Ben Shapiro, self projected as a deep thinking conservative, is Alex Jones with a necktie and an indignant school boyish attitude...controlled Fox....
Yeah, it is like it, Ben. These things never start with the cattle cars. They start with testing the water, advancing in small ways people will accept, and the plans fascist tans-national corporations have today are just as evil as the plans in NAZI Germany, if not more so. So, don't come at us with your sanctimonious attitude until you do some research about what those plans really are. Go back to school. You clearly haven't learned the lessons of the Holocaust.
It's about creating visual identifiers for second-class citizens. Humans do not handle that well. We truly are living a real-life Stanford prison experiment.
Bingo. Stratifying classes of citizens is exactly what they want to do because it enables infighting among those classes.
That's what illegal immigration is all about; don't give them legal status, just give them similar stuff, and keep them as second class (or first class, who the fuck knows anymore) citizens.
I know he's just an asset/shill, but just the concept that he wouldn't understand it is astonishing. It's like when they were attacking Gina over similar things; the retards can't even see past their own eyeballs.
The questions are always "How the hell did the Nazis end up committing mass atrocities?" and the answer is simply put because people let them. It didn't come out of nowhere; it came out of a repeated history of raising the stakes. Just like how you don't (for the most part) get addicted to a drug after the first use.
Then the question is always "Why didn't good people stop it or say something?" The answer is "they did try - they were ignored, ostracized, and ultimately, killed."
We are those people waiving the red flags. They're irrefutably the people that would have gladly cooperated and collaborated with the Nazis. Fuck them all.
Here is another reminder: Bennie boy is a Jew. He has to protect their victim status from being less than everyone else's persecution.
Actually MTG is not quite right. What Hitler did to the Jews didn't eliminate near as many people as they are trying to eliminate with the vaccine, and the Nazis didn't try to implement the beast system to control the whole of the world.
Here's a pdf concerning talmudic teachings about christians, these people are sick. Talmud teaches Jesus is in hell being boiled in excrement. Even wikipedia admits it
The "jews" connection to Abraham is through Esau, Jacob's brother, who took edomite wives (he was white and mixed with canaanites). They dont come from Adam, or Noah or Shem. They are a pre-exodus peoples descended from kennites. Talmudism focuses on worshipping fallen angels, or satan, which they have always done, just like the canaanites who worshipped ba'al and molloch and baphomet. They only use the old testament to keep up the image of being of Abraham.
Did Ben delete his tweet or MTG? I hope it was Ben. He needs to be taken down a peg or two and what MTG said is absolutely true. Ben acting like he’s the only one who can have an opinion about Nazi and Holocaust comparisons b/c he’s a Jew is like women saying they’re the only ones who can have an opinion about abortion. If Ben thinks vaccines should be mandated that’s disgusting but not surprising. I’ve been over him since before the election!! ?
Daily Wire as a whole is a stepping stone on the redpilling ladder. Ben comes right after Tim Pool, who comes right after Fox News.Bannon comes right after him. It's unrealistic to expect a normie programmed to believe MSNDNC,CBS and CNN all their lives to just instantly comprehend content like X22, RedPill78, And We Know, Salty Cracker, and such.
All I can say is when I first discovered him, he provided a lot of quality content. Listening to him, i learned a lot and checked out others....but over time his narcissism, close mindedness, and criticism over Trump's STYLE caused me to abandon him.
Yeah, my Dad had Drudge Report has his browser start page for nearly 20 years until it sold out and I was not too surprised that when he brought up YouTube on his TV I saw Tim Pool and Ben Shapiro all over the recommendations. I've tried to give him little nudges by occasionally sending him links to videos from X22 and AndWeKnow that don't explicitly mention Q as I don't want him potentially getting scared off when Q drops start being discussed.
Ben Shapiro is the controlled opposition. He gains our trust, makes us feel we have a champion, and then tries to lead those who trust him off the cliff at key moments. Once you know someone is doing this, you can never trust another word they say.
