Dude, I just realized this and I'm the one who posted it! I am totally not a wrestling fanboy and I just grabbed the link and glossed over the NWO part. I only know Randy Savage as the Macho Man from WWF.
I suspect Chinas plan was to invade Taiwan after Biden took office. They invested trillions into this operation. When Biden is not sworn in, they are going to be pissed.
Imo going hot with china is all but certain at this point, he settles things at home first, cleans house (fighting a war with a bunch of vipers on your back would be ill advised), then we pound the fucking CCP to the ground, it's the only way, they're not going away.
I'm fully expecting once that goes live my country will join with the US, I'll be volunteering the very next minute.
The military is always training, and flying the expensive combat-ready jets burns up flight hours on the airframe. Aircraft are nothing like cars, because they are made aluminum, the very frame itself only has so many hours of flying in it before they are no longer cleared to fly due to metal fatigue, which aluminum is very prone to. So for normal training they are using considerably cheaper trainer aircraft.
Actual fighter jets are fully authorized to just fly dark. They fly lower than airliners and higher than small prop planes, and the aircraft are so maneuverable there is zero fear of a collision.
They can and do fly dark on missions, but not in high air traffic areas like airports, where they need to be transponding for safety to avoid mid-air collisions. If you go look at P8 and Rivet/Cobra flight paths, you will see them transpond for a few minutes before/after landing/takeoff but the majority of their flight path is dark.
They would need a really, really good reason (not saying it doesn't happen, just doesn't happen without cause) to takeoff/land while dark.
Well, the map has the wrong labels-Coloradofag here: Castle Rock is a town north of Cheyenne Mountain. Peterson AFB is next to Colorado Springs which is home to Cheyenne Mountain.. I live near Buckley AFB and it seems quiet...
Correct, I fucked up the map. Peterson AFB is in Colorado Springs, which is where the VC-25A landed. I also doubt that he is actually going to Castle Rock, but rather to Cheyenne Mountain, which is nearby and home to an underground NORAD complex.
one of my fav shows. Actually started rewatching it on Amazon Prime a few weeks ago. Stargate Atlantis was good too. Wasn't really a fan of Stargate Universe.
The Wraith are the Elite Pedo's who suck the Literal life blood out of children through physical & psychological horrors before sucking their lifeblood. The Goaould's are the elite political class who act like little god's demanding we worship them. They Pretend to have Superior morals & intelligence but like the parasites in the show -Steal technology & wisdom from those they take as hosts. Aside from Not having the glowing eyes, Pelosi,Schumer,McConnell et al Act like they have serpents in their skulls. Oh and Antifa/BLM are their Jaffa
There's more than one though, only when the President is on board is it callsign AF1. So being callsign MACHO41 means he might not have been onboard. I was hoping OP had a reason to suspect POTUS was actually on board.
Well if it wasn't classified, they would have called it AF2.
It's not the first and won't be the last time VIPs have moved clandestinely through our country. The first family regularly flies on SAM flights instead of AF1F
There was a gulfstream (SAM562) that took off from DC and went dark around Colorado Springs just a little bit after MACHO41 landed. It later returned to DC.
When I looked at the ground track it went into West Virginia, but it definitely could've come from further west because I only saw the last few minutes of the flight.
I am not sure about this statement, and correct me if I'm wrong, but, I thought both VC-25s were 100% reserved for POTUS, and that Pence would at all times take the 757 or even in a pinch the 737s usually assigned to him.
Keep in mind there are also at least TWO "Air Force Ones"
I believe they are in AF Inventory as VC25.
They are heavily modified 747s.
There are FOUR E4B Nightwatch aircraft and I believe one CONSTANTLY follows POTUS wherever he goes, but stays at an alternate but close airstrip, as an emergency option.
So basically POTUS always travels around with two fucking 747's.
NoRad is there- or just south of it. There have been more comments in this thread since my reply. Norad is a fortified AF base under a mountain. Top secret stuff. I think it's possible that, since Q knew our side wasn't the only ones reading the drops, some things had to be at least a little vague- who knows. I'm new to this info. :)
Trainers look like regular fighter jets from a far distance, maybe a little smaller. You'd have to have a really good eye and know what you're looking for (tail shape, intake shape, nose shape) to tell otherwise.
most likely would be going to NORAD, Colorado Springs to Castle Rock is a a construction zone nightmare. dont know anything military thats in Castle rock
No way to tell. They were squawking as trainers, but the military often has their fighters do this to conceal the type of aircraft they actually are. They were probably fighters.
