No, redpilling is the point of Q.
They need anons and as many normies as possible to be mentally and emotionally ready.
You and I would not be talking to each other without this project and I would have no hope in my life.
Yes, a major part of Q is designed to pacify us. You need to realize that, and trust it's for our own good. If it wasn't for Q we'd probably already be in civil war.
I much prefer peace but if Biden and others ruins enough lives then those people he ruins might be ones trying to start a civil war. I don't believe any of us would start any shit like that because we're using our brains rather than emotions.
However, people that have lost jobs, maybe even lost homes because of the covid hoax and fake president Biden making those people's lives worse and worse until they reach a breaking point.
ive been thinking about this pacify shit, and it dont make sense, i was a Obama democrat before the 1st impeachment, not im ready to radicalize in to action for the far right, i may be a small percentage of people but, you have to say :"NO WAY would the pedos want a percentage ready to radicalize from asking questions like Q did"
Never said Q wasn't on our side, you misunderstand if you think that's what I'm insinuating. What I'm saying isn't really even an opinion. What do you think trust the plan means? Means stay out of our way and don't cause trouble while we handle this. That's pacification. It's not a negative thing.
but if Q is designed to pacify, wouldn't that also mean a lot of it isn't real, and thus not really a good reason to have a civil war in the first place?
Not sure how you jump from designed to pacify to isn't real. They need to keep patriots satiated and busy so we don't burn the house down while they clean it. Changes of this magnitude generally result in enormous societal upheaval and this is the military trying to prevent that from happening.
What do you think trust the plan means? They don't want us out there gathering and making ourselves targets for violence and false flags or getting in their way. This is pacification. Most of us believe our government to be not only dysfunctional, but actively evil. We aren't going to sit around forever, and Q is the only reason people haven't started shit yet. What are you disagreeing with exactly?
You have enough trouble! You have a heavily divided country which is riddled top to bottom with cabal corruption and has an ongoing repressive coup and a vaccine genocide. It's just that the normies don't see it.
i agree, very bizarre tweet in general - why would Americans be "reflecting on their faith and participating in self-examination practices"???? That doesnt really sound like standard Easter/holiday talk... reflecting on faith possibly, but self-examination
Will people be reflecting bc of what they are about to learn?
Could this be a message to the Satanist who will be reflecting and self-examining THEIR religion?
It’s Lent so people pray & fast during these 40 days until Easter .. that’s what I’m taking the "reflecting on their faith and participating in self-examination practices" as ...
Is it actually bizarre because you guys looked at the account history to see if they tweeted it out before in previous years or just an assumption based on nothing?
That's what Lent is...It's a very serious holiday for many Christians. ":Lent is more frequently seen as a time of solemn observance....Lent invites us to make our minds and hearts ready for remembering Jesus' life, death, and body resurrection"
"We are called not only to abstain from luxuries during Lent, but to a true inner conversion of heart as we seek to follow Christ's will more faithfully."
Been following Q since the beginning and I've only seen Twitter timestamps used to prove synchronicity between Q drops and Trump tweets. Q called them "deltas."
Q has never told us to match Twitter timestamps to a Q drop number. I can assure you it's NOT part of the Q comms. That's just some "throw against the wall and see if it sticks" method people made up.
It's literally not strange. It's about Lent. That's what Christians do during Lent and it's widely regarded as a very serious time frame for Christians (not all, of course). Lent just started yesterday. Generally, government agencies tweet about upcoming/current holidays, This is no different than any other holiday post.
To add, the Q post is completely irrelevant.
True Q decodes are awesome, there is no need to attribute every single post you see to a Q post. That waters it down.
Nothing is strange about it. They’re just acknowledging a certain religious season while reminding the public that the NSA is always working hard because they have to.
