Global Warming is NOT a science... but a RELIGION.
There is an accepted set of indoctrination beliefs that are held sacred and not to be questioned.
People with Brown or Black skin are inherently incapable of protecting themselves or pre-planning for natural disasters (even though they are equal... they are apparently not that equal)... so liberal White people from western countries have to do it for them.
Any property of importance that is less than 10 feet above sea level WILL flood in the next 2-years due to sea level rise. However, entire nations that are less than 5 feet above sea level and don't contain anything important... will be fine.
Volcanoes, wildfires, solar events, endless miles of concrete pavement and blacktop in cities and even the fuel used for jets and large ships and air conditioning... don't contribute to Global Warming. However, gasoline engines and cows DO cause global warming.
Actual visible data from tree rings, geological samples, archeological digs, fossils, historical written records, etc... that are not able to be manipulated by computer are NOT reliable and can't be trusted. Only digital information that can be fed into a computer algorithm written by liberal universities is credible proof of climate change.
Any observable weather events that don't conform to the Global Warming religion... are anecdotal, and can be dismissed easily. Any observable weather events that DO conform to the Global Warming religion are proof positive.
Hundreds of Millions of years of climate change data which show continuing cycles of cooling and warming of the Earth... all of which occurred before cows, agriculture and the gasoline engine... are to be dismissed as rubbish. Only data gathered since the early 1900's involving cows and gasoline engines is reliable proof of climate change.
Any non-believers in Global Warming must be silenced by any means possible. Their names must be struck from public record, their academic achievements are to be ridiculed and nobody should ever hear a word they say, ever again. That way, the "science" is preserved. We can't have people questioning the "science" of our indoctrination religion, can we?
It's a weird form of amnesia. They can't remember that when you catch a virus you become immune. Or that once you are immune you don't need a vax for it anymore. Ever.
They don't remember ANYTHING.
What the hell is going on. Everyone KNEW these things until...they just stopped knowing things.
I think it's right out of 1984. I was a young almost-mother back in the early '70s. I didn't even drink coffee during my pregnancies. NO PREGNANT WOMAN was prescribed any drugs or injected with ANYTHING. Contrast THAT with the genocide that is occurring before our very eyes now that began many years ago. In my mind, the medical cartel, along with its partner, HugePharma, have been front and center in this malignancy that seeks to control every health decision that we might make. Their history has been despicable but it is not well known.
It's my suspicion that it goes hand in hand with the utter ignorance of the American people regarding their knowledge of their true history, their almost limitless rights, their vital relationship with our Creator, and firm grasp of the principles of liberty. The hierarchy is this: God, we the people, our government at all levels. The further from the shore of solid knowledge we drift, the less recognizable our surroundings become along, with our understanding of it all.
Even the "viruses" are fairy dust. Not one of their concocted "viruses" has ever been truly identified. Think of the fear factor that surrounds these invisible "enemies." They've made humongous industries around these ideas. I haven't bought the germ theory for many years; Louis Pasteur even recanted his belief in it before he died. It was all smoke and mirrors. Look what the cabal has done with all of that. I do not believe that we "catch" anything except the fear mongering that has gone on for so long and the lies that accompany it.
Real, honest research scientists have been systematically annihilated via zero funding by the politically corrupt (e.g., the radical socialist infestation of National Science Foundation). Too many bad apples - the entire lot is ruined.
Its so easy nowadays to buy a scientist, politician, judge, etc. Gone are the days of scientific honesty. Now we live in and "deal' with what ever the highest bidders agenda is
John Coleman (founder of the Weather Channel), is brilliant and quirky. He was the weather guy on San Diego KUSI for many years. Love him--he tells it like it is and has been saying this for as long as I can remember...great guy.
Dem President in again, even if illegitimately, and NASA's out with all the "ice is disappearing" stories again, just like they were 5. years ago, 10 years ago, 15 years ago.....
This is the best ever! I follow Tony Heller and visit his webpage for a huge amount of information including old newspaper article images about the 'climate' and true graphs! It is amazing.
