We need a good school choice for the poorest school districts the most. This is what Trump was trying to get passed but the Democrats were to blind to see it. If churches can start small schools during the week in some of these low income neighborhoods that would help so much.
I looked into Catholic school and it would be like $30,000 a year to send the number of children I have. I'm a disabled veteran on a fixed income so a Catholic education is completely out of reach for us. Very disheartening.
Stop the unconstitutional property taxes and everyone has much more money at their disposal Article 1, Section 9, paragraph 4.....direct tax, along with income tax.
People can home school their own children for a fraction of what the "education" system is wasting and stealing.
No kidding. Almost all of my property taxes goes to public schools I don't use. It would be MORE than enough for the best homeschooling supplies. We could have our own microscope, telescope, and other such tools in just a year of the money sent to them
I couldn't pull it off if I even tried. We're a hair away from regular food stamp qualification. We were actually sent PBET cards because my children are on the free lunch program. I laugh when I think about the amount we might be able to squeak out for private education and even then we'd have nothing left to buy clothing or diapers or give to our local parish.
We live in one of the most lefty cities on the map. Think Evergreen college area.
I'm happy when others can make it work but there is just no way short of a miracle from God that would get my children an education outside of the lefty public one. I've thought about calling the local Catholic school and begging for help but I'm too ashamed at how little we can afford.
I am SO HAPPY to hear your children received a Catholic education that they actually benefitted from! I've been told horror stories about children going to Catholic school and turning out as liberal as their publicly educated peers. Can you imagine?
Please do not put your children in a dangerous situation. Widespread lesbianism and child abuse perpetrated by nuns; more and more cases of child molestation by priests--can nothing convince you to please protect your children's physical safety?
In a lefty public school there are always a few righteous teachers. Pay attention. Find them and make sure they shepherd your children. They will be honored to serve.
We've not had a problem with lefty Catholics. We attend a traditional Latin mass parish and so far have had zero problems with perverts or pedophiles. The public school system, on the other hand, has tried to groom our children.
It seems you have a very important impetus to make a change to your children's schooling. I also detect that you believe you are powerless over these and other matters in your life. If you can't do anything, you may as well stop feeling bad about it. If you can, you ought to. The patriots aren't going to come save anyone, but they are available to work with to achieve great things.
Catholicism is the religion of the devil anyway. Too bad kids won’t get a better education but be glad they won’t be fooled by the indoctrination that is Catholicism!!!!’ Stay away from that shit friend.
I guess Q is a shill for calling out Freemasons and posting Archbishop Vigano's letter...oh and Flynn and Bannon are Catholic so they're shills, too huh?
Understand something, Vigano is an ‘OUTLIER’ in the Catholic Church. If Bannon and Flynn are then perhaps they too have escaped. I didn’t call out every person in the Catholic Church, I called out the Catholic Church itself and its teachings in general. Yes, a percentage may see through the ceremony and idolatry but a vast majority will not. The Catholic Church was the greatest opponent of the Bible being widely printed and disseminated in any language other than Latin. Why oh why would this have been the case? Use logic not emotion in your arguments.
My mother and stepdad are both. Catholic. And I find it very troubling how they worry and fret over the Pope. Layered in Gold. He is nothing to worship. It’s a sin too. Try and find a Pope on the Bible, doesn’t exist. No mention of it. So who is he? Why is he there? The religion is sound, the false idols around it, be careful. Only God is to be worshipped. No man among us should be. Not held to a higher standard than you or I.
Eloquent warning, fren. Catholic school may be properly politically aligned on some issues but it is a papist indoctrination ground. The worship of idols and false gods is unavoidable. Do not put your children in the position of being subjected to popish idolatry. You imperil their souls.
Well said. I was the product of K-12 catholic school and while I am happy that I received a very rigorous education curriculum, it wasn’t until some 20 years later that I actually opened and learned the Bible in a Baptist-style church. You would think that 12 years in that setting would equip you to understand the difference between salvation and death, but alas, that is the deception.
