That was actually stolen from Xerox from the Xerox PARC location (Palo Alto Research Center). They were the first to work on a graphical user interface. The Mac OS came from their work also..
Jobs (Apple), started working on the original MAC/LISA GUI after he saw a demo of the Xerox "Star" at PARC.
Jobs, being the "Supreme Asshole Of The Universe", invited Gates to see a demo of the early mac System/Finder, and Gates just created a facsimile piece of Shite that would run on early x86, and...
Windows 1.0 was born. (Jobs was fucking PISSED, but it was over by then, basically)
Apple sued MS, but Gates argued that if Apple could copy Xerox, so could MS, so a settlement was reached.
Since Gates/MS could license their shite to anyone, (the worst deal IBM EVER made, letting Gates have a non-exclusive deal, so he could sell "DOS" to anyone he wanted) DOS clones started POURING into the US from the Far East at cut-rate prices.
These years would forever be known as the"Clone Wars"...
I think the financial component is hard for a lot of people to wrap their heads around. But it has to happen. The current system is how they own us. Financial Freedom is the only way forward.
They have no choice especially when he’s probably on tape telling Biden, his fellow pedophile, to shut down the keystone so we have to use his filthy trains (that they also use to smuggle humans for slavery and worse).
here is a letter he wrote about it nothing about why he left BMGF really. And then this “I’m delighted that my three children – now in their mid-60s – pursue philanthropic efforts that involve both money and time. More important, they are happy that they can be involved in helping others. They have their mother’s genes” He says he doesn’t like helping others what a prick. There’s gotta be more to this.
Yup. Buffett funnels 10s or 100s of billions into Gates Foundation as "charitable donations". The Gates Foundation turns around and invests it to make even more wealth. And then Gates and Buffett both soak up the billions in profits with a tax write off since it's a "Foundation". Sick and tired of the scumbags cheating the system while us normal people bust our asses 40-60 hours per week just to get by.
Don’t you love how the money lenders never have to explain nor account for all the evil ways they made their money in the first place. Hope they burn in hell with their father.
Meanwhile me and my team walk almost 10 miles a day in a warehouse on concrete floors for $16 an hour. I’m happy and blessed to have a job and the ability to work but still F*CK THESE PEOPLE! Hang em high! Do it, Q!
"They have their mothers genes" doesn't mean warren doesn't like helping others, only that he more interested in investing and making money. Whose money do you think his wife used in her philanthropic efforts?
Yeah I get that, but it’s a “here’s some money, look I helped” tactic. He doesn’t get his hands dirty, per se. It just doesn’t sound good to say it, optics matter, even if you don’t involve yourself tangibly.
I do see your point but WB never really runs around taking credit for that stuff. He as much as admitted that he's not particularly good in those type of activities.
Whether he was duped by B&M or not, unless the money goes toward bad causes its ok.
In addition to the whole world depopulation stuff, it's been suggested that Bill Gates may also be short on GameStop. Just watch the interview below and see him squirm. Not even sure why a software engineer was invited on to the show to give financial advice. In any case, if this is true then Bill sure isn't having a good year. I sure wonder how involved Buffet is with this ticking time bomb.
I disagree. In the gamer gate era, a lot of gamers awoke to how rigged the system really is. Mainly social media and the normal media. I remember when all of these news sites at the same time had 50 articles saying pretty much the same things: gamers are dead, sexist, awful etc.
It's my belief that movies and tv had the biggest impact when it comes to brainwashing the population.
Does anyone else feel like they are watching this massive secret game of chess? Looking for anything they can see as a move on the board? This is a piece on the board retreating. While maybe not major, and maybe we can't see the significance of the move, it is a move nonetheless.
Reminds me of Gates “divorce.” To me this is the way they try to avoid the consequences of their actions. “I don’t work there anyone, I don’t have that stick I had to sell in the divorce” that type of thing
Warren gave the Gates Foundation a ton of money in BRK-A shares in 2006 and each year since then. Shares have gone up about 5X up to now. To me, it seems like Warren is distancing himself and then will claim contract was broken, and stop the donations. The money Warren donated was required to be spent by the foundation in the same year it was gifted. There’s most def more to this..
Safety distancing. Billy's going to become radioactive
We should make a bingo card of all the crimes that Gates is going to be publicly accused of!
Pizza Parties, Adrenochrome, Child Trafficking, etc.
You can add stealing tech from IBM to this list. That's how Windows was created
Microsoft's profits should go to tax payers
That was actually stolen from Xerox from the Xerox PARC location (Palo Alto Research Center). They were the first to work on a graphical user interface. The Mac OS came from their work also..
No offense meant, but that's not correct.
Jobs (Apple), started working on the original MAC/LISA GUI after he saw a demo of the Xerox "Star" at PARC.
Jobs, being the "Supreme Asshole Of The Universe", invited Gates to see a demo of the early mac System/Finder, and Gates just created a facsimile piece of Shite that would run on early x86, and...
Windows 1.0 was born. (Jobs was fucking PISSED, but it was over by then, basically)
Apple sued MS, but Gates argued that if Apple could copy Xerox, so could MS, so a settlement was reached.
Since Gates/MS could license their shite to anyone, (the worst deal IBM EVER made, letting Gates have a non-exclusive deal, so he could sell "DOS" to anyone he wanted) DOS clones started POURING into the US from the Far East at cut-rate prices.
These years would forever be known as the"Clone Wars"...
Gates didn’t do this alone, he had help.. lots of it. Groomed.
He was basically the Zuckerbert of that era.