He helped me along my journey here, less than a year ago I was listening to him regularly (mostly in regards to the culture war, BLM, etc.). Once he was like "show me the proof of election fraud, huge claims require huge evidnce" ... that was it, never watched him again (by this time is was already abundantly clear that all of the swing states were likely stolen).
Same thing with Tim Pool, in 2020 he was useful as a news aggregator and early on he did talk about election fraud but as soon as YouTube was threatening to ban him he cucked out and I was done with him and Shapiro.
I only seen one episode with Tim Pool where he and his buddies actually talked about election fraud. It was the first day after the election, and it was clear what they were talking about, but, they were intentionally using cryptic language (probably to fool the YT algorithms) with hint hint nudge nudge kinds of suggestions.
The next day or two, nothing from him about it. Stopped watching Tim Pool at this time as well.
Same deal with some of the folks over at The Blaze. Many of them just completely ignored the election fraud.
Glenn beck (the blaze) (crowder) and most "mainstream" conservative voices are just zionist rino's. I'm not saying you have to bash israel 24/7, but none of them will even bring up the JC which is very telling. Shekels make shackles.
Very true. Once Google bought YouTube you could kiss your freedom goodbye. When YT was censoring videos for Viacom, that was our first sign. (Back when liberals where anti-censorship)
Now, the Alternative Mainstream Media is upon us (AMSM). I bet you could find a daily consumer who thinks Trump "needs to tone it down" or thinks "maybe Trump shouldnt run again."
Your Ben Shapiros, Glen Becks, Tim Pools. Yea these people arent going to change.
Youtube was jewed from the beginning. It didn't take Google buying it. Ann Wojcicki (Youtube CEO) is the sister to Google's founder Sergey Brin's ex wife, send us your DNA Ann Wojcicki of 23andMe.
He used to be a gateway drug to the right, lots of good info at first. His logic left snowflakes in tears.
Unfortunately, his passion for logic, and his built in bias has been his downfall. During the election, when his attitude was, oh well, that was odd, lets move on, that put the last nail in the coffin for me. I was left with nobody. Crowder was a fighter of a different nature, but he wasnt around at the time (finding out about his illness at the time). He then anounced he was gonna keep fighting, but in a different way. Havent come back to him since.
That is when I started looking for those who weren't gonna give up or give in, and I found the Donald win, and eventually, here.
Crowder has been slowly re-ingratiating himself to me. He had this give voter fraud special he was going to do but then he vanished, when he came back yeah he had his lawfare thing getting ready but then he went full anti-Q during the 2nd impeachment which rubbed many of us the wrong way plus he didn't seem to be getting back to the fraud thing. It was only when he finally started revisting it and got his latest ban and started the big YouTube lawsuit that I've given a damn about Crowder again.
Anyone anti-Q or anti-Trump gets a "bye bye" from me.
The man fought so hard for us, and gave us the best economy to enable our freedoms. If anyone had an ounce of the MSM hit pieces that this man deflected on a daily basis, they would've crumbled. They would've crumbled in 2016.
I'll never forget those post-election months. Jan/Feb 2021 was extremely lonely. GAW was the only place that was staying positive and looking ahead. That says a lot.
So in my eyes, anyone whos anti-Q deserves heavy scrutiny, and is likely not worth your time.
How long has he been off YouTube? That’s kinda good to hear that he got banned permanently because anybody who wasn’t is most likely a fence sitter or a shill. All based people got banned like Vincent James
Crowder sold out to the Blaze and I haven't listened to him since. He treated his employees/co-hosts like dog shit as well (not-gay Jarred, Owen Benjamin). He is a sellout gatekeeper.
He doesn't use logic when it inconveniences him. It's like a saying we've had around the office when referring to the part of the company motto regarding principles: "we have principles until the principles become inconvenient."