To my knowledge, AF1 always has 2 fighters escorting it for long journeys. This was unusual in that there were 7 or 8 escort aircraft.
No. Think about it. If pence sent the cerifications back to the state, it's just a conspiracy to fraud/treason. By letting the states certify, with them damn well knowing it's fradulent, they now comitted fraud/treason. They can now be arrested with the fullest extend of the military. Pence let them do this on purpose because it was apart of the plan.
There is nothing special in Castle Rock, Co... but NORAD inside the mountain down south would be like a Castle inside Rock... but they would fly directly to Colorado Springs, not up north.
For some reason ADSBexchange is showing it squawking as a TEX2 trainer, and RadarBox is showing it squawking as a VC-25A (Af1/2). No idea why the difference.
Well. A thirty minute drive North of Castle Rock and you can get: Crown Burger, In N' Out, Five Guys, Smashburger, Bad Daddy's, Wayback, and a bunch of others. Most of them carry Diet Coke.
That crazy bastard with the callsign MACHO41, what a fuckin chad
Its a shame it wasn't Macho45 though
MACHO45? Sixty percent of the time... it works EVERY time
Brian, I'm not gonna lie; that smells like pure gasoline.
Isn’t Peterson AFB east of Colorado Springs?
You're right. Could be going to Buckley AFB near Denver
NSA facility!
That's because he's 41 in reality: the last four were DS plants that never won election.
40 was Reagan so that makes total sense.
41 GHWB??? Interesting...
my current frame of mind, exactly....
1st president of the restored New union.
Yep. We are about to embark on America 2.0.
That has a nice sound to it djmarcone!
If I may add a suggestion to yours please...
1st President of the Restored New Republic.
Macho Man Randy Savage #41
nailed it
Dude, I just realized this and I'm the one who posted it! I am totally not a wrestling fanboy and I just grabbed the link and glossed over the NWO part. I only know Randy Savage as the Macho Man from WWF.
Soooo, Macho41 = Savage NWO?
Wow. Just wow.
Second result --> https://qposts.online/assets/images/c4b5fad4dbbc54f64f44f7907b00e786cf632ef1980b8f6556b9749d5cdcc95c.png
Sign language translation: "Here we go one we go all"
Oh wow
I want to be a.........MACHO! my head won't stop singing that line
Macho Man, by the Village People. Rally song along with YMCA.
I looks like MACH041, that is a 0 no an O.
I suspect the Escort Aircraft are squawking as trainers but are in reality something much scarier.
This is happening EVERYWHERE. People keep saying “Oh they’re just trainers, nbd”. It’s a huge deal
Trainers (or at least fighters showing as trainers) have been all over this week. Huge groups training or fighting across the south.
There's several groups of "trainers" popping up on the scopes in towns that haven't had training activity over the last few months.
Have been all week. Something is either going down or they’re really getting last minute prep in while they can!
You’re not alone. I’ve had a gut feeling China will go hot sooner rather than later, especially if Q holds up and Trump remains in office. (No doom)
I suspect Chinas plan was to invade Taiwan after Biden took office. They invested trillions into this operation. When Biden is not sworn in, they are going to be pissed.
Imo going hot with china is all but certain at this point, he settles things at home first, cleans house (fighting a war with a bunch of vipers on your back would be ill advised), then we pound the fucking CCP to the ground, it's the only way, they're not going away.
I'm fully expecting once that goes live my country will join with the US, I'll be volunteering the very next minute.
Have you been watching for a while?
The military is always training, and flying the expensive combat-ready jets burns up flight hours on the airframe. Aircraft are nothing like cars, because they are made aluminum, the very frame itself only has so many hours of flying in it before they are no longer cleared to fly due to metal fatigue, which aluminum is very prone to. So for normal training they are using considerably cheaper trainer aircraft.
Actual fighter jets are fully authorized to just fly dark. They fly lower than airliners and higher than small prop planes, and the aircraft are so maneuverable there is zero fear of a collision.
