Q has told us FISA = START https://qanon.pub/#1745
Who is investigating FISA? https://qanon.pub/#4952
“At my direction, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has now provided almost 1,000 pages of materials to the Department of Justice in response to Mr. Durham’s document requests." https://theblacksphere.net/2020/10/nkow-reason-durham-delayed-report/
March 7 2021 report: "strong possibility" of criminals charges in 6-8 weeks https://twitter.com/danielchaitin7/status/1368761014179749896
Q post 1745 explains the potential fallout from the FISA exposure. FISA BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE.(of cards) https://qanon.pub/#1745
Trump threatens to declassify ‘devastating’ docs about Democrats https://nypost.com/2018/11/28/trump-threatens-to-declassify-devastating-docs-about-democrats/
Death Blossom https://qanon.pub/#2980
The declass will occur and then the election fraud will be tied in afterwards. Once the American people learn the details from the FISA declass they will see why Democrats stole the election. It was ALL in a effort to cover up their crimes. It was a do or die situation. The FISA release will make people understand why the election fraud took place.
Stay safe my frens!!!
Edit, I was pressed for time when I posted this. I failed to add a few other details lining up for the grand event.
POTUS and Mike Lindell are both starting up a new social network sites in the next couple months. We know youtube, FB, Twitter, Google will be censoring the Declass. These new sites will bypass current censorship.
The GME short squeeze is not over. Hedge funds are shuffling stocks trying to buy time, however one day soon that time will run out.
We have several states doing ballot audits. We are seeing favorable court decisions coming out. Recall effort of Newsome will be successful, with new Governor a audit of California ballots will show Trump won it, game changer.
We see the border crisis involving children ramping up. I'm thinking this will lead in to revelations being expose with the child trafficking industry. Many child trafficking arrests are occurring each and every day.
We are still waiting for the Ghislaine Maxwell's court documents. I think indictments are being handed out and arrests will be made before the documents are made public. We saw Les Wexner step down recently. Its coming.
Investigations of the nursing home scandal are ramping up, 5 states are affected. These tyrant governors will be going to prison, maybe worse.
Trump is holding every card he has collected since his first day in office, he has not played even one. There are many scandals that can be declassified. 9/11, JFK, SC Justice Scalia, Seal Team 6, Seth Rich, Clinton Emails, Clinton Foundation crimes against humanity, Ukraine, Covid, vote fraud. It will be biblical.
The FISA declass might also disqualify Joe Biden from the election (because HE was V.P. during the FISA scandal and would have been directly involved in illegal activity and federal felonies).
It might nullify the results, as legally he would NOT have been allowed to be a candidate had the information been made public prior to the election.
This. Eligibility goes right out the door.
If anyone has the balls to make this stick. Hopefully this will take Roberts down and SCOTUS will fall in line.
Correct, you actually need judges and the SCOTUS to grow a pair. Do I think that will happen? Honestly no. I don't see any Judge or Justice touching this with a 17 foot poll. Like the election fraud they won't even entertain the case on standing. Frankly out only real hope is the military. Once this gets out and the judiciary fails to do it's job then the Military will hopefully act.
They are and have always been frauds. Never elected legally, not even once.
Yes, and all that are in line behind him... all the trash needs to go.
Operation Death Blossom:
"So what is this amazing trap from which the Dems have taken the bait? When the Department of Homeland Security took over ballot production from the Voter Fraud Commission, the ballots were produced on heavy paper embedded with markers that differentiate official ballots from fake ballots. But state election officials were unaware."
In the qm.com story linked above, the referenced link to President Trumps Executive Order is now 404.
If anyone on this board can confirm that Homeland Security had full and complete control over the paper stock used to print all state ballots, that would be proof. I was unable to CONFIRM that was indeed the case. This to me, this would seem to fall under the purview of "state's rights" to run their own elections. I would love to be proven wrong, but have heard numerous versions of this assertion and have yet to confirm, either "beyond a reasonable doubt" (US criminal standard) or to a "preponderance of the evidence." (civil)
They did.
Thank you!
Okay, did not find the executive order 13848 there, but (DOY!) there's IS the Federal Register.
However, Executive Order 13848 of September 12, 2018 only covers:
Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election
In EO 13848, there is no mention of "ballots."
Had to look up "Death Blossom" (Have to scroll through alphabetical listing of Slang from Operation Iraqi Freedom)
Love this place because unlike other boards, you actually LEARN something.
Up until today, as personally never came across the term in the MSM coverage of the War in Iraq, didn't know that it was a wholly illogical response to combat by our "allies" there.
u/jhartz39 asks: Can you see it?
Anyone who has been paying close attention (discernment?) can.