Gates Sr is a very powerful man.
Very nice explaining
Thank you, fren.
already is, people are just now realizing it... that's the thing about radiation, by the time you know, it's too late.
? praying
The house of cards is collapsing.
The MSM in Sweden is now reporting about the strange behavior of the banks.
I hear the QFS is ready to go any day now.
People should accept this as a logical conclusion to the fall of the cabal/federal reserve
I think the financial component is hard for a lot of people to wrap their heads around. But it has to happen. The current system is how they own us. Financial Freedom is the only way forward.
Hope you’re stocked up on GME
Wow. There were only three trustees to the GF - Bill, Melinda & Warren.
You mean the Gates Foundation for world depopulation, don’t you?
BUFFET too close? My God he was part of it from the beginning. Buffet recruited for the Gates Foundation.
They have no choice especially when he’s probably on tape telling Biden, his fellow pedophile, to shut down the keystone so we have to use his filthy trains (that they also use to smuggle humans for slavery and worse).
The real powers will sacrifice anyone if necessary.
Exactly. And people don’t think Buffett got to be one of the richest men in the world by simply “investing better”, do they?
Surely this is more than your typical social distancing.
It is more than your typical social distancing.
And stop calling us Shirley.
Roger that.
Hopefully, it means that the assets have been confiscated for "crimes against humanity."
He can try to distance himself, but his donations record is archived forever.
here is a letter he wrote about it nothing about why he left BMGF really. And then this “I’m delighted that my three children – now in their mid-60s – pursue philanthropic efforts that involve both money and time. More important, they are happy that they can be involved in helping others. They have their mother’s genes” He says he doesn’t like helping others what a prick. There’s gotta be more to this.
He gave the Gates Foundation the majority of his wealth. Buffett FUNDED the vaxxx.
Yup. Buffett funnels 10s or 100s of billions into Gates Foundation as "charitable donations". The Gates Foundation turns around and invests it to make even more wealth. And then Gates and Buffett both soak up the billions in profits with a tax write off since it's a "Foundation". Sick and tired of the scumbags cheating the system while us normal people bust our asses 40-60 hours per week just to get by.
Don’t you love how the money lenders never have to explain nor account for all the evil ways they made their money in the first place. Hope they burn in hell with their father.
Meanwhile me and my team walk almost 10 miles a day in a warehouse on concrete floors for $16 an hour. I’m happy and blessed to have a job and the ability to work but still F*CK THESE PEOPLE! Hang em high! Do it, Q!
When you get frustrated, just remember that these people sacrificed their eternal salvation for material wealth in the natural world.
Eternal is a very long time relative to their short existence on the earth.
Good work is Gods work.
Walking 10 miles a day is no joke. You must be one healthy frog!
It is no joke BUT it’s also no joke that I get to eat literally whatever I want and still stay fit!
Truth. These people are sick!
cornerstones of the cabal/DS .../!
"They have their mothers genes" doesn't mean warren doesn't like helping others, only that he more interested in investing and making money. Whose money do you think his wife used in her philanthropic efforts?
Yeah I get that, but it’s a “here’s some money, look I helped” tactic. He doesn’t get his hands dirty, per se. It just doesn’t sound good to say it, optics matter, even if you don’t involve yourself tangibly.
I do see your point but WB never really runs around taking credit for that stuff. He as much as admitted that he's not particularly good in those type of activities. Whether he was duped by B&M or not, unless the money goes toward bad causes its ok.
In addition to the whole world depopulation stuff, it's been suggested that Bill Gates may also be short on GameStop. Just watch the interview below and see him squirm. Not even sure why a software engineer was invited on to the show to give financial advice. In any case, if this is true then Bill sure isn't having a good year. I sure wonder how involved Buffet is with this ticking time bomb.
I disagree. In the gamer gate era, a lot of gamers awoke to how rigged the system really is. Mainly social media and the normal media. I remember when all of these news sites at the same time had 50 articles saying pretty much the same things: gamers are dead, sexist, awful etc.
It's my belief that movies and tv had the biggest impact when it comes to brainwashing the population.
I can agree with that. Wouldn't it just be the funniest thing ever that Gamestop of all things could potentially bring down their entire racket?
The elite are turning their back on them because they know what comes next.
Is there anything that can stop what’s coming?
May be too late. ‘Lie down with dogs and get fleas.’ My apologize to dogs everywhere.
Does anyone else feel like they are watching this massive secret game of chess? Looking for anything they can see as a move on the board? This is a piece on the board retreating. While maybe not major, and maybe we can't see the significance of the move, it is a move nonetheless.
Marital divorces can also cause friend or business divorces as well.
In this case I’d argue it’s the other way around
I keep thinking “you can run but you can’t hide”. Oh fun times
Because Buffet is such a good guy.
The headline I read said after donating 4.1 billion.
Reminds me of Gates “divorce.” To me this is the way they try to avoid the consequences of their actions. “I don’t work there anyone, I don’t have that stick I had to sell in the divorce” that type of thing
Hmmm... wonder if he has an upcoming tribunal.
You can run...
Curiouser and curiouser.
Warren gave the Gates Foundation a ton of money in BRK-A shares in 2006 and each year since then. Shares have gone up about 5X up to now. To me, it seems like Warren is distancing himself and then will claim contract was broken, and stop the donations. The money Warren donated was required to be spent by the foundation in the same year it was gifted. There’s most def more to this..
So then, Buffet will be the next to go into space??
Buffet is old and likely about to meet his maker.
His maker is right...
Certainly makes me go hmm...