They can and do fly dark on missions, but not in high air traffic areas like airports, where they need to be transponding for safety to avoid mid-air collisions. If you go look at P8 and Rivet/Cobra flight paths, you will see them transpond for a few minutes before/after landing/takeoff but the majority of their flight path is dark.
They would need a really, really good reason (not saying it doesn't happen, just doesn't happen without cause) to takeoff/land while dark.
Explain to me why this is a huge deal I know nothing about aviation or the US air-force?
Well, the map has the wrong labels-Coloradofag here: Castle Rock is a town north of Cheyenne Mountain. Peterson AFB is next to Colorado Springs which is home to Cheyenne Mountain.. I live near Buckley AFB and it seems quiet...
Correct, I fucked up the map. Peterson AFB is in Colorado Springs, which is where the VC-25A landed. I also doubt that he is actually going to Castle Rock, but rather to Cheyenne Mountain, which is nearby and home to an underground NORAD complex.
.. and the Stargate. (i wish)
Teal'c is that you?
Things are about to calm up.
Who knows at this moment. Btw Stargate is one of my favorite TV shows of all time
one of my fav shows. Actually started rewatching it on Amazon Prime a few weeks ago. Stargate Atlantis was good too. Wasn't really a fan of Stargate Universe.
The Wraith are the Elite Pedo's who suck the Literal life blood out of children through physical & psychological horrors before sucking their lifeblood. The Goaould's are the elite political class who act like little god's demanding we worship them. They Pretend to have Superior morals & intelligence but like the parasites in the show -Steal technology & wisdom from those they take as hosts. Aside from Not having the glowing eyes, Pelosi,Schumer,McConnell et al Act like they have serpents in their skulls. Oh and Antifa/BLM are their Jaffa
Universe started sluggishly but it got damn good by the time they cancelled it. Twas sad.
Cheyenne Mountain is right next to Colorado Springs and Peterson AFB, but it's a good 45-60 minutes south of Castle Rock, CO.
Something's still missing here.
Wouldn't have to be dick ... would be a great place to keep the secure doorway to the tunnel entrance :)
Nothing but a few people minding their own business. A perfect front.
How do you know it is AF1?
There's more than one though, only when the President is on board is it callsign AF1. So being callsign MACHO41 means he might not have been onboard. I was hoping OP had a reason to suspect POTUS was actually on board.
The large escort. Some VIP is on board, and not many have access to a VC-25A. If it's not POTUS then it's Pence.
Are you suggesting it's a classified movement of Pence???
Very possible.
Well if it wasn't classified, they would have called it AF2.
It's not the first and won't be the last time VIPs have moved clandestinely through our country. The first family regularly flies on SAM flights instead of AF1F
There was a gulfstream (SAM562) that took off from DC and went dark around Colorado Springs just a little bit after MACHO41 landed. It later returned to DC.
Earlier today I saw a plane marked "AF2" land at Andrews. I don't have it saved (didn't know how to at the time).
I saw AF2 earlier too It went West and stopped transponding. 4 hrs later it appeared returning to Andrews. Don't know the destination or departure
When I looked at the ground track it went into West Virginia, but it definitely could've come from further west because I only saw the last few minutes of the flight.
I am not sure about this statement, and correct me if I'm wrong, but, I thought both VC-25s were 100% reserved for POTUS, and that Pence would at all times take the 757 or even in a pinch the 737s usually assigned to him.
Keep in mind there are also at least TWO "Air Force Ones"
I believe they are in AF Inventory as VC25.
They are heavily modified 747s.
There are FOUR E4B Nightwatch aircraft and I believe one CONSTANTLY follows POTUS wherever he goes, but stays at an alternate but close airstrip, as an emergency option.
So basically POTUS always travels around with two fucking 747's.
Serial number of this one matches one of the two.
It only squawks with an AF1 callsign when it is not classified where POTUS is moving.
And when they want you to know where he is. Or think you know where he is.
None of any of this is a hard-and-fast rule/law.
When he flew to Texas the call sign was blank, but it was af1 no doubt. Ac-135 circled overhead while he was on the ground too.
Do they change the ADS-B callsign to AF1? That seems like it would be silly.
What is in Castle Rock? I'm new here, honest question.
No, that's Cock Castle.
No, no, that's ROCK_CASTLE. I'll see myself out --------->
There is a main Red1-Red6 post listing a few words cluing in what will happen in what order. Castlerock is Red6 (I think).