I tend to agree. "NSA will be hard working during these difficult times between now and Easter when you have given up meat/soda/coffee" is an odd message
That's not all that people do. Some people have a more casual way of observing Lent, sure, but not all. For many Christians, Lent is regarded as one of the most important "holidays" to take part in. If you practice Lent more seriously, this tweet is pretty spot on. Nothing weird about it.
I think by "these days" they're just referring to the times of corona virus. There's nothing significant in that, nearly every single corporate messaging is themed on things like "during these difficult times" etc.
Because Lent is a more solemn time period where people give up luxuries/practice self-discipline and do inner-searching and reflecting and strengthening their faith. If you don't practice Lent, I can understand why this tweet would be off. But it's not directed towards people who don't practice it, it's directed toward those who do.
I've thought to myself before, is there more than 2,400 posts? I.e. any minute of the day something is posted it could 'match' with a Q drop. It is interesting to say the least.
Have you tried a video?
This is a good one:
Professor Dolores Cahill: Why People Will Start DYING A Few Months After The First mRNA Vaccination
My friend's mother responded best to a local printed newspaper made by enthusiasts because she doesn't believe anything on the internet, even though it's the same information. Boomers huh!
I know a lot of you folks only got on board all this stuff with Q, but MANY of us have been fighting this fight for the last 15-20 years before Q was even a thing.
A ton of the stuff Q "exposed" was already known from things like the conspiracy of silence documentary and there are those of us that have been trying to awaken the masses for much longer then the last 3-5 years....
WELL if no one has connected the 40 days with 'Its going to be Biblical' yet I will.
Noah was in the Ark for 40 days and nights, after that the problems of the 'sin filled world' had been cleansed!!
Maybe this will be the equivalent wave of cleansing evil, since God promised not to flood the earth again !!
WAITING FOR THE RAINBOW after the 40 days haha
ALSO the Israelites wondered 40 days in the wilderness before entering what God had for them.
40 DAYS seems to have a significance for GOD.
Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made."
And Noah did all that the LORD commanded him.Genesis 7: 4, 5
Mentioning 146 times in Scripture, the number 40 generally symbolizes a period of testing, trial or probation. During Moses' life he lived forty years in Egypt and forty years in the desert before God selected him to lead his people out of slavery.
Moses was also on Mount Sinai for 40 days and nights, on two separate occasions (Exodus 24:18, 34:1 - 28), receiving God's laws. He also sent spies, for forty days, to investigate the land God promised the Israelites as an inheritance (Numbers 13:25, 14:34).
The prophet Jonah powerfully warned ancient Nineveh, for forty days, that its destruction would come because of its many sins. The prophet Ezekiel laid on His right side for 40 days to symbolize Judah's sins (Ezekiel 4:6).
I am sure there will be more, but these are what I found.
EDIT: P.S. Its my optimism, they are just comments and thought out loud. At least we can still voice our this moment in time anyway.
here here I second that, always good to see another Brit ??. We have lots of Patriots here, all being censored of course, Tommy being the biggest voice! wwg1wga - So looking forward to Trump taking the reins again, I just think, his wee mammie came from Scotland like my we mammie haha though I have lived in the UK most of my life. ?
I'm anglo and celt and from the middle of the country. I'm a leftie who broke my programming so most of my contacts are very fast asleep and have TDS. I have poor traction here trying to convince people not to vaccinate, but I try.
Seems to me that Boris and our intelligence community were heavily involved in trying to remove Trump. He'll come for them all.
yes that vaccine story is a sore point here too, fortunately I have a husband, daughter and son-in-law who will not take the vaccine and are wide awake to the deception going on. Qsters like me! Sadly my son has opted to be a tester for another vaccine in trials, he has had the 1 jab. I heard through my other daughter as he has cut me out of his life for about a year now because I like Trump! He will grow up soon (hes 32) but he has a real leftie for a partner the last 7 years so she has had a LOT of influence over him. He used to be very tolerant of differing opinions, but because se hated Trump with a passion he does too.