You have to remember he is a devout jew and doesn't believe in the book of Revelation. He won't see the mark of the beast in the vaccine passports and potential microchips.
I never believed in the Mark of the Beast but the link between mask/vaccine passports and the yellow stars popped into my mind without anyone mentioning it to me. However since that's too extreme for some people I've been calling the passports the "scarlet letter" instead to some people.
Neither am I but how do you explain a book written 2000 years ago explicitly warning about a mark in the hand which permits and restricts buying and selling? So specific.
True. That's why we need to look at where each person is coming from, religiously and culturally, to understand their motivations.
As a Christian and Constitutional patriot I see manditory vaxes and vax cards as completely repungnant and a path to a beast system. Ben functions from a jewish logic standpoint, which usually serves him well but, in this instance, steers him completely down a path of tyranny.
He is entitled to his own opinion. 95% of what Ben Shapiro posts is absolutely spot on. But I did not heR or read what he said on Nov 3. My bD. Even here on GA people attack for opinions they don't like. It is unflattering. Ben can be a putz. Even an ass. But I see him red-pilling on FB. That is useful. Rather read than listen, his voice is like being dragged butt naked across a giant cheese grater
Yup, he was also in favour of the mandated vaccinations.
Ask him about the USS Liberty and he'll ask why you keep bringing up the past.
Or the Lavon Affair...
Well his wife is a doctor, you know.
a hot doctor!
Ben Shapiro, self projected as a deep thinking conservative, is Alex Jones with a necktie and an indignant school boyish attitude...controlled Fox....
Controlled opposition in his case.
Jews are usually terrified of dying, because they know they have rejected Jesus.
Yeah, it is like it, Ben. These things never start with the cattle cars. They start with testing the water, advancing in small ways people will accept, and the plans fascist tans-national corporations have today are just as evil as the plans in NAZI Germany, if not more so. So, don't come at us with your sanctimonious attitude until you do some research about what those plans really are. Go back to school. You clearly haven't learned the lessons of the Holocaust.
It's about creating visual identifiers for second-class citizens. Humans do not handle that well. We truly are living a real-life Stanford prison experiment.
Bingo. Stratifying classes of citizens is exactly what they want to do because it enables infighting among those classes.
That's what illegal immigration is all about; don't give them legal status, just give them similar stuff, and keep them as second class (or first class, who the fuck knows anymore) citizens.
Illegal aliens aren't citizens of any class.
You're exactly right.
I didn't mean to imply they were legally or really or should be citizens, it's just in practice they've become a sort of second-class citizenry.
I know he's just an asset/shill, but just the concept that he wouldn't understand it is astonishing. It's like when they were attacking Gina over similar things; the retards can't even see past their own eyeballs.
The questions are always "How the hell did the Nazis end up committing mass atrocities?" and the answer is simply put because people let them. It didn't come out of nowhere; it came out of a repeated history of raising the stakes. Just like how you don't (for the most part) get addicted to a drug after the first use.
Then the question is always "Why didn't good people stop it or say something?" The answer is "they did try - they were ignored, ostracized, and ultimately, killed."
We are those people waiving the red flags. They're irrefutably the people that would have gladly cooperated and collaborated with the Nazis. Fuck them all.
Here is another reminder: Bennie boy is a Jew. He has to protect their victim status from being less than everyone else's persecution.
Actually MTG is not quite right. What Hitler did to the Jews didn't eliminate near as many people as they are trying to eliminate with the vaccine, and the Nazis didn't try to implement the beast system to control the whole of the world.
He's a Talmudic Jew, at that. Legitimately the Synagogue of Satan.
Do you have some leads to research that?
I've not heard talmudic was bad.
Oh its horrendous. Look up their circumcision ritual and what they believe about goys or christ.
Here is a very, very brief introduction:
The Talmud speaks blasphemy about Jesus Christ. They hate Jesus. This is the Synagogue of Satan.
Great post ??