Pompeo posted a photo yesterday of 6 bottles of red Pompeo wine
Also, there's been a series of posts from various people hinting of each RED line being crossed.
I mean, i've seen that, but is there any evidence a CoG, MIL, AF, NMCC, in castle rock?
NoRad is there- or just south of it. There have been more comments in this thread since my reply. Norad is a fortified AF base under a mountain. Top secret stuff. I think it's possible that, since Q knew our side wasn't the only ones reading the drops, some things had to be at least a little vague- who knows. I'm new to this info. :)
Cheyenne Mountain probably (nuke proof NORAD command center from the cold war).
Someone should try to identify any "trainer" by .... looking up.
I mean, we know where they are/going... just look for them.
Trainers look like regular fighter jets from a far distance, maybe a little smaller. You'd have to have a really good eye and know what you're looking for (tail shape, intake shape, nose shape) to tell otherwise.
Northrop F-5? Freedom Fighter?
Surely someone has good photography equipment, and can snap a thing or too.
(Or, more easy, look for a motorcade coming out.)
I live in CR, CO. I’ll let you know if I see anything unusual.
I too live in Castle Rock. Surprised to hear anything about this town on the global stage.
Aww come on...ain't no way..(secretly wanting it to be true).
First I misread it "Pence be with you fren.." And I thought, WTAF? :-)
Castle Rock is near Cheyenne Mountain, home to an underground NORAD complex.
THIS is the likely destination, IMHO....
And probably all kinds of really cool secret stuff too
Like the StarGate!
do you have a good source of info on the Stargate and looking glass?
Lol, no, Stargate was a Sci-Fi TV series and they supposedly had a "StarGate" inside Cheyenne Mountain. Fiction.
On https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icao=ae13fe its squawking as a texan. Something is deff going on.
Yeah, weird
Definitely strange.
Looking back at the track history and the airspeed matches that of a trainer. Not a pilot, but 262kts ground speed seems awfully slow for a 747.
UPDATE: AF1 appears to be landing at Colorado Springs Municipal Airport. Castle Rock is directly to the North.
Is there a way to track ground travel?
Elon has entered the chat.
Gold on so many levels
Can't stand that smell in people's cars.
Also LOL
My dear buddy, no, I was wondering because there seems to be a lot of plane stuff but what about ground travel.
All ground travel by underground tunnels. POTUS won't take the interstate lol.
Ah true, I didn’t think about that!
Ok, thanks :) much appreciated
Lmao no.
most likely would be going to NORAD, Colorado Springs to Castle Rock is a a construction zone nightmare. dont know anything military thats in Castle rock
Cheyenne Mountain
Underground command center PROTECTION
Is that the significance of AF1 going to Colorado?
What is Castle Rock? I thought nobody really knew what it meant.....??
Castle Rock I think has ALWAYS been NORAD, it is in a fucking mountain. Its right outside Colo Springs.
Neat article about Cheyenne Mountain and NORAD:
And this is the stuff the want us to know about. Still cool stuff.
I live in Colorado Springs. I can see Cheyenne Mountain from here. Peterson AFB is right down the road.
hi from across the street
Safest bunkers in the world.
Russians have one like that, too.. Object 1335 Grotto, in the Kosvinsky Kamen mountain, North Ural, near the Kytlym settlement. https://imgur.com/r/intelligenceporn/nVKE0WE
UPDATE: AF1 has turned sharply left. It is reducing speed and altitude. It is definitely landing, but not sure where.
Definitely landing in Colorado Springs
Guaranteed IMO it's at the AFB. POTUS would then be ferried to CASTLE_ROCK or otherwise the AF Academy via Ospreys:
I remember that one story where the mountain in Virginia opened and the plane landed INSIDE the mountain.
Hes going to NORAD then
I can’t stop singing macho man right now
looks like he's coming in at Colorado Springs, which likely means NORAD
I've heard FEMA is currently headquartered I side NORAD (since March Declaration of Emergency 2019). Does anyone have hard data/links confirming?
Just landed at Colorado Springs (right now)
CASTLE ROCK (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_Rock,_Colorado)
UPDATE: Escort Aircraft appear to have broken off. AF1 is landing at Colorado Springs Municipal Airport.
Ah, I'm stupid and screwed up the map. Thanks for letting me know.