This was way before Trump was president. CnN still had some slight credibility then even though it is obvious that they were already the voice of the DNC.
I like his stern, "I'm talking, be quiet" grandpa energy! It's sad how correct he is, though. And it's so obvious scientific subjects are politicized and weaponized for various nefarious agendas. Sheep are too stupid to even contemplate such a matter...
You misunderstand.
Global Warming is NOT a science... but a RELIGION. There is an accepted set of indoctrination beliefs that are held sacred and not to be questioned.
People with Brown or Black skin are inherently incapable of protecting themselves or pre-planning for natural disasters (even though they are equal... they are apparently not that equal)... so liberal White people from western countries have to do it for them.
Any property of importance that is less than 10 feet above sea level WILL flood in the next 2-years due to sea level rise. However, entire nations that are less than 5 feet above sea level and don't contain anything important... will be fine.
Volcanoes, wildfires, solar events, endless miles of concrete pavement and blacktop in cities and even the fuel used for jets and large ships and air conditioning... don't contribute to Global Warming. However, gasoline engines and cows DO cause global warming.
Actual visible data from tree rings, geological samples, archeological digs, fossils, historical written records, etc... that are not able to be manipulated by computer are NOT reliable and can't be trusted. Only digital information that can be fed into a computer algorithm written by liberal universities is credible proof of climate change.
Any observable weather events that don't conform to the Global Warming religion... are anecdotal, and can be dismissed easily. Any observable weather events that DO conform to the Global Warming religion are proof positive.
Hundreds of Millions of years of climate change data which show continuing cycles of cooling and warming of the Earth... all of which occurred before cows, agriculture and the gasoline engine... are to be dismissed as rubbish. Only data gathered since the early 1900's involving cows and gasoline engines is reliable proof of climate change.
Any non-believers in Global Warming must be silenced by any means possible. Their names must be struck from public record, their academic achievements are to be ridiculed and nobody should ever hear a word they say, ever again. That way, the "science" is preserved. We can't have people questioning the "science" of our indoctrination religion, can we?
I notice they are trying to rebrand it and call it "Climate Change" now.
I think we're past that and on to Global Cooling now. Try to keep up.
Didn't it start with global cooling? Then warming, then climate change, then climate emergency............They're back to cooling now?
ohmygosh! It's almost like it's WEATHER!
Seriously, and they don't even see the stupidity that they peddle.
It's a weird form of amnesia. They can't remember that when you catch a virus you become immune. Or that once you are immune you don't need a vax for it anymore. Ever.
They don't remember ANYTHING. What the hell is going on. Everyone KNEW these things until...they just stopped knowing things.
I think it's right out of 1984. I was a young almost-mother back in the early '70s. I didn't even drink coffee during my pregnancies. NO PREGNANT WOMAN was prescribed any drugs or injected with ANYTHING. Contrast THAT with the genocide that is occurring before our very eyes now that began many years ago. In my mind, the medical cartel, along with its partner, HugePharma, have been front and center in this malignancy that seeks to control every health decision that we might make. Their history has been despicable but it is not well known.
It's my suspicion that it goes hand in hand with the utter ignorance of the American people regarding their knowledge of their true history, their almost limitless rights, their vital relationship with our Creator, and firm grasp of the principles of liberty. The hierarchy is this: God, we the people, our government at all levels. The further from the shore of solid knowledge we drift, the less recognizable our surroundings become along, with our understanding of it all.
Even the "viruses" are fairy dust. Not one of their concocted "viruses" has ever been truly identified. Think of the fear factor that surrounds these invisible "enemies." They've made humongous industries around these ideas. I haven't bought the germ theory for many years; Louis Pasteur even recanted his belief in it before he died. It was all smoke and mirrors. Look what the cabal has done with all of that. I do not believe that we "catch" anything except the fear mongering that has gone on for so long and the lies that accompany it.
They circled back to the 60s if that's the case!