You may also like this one: - St. Maximilian Kolbe exposes the Jewish Talmud
and - St. Maximilian Kolbe to the Masons: You are controlled by the Jews
and finally these two: - Kabbalah, Zohar and the Kosher Pig with Deanne Loper and - Book Review: "Kabbalah Secrets Christians Need To Know"
I’m gonna be busy!!! I’ve learned more on GAW than almost everywhere else. Can’t tx enuf!!!
It claims Christ is in hell in a pile of burning feces. The Talmud should be incinerated at all possible opportunities.
Here's a pdf concerning talmudic teachings about christians, these people are sick. Talmud teaches Jesus is in hell being boiled in excrement. Even wikipedia admits it
Start here.
Yes!!! Lol was thinking "that better be europa"
The kahazarians are the real concern.
Look up fall of the cabal
The "jews" connection to Abraham is through Esau, Jacob's brother, who took edomite wives (he was white and mixed with canaanites). They dont come from Adam, or Noah or Shem. They are a pre-exodus peoples descended from kennites. Talmudism focuses on worshipping fallen angels, or satan, which they have always done, just like the canaanites who worshipped ba'al and molloch and baphomet. They only use the old testament to keep up the image of being of Abraham.
Read the Talmud for yourself -
Talmud unmasked is a great one
Her response to this was good.
Yep, when we've won this and the platforms are free speech, I'll make it a daily task to post "We told you so" on his page.
Man, the left is fucking stupid.
Shit, tweets are gone
Did Ben delete his tweet or MTG? I hope it was Ben. He needs to be taken down a peg or two and what MTG said is absolutely true. Ben acting like he’s the only one who can have an opinion about Nazi and Holocaust comparisons b/c he’s a Jew is like women saying they’re the only ones who can have an opinion about abortion. If Ben thinks vaccines should be mandated that’s disgusting but not surprising. I’ve been over him since before the election!! ?
Good thing they were archived then:
Thank you!
100% Shapiro is a opportunistic cuck. Always has been, always will be, change my mind. He’s only in it for the money, he said it himself last year.
The Talmud is a racial supremacy doctrine that also says disgusting things about Jesus Christ.
Daily Wire as a whole is a stepping stone on the redpilling ladder. Ben comes right after Tim Pool, who comes right after Fox News.Bannon comes right after him. It's unrealistic to expect a normie programmed to believe MSNDNC,CBS and CNN all their lives to just instantly comprehend content like X22, RedPill78, And We Know, Salty Cracker, and such.
This. I agree with Ben on like 75% of shit. He’s a great tiny redpill for people just beginning their journey.
Disagree - he’s more like a redpill trap, like Drudge or FoxNews. Lure the newbies in, then sell out or lead them astray. Traitors die first
All I can say is when I first discovered him, he provided a lot of quality content. Listening to him, i learned a lot and checked out others....but over time his narcissism, close mindedness, and criticism over Trump's STYLE caused me to abandon him.
It didn't line up with that big brain of his.
Yeah, my Dad had Drudge Report has his browser start page for nearly 20 years until it sold out and I was not too surprised that when he brought up YouTube on his TV I saw Tim Pool and Ben Shapiro all over the recommendations. I've tried to give him little nudges by occasionally sending him links to videos from X22 and AndWeKnow that don't explicitly mention Q as I don't want him potentially getting scared off when Q drops start being discussed.
A gatekeeper.
Ben Shapiro is the controlled opposition. He gains our trust, makes us feel we have a champion, and then tries to lead those who trust him off the cliff at key moments. Once you know someone is doing this, you can never trust another word they say.
The Alternative Mainstream Media. (AMSM)
He helped me along my journey here, less than a year ago I was listening to him regularly (mostly in regards to the culture war, BLM, etc.). Once he was like "show me the proof of election fraud, huge claims require huge evidnce" ... that was it, never watched him again (by this time is was already abundantly clear that all of the swing states were likely stolen).