What type of aircraft were escorting it?
Pardon me, but isn't it somewhat unusual for even AF1 to have an (presumably fighter jet) escort while traveling INSIDE CONUS??
That strikes me as a bit odd...yeah, top security & all, but.... I dunno.... Anyone know?
No way to tell. They were squawking as trainers, but the military often has their fighters do this to conceal the type of aircraft they actually are. They were probably fighters.
To my knowledge, AF1 always has 2 fighters escorting it for long journeys. This was unusual in that there were 7 or 8 escort aircraft.
Probably called "Macho" to trigger the lefties?
WINK to Patriots
He wants us to UNITE with stray Americans; not their fault they chose the wrong mockNbyrds to listen too. GOD BLESS THE Lost puppies
And you trust CNN .... you know what, I have a bridge to sell you ...
I've been obsessively refreshing GA for days lol, I have to be productive and do other things but...I.. don't want to...
On the tracker I'm on it says MACHO41 is a Tex2 Trainer. Or is that what they label it when it's flying?
Depends on what tracker you are using. ADSB exchange shows MACHO41 as a TEX2 trainer, RadarBox shows MACHO41 as a VC-25A.
Annnd the NG/Mil in DC are now authorized to use lethal force... What the fuck is happening.
Well, IT'S.
Oh yeah. https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2021-01-14/national-guard-at-capitol-authorized-to-use-lethal-force-in-aftermath-of-mob
Where did you read this, btw? Can you share a link?
Lindell doesn't need to be meeting with POTUS. He could be meeting with Pence.
He wouldnt meet with a traitor. Which is exactly what pence is until Trump says otherwise.
No. Think about it. If pence sent the cerifications back to the state, it's just a conspiracy to fraud/treason. By letting the states certify, with them damn well knowing it's fradulent, they now comitted fraud/treason. They can now be arrested with the fullest extend of the military. Pence let them do this on purpose because it was apart of the plan.
That soinds more logical than him just being a traitor. Man I hope your right. I need to spend less time on TDW in these crucial next few days
Not at the white house tho?
Didn't Pence leave?
Pence has AF2
BTW... Peterson isn't near Denver....it's East of the Springs ?
Need somebody on the ground saying if there's a motorcade or not.
Can't find a good traffic cam in the area
Well this is fun, but back to work. If POTUS is on the move, we will know about it when we need to. Keep the faith.
There is nothing special in Castle Rock, Co... but NORAD inside the mountain down south would be like a Castle inside Rock... but they would fly directly to Colorado Springs, not up north.
Looks like they landed at Colorado Springs....or a decoy did. Maybe driving the rest of the way?
I doubt they could land at Castle Rock ... Q probably used the nearby landmark as a symbol while it still works as a marker.
Macho41 is coming up as a TEX 2 trainer not as AFI all those escorts are trainers The plane you are showing does not show up on globe.adsbexchange AF
For some reason ADSBexchange is showing it squawking as a TEX2 trainer, and RadarBox is showing it squawking as a VC-25A (Af1/2). No idea why the difference.
Squawking the wrong type is something I've heard the occasionally do for operational security.
Do it
What is in Castle Rock? I know Q references it, is there something I am missing about it?
Ambiguous meanings but if this is what they are talking about it is a town right near Colorado Springs.
I hear they have delicious burgers.
However, you have to get like 8 of them if you are hungry!
Well. A thirty minute drive North of Castle Rock and you can get: Crown Burger, In N' Out, Five Guys, Smashburger, Bad Daddy's, Wayback, and a bunch of others. Most of them carry Diet Coke.
if he's a smart man (and he is), he would go to wayback burgers. that gold sauce with mushrooms is goddamn amazing.
I used to live there. It's between Denver & Colo Springs...so I'm very interested in the reference!!
Castle Rock Colorado is a Rock..Nothing there! If he is landind in Colo Springs, Its a 15 min ride to Cheyenne mtn.
Tunnel entrances to NORAD?
Special Parking for the Beast?
A way to get close geographically, but also tie in a Lord of the Flies reference to what's going on in DC with the Cabal loyalists?
When the stock market closes on a Friday is the best time to cause big problems.
I hope we some something good this weekend.
Peterson AFB is not in Denver like you have it marked. It’s in Colorado Springs.
source: am a Coloradan