The only thing we are taught to worship is God, our heavenly father, not any statues or false gods. Every person who is a Catholic isn't evil. Some are, please do not lump us all together. Growing up, the nuns taught us so well, the Catholic Schools were at the very least one grade level higher in testing than the public schools.I think parents need to talk to the diocese to see if they will give them a break in tuition. May the Good Lord bless us all.
Lol ok....I didnt see anything suggesting that Kentucky teacher would be sexually assaulting or physically beating those students...so...not like Catholic School.
They did used to have this. It was called CATHOLIC SCHOOL. and they did a great job.
Maybe some of them did, but my anecdote with them was that I knew an older lady who had went to one (circa-WW1) and they tied her left hand behind her back and forced her to write with her right hand as being left-handed was considered 'sinful'
Wasn't just Catholics. My mom was left-handed but forced to write right-handed (with very good form, I might add). Even she tried a little to make my left-handed brother do it.
Seriously- it’s not a Catholic school thing. My husband went to public school in the 60s and was wacked with a ruler if he used his left hand to write. He’s now ambidextrous lol
Ambidextrous, same. Except my Dad made me write right handed. How words were “ it’s a right handed world, better learn it now”. He was right back then. All school death were for right handed people. Tools, like circular saws(we’re home builders), were all right handed. So now I can do all kinds of stuff with both hands. It’s nice.
My father-in-law, may he Rest In Peace, said always try to brush your teeth, among other things, while using either hand on occasion. That way you teach your brain to do the same job. Similar to when I was a child. It’s good advice IMO.
Those sites in Canada are unmarked graves that were know of by the tribes involved. These "discoveries" are being used to gin up bad feelings between white and red.
It’s not that Dems don’t get School Choice. They hate it. Their idea of education is the Communist Model which dictates only local based anything’s. You live in your gulag and you get what you get with zero choice - Elizabeth Warren spoke about this principle for a long long time. “The only way we can help a child’s education is by making the whole thing better” which she knows will never ever happen in the Communist Model as it’s only about cranking out Prisoner Training
Yes, it would to some extent. Although depending on where you live private schools still have to follow a government curriculum. Regardless, the government would have no problem making private schools illegal. The state wants to raise our children.
The way going forward is going to a lot different from how it used to be, because teachers will become like Uber drivers and you're going to have essentially matchmaking apps for their "learning pods" (that's the term for it, I didn't make it up).
Literally as soon as Trump gets back in office, the VC for this is going to unlock and you'll have these apps spring up overnight.
A teacher expecting to get paid roughly $65,000 for a group of year long private home school contracts could charge roughly 15% of that salary per student they teach for an expected maximum of around 10 children in a group. The extra 5% could go to providing the curriculum and necessary supplies each student would need for their lessons. A year's tuition for a single student would be $9750, or roughly $812 per month if payed out year round. The more families you can get to sign on, the more affordable it becomes.
According to Google, the national average for private school tuition is $11,599. With a bit of advertisement to increase the total number of students in a class, a teacher could be very competitive with the private sector of education.
Also having each teacher function as a business entity (LLC) will further maximize income kept. Teachers would have better choices on insurance (like Christian-principled health shares), savings/retirement plans (not the shit the district puts you into), etc …
Most importantly though is that parents will be more involved in their kids education and help each other out.
That's the most genius thing I've heard on this whole (very good) thread. Trades are woefully disdained even as college degrees become less and less useful and more and more marxist. You get kids who have a trade by age 18, they can do ANYTHING with their lives because they always have a way to make money, even if they choose to try something else.
Not exactly a NEW idea, but it's time in education has come. We've had concierge doctors for a long time now, MDs who have private subscribers for a fixed annual rate and the subscribers can call on the doctor anytime they wish or need to.
So Concierge Teachers sounds like an excellent idea. Parents wanting to subscribe would be able to interview the teacher and control the curriculum.
Pure INSPIRATION. In our community, we have vetted anon patriots who will be running for school board very soon. I think this may be the way to fill the gap between now and the change that we're creating.
Income and property taxation are totally unconstitutional....long past time to rectify this. However, if the people remain ignorant, they will continue to believe that they are nothing but ATMs for those who presently rule us.
