I am convinced, now more than ever, that both Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell were controlled-opposition. (Whether or not their control-files are in white-hat hands is unclear.)
Thermite does not produce explosions of the sort that simulate being rear-ended in a traffic-jam at 60mph by a flat-bed truck hauling steel scrap. There are literally dozens, if not hundreds, of YouTube demonstration videos of people making and setting Termite alight. It burns very brightly, but it's not an explosive. If somebody stuffed your engine-compartment full of the stuff and set it off, you'd pull over and get out of the car swearing.
These sorts of articles are Cabal tests to see just how stupid people really are. If you like or share such material, that like or share goes into a database marked "Moron", and you're fed more and more of it. Day by day, you get crazier and dumber, and hence are neutralized as any sort of future potential political threat. (This is why Cabal agent Oprah Winfrey was seleted to spout about Thermite all year long after 9/11.)
Very sad he was used and died in order to silence Kemp, I assume. Kemp is mightily fkd, any way you look at it. When Georgia's Luciferian head is cut off, the cosmic death-screech is going to reverberate through a few universes. Hallelujah. Bring it.
I like the imagination in his post, doubt he's alive though.
I often wonder who are the actors in the movie. There are so many but I won't know until the credits role.
This movie has really been going on since AT LEAST 1913, and probably way further back. We should consider ourselves lucky if we see the credits before we pass.
the the claim i was counterpointing has zero proof, just that a car blew up, no verifiable evidence that anyone was actually on board... and no i dont trust fed/LEO/crime scene techs/coroner/ME statements
The official story is the GBI agent investigating the "car crash" committed suicide. This info is already in the public sphere. No need to complicate the situation with a "suicide" of an investigator if Deal is really alive.
If you don’t sell yourself to the devil...you won’t have these problems. He put himself there. He also still stands in the way of an audit that would prove that President Trump won the 2020 election.
Who! The kid that got killed for working for the wrong person at the wrong time, or the FBI agent that was actually doing his job and investigating an act of terrorism!?
I'm pretty sure they both thought they were working for their country and lost their lives for it.
I don't know who you're talking about butt they're the ones everyone else in this thread has been talking about.
FD put water on it and it just intensified the fire but when they foamed it that starved it of oxygen and put it out. 100% thermite that did this. The car was probably packed underneath with like 50 pounds of the stuff and set off by a small timed or remote explosion. A shotgun shell would set it off.
If they can get to the fiancé they can get to his daughter. Kemp made promises then tried to back out. This is what happens when you dance with the Devil.
Bingo... He overpaid for the dominion machines... Something obvious there... Then that happened right after he announced he would do an audit. News never covered it... Quickly blackholed. I have a few clippings from that story somewhere. All of a sudden.. Kemp didn't say they would be no audit... He just didn't say anything... Didn't do anything. It was very weird.
I love Sidney, she is a smart lady but I don't think she knows much about explosive compounds. Thermite does not explode. It just burns real hot, The people near the scene that day heard a loud explosion, most likely C4 (plastic explosive) was used.
Here is a video of a thermite reaction. you can find many similar to this across the web.
Let’s recap
Kemp announced an audit would occur
The next day his daughter’s fiancé blew up
The next next day Kemp announced an audit would not occur.
MSM: All coincidence.
I am convinced, now more than ever, that both Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell were controlled-opposition. (Whether or not their control-files are in white-hat hands is unclear.)
Thermite does not produce explosions of the sort that simulate being rear-ended in a traffic-jam at 60mph by a flat-bed truck hauling steel scrap. There are literally dozens, if not hundreds, of YouTube demonstration videos of people making and setting Termite alight. It burns very brightly, but it's not an explosive. If somebody stuffed your engine-compartment full of the stuff and set it off, you'd pull over and get out of the car swearing.
These sorts of articles are Cabal tests to see just how stupid people really are. If you like or share such material, that like or share goes into a database marked "Moron", and you're fed more and more of it. Day by day, you get crazier and dumber, and hence are neutralized as any sort of future potential political threat. (This is why Cabal agent Oprah Winfrey was seleted to spout about Thermite all year long after 9/11.)
Her fiancé and Loeffler’s staffer - it was a warning to Kemp and Loeffler, IMO
Loeffler is DS
So is Kemp. The hit on their people is how the DS Cabal works
Keeps the pawns in line
Because MIL are in control now (they weren't back in Dec, Trump was still Pres)
MIL intel now prevents this blackmail etc I bet and so now everything is happening on Q Team's plan.
Very sad he was used and died in order to silence Kemp, I assume. Kemp is mightily fkd, any way you look at it. When Georgia's Luciferian head is cut off, the cosmic death-screech is going to reverberate through a few universes. Hallelujah. Bring it.
nobody died, car was remote-driven. its all a movie.
You'll need to provide evidence for a claim like that
I like the imagination in his post, doubt he's alive though. But.
I often wonder who are the actors in the movie. There are so many but I won't know until the credits role.