Shame really because hes a computer coder and could be a brilliant autist on the right side!
At the end of the day I am just glad he seems happy and you cannot wake up someone who does not want to be woken up, something will happen to shock him into reality, praying its sooner than later.
Don't worry, his autist mind is running it as a background task.
I couldn't stop my partner's parents from getting the vaccine. I think I have stalled my mother. My partner thinks I am a lunatic and dislikes me. She is a classic big government knows best type and is going to have a meltdown at some point if her worldview is shown to lead to crimes against humanity.
Be prepared! I am going to try my hardest not to be an 'I told you so' person. I defend these people saying if all I heard/listened to was the MSM I would think like them too.
Junk in, junk out as my mom used to say. They can change, my son in law hated Tump a year ago, thought he was an idiot. They got married last year and their mortgage hope fell through, so have lived with us for a year. We have loved it since covid we hardly see anyone now, and they are great company, plus hes and ex-chef so makes great food for us too. Fortunately hes not had much choice hearing the truth, his wife, me and my husband can back up everything we say. He said to my daughter at the beginning of the week, 'I am so glad you all opened my eyes, I was just listening to what the media said about Trump, now I think he is a genius' haha - He even found out that some of his friends and relatives support Trump. So there is hope for your partner. :) The truth actually penetrates after a while.
No, only followed Q very recently, but I have been variously redpilled for years and I recognised a lot of what President Trump was doing. I saw that he hadn't started wars. I saw him outwitting his opponents and keeping his enemies close. I saw that he's at least at clever as Putin and that's a very high bar.
it's been no problem adapting to Q, except that I have to take the predictive properties for granted, I don't fully know how that works.
It has led me to be a lot happier and calmer, believing that we have already won in the long term and my family and I do not have to live in a new dark age.
The immediate issues around me here now are despair, deprivation and vaccination. I hope that things start to change very soon.
There are several numbers that are used fairly often throughout the bible. 40 is one of them. Lent is 40 days long. It's 40 days long because that's how long Jesus had fasted in the desert for, leading up to being crucified.
So...the hashtag is referencing the 40 day long Lenten period.
Has anyone done some research into Westworld. I know it's hollywood and HbO but the last season was rather interesting. There is a global computer network that records everything about peoples lives and determines their worth, their potential job value, life expectency, etc. The robots/AI want to destroy this so people can be awakened about the manipulation and control of their lives and how nothing they thought was real was real. When they destroy it people see their biographies and the analysis of their lives and how they were blocked from jobs because of social scores, etc. They start rioting and burning down cities. It is really similar to what we think is coming. Not exactly the same but it seems someone in hollywood is awake to how this is all manipulation and a mirage.
Last night George posted three plus signs... +++ Would that possibly be three crosses? Easter. Yesterday was 40 days until Easter and the beginning of Lent. Could it be that it will all be wrapped up by then? The number 40 is kinda a big "Biblical" deal... I have not a blessed clue /s
How is it that some comma are date and time stamp and some only one? I read this as talking about Lent.
I’m a Baptist, we don’t do Lent. I’m married to a Catholic and have another Catholic in the house with me. I can tell you, this is the most miserable time of the year for me. I give up nothing. They give up everything.
So, if this is Q relevant let the EBS begin. Give me something for this Baptist to live for over the next 40 days.
(And please understand, I’m joking about Lent and the Catholic traditions. I understand them, and I am pro all Christ- centered denominations whether or not their apologetics agree with my chosen denomination).
I agree. But I'm usually forced to given it up because of whatever they've given up. :-) Hey, if I can survive 40 days of Lent each year, I can survive most things.
And posts in TDW will make you head back here. The important thing is that you're aware of the corruption and can share that so if military does take action it won't take anyone by surprise.
You can take the date and time stamp info form this post and find a Q post it could ink to and then find some hopium on it. Its a moot point now.
Point is, way I see it, EVERYTHING is a man-caused-disaster!