While this will save your own kids from being brainwashed, you are still paying tax dollars to indoctrinate future enemies of the republic. It is a retreat from the battlefield, what the enemy wanted all along.
Most public school funding that comes from the state, is based on enrolment numbers. Pulling just a single kid will cost the school dept a few thousand dollars in state funding. Enough people home schooling would literally defund public schools.
Exactly. Those of us who can't afford to do this have our children left all alone in public schools with the children of lefties. Ugh! Can't win until the system is overhauled or a voucher program happens.
I think that the great parents who want their kids EDUCATED, instead of indoctrinated ... should sue the school district for the money allocated by the Feds and/or State to PAY for their kid's butt in a school seat! That could also PAY the salary of the REAL teacher's salary!
This is wonderful. I don't have kids myself but I contemplate after being able to have gone to private school myself knowing I don't have the financial advantages my parents had that if I had kids this is a good alternative option. They get the socializing benefit of school and a teacher you have full approval over.
Who is for a kickstarter model for something like this (Teach
Starter?) we can crowd fund until a patriot type of hedge fund can create an endowment foundation like they do for Ivey League schools. ataxic regions until it catches fire.
I know of someone who did this 60 years ago because there was no kindergarten in their district. See the need - fill the need. Invent. Create. Fulfill.
I think it’s a phenomenal idea to have our best and brightest teachers private schooling our children. I pulled my children out of public tarducation ten years ago and secured private homeschool for them. All three had the same teachers all the way through school. Our teachers are very well paid and all are Christian Patriots who believe the children represent our very humanity. These kids are almost four years ahead of their public school counterparts and will go on to reform, repair, and revitalize our way of life, our country, our world. Anything less is an excuse and is invalid. ~Teachers are our last line of defense against the warping of our children’s minds. To fail should be considered high treason against Sovereign Children and punishable by death.
I hear you. We don't have the time or the money to do those things. We go without all the time and have no familial support whatsoever. My husband watches the young children and tends the animals while I cook and clean. We literally don't have time for anything else. If my husband were to volunteer, who would watch the children? If I watch the children, who will cook and clean? How did your mother cook three meals a day if she was volunteering her time? How did your dad fix your home if he was gone? Who took care of the animals?
And how did they afford the gasoline to drive around town and volunteer? Who did the food shopping? Who took care of the garden? Who watched the children while all of this was done?
I love this! Thank you for taking the time to spell it out.
How did they get 10 children to school without a vehicle?
Our nearest Catholic school is a long drive from us so walking is out of the question. Taking the bus is a good way to get stabbed where we live. It's like a little Compton. There were several shootings at the parks this weekend if that's any indication of what our town is like. It's kinda funny but not really.
I'll have to wait for my children to be a little older to do a lot of these things. We definitely put our oldest two to work and also do not use television. Our neighbors are crackheads so asking the community for help is out of the question nor could we afford to hire them if we DID have reliable neighbors. We live in the hood but its the only place we could afford a house.
Our situations are different but I really appreciate the detail and it gives me hope and something to strive for.
You also mentioned not buying into the commercialization of Holy days...what does that mean? We are recent converts to Catholicism so we're still taking it all in and trying to understand the customs and whatnot. We had to buy nice suits and outfits for the all kids for baptism and confirmation and I was so upset about spending the money on outfits that will be worn once. Hopefully we can donate these and another family will be spared the expense. Now your comment about commercialization of Holy days has me wondering what other expenses are going to come up?
I assume that their family didn't use as much internet time.
The other key to acting is to aggregate. Patriots help patriots. Many hands make light work. Find those people locally. That's what made this teacher possible. Not rich people, but a group of people with pooled resources.
But there's always reasons you can't do something. . .
Because there is no personal responsibility for the parents?
Like Trump says. Have the tax money follow the kids. It isn't hard and the system is way too bloated and expensive anyway.
Vouchers are resisted by teacher unions because the are trying to protect redundant jobs. I recently told an educator friend, teaching jobs don't exist for the teachers. If teachers don't like that, they can do something else.