Just need more and more people to pull their heads out of their social media feeds, Game Boys and staring at their own "selfies" to start paying attention to what's really important.
Look up your school district online. The school district might show links or speak of blm or globalism. El segundo is awash in it. Flagrant.
But I wish schools would at least teach kids not to litter! They love to talk about saving the Earth, but at least where I live in NY, kids think nothing about throwing their trash on the ground wherever they are at the time.
Also, see “The Last Starfighter” movie. The hero used the “Death Blossom” weapon to crush his enemies.
My first thought as well.
"What do we do now?"
"We die."
Hey look, more old guys like me! LOL
God, I still love that movie!
Time flies doesn't it?
Man, it really does!
The 80s were so awesome!
I only watched that movie once (so I never would have remembered that bit of trivia, but ?), but I totally remember exactly where I was where i saw it (at a friends house, watching it on VHS shortly after it came out on home video).
Weird random memories from 3 1/2 decades ago.
And I believe the phrase death blossom was actually pulled from an old movie called the last starfighter – – if you have not seen it, it’s the weapon the spaceship has it requires all the ships energy to deploy but it also requires all the enemy ships to be within a certain short range—-duck duck go the clip
It’s actually fromThe Last Starfighter movie 1984. https://youtu.be/hlAsSyDAWR8
You’re welcome
Originally and inspired by, yes.
ditto! updooted!
Is this the Trump card??
"Trump initially agreed to declassify the documents, including text messages sent by former FBI officials James Comey, Andrew G. McCabe as well as Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and Ohr. Trump allies believe the revelations will show favoritism toward Hillary Clinton and a plot to take down Trump.
Trump then reversed course, citing the need for further review and concern of US allies.
Trump added Wednesday that his lawyer Emmet Flood thought it would be better politically to wait.
“He didn’t want me to do it yet, because I can save it,” Trump said."
Not only the nursing home scandal but the entire COVID atrocity. The martyred whistle blowers. The Dead Scientists List. The line of dead bodies behind the Clintons. The usurious banksters. The contrived wars (genocide) for profit. In fact, it looks like humanity has been shat upon and then blamed for it since the days of Babylon.
Yea what the heck man. Could we get a break from this nonsense or what.
Thanks for the high effort post!
I would also like to point out that the theft of the election is obviously NOT merely about FISA and the trafficking. One thing that gets under-rated here IMO is that it is also about Barry being a complete fraud -- his entire "presidency." The DS is trying to protect that as well.
I was thinking about that just this morning. Originally I thought'declas brings down the house was the White House and Barrys administration, and their House of Cards in general Which it looks like it still will, just not when I thought. If FISA is to be the ruination of Bidens presidency and makes him ineligible to hold the office, what about Obama? This movie is amazing.
Quality Post.
Don't forget the United States Postal Inspection Service possibly investigating voter fraud.
That's how Jussie got caught, no? USP Investigation? Wish they could deliver a package on time, but if they catch the deep state, I'd get over it.
I don't know but I remember that at first he said two black men attacked him and then he changed it to two white men.
Hans and Frans
Or these two?
Excellent post, thanks anon!
Most liberals still won’t connect the dots between the FISA drop and the rest of the Elites scandals and manipulation. IMO
Do people seriously think the Biden Admin is going to declassify and let loose their own noose then hang themselves with it? The Trump Admin wouldn't even do it, the chances are that the Biden Admin is going to bury it and it'll never see the light of day.
Did President Trump have any control of the conclusion Mueller investigation produced?
Do you think Biden will have any control over the conclusions Durham produces?
Do you think a cabal full of the most powerful people with total control over every institution and agency of government to an extent that they could pull off the biggest coup in history are going to allow this so-called "Durham" which we've never seen to release anything?
Its going to take a lot more than the "Durham report" to bring the cabal down.
I think Bidet is either no longer making his own decisions or is following some kind of script after seeing him put on that physically impossible fall three times in succession going up the stairs to board his plane the other day.
The third fall is what really scratching my head and wondering if he's self destructing on purpose. Only other way that could of happened would've been a supernatural force.
I agree with you on that 3rd fall. Why did not one secret service from in the plane or on the ground come to his aid? He could have been having a stroke or been hit by a sniper. Why no help? With his mental condition, possibly caused by a vascular condition, I would not be surprised if the 3rd fall led to a blood clot in his leg.
The first fall is weird too, because he puts both feet on the same stair right before he missteps. Very unnatural. Sorry for Youtube but it's the most concise. Watch starting at around 3 seconds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5Mwc12LtRY
I swear after he fell he kind of ran up those stairs like a much younger guy ..then almost like he knew he was going to fast for the camera he quickly slowed down . There is no way this was Biden that trip was acted by someone much stronger than that brain dead pedo, ..they have him one day dragging around in circles barely moving like an old coot and then on the stairs he trips 3 times jumps up no problem and starts running ..no fkn way. He would of taken a while to compose himself if at all
This "Biden" is a younger man - an actor - following a specific script. We are watching a movie.