Same thing with Tim Pool, in 2020 he was useful as a news aggregator and early on he did talk about election fraud but as soon as YouTube was threatening to ban him he cucked out and I was done with him and Shapiro.
I only seen one episode with Tim Pool where he and his buddies actually talked about election fraud. It was the first day after the election, and it was clear what they were talking about, but, they were intentionally using cryptic language (probably to fool the YT algorithms) with hint hint nudge nudge kinds of suggestions.
The next day or two, nothing from him about it. Stopped watching Tim Pool at this time as well.
Same deal with some of the folks over at The Blaze. Many of them just completely ignored the election fraud.
Glenn beck (the blaze) (crowder) and most "mainstream" conservative voices are just zionist rino's. I'm not saying you have to bash israel 24/7, but none of them will even bring up the JC which is very telling. Shekels make shackles.
Tim is another Alternative Mainstream Media hack.
He jumps on both sides of the fence, but when you disagree with him, you are pushed into the far right or far left camp.
I knew he would cave if the money got pulled. He will do it when China comes knocking too.
There is no van down by the river.
Very true. Once Google bought YouTube you could kiss your freedom goodbye. When YT was censoring videos for Viacom, that was our first sign. (Back when liberals where anti-censorship)
Now, the Alternative Mainstream Media is upon us (AMSM). I bet you could find a daily consumer who thinks Trump "needs to tone it down" or thinks "maybe Trump shouldnt run again."
Your Ben Shapiros, Glen Becks, Tim Pools. Yea these people arent going to change.
Youtube was jewed from the beginning. It didn't take Google buying it. Ann Wojcicki (Youtube CEO) is the sister to Google's founder Sergey Brin's ex wife, send us your DNA Ann Wojcicki of 23andMe.
I really liked Ben. He started out pretty good.
He used to be a gateway drug to the right, lots of good info at first. His logic left snowflakes in tears.
Unfortunately, his passion for logic, and his built in bias has been his downfall. During the election, when his attitude was, oh well, that was odd, lets move on, that put the last nail in the coffin for me. I was left with nobody. Crowder was a fighter of a different nature, but he wasnt around at the time (finding out about his illness at the time). He then anounced he was gonna keep fighting, but in a different way. Havent come back to him since.
That is when I started looking for those who weren't gonna give up or give in, and I found the Donald win, and eventually, here.
My home at home.
Thanks for being here all.
Crowder is still fighting.
Crowder has been slowly re-ingratiating himself to me. He had this give voter fraud special he was going to do but then he vanished, when he came back yeah he had his lawfare thing getting ready but then he went full anti-Q during the 2nd impeachment which rubbed many of us the wrong way plus he didn't seem to be getting back to the fraud thing. It was only when he finally started revisting it and got his latest ban and started the big YouTube lawsuit that I've given a damn about Crowder again.
Anyone anti-Q or anti-Trump gets a "bye bye" from me.
The man fought so hard for us, and gave us the best economy to enable our freedoms. If anyone had an ounce of the MSM hit pieces that this man deflected on a daily basis, they would've crumbled. They would've crumbled in 2016.
I'll never forget those post-election months. Jan/Feb 2021 was extremely lonely. GAW was the only place that was staying positive and looking ahead. That says a lot.
So in my eyes, anyone whos anti-Q deserves heavy scrutiny, and is likely not worth your time.
That is really good to hear. I like Crowder.
How is he still fighting? I haven’t watched him in months
How long has he been off YouTube? That’s kinda good to hear that he got banned permanently because anybody who wasn’t is most likely a fence sitter or a shill. All based people got banned like Vincent James
When he suddenly appeared on Rumble I knew that something had to have happened and tuned in to see him and the lawyer discussing the YouTube lawsuit.
Crowder sold out to the Blaze and I haven't listened to him since. He treated his employees/co-hosts like dog shit as well (not-gay Jarred, Owen Benjamin). He is a sellout gatekeeper.