We need a good school choice for the poorest school districts the most. This is what Trump was trying to get passed but the Democrats were to blind to see it. If churches can start small schools during the week in some of these low income neighborhoods that would help so much.
The pope lives in a castle filled with gold, no money for schools.
and a jesuit
And a pedo
Tell us how you really feel guys!
Yeah, but Socialism is basically feudalism with a thin veneer of "no hierarchy", so...
the catholic church and faith in general is problematic. You don't pray to "saints" and worthless middlemen, you pray to god. False idols.
I looked into Catholic school and it would be like $30,000 a year to send the number of children I have. I'm a disabled veteran on a fixed income so a Catholic education is completely out of reach for us. Very disheartening.
Stop the unconstitutional property taxes and everyone has much more money at their disposal Article 1, Section 9, paragraph 4.....direct tax, along with income tax.
People can home school their own children for a fraction of what the "education" system is wasting and stealing.
You aren't wrong!
No kidding. Almost all of my property taxes goes to public schools I don't use. It would be MORE than enough for the best homeschooling supplies. We could have our own microscope, telescope, and other such tools in just a year of the money sent to them
I couldn't pull it off if I even tried. We're a hair away from regular food stamp qualification. We were actually sent PBET cards because my children are on the free lunch program. I laugh when I think about the amount we might be able to squeak out for private education and even then we'd have nothing left to buy clothing or diapers or give to our local parish.
We live in one of the most lefty cities on the map. Think Evergreen college area.
I'm happy when others can make it work but there is just no way short of a miracle from God that would get my children an education outside of the lefty public one. I've thought about calling the local Catholic school and begging for help but I'm too ashamed at how little we can afford.
I am SO HAPPY to hear your children received a Catholic education that they actually benefitted from! I've been told horror stories about children going to Catholic school and turning out as liberal as their publicly educated peers. Can you imagine?
Please do not put your children in a dangerous situation. Widespread lesbianism and child abuse perpetrated by nuns; more and more cases of child molestation by priests--can nothing convince you to please protect your children's physical safety?
In a lefty public school there are always a few righteous teachers. Pay attention. Find them and make sure they shepherd your children. They will be honored to serve.
We do not get to choose our children's teachers.
We've not had a problem with lefty Catholics. We attend a traditional Latin mass parish and so far have had zero problems with perverts or pedophiles. The public school system, on the other hand, has tried to groom our children.
It seems you have a very important impetus to make a change to your children's schooling. I also detect that you believe you are powerless over these and other matters in your life. If you can't do anything, you may as well stop feeling bad about it. If you can, you ought to. The patriots aren't going to come save anyone, but they are available to work with to achieve great things.
Catholicism is the religion of the devil anyway. Too bad kids won’t get a better education but be glad they won’t be fooled by the indoctrination that is Catholicism!!!!’ Stay away from that shit friend.
Spoken like a Freemason.
I guess Q is a shill for calling out Freemasons and posting Archbishop Vigano's letter...oh and Flynn and Bannon are Catholic so they're shills, too huh?
Understand something, Vigano is an ‘OUTLIER’ in the Catholic Church. If Bannon and Flynn are then perhaps they too have escaped. I didn’t call out every person in the Catholic Church, I called out the Catholic Church itself and its teachings in general. Yes, a percentage may see through the ceremony and idolatry but a vast majority will not. The Catholic Church was the greatest opponent of the Bible being widely printed and disseminated in any language other than Latin. Why oh why would this have been the case? Use logic not emotion in your arguments.
My mother and stepdad are both. Catholic. And I find it very troubling how they worry and fret over the Pope. Layered in Gold. He is nothing to worship. It’s a sin too. Try and find a Pope on the Bible, doesn’t exist. No mention of it. So who is he? Why is he there? The religion is sound, the false idols around it, be careful. Only God is to be worshipped. No man among us should be. Not held to a higher standard than you or I.
Eloquent warning, fren. Catholic school may be properly politically aligned on some issues but it is a papist indoctrination ground. The worship of idols and false gods is unavoidable. Do not put your children in the position of being subjected to popish idolatry. You imperil their souls.