All this end of days talk, it would not surprise that its engineered prophecy. MAN-CAUSED. (Pedo/elite/baby-eaters with too much stolen money over the generations man-caused)! - Because they can? Sure. I believe in Devine intervention, 1000%
Nothing surprises me anymore (almost nothing). With the exception of another extinction level event (ELE) would I think otherwise. Unless of course.... FAIL SAFE! (Stargate SG1 - S4/E6)
It reminds me of that Q post I was looking at 2 weeks ago when I was looking through year(s) delta for the month of Feb. It was a post from the 26th and I saw it just after it was announced that SCOTUS would hear a case on the 19th(tom) for election fraud. I took the date of the post and went forward 21 days because the post alludes to something big in the next 21 days, I ended on the 19th of March, when I count backward to Feb 19th is 29 days, I wondered if "done in 30" had any relevance. Here is the Q post, it will be 2 years on the 26th, post 2903
Some of these posts look like a road map with so many arrows and I think people are really reaching in a lot of them trying to find some sort of link. I just know that Trump's silence on everything speaks volumes. When it happens it will happen until then trying to read tea leaves is not doing any good.
I'd like to know, should q posts be correlated by the time or should it be by time + month + day + year? I've seen both variants being used when looking up Q posts and wasn't sure which one was correct.
Can someone please explain what Nunes has to do with anything? I have seen his name pop up here and there but dont know that much about him except from the first impeachment.
Nunes went after the deepstate with the FISA scandal and was blasting it to anyone who would listen on Bartiromo's show. Think of him as a whistleblower against the fbi.
Guys.. I love the positive thought here. But these number matching ideas don't work out most of the time.
It keeps us busy and out of trouble!
Ugh, I hope that's not the point of Q.
We need them to start delivering soon
No, redpilling is the point of Q. They need anons and as many normies as possible to be mentally and emotionally ready. You and I would not be talking to each other without this project and I would have no hope in my life.
Ok but the picking a random tweet and randomly linking it to a drop needs to stop.
You could literally take any time of any post and apply it to any drop.
It’s exactly the thing trolls and shills would do to muck up the board.
And no tweet time will ever lead to any drops beyond drop #2359 (unless you “mirror” the time)
Tweet time yes, but you can also add in the date to find a drop. Happened just yesterday.
What is odd about it?
Yes, a major part of Q is designed to pacify us. You need to realize that, and trust it's for our own good. If it wasn't for Q we'd probably already be in civil war.
I much prefer peace but if Biden and others ruins enough lives then those people he ruins might be ones trying to start a civil war. I don't believe any of us would start any shit like that because we're using our brains rather than emotions.
However, people that have lost jobs, maybe even lost homes because of the covid hoax and fake president Biden making those people's lives worse and worse until they reach a breaking point.
that's a really, really bad thing if nothing ends up happening
Yeah, no arguing there. I have complete faith something will happen though.
ive been thinking about this pacify shit, and it dont make sense, i was a Obama democrat before the 1st impeachment, not im ready to radicalize in to action for the far right, i may be a small percentage of people but, you have to say :"NO WAY would the pedos want a percentage ready to radicalize from asking questions like Q did"
I don't buy Q isn't on our side
Never said Q wasn't on our side, you misunderstand if you think that's what I'm insinuating. What I'm saying isn't really even an opinion. What do you think trust the plan means? Means stay out of our way and don't cause trouble while we handle this. That's pacification. It's not a negative thing.
yeah sorry that was a general rant... thanks for hearing me out thou sorry again
but if Q is designed to pacify, wouldn't that also mean a lot of it isn't real, and thus not really a good reason to have a civil war in the first place?
Not sure how you jump from designed to pacify to isn't real. They need to keep patriots satiated and busy so we don't burn the house down while they clean it. Changes of this magnitude generally result in enormous societal upheaval and this is the military trying to prevent that from happening.