Going to put this out there... he did get the jab so maybe has some neurological issue that have developed? If you watch his gate as he walks across the tarmac even before the steps, his gate is off. He is hesitant in his walk.
If it wasn’t acting, and I’m 50/50 on that theory, then it was another D’oprahesque knockdown by an Angel. I’m laughing as I typed that.
CAUTION - Datefag Hopium here!! Me likey though
To be fair we have heard declas had occurred a number of times in the past
Hope this time is the one
Because "DECLAS brings down the House" (capital H)
I recall when Q posted that, discussion arose as to whether it meant house of cards (but why the big H?); House of Representatives; or White House. We assumed WH would have meant Fauxbama/Biden. Maybe we get two Biden White Houses fill of treason for the price of one.
Music to my ears. But so impatient.
We’re locked into the moon’s gravitational pull. WHAT DO WE DO!!??
Hang on and enjoy the ride, fren! It's going to be Biblical!
Buy more GME and AMC?
Excellent assessment of the situation. Thanks for compiling this, patriot.
Are you saying it will all hit at once?
SHE was never Supposed to Lose!?!?!
No. As bad as it gets, as obvious as it is, I fear the answer is always "it's not bad enough yet". This looks like it can go on for years at this point.
Durham is subject to review by corrupt Secretary of State for Biden.
I've been following Q since before Q was Q. FBIanon, Meganon, and HLI. I was glued to reddit & the chans when the Podesta e-mails went from "wtf?" to "WTF!!!!!"
We've been waiting on govt, the military, GEOTUS, and everyone else to save us but ourselves. Shit ain't gonna happen until we MAKE it happen. It's always going to be "2 more weeks". While WE sit on our asses waiting for the military to clean this shit up, OUR fellow Americans are DY-ING. How many more kids got harmed while we've been waiting on Q for the past 3+ years?
Ain't nobody gonna save us but us.
Do you see the arrests that happen daily, over the last 2 months, with the child molesting, child porn, child trafficking? Do you think Biden is making this happen? I think behind the scenes the directives of the Trump admin is being followed. The military and certain government agencies know who the real President is, Trump is still in charge in a shadow capacity.
Please God let it be true
The Last Starfighter FOR THE WIN!
Two of the best parts... when they set off the Death Blossom, and when Lord Kril says WE DIE!
"What do we do?" lens flips into place "We die"
Great post! Thank you for your time and effort in putting it together!
Great post -- I'm not a huge Qanon guy myself but these kinds of posts are really really persuasive and create much-needed hopium. We don't know enough to be pessimistic, right?
So let's think about this:
We know he has these docs and could release these docs. But he has never released these docs. EVEN THOUGH THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN FROM US AND FROM HIM. What are you waiting for, GEOTUS!!! Do it already!!! But he hasn't. Yet ....
We know Trump doesn't bluff.
We know Trump deals very harshly with thieves.
We know Trump is the cleanest guy alive. I.e., he can't be compromised; he doesn't worry about being uncovered in anti-corruption sweep as he's 100% clean. Unlike nearly every other anti-corruption politician, he actually can totally and completely "release the hounds" to uncover all corruption as zero corruption ever leads back to Trump, as again, Trump is 100% clean.
We know Trump wins because he loves to win.
We know Trump loves us and has risked everything to be GEOTUS.
Yet, here it is. Trump appears to be a loser, yet he is still holding on to - forgive the pun, a trump card that everyone knows about. But somehow, he's distracted everyone from this pretty important fact.
Trump has the intel drop that can ruin all these terrible institutions. We know that.
So I got to trust that the guy who has been put through hell - for us - knows what he is doing.
There's more to come, that's the best explanation I can think of. And you laid out a plausible path. Thank you.
Trump threatens to declassify docs? He better be declassifying that shit regardless of any "threats" It should only be a question of timing, which better be fucking soon.
Watch the last starfighter.
Here's the relevant scene showing what a Death Blossom is:
Thank you.
How can this info be "DECLAS"-ed? Trump is not POTUS and has no authority.
FISA has not gone away. Trump has redundancy factors at play so that this damaging info is not dependent upon one particular person. Ratcliffe has what Grenell has which Durham has which others have. The declas.
Memories of [AS] praising then DNI [Dan Coates].
It'll be a rescue shelter for Bulldogs, kek :)
Tell us what you’ve been doing, that we might learn from.
Not your timeline we’re on.
Reeeeee reeeeeeee. Go shill elsewhere. Were all in here son.