I wonder if Ben knows that his tweet didn't actually provide any argument as to why its nothing like the holocaust.
He doesn't use logic when it inconveniences him. It's like a saying we've had around the office when referring to the part of the company motto regarding principles: "we have principles until the principles become inconvenient."
He'd better pray God doesn't send Trump!
Right after telling eveyone they were conspiracy theorists for doubting the vaxx, then, taking the vaxx.
I read that at that stage in her pregnancy, there was < 3% of miscarriage (without the vaxx).
Hasn't once talked about the AZ audit
I think he's more malicious than just a rino
Shapiro is a useful cuck of the left. That's the only reason he still has a platform on jewtube. He's buddy buddy with Cuckerberg as well
Shapiro is Israel first, US second.
I am pretty sure Israel takes at least all the top 10 spots in his mind, he has never cared about America, just what it could offer him
Per SenateAnon, who showed up a month before Q on 4chan, Shapiro has been compromised and is under control. Just so you know.
How do you compromise a supposed upstanding little Jew like Ben?
Whatever happened was about 80 years ago. Can we please move on?
Those who fail to remember history are doomed to repeat it.
We still have people who can't move on from the Civil War.
You have to remember he is a devout jew and doesn't believe in the book of Revelation. He won't see the mark of the beast in the vaccine passports and potential microchips.
Not everybody follows Christianity.
I never believed in the Mark of the Beast but the link between mask/vaccine passports and the yellow stars popped into my mind without anyone mentioning it to me. However since that's too extreme for some people I've been calling the passports the "scarlet letter" instead to some people.
How can you not believe in Mark of the Beast when 2000 years ago a book described EXACTLY what we are seeing in Sweden today? Coincidence?
Because I'm not religious.
Neither am I but how do you explain a book written 2000 years ago explicitly warning about a mark in the hand which permits and restricts buying and selling? So specific.
True. That's why we need to look at where each person is coming from, religiously and culturally, to understand their motivations.
As a Christian and Constitutional patriot I see manditory vaxes and vax cards as completely repungnant and a path to a beast system. Ben functions from a jewish logic standpoint, which usually serves him well but, in this instance, steers him completely down a path of tyranny.
Criminal Jew. There's a reason they've been thrown out of 109 countries.
HE wants to run YOUR country like it's a JEWISH country.
HE'S GOT a country. He needs to go live in it.
With his fellow goat-throat cutting, child sexually mutilating, Mid-East racial/cultural supremist, blood-cult relatives.
Newsflash Shapiro is a fag leftists who is right for the money
she got fat mommy milkers
Don't forget Zionist. That's the real issue
surprise surprise
Benny boy -- an analog doesn't have to be an exact reenactment of something to be like it.
I brought up how the left is re-using the Nazi playbook and my friend told me to think back even further to the Spanish Inquisition.
Can't be.
Nobody expects that!
I always felt something was off with him. He has never been censored or fact checked!!
The micro machine man is paid opposition
Can someone tell this DOUCHE to stick to the only thing he is good at....
Making the demented SJW left look worse than they already do.
Which at this point... pretty much anyone can do... not that hard.
So at this point... he is about as useful as a 2 centimeter cock.
Ben my wife's a doctors best success is defeating unprepared kids in debates. He's a fast talking whiney liar.
Not simply a rino, a never Trumper.
Ben became a big disappointment over the last year or so.
Just shut up and put your sticker on Ben. And don't you dare take it off. We need to know who you are.
He is entitled to his own opinion. 95% of what Ben Shapiro posts is absolutely spot on. But I did not heR or read what he said on Nov 3. My bD. Even here on GA people attack for opinions they don't like. It is unflattering. Ben can be a putz. Even an ass. But I see him red-pilling on FB. That is useful. Rather read than listen, his voice is like being dragged butt naked across a giant cheese grater
As much as I dislike Jenner, he shouldve whooped Ben's ass. :p. Oh uh, in minecraft lolz.