What do you think trust the plan means? They don't want us out there gathering and making ourselves targets for violence and false flags or getting in their way. This is pacification. Most of us believe our government to be not only dysfunctional, but actively evil. We aren't going to sit around forever, and Q is the only reason people haven't started shit yet. What are you disagreeing with exactly?
We are the They.
You still don't get it?
You have enough trouble! You have a heavily divided country which is riddled top to bottom with cabal corruption and has an ongoing repressive coup and a vaccine genocide. It's just that the normies don't see it.
i agree, very bizarre tweet in general - why would Americans be "reflecting on their faith and participating in self-examination practices"???? That doesnt really sound like standard Easter/holiday talk... reflecting on faith possibly, but self-examination
Will people be reflecting bc of what they are about to learn?
Could this be a message to the Satanist who will be reflecting and self-examining THEIR religion?
Remember that not all comms are meant for us
It’s Lent so people pray & fast during these 40 days until Easter .. that’s what I’m taking the "reflecting on their faith and participating in self-examination practices" as ...
Is it actually bizarre because you guys looked at the account history to see if they tweeted it out before in previous years or just an assumption based on nothing?
That's what Lent is...It's a very serious holiday for many Christians. ":Lent is more frequently seen as a time of solemn observance....Lent invites us to make our minds and hearts ready for remembering Jesus' life, death, and body resurrection"
"We are called not only to abstain from luxuries during Lent, but to a true inner conversion of heart as we seek to follow Christ's will more faithfully."
Been following Q since the beginning and I've only seen Twitter timestamps used to prove synchronicity between Q drops and Trump tweets. Q called them "deltas."
Spreadsheet of deltas here:
Q has never told us to match Twitter timestamps to a Q drop number. I can assure you it's NOT part of the Q comms. That's just some "throw against the wall and see if it sticks" method people made up.
You can look at 90% of the previous Q posts on any give day and rationalize some way of believing “This message applies to today!”
yeah we get it- the 500 people above you said the same thing.
it doesnt change the fact that the message is strange.
It's literally not strange. It's about Lent. That's what Christians do during Lent and it's widely regarded as a very serious time frame for Christians (not all, of course). Lent just started yesterday. Generally, government agencies tweet about upcoming/current holidays, This is no different than any other holiday post.
To add, the Q post is completely irrelevant.
True Q decodes are awesome, there is no need to attribute every single post you see to a Q post. That waters it down.
Nothing strange about it at all if you’re familiar with what Lent is.
im 100% familiar and it is still strange, thanks for contributing
What is strange about it?
Is it the only time they’ve ever tweeted anything like this?
Nothing is strange about it. They’re just acknowledging a certain religious season while reminding the public that the NSA is always working hard because they have to.
Easter Worshippers. Globalists will and do say those words.
I tend to agree. "NSA will be hard working during these difficult times between now and Easter when you have given up meat/soda/coffee" is an odd message
That's not all that people do. Some people have a more casual way of observing Lent, sure, but not all. For many Christians, Lent is regarded as one of the most important "holidays" to take part in. If you practice Lent more seriously, this tweet is pretty spot on. Nothing weird about it.
I think by "these days" they're just referring to the times of corona virus. There's nothing significant in that, nearly every single corporate messaging is themed on things like "during these difficult times" etc.
Because Lent is a more solemn time period where people give up luxuries/practice self-discipline and do inner-searching and reflecting and strengthening their faith. If you don't practice Lent, I can understand why this tweet would be off. But it's not directed towards people who don't practice it, it's directed toward those who do.
I've thought to myself before, is there more than 2,400 posts? I.e. any minute of the day something is posted it could 'match' with a Q drop. It is interesting to say the least.
A friend of a a friend just lost her father in law to the vaccine. He was 86 and fit and was dead in bed soon after taking it.
In particular, I hope the vaccines are exposed soon. We're bleeding!
