"'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on!
This parrot is no more!
He has ceased to be!
'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker!
'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace!
If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies!
'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory!
'E's off the twig!
'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!!
Ok, but with so many people newer coming in, it seemed wise to point to original source. I know I grew up thinking how terrible it was for there to be such propaganda in other countries and years ago couldn't imagine how anything like that could ever happen here. but so it has.
Yeah no worries, fren. The last few years have really opened my eyes to how much our gov't really sees us as the enemy, and the more people who realize this, the better.
That is criminal.How many poor,unfortunate people died or are now very impaired
medically because of these terrible lies.We must not forget the awful economic
damage that resulted from the lock downs that destroyed people's lives and
That monster,Fauci,knowing about HCQ from way back in 2005 from the research
into SARS.When DJT mentioned HCQ as a possible treatment for Covid that little
monster Fauci dismissed the idea as complete rubbish.
There must be a reckoning for these crimes against humanity.
The economic damage resulted in stress related illnesses and deaths as well. I lost a friend of mine last fall. He had a heart attack and while you wouldn't rule out that it would have happened anyway, the stress of losing a great deal of his livelihood did not help at all.
I sympathise with you fren,the incredible damage,to lives and livelihoods that this
"engineered" pandemic has wrought across the the world is criminal.
Good,honest,caring people have suffered terribly due to evil people who have no
regard for the lives of others.
They had to eliminate HCQ as a viable treatment in order to get the EUA for their fake vaccines in the first place. Now that they have that, they are censoring all information about the effectiveness of Ivermectin in order to push people to get their fake vaccines instead.
With any luck, the people responsible for these actions will be caught, tried, convicted and executed.
The media is following orders. They all have the same instructions on what the narrative will be. This does not make them exempt from being held accountable. They too have blood on their hands. IMO they should also be tried for treason. They were also involved in suppressing information pro Trump and suppressing negative Byden. They influenced the elections.
Yes. Whatever evil you want to follow (pedophiles, plandemic, election stealing) the media is right there. They deserve the same treatment as the rest of the cabal.
The studies that were rushed in to discredit HCQ were all rigged in some way. Providing HCQ too late was one technique. One even administered a massive overdose of HCQ. Strangely, HCQ was found to cause harm in that test.
HCQ should be applied (NB, I am not a doctor!) in combination with other drugs. Zinc and Azythromycin were popular choices. Not administering those drugs also affected results. It is like saying guns can save lives so they set up an experiment where they give youy a gun but no ammunition then say guns are no use.
There was even a rushed paper slating HCQ in The Lancet - a most prestigious journal. It was later retracted but the messsage was already out.
Note: HCQ is but one "ionophore". There are others and other countries like South Korea and Japan used them instead.
Don’t forget about the hydroxychloroquine factory owners (husband and wife) in Toronto that were found tied up and strangled just before the plandemic. I’m sure not related /s.
I've been wondering how Barry Sherman fit into all of this. Is it possible that he knew several years ago that this was coming? They tried to frame the deaths as "murder/suicide" but complaints from family etc forced the police to look into it further.
Did people approach him about "getting in on the deal" about the vaccines? Maybe they did and he said "hell no!" so they took him and his wife out. Not only would it stop them from talking but it would send a strong message to anyone else who was involved.
I know his company was involved in producing generic drugs but I didn't know about the HQC angle. Interesting.
Don't need a reminder, I remember it well. Censored all over FB until suddenly and quietly it wasn't. I am still so angry about this!! People died!! I talked about it to our Congressional candidate the other night. We cannot let this rest.
Few others already shared links, but very easy from what I can see.
I'm definitely not a doctor, so suggest additional research.... for me though, seems like harmless ingredients.
Put in pot rinds of 3 grapefruit and 3 lemons covered with water, simmer for 3 hours with lid on, allow to cool (with lid still on), and strain. You can refrigerate/freeze this.
It's apparently bitter, so you can sweeten with sugar or honey.
Take a tablespoon every hour, maximum 2-3 times a day to bring p the phlegm from your lungs, maximum 7 days. Discontinue when you feel better.