This movie has really been going on since AT LEAST 1913, and probably way further back. We should consider ourselves lucky if we see the credits before we pass.
I didn't make any claims?
the the claim i was counterpointing has zero proof, just that a car blew up, no verifiable evidence that anyone was actually on board... and no i dont trust fed/LEO/crime scene techs/coroner/ME statements
Right so in that case the claim should be "we don't know for sure if anyone was in that car" and not "it was remotely driven"
The GBI agent investigating the scene wouldn't have been assassinated if it was a script and he was still alive.
how do you know thats true? who reported it? feds or state/local LEO? thats in the same category as "stephen paddock was just a crazy rando"
The official story is the GBI agent investigating the "car crash" committed suicide. This info is already in the public sphere. No need to complicate the situation with a "suicide" of an investigator if Deal is really alive.
My thoughts
Cause tri-car splosions happen all the time... they said
Thermite eh?
Just like 911
That's awful, everyone knew. Poor guy.
If you don’t sell yourself to the devil...you won’t have these problems. He put himself there. He also still stands in the way of an audit that would prove that President Trump won the 2020 election.
Who! The kid that got killed for working for the wrong person at the wrong time, or the FBI agent that was actually doing his job and investigating an act of terrorism!?
I'm pretty sure they both thought they were working for their country and lost their lives for it.
I don't know who you're talking about butt they're the ones everyone else in this thread has been talking about.
NCSWIC...THAT, you can guaranfuqinteee!!!
Spelling is kek!
FD put water on it and it just intensified the fire but when they foamed it that starved it of oxygen and put it out. 100% thermite that did this. The car was probably packed underneath with like 50 pounds of the stuff and set off by a small timed or remote explosion. A shotgun shell would set it off.
She did not 'confirm' it but relayed what she said someone who knows more than she does believes happened.
That's still very valid in our book; she wouldn't put it out there unless she trusted the person she's referencing.
Bad way to go
If they can get to the fiancé they can get to his daughter. Kemp made promises then tried to back out. This is what happens when you dance with the Devil.
Bingo... He overpaid for the dominion machines... Something obvious there... Then that happened right after he announced he would do an audit. News never covered it... Quickly blackholed. I have a few clippings from that story somewhere. All of a sudden.. Kemp didn't say they would be no audit... He just didn't say anything... Didn't do anything. It was very weird.
The poster above means that they killed him as a threat of what they would do to Kemp's family, etc.
The kid couldn’t stop the recount.
The kids murder was the message
These people torture small children. This is nothing to them.
Assassinated with Thermite, by who we don't know for sure.
This so so heartbreaking ?? These bastards must pay ???
Trillions of dollars of global wealth is at stake
We knew this, but it’s nice to have it 100% confirmed by a source we trust.
I love Sidney, she is a smart lady but I don't think she knows much about explosive compounds. Thermite does not explode. It just burns real hot, The people near the scene that day heard a loud explosion, most likely C4 (plastic explosive) was used. Here is a video of a thermite reaction. you can find many similar to this across the web. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRZFTJe22Tg
Maybe a combo of both? or needed thermite to ignite the C4 explosion?
Throw a few murder-Hornets in (for good measure).
I dont think fire or heat wouldn't detonate C4, You need a blasting cap, kinda works like nitro glycerin. Hit it with a hammer = kaboom.
Semantics perhaps, thermite found at scene, observations that water didn't put the fire out, that retardant foam was required...
Wow! That's an explosive accusation! Yeah, pun couldn't have been avoided.
im out of the loop again. I heard she was sued. Did she take it on? Did she win?
How easy his daughter could have also been in the car. Message received.
Link to the entire interview video?
it's Doug Billings of Righside Broadcasting
Have any of Sidney Powell’s confirmations led to ANYTHING?
They would have if SCOTUS wasn’t cucked. Not her fault.
Weapon of choice [DS] Est. 2001.
Never seen any masonic murders but do prattle on
We saw that
My wife asked, "Who's Thermite?" (a little correct grammar goes a long way :) )
yes, it's an Epic and my stash of popcorn only has a couple of months before date expiry.
the msm news story in june : Pocorn shortage hits the nation - reasons unknown
I request that James Woods play me in the movie.
Bravo to your high standards!
James is a Patriot extraordinaire! Praying for his safety daily! ???
You will have to play James Woods, then.
My mom started eating my kettle corn stash... :(
She see the habbenings.
Gotta pop it on demand.
that might trigger a real insurrection.
Schiff doesn't care unless it triggers an erection.
We need to start growing our own corn.
I believe Pepe Farms has the nation covered ;)
And erections
... not cut off, just a severe shortage and significantly inflated prices...
Like lumber.
There isn't a lumber shortage. The prices are just being manipulated.
Can confirm, I work on industrial equipment and go to lumber yards regularly. It’s stacked to the clouds out here in NC.
Everything has gone up exponentially since January 20th. I believe it's because the dollar is in a free fall. Gold will destroy the Fed, after all.
2 movies Info war plus endgame