Have you tried a video? This is a good one: Professor Dolores Cahill: Why People Will Start DYING A Few Months After The First mRNA Vaccination My friend's mother responded best to a local printed newspaper made by enthusiasts because she doesn't believe anything on the internet, even though it's the same information. Boomers huh!
There are a number of threads here with loads of links like this.
Here's the one I contributed to, but there are more:
You are welcome. Best of luck!
I’m going to fucking cry when it starts happening
Me too. I’ve been waiting my whole life
You think lots of us didn’t learn about the New World Order and Illuminati from our parents when we were kids decades ago?
I know a lot of you folks only got on board all this stuff with Q, but MANY of us have been fighting this fight for the last 15-20 years before Q was even a thing.
A ton of the stuff Q "exposed" was already known from things like the conspiracy of silence documentary and there are those of us that have been trying to awaken the masses for much longer then the last 3-5 years....
Behold a Pale Horse. William Cooper.
I still remember when Alex Jones told his listeners the Russians were invading the United States on December 31, 1999.
William Cooper called him out for being the controlled opposition faggot he is soon after that.
Bruh. Cmon..
Me too, and I am going to tell people I was a small, small part of it, an anon, and I'll never be more proud!
They disabled comments on that post, anons were probably in the comments... Did this happen before ?
Disabled comments is pretty big indicator. Why would they do that
So that we don’t draw attention to them and cause Biden to have someone else take over NSA’s social media?
Lets's keep an eye on that #40days hashtag
Notice the "24/7" Think mirror. Look at the timestamp on the Q post
WELL if no one has connected the 40 days with 'Its going to be Biblical' yet I will. Noah was in the Ark for 40 days and nights, after that the problems of the 'sin filled world' had been cleansed!! Maybe this will be the equivalent wave of cleansing evil, since God promised not to flood the earth again !! WAITING FOR THE RAINBOW after the 40 days haha
ALSO the Israelites wondered 40 days in the wilderness before entering what God had for them.
40 DAYS seems to have a significance for GOD.
Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made." And Noah did all that the LORD commanded him.Genesis 7: 4, 5
Mentioning 146 times in Scripture, the number 40 generally symbolizes a period of testing, trial or probation. During Moses' life he lived forty years in Egypt and forty years in the desert before God selected him to lead his people out of slavery.
Moses was also on Mount Sinai for 40 days and nights, on two separate occasions (Exodus 24:18, 34:1 - 28), receiving God's laws. He also sent spies, for forty days, to investigate the land God promised the Israelites as an inheritance (Numbers 13:25, 14:34).
The prophet Jonah powerfully warned ancient Nineveh, for forty days, that its destruction would come because of its many sins. The prophet Ezekiel laid on His right side for 40 days to symbolize Judah's sins (Ezekiel 4:6).
I am sure there will be more, but these are what I found.
EDIT: P.S. Its my optimism, they are just comments and thought out loud. At least we can still voice our this moment in time anyway.
Didn’t Jesus also fast for 40 days same as David Blaine? I’ve only done 7 days. I’m pretty sure could do 40 as long as I got water.
Yes he did, and you're welcome to try haha - I would not recommend it though :)
Thank you very much for this!
-Also in UK. It's always nice to see another!
here here I second that, always good to see another Brit ??. We have lots of Patriots here, all being censored of course, Tommy being the biggest voice! wwg1wga - So looking forward to Trump taking the reins again, I just think, his wee mammie came from Scotland like my we mammie haha though I have lived in the UK most of my life. ?
Yes, he seems to have come from feisty stock.
I'm anglo and celt and from the middle of the country. I'm a leftie who broke my programming so most of my contacts are very fast asleep and have TDS. I have poor traction here trying to convince people not to vaccinate, but I try.