Not just the MSM is censoring this but also social media. I got put in Fake Book Jail twice for promoting HCQ before when Trump was still POTUS and only recently for promoting Ivermectin.
When the people around the world find out their loved ones died needlessly due to COVID there will be hell to pay ....
None of these aholes will be able to walk down the street.
THIS will be the true awakening... the first of all lies the people will learn before they figure out how these COVID deaths were used to keep Trump from getting re-elected.
All of these news agencies should be prosecuted for misleading the masses and not performing research and due diligence prior to reporting this misinformation.
Shows how one bogus story echoes endlessly around the internet and requires endless deboonking. I don't remember if anyone ever tied those characters to Fauci, but how the story started is the real story.
There's no reconciling. The mainstream media, the so-called "free press", is simply the established propaganda and psychological manipulation wing of the democrat party, in collusion with the forces of global communism.
I learned my gin & tonic habit may be good at preventative. :)
actually that's how the Brits came to drink that, back in the day when they ran India but there was malaria they started drinking G&Ts as the quinine in the tonic helped in malaria prevention.
Sorry for my ignorance here...have they changed their tune regarding this? As far as I’m aware, they still say HCQ is dangerous and only the experimental gene therapy jab is safe.
Fauxi’s LEGACY. Not dooming at all, but this Fall/Winter the vaxx’d populace will regret their jabs. In a huuuge way. If the msm hasn’t been dismantled by then you can imagine their spin. Pretty sure their spin-days are short...look at their ~silence~ right NOW. Culpability.
I agree with you there...Only I think the "vaxx’d" populace will carry on dying, even more, never mind regret their jabs. The last thing I saw was 4000+ dead in the US alone from the vaccine in +-3 months...compare that to 53 people that died from the H1N1 vaccine..There was some hearing on it somewhere, I cant remember exactly...ill try find it ...
It's a shame that more people didn't listen to [them] on this subject. We could've saved most of the people who perished, if it weren't for those who seek to destroy us.
They all have blood on their hands
We call them the mockingbird media, but in reality they should be called the parrot media.
In reality they should be called the ex-parrot media.
(thanks Monty Python :)
"'E's not pinin'! 'E's passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PARROT!!"
Ha ha
I can do almost the whole Argument Clinic sketch from memory
No, you can't.
Yes I can.
You can't.
LMFAO....I remember very well...
This parrot is no more, it is ceased to be
"it's pining for the fjords"
It's not a palindrome! The palindrome of "Bolton" would be "Notlob"!!
It was a pun!
They are called Mockingbird media because of Project MockingBird, which was a CIA plan to control what people think and believe through the media.
Here is a brief Wiki link, so take it with a grain of salt, but there are other resources that will explain in depth.
Exactly. Parroting implies that they are copying what others in the media are saying, when in fact they are all being instructed to say that.
Thanks, but I was already aware of the origins of the term mockingbird.
I was referring to how all the MSM flaming bags of dog shit "parrot" the mockingbird 4 am talking points.
Ok, but with so many people newer coming in, it seemed wise to point to original source. I know I grew up thinking how terrible it was for there to be such propaganda in other countries and years ago couldn't imagine how anything like that could ever happen here. but so it has.
Yeah no worries, fren. The last few years have really opened my eyes to how much our gov't really sees us as the enemy, and the more people who realize this, the better.
Thanks OP. Reconcile with this. 298 studies. 222 peer reviewed. https://c19hcq.com/
Looks like manslaughter to me. Oops my bad I got the wrong term.
That is criminal.How many poor,unfortunate people died or are now very impaired medically because of these terrible lies.We must not forget the awful economic damage that resulted from the lock downs that destroyed people's lives and livelihoods.
That monster,Fauci,knowing about HCQ from way back in 2005 from the research into SARS.When DJT mentioned HCQ as a possible treatment for Covid that little monster Fauci dismissed the idea as complete rubbish.
There must be a reckoning for these crimes against humanity.
