically be a coup and may not sit well with millions - but it would be the military upholding their oath to defend against both foreign and domestic enemies.
Trump has played his part up to this point. Now it is time for the military to play theirs. Then, once complete, Trump can be sworn in for his first term as the first President of the Second American Republic on March 4.
For sure! If biden gets sworn in that's it he will be in full control of the military, I ain't . buying the he has to be sworn in bs. They have all the proof they need of the treason! Anybody that will be sayin that bs is trying to stop the Americans that would fight if trump refused to act. thinking there is some grand plan after jan20th, nope once biden is in that's all she wrote and will be 2 choices after that we fight or we lay down and consent to their fraud and power!
I think with Nancy pushing for impeachment that Trump will resign (for optics) before Biden can be sworn in. Before leaving office (for optics), he will order a smooth transition to the US military to sort out the treason and drain the swamp - so he would not look like a dictator taking over the country. Once the military drains the swamp, new elections will be held, where the power is restored to the people. Trump may even be sworn back in as the rightful winner once the truth emerges. No matter what happens, GOD is in control and allowing it to happen for his purpose.
Well several sources including Lin says he’ll be president for 4 more years. I still kinda think that he’ll be pres.
Just so long as the people who would be in power are total Patriots with the singular goal of defending the Constitution.
Anyone have a link to that tiny ass snip on the left.