Seems to me that Boris and our intelligence community were heavily involved in trying to remove Trump. He'll come for them all.
yes that vaccine story is a sore point here too, fortunately I have a husband, daughter and son-in-law who will not take the vaccine and are wide awake to the deception going on. Qsters like me! Sadly my son has opted to be a tester for another vaccine in trials, he has had the 1 jab. I heard through my other daughter as he has cut me out of his life for about a year now because I like Trump! He will grow up soon (hes 32) but he has a real leftie for a partner the last 7 years so she has had a LOT of influence over him. He used to be very tolerant of differing opinions, but because se hated Trump with a passion he does too.
Shame really because hes a computer coder and could be a brilliant autist on the right side!
At the end of the day I am just glad he seems happy and you cannot wake up someone who does not want to be woken up, something will happen to shock him into reality, praying its sooner than later.
Don't worry, his autist mind is running it as a background task.
I couldn't stop my partner's parents from getting the vaccine. I think I have stalled my mother. My partner thinks I am a lunatic and dislikes me. She is a classic big government knows best type and is going to have a meltdown at some point if her worldview is shown to lead to crimes against humanity.
Be prepared! I am going to try my hardest not to be an 'I told you so' person. I defend these people saying if all I heard/listened to was the MSM I would think like them too.
Junk in, junk out as my mom used to say. They can change, my son in law hated Tump a year ago, thought he was an idiot. They got married last year and their mortgage hope fell through, so have lived with us for a year. We have loved it since covid we hardly see anyone now, and they are great company, plus hes and ex-chef so makes great food for us too. Fortunately hes not had much choice hearing the truth, his wife, me and my husband can back up everything we say. He said to my daughter at the beginning of the week, 'I am so glad you all opened my eyes, I was just listening to what the media said about Trump, now I think he is a genius' haha - He even found out that some of his friends and relatives support Trump. So there is hope for your partner. :) The truth actually penetrates after a while.
Have you followed Q since the beginning?
No, only followed Q very recently, but I have been variously redpilled for years and I recognised a lot of what President Trump was doing. I saw that he hadn't started wars. I saw him outwitting his opponents and keeping his enemies close. I saw that he's at least at clever as Putin and that's a very high bar.
it's been no problem adapting to Q, except that I have to take the predictive properties for granted, I don't fully know how that works.
It has led me to be a lot happier and calmer, believing that we have already won in the long term and my family and I do not have to live in a new dark age.
The immediate issues around me here now are despair, deprivation and vaccination. I hope that things start to change very soon.
There are several numbers that are used fairly often throughout the bible. 40 is one of them. Lent is 40 days long. It's 40 days long because that's how long Jesus had fasted in the desert for, leading up to being crucified.
So...the hashtag is referencing the 40 day long Lenten period.
Has anyone done some research into Westworld. I know it's hollywood and HbO but the last season was rather interesting. There is a global computer network that records everything about peoples lives and determines their worth, their potential job value, life expectency, etc. The robots/AI want to destroy this so people can be awakened about the manipulation and control of their lives and how nothing they thought was real was real. When they destroy it people see their biographies and the analysis of their lives and how they were blocked from jobs because of social scores, etc. They start rioting and burning down cities. It is really similar to what we think is coming. Not exactly the same but it seems someone in hollywood is awake to how this is all manipulation and a mirage.
got better the last few episodes.
Except for the rioting & burning, that's the other sides playbook.
suicide weekend. The rioting is the other side. They will be the ones to go crazy. imo
Sounds like Gattaca
will look for it.
National Security Adviser
My body is ready!
Nothings happening until shit starts happening, PUBLICLY.
Yes. Now expand.
Burning the midnight oil?
Cross reference the the parable of the virgins in the Bible.
That parable ALSO means it's happening.
The whole ceremony was an archetype of the ending of the age and coming of the new age.
Soon, the marriage supper, where we feast on the flesh of kings and mighty men.
IMO, we know the dangers of dates and expectations. It does give us hope. Once we lose hope, We lose!