Well said. I was the product of K-12 catholic school and while I am happy that I received a very rigorous education curriculum, it wasn’t until some 20 years later that I actually opened and learned the Bible in a Baptist-style church. You would think that 12 years in that setting would equip you to understand the difference between salvation and death, but alas, that is the deception.
The only thing we are taught to worship is God, our heavenly father, not any statues or false gods. Every person who is a Catholic isn't evil. Some are, please do not lump us all together. Growing up, the nuns taught us so well, the Catholic Schools were at the very least one grade level higher in testing than the public schools.I think parents need to talk to the diocese to see if they will give them a break in tuition. May the Good Lord bless us all.
Try a local Christian school. They cost far less and provide a good, general education from a Christian framework.
Lol ok....I didnt see anything suggesting that Kentucky teacher would be sexually assaulting or physically beating those students...so...not like Catholic School.
Yes. When I was a kid in rural NM there was the crappy public school and the good school the Franciscan monks ran. But it cost even then.
Maybe some of them did, but my anecdote with them was that I knew an older lady who had went to one (circa-WW1) and they tied her left hand behind her back and forced her to write with her right hand as being left-handed was considered 'sinful'
Wasn't just Catholics. My mom was left-handed but forced to write right-handed (with very good form, I might add). Even she tried a little to make my left-handed brother do it.
Seriously- it’s not a Catholic school thing. My husband went to public school in the 60s and was wacked with a ruler if he used his left hand to write. He’s now ambidextrous lol
Ambidextrous, same. Except my Dad made me write right handed. How words were “ it’s a right handed world, better learn it now”. He was right back then. All school death were for right handed people. Tools, like circular saws(we’re home builders), were all right handed. So now I can do all kinds of stuff with both hands. It’s nice.
My father-in-law, may he Rest In Peace, said always try to brush your teeth, among other things, while using either hand on occasion. That way you teach your brain to do the same job. Similar to when I was a child. It’s good advice IMO.
That's what I'm saying. Attitude toward whacking children for anything has changed so much if you weren't there, you wouldn't believe it now.
Dismantling the lie of "The Greatest Generation" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC_hJywMUQ8
didnt they just find a shit ton of dead child graves at a bunch of catholic schools? yea, ill homeschool instead thanks.
Those sites in Canada are unmarked graves that were know of by the tribes involved. These "discoveries" are being used to gin up bad feelings between white and red.
It’s not that Dems don’t get School Choice. They hate it. Their idea of education is the Communist Model which dictates only local based anything’s. You live in your gulag and you get what you get with zero choice - Elizabeth Warren spoke about this principle for a long long time. “The only way we can help a child’s education is by making the whole thing better” which she knows will never ever happen in the Communist Model as it’s only about cranking out Prisoner Training
I suspect the Democrats were not too blind, they just didn’t want kids to be able to get our of the propaganda leftists public school system.
This is why they will be coming for the homeschoolers. Can't have that independent, non state sanctioned education think, can we!
Yes, it would to some extent. Although depending on where you live private schools still have to follow a government curriculum. Regardless, the government would have no problem making private schools illegal. The state wants to raise our children.
Can't have hope or a plan either huh? We all know what they are going to attempt.
We the People have the real power.
In other words: how school used to work before the government fucked with it.
The way going forward is going to a lot different from how it used to be, because teachers will become like Uber drivers and you're going to have essentially matchmaking apps for their "learning pods" (that's the term for it, I didn't make it up).
Literally as soon as Trump gets back in office, the VC for this is going to unlock and you'll have these apps spring up overnight.
This is actually a sound business model.
A teacher expecting to get paid roughly $65,000 for a group of year long private home school contracts could charge roughly 15% of that salary per student they teach for an expected maximum of around 10 children in a group. The extra 5% could go to providing the curriculum and necessary supplies each student would need for their lessons. A year's tuition for a single student would be $9750, or roughly $812 per month if payed out year round. The more families you can get to sign on, the more affordable it becomes.
According to Google, the national average for private school tuition is $11,599. With a bit of advertisement to increase the total number of students in a class, a teacher could be very competitive with the private sector of education.