The economic damage resulted in stress related illnesses and deaths as well. I lost a friend of mine last fall. He had a heart attack and while you wouldn't rule out that it would have happened anyway, the stress of losing a great deal of his livelihood did not help at all.
I sympathise with you fren,the incredible damage,to lives and livelihoods that this "engineered" pandemic has wrought across the the world is criminal.
Good,honest,caring people have suffered terribly due to evil people who have no regard for the lives of others.
I'll just leave this here.
Great reminder patriot!
Ivermectin really works, personal experience.
They had to eliminate HCQ as a viable treatment in order to get the EUA for their fake vaccines in the first place. Now that they have that, they are censoring all information about the effectiveness of Ivermectin in order to push people to get their fake vaccines instead.
With any luck, the people responsible for these actions will be caught, tried, convicted and executed.
The media is following orders. They all have the same instructions on what the narrative will be. This does not make them exempt from being held accountable. They too have blood on their hands. IMO they should also be tried for treason. They were also involved in suppressing information pro Trump and suppressing negative Byden. They influenced the elections.
Yes. Whatever evil you want to follow (pedophiles, plandemic, election stealing) the media is right there. They deserve the same treatment as the rest of the cabal.
The studies that were rushed in to discredit HCQ were all rigged in some way. Providing HCQ too late was one technique. One even administered a massive overdose of HCQ. Strangely, HCQ was found to cause harm in that test.
HCQ should be applied (NB, I am not a doctor!) in combination with other drugs. Zinc and Azythromycin were popular choices. Not administering those drugs also affected results. It is like saying guns can save lives so they set up an experiment where they give youy a gun but no ammunition then say guns are no use.
There was even a rushed paper slating HCQ in The Lancet - a most prestigious journal. It was later retracted but the messsage was already out.
Note: HCQ is but one "ionophore". There are others and other countries like South Korea and Japan used them instead.
Do you know what other ionophores have been mentioned? I have not followed this particular detail.
Quercetin and Ivermectin.
And N-A-C, also available in the vitamin aisle. It's knocked out cold symptoms in two days for me twice now.
I love n-acetyl cysteine!
Ah, thank you; I didn't realize that those were considered ionophores.
Green Tea contains Quercetin that also acts as an ionophore to assist zinc in acting against Covid.
I have a couple of pounds of organic matcha tea; I will keep this in mind.Thank you so much.
South Korea used Quercertin. Japan used Hinokitiol.
This article may be of interest or this one.
Just search on: zinc ionophore.
No probs. I have fixed the link, now, as well - again! I must be losing my touch.
The links worked before, they just didn't show until I ran the cursor over them. You did well!
EGCG from green tea extract is also a zinc ionophore
I did not know that; thank you.
COMPLICIT. They must not get away with this crime of the century!
Plus, don’t forget about the HQC production facility that mysteriously burned to the ground shortly after these articles were published.
Don’t forget about the hydroxychloroquine factory owners (husband and wife) in Toronto that were found tied up and strangled just before the plandemic. I’m sure not related /s.
I've been wondering how Barry Sherman fit into all of this. Is it possible that he knew several years ago that this was coming? They tried to frame the deaths as "murder/suicide" but complaints from family etc forced the police to look into it further.
Did people approach him about "getting in on the deal" about the vaccines? Maybe they did and he said "hell no!" so they took him and his wife out. Not only would it stop them from talking but it would send a strong message to anyone else who was involved.
I know his company was involved in producing generic drugs but I didn't know about the HQC angle. Interesting.
It was the second largest raw material provider for HCQ. I think it may have been in Taiwan so it was likely foul play from China.
also a few medicine factories mysteriously blew up or burned down. I forgot where may have been one in India and one in Taiwan
Don't need a reminder, I remember it well. Censored all over FB until suddenly and quietly it wasn't. I am still so angry about this!! People died!! I talked about it to our Congressional candidate the other night. We cannot let this rest.
And not just the censoring and the negative press for HCQ, but some states actually restricting physicians from prescribing it.
On a side note, today I learnt you can make HCQ at home using lemons and grapefruit.
i will have to try this
It's the quinine, isn't it? Saw this, last week maybe.
From anon MAGA_Wolfy. Link is in his/her title, provided direct link, above, to anon G-o-B.
Ooh can you share?
Few others already shared links, but very easy from what I can see.
I'm definitely not a doctor, so suggest additional research.... for me though, seems like harmless ingredients.
Put in pot rinds of 3 grapefruit and 3 lemons covered with water, simmer for 3 hours with lid on, allow to cool (with lid still on), and strain. You can refrigerate/freeze this.
It's apparently bitter, so you can sweeten with sugar or honey.
Take a tablespoon every hour, maximum 2-3 times a day to bring p the phlegm from your lungs, maximum 7 days. Discontinue when you feel better.
Seems this simple recipe could've saved millions.
Awesome. Thank you for sharing!
And this is why we sentence them all for crimes against humanity after a trial.
And ill be standing next to them when they all hang!
Look for every editor and reporter that touched and approved any of those articles.
Charge them with murder.
Not just the MSM is censoring this but also social media. I got put in Fake Book Jail twice for promoting HCQ before when Trump was still POTUS and only recently for promoting Ivermectin.
When the people around the world find out their loved ones died needlessly due to COVID there will be hell to pay ....
None of these aholes will be able to walk down the street.
THIS will be the true awakening... the first of all lies the people will learn before they figure out how these COVID deaths were used to keep Trump from getting re-elected.
I’m going out on a limb here, but it ALMOST seems as though they all MIGHT have been told to say the same thing. No, that’s just TOO FARFETCHED!!!!
American propaganda is the best propaganda.
This is malfeasance.
All of these news agencies should be prosecuted for misleading the masses and not performing research and due diligence prior to reporting this misinformation.
They are easy to arrest because they publish their names to their crimes. These people are stupid.
Shows how one bogus story echoes endlessly around the internet and requires endless deboonking. I don't remember if anyone ever tied those characters to Fauci, but how the story started is the real story.
Are they saying any different now? Forgive the ignorance. I won't tune in to their crap
Ha ha, "reconcile"
There's no reconciling. The mainstream media, the so-called "free press", is simply the established propaganda and psychological manipulation wing of the democrat party, in collusion with the forces of global communism.
These motherfuckers must pay.
It's literally tonic water.
I learned my gin & tonic habit may be good at preventative. :)
actually that's how the Brits came to drink that, back in the day when they ran India but there was malaria they started drinking G&Ts as the quinine in the tonic helped in malaria prevention.
Nah...lawsuits are not enough. They need to be tried for crimes against humanity and punished accordingly on love tv.
Yeah, I'd love that!
Whoops...that was supposed to say LIVE t.v. ?
Let the class action lawsuits begin...
Sorry for my ignorance here...have they changed their tune regarding this? As far as I’m aware, they still say HCQ is dangerous and only the experimental gene therapy jab is safe.
Fauxi’s LEGACY. Not dooming at all, but this Fall/Winter the vaxx’d populace will regret their jabs. In a huuuge way. If the msm hasn’t been dismantled by then you can imagine their spin. Pretty sure their spin-days are short...look at their ~silence~ right NOW. Culpability.
I agree with you there...Only I think the "vaxx’d" populace will carry on dying, even more, never mind regret their jabs. The last thing I saw was 4000+ dead in the US alone from the vaccine in +-3 months...compare that to 53 people that died from the H1N1 vaccine..There was some hearing on it somewhere, I cant remember exactly...ill try find it ...
Since those days journalism is dead, all trust in medical system dead. How do they cover their tracks? They kill us?!!
It's a shame that more people didn't listen to [them] on this subject. We could've saved most of the people who perished, if it weren't for those who seek to destroy us.
The level of disgusting behavior we have endorsed this lockdown (and prior) is astounding.
“Well if so many sources are saying it, it must be true!”
They couldn't have granted EUA for the "vaccines" if HCQ was shown to be an effective treatment hence the narrative
What are they saying now?
here is continuously updated database showing, yeah HCQ works.
about 300 studies thus far.
To KILL a mockingbird . . . .