Global Cooling caused by the Unvaxed no less! What was I thinking?!
Perfectly stated. It ALWAYS boils down to $$$. Gov’t Grants to traitors.
Haha this is a great description of how it works
The point he made about "bought and paid" for science can be repeated in so many fields! What a great object lesson!
Real, honest research scientists have been systematically annihilated via zero funding by the politically corrupt (e.g., the radical socialist infestation of National Science Foundation). Too many bad apples - the entire lot is ruined.
Its so easy nowadays to buy a scientist, politician, judge, etc. Gone are the days of scientific honesty. Now we live in and "deal' with what ever the highest bidders agenda is
no ...u mean ' Docs ' are bought and paid for by bigpharma to spread covid bs too .../?
Potato: "I'm not a scientist so..."
Founder of the Weather Channel: "Boy, that's the truth!"
That should settle it.
He used his outside voice.
Simple, no bull shit, and most particularly ... No global warming! Will somebody please unshackle the scientist.
i don't think the mostly bald cnn butlicker was expecting a hard dose of reality from his guest!!!
That was most awesome. CNN needs more guests like this!
CNN should hire reporters like this!
I'm sure the Weather Channel founder just short circuited all of the remaining CNN viewers' brains with this tidbit of info.
John Coleman (founder of the Weather Channel), is brilliant and quirky. He was the weather guy on San Diego KUSI for many years. Love him--he tells it like it is and has been saying this for as long as I can remember...great guy.
“WELL, i am not a scientist.... so I am not going to debate this on air”
“Well, isn’t that the truth”...
LOL, piglet just got shat all over....!!!!
This guy is so spot on, and such a sweet old man.
I encourage everyone to read State of Fear by Michael Crichton as well as his three speeches on consensus science, climate change, and environmentalism as religion:
Aaaaaand alien bullshit.
Read the speech. It's got nothing to do with actual aliens. Phenomenally written as only Crichton can do!
Okay, I'll try again.
Dem President in again, even if illegitimately, and NASA's out with all the "ice is disappearing" stories again, just like they were 5. years ago, 10 years ago, 15 years ago.....
Hahahaha oh man watching cuck boy being told shut the fuck up just made my day.
That was fucking awesome! I can't even believe CNN actually aired this and didn't cut away.
That smile after "Hello everybody! There is no global warming!"
This got me to doing a little digging into this guy... Turns out he was awake for decades. I'm watching this talk of his now:
Sounds like some ‘hard cold’ facts.
This is the best ever! I follow Tony Heller and visit his webpage for a huge amount of information including old newspaper article images about the 'climate' and true graphs! It is amazing.
You just can't keep hiding the truth, it eventually comes out.
This was way before Trump was president. CnN still had some slight credibility then even though it is obvious that they were already the voice of the DNC.
No Global warming
I like his stern, "I'm talking, be quiet" grandpa energy! It's sad how correct he is, though. And it's so obvious scientific subjects are politicized and weaponized for various nefarious agendas. Sheep are too stupid to even contemplate such a matter...
Right after Stelter tried to appeal to ego/ the facet of social behavior of cozying up to someone to make them feel bad for going against you.
"I am the founder of the weather channel"
'And I'm glad you did because I am addicted to..'
"Hold on now I'm not done talking."
cold hard truth ensues
I love that clip. Watched it awhile back and it warms my heart to see CNN shills butts handed to them.
Little Penis Man trying to derail the conversation with his blather about how he loves the Weather Channel. God he's a miserable excuse for a human.
Triggered cuck gets triggered bigly.
Wacist video here! The... ah... climate... LGBTQ+ haters think there is no climate change!
The dude should start anew weather channel for the patriots and never sell it to the Big Media
Oldie but a goodie.
Also, I highly doubt he's suicidal....
MR. 🥔 HEAD!!!! MR. 🥔 HEAD!!!
That might be one of the best clips I have ever seen on CNN.
Costanza was hilarious.
He did a great video on how the global warming hysteria began.