What is happening exactly. Because we have heard its already happened. Which is it.
I miss EVSPRA.
This site has noticably gone down in quality since his departure. Stickies staying up for days at a time, and getting posts like this stickied...
Last night George posted three plus signs... +++ Would that possibly be three crosses? Easter. Yesterday was 40 days until Easter and the beginning of Lent. Could it be that it will all be wrapped up by then? The number 40 is kinda a big "Biblical" deal... I have not a blessed clue /s
No it’s + Soros ++ Roschilds +++ Vatican
Something like that.
How is it that some comma are date and time stamp and some only one? I read this as talking about Lent.
I’m a Baptist, we don’t do Lent. I’m married to a Catholic and have another Catholic in the house with me. I can tell you, this is the most miserable time of the year for me. I give up nothing. They give up everything.
So, if this is Q relevant let the EBS begin. Give me something for this Baptist to live for over the next 40 days.
(And please understand, I’m joking about Lent and the Catholic traditions. I understand them, and I am pro all Christ- centered denominations whether or not their apologetics agree with my chosen denomination).
Well, it wouldn't hurt you to give up something, maybe something unhealthy financially, mentally or physically.
I agree. But I'm usually forced to given it up because of whatever they've given up. :-) Hey, if I can survive 40 days of Lent each year, I can survive most things.
What if we all gave up constantly checking this site for the next 40 days? :)
NOT giving that up! See ya all tomorrow!
Post like these make me head on back to TDW
And posts in TDW will make you head back here. The important thing is that you're aware of the corruption and can share that so if military does take action it won't take anyone by surprise.
Everything else is guessing games.
What about time zones? A little further west it would have been 1025.
What do I look like to you, OP, fucking Gumby? Stretch Armstrong? The Rubberband Man?
That's quite a stretch you're making. Neither post is reflective of the other.
You can take the date and time stamp info form this post and find a Q post it could ink to and then find some hopium on it. Its a moot point now.
Point is, way I see it, EVERYTHING is a man-caused-disaster!
All this end of days talk, it would not surprise that its engineered prophecy. MAN-CAUSED. (Pedo/elite/baby-eaters with too much stolen money over the generations man-caused)! - Because they can? Sure. I believe in Devine intervention, 1000%
Nothing surprises me anymore (almost nothing). With the exception of another extinction level event (ELE) would I think otherwise. Unless of course.... FAIL SAFE! (Stargate SG1 - S4/E6)
It reminds me of that Q post I was looking at 2 weeks ago when I was looking through year(s) delta for the month of Feb. It was a post from the 26th and I saw it just after it was announced that SCOTUS would hear a case on the 19th(tom) for election fraud. I took the date of the post and went forward 21 days because the post alludes to something big in the next 21 days, I ended on the 19th of March, when I count backward to Feb 19th is 29 days, I wondered if "done in 30" had any relevance. Here is the Q post, it will be 2 years on the 26th, post 2903
Some of these posts look like a road map with so many arrows and I think people are really reaching in a lot of them trying to find some sort of link. I just know that Trump's silence on everything speaks volumes. When it happens it will happen until then trying to read tea leaves is not doing any good.
I'd like to know, should q posts be correlated by the time or should it be by time + month + day + year? I've seen both variants being used when looking up Q posts and wasn't sure which one was correct.
Can someone please explain what Nunes has to do with anything? I have seen his name pop up here and there but dont know that much about him except from the first impeachment.
Nunes went after the deepstate with the FISA scandal and was blasting it to anyone who would listen on Bartiromo's show. Think of him as a whistleblower against the fbi.
Got it. Thank you.
Good guy. Thank you.
Let the autists on 8kun do the work.
I'm just encouraged they mention faith and Easter in their tweet.
Mirrored 24/7 for post 742
Narrator: "It wasn't"
40 means testing and trials. Jesus time in the wilderness. Time between resurrection and ascension, it rained for forty days and nights...