Also having each teacher function as a business entity (LLC) will further maximize income kept. Teachers would have better choices on insurance (like Christian-principled health shares), savings/retirement plans (not the shit the district puts you into), etc …
Most importantly though is that parents will be more involved in their kids education and help each other out.
This is such a great idea. You could even have local people coming in to teach kids specific skills. Tradesmen, business owners.
That's the most genius thing I've heard on this whole (very good) thread. Trades are woefully disdained even as college degrees become less and less useful and more and more marxist. You get kids who have a trade by age 18, they can do ANYTHING with their lives because they always have a way to make money, even if they choose to try something else.
When (((they))) realize all of these private education arrangements are White kids you can expect the giant REEEEE of racism.
Kentucky here as well. Homeschooling where we teach God and REAL American history!!!
What's "REAL" American history?
Look up David Barton--screwtube; Wallbuilders
Not exactly a NEW idea, but it's time in education has come. We've had concierge doctors for a long time now, MDs who have private subscribers for a fixed annual rate and the subscribers can call on the doctor anytime they wish or need to.
So Concierge Teachers sounds like an excellent idea. Parents wanting to subscribe would be able to interview the teacher and control the curriculum.
This is basically what the early American pioneers did.
If you do for self your always going to enjoy the result far more then if you take the "usual" route.
That has been my vision for some time; neighborhood schools! No more factories producing marxist, America-hating subversives.
I was thinking this could be done.
We need more of this while using great care. It's a great start though.
Pure INSPIRATION. In our community, we have vetted anon patriots who will be running for school board very soon. I think this may be the way to fill the gap between now and the change that we're creating.
Thank you for posting!
watch the look on the faces of teachers when the good ones start making 2x, 2.5x and 3x what they make now.
Should be tax deductible
Income and property taxation are totally unconstitutional....long past time to rectify this. However, if the people remain ignorant, they will continue to believe that they are nothing but ATMs for those who presently rule us.
Don’t transact more than $9000 at the time and pay zero taxes
While this will save your own kids from being brainwashed, you are still paying tax dollars to indoctrinate future enemies of the republic. It is a retreat from the battlefield, what the enemy wanted all along.
Most public school funding that comes from the state, is based on enrolment numbers. Pulling just a single kid will cost the school dept a few thousand dollars in state funding. Enough people home schooling would literally defund public schools.
I did not know that
Exactly. Those of us who can't afford to do this have our children left all alone in public schools with the children of lefties. Ugh! Can't win until the system is overhauled or a voucher program happens.
Oh wow! I won't hold my breath then. Not that I was...but kinda sorta.
---Famed multi-millionaire communist John Lennon, who unintentionally wrote a few based lyrics
In other words, we will be reverting to pre-jimmy Carter DoE days.
I think that the great parents who want their kids EDUCATED, instead of indoctrinated ... should sue the school district for the money allocated by the Feds and/or State to PAY for their kid's butt in a school seat! That could also PAY the salary of the REAL teacher's salary!
This is wonderful. I don't have kids myself but I contemplate after being able to have gone to private school myself knowing I don't have the financial advantages my parents had that if I had kids this is a good alternative option. They get the socializing benefit of school and a teacher you have full approval over.
Who is for a kickstarter model for something like this (Teach Starter?) we can crowd fund until a patriot type of hedge fund can create an endowment foundation like they do for Ivey League schools. ataxic regions until it catches fire.
I suggested this because you can get the public funding for your kid so you can pay her.
I know of someone who did this 60 years ago because there was no kindergarten in their district. See the need - fill the need. Invent. Create. Fulfill.
Need an app for this. Very good.
I think it’s a phenomenal idea to have our best and brightest teachers private schooling our children. I pulled my children out of public tarducation ten years ago and secured private homeschool for them. All three had the same teachers all the way through school. Our teachers are very well paid and all are Christian Patriots who believe the children represent our very humanity. These kids are almost four years ahead of their public school counterparts and will go on to reform, repair, and revitalize our way of life, our country, our world. Anything less is an excuse and is invalid. ~Teachers are our last line of defense against the warping of our children’s minds. To fail should be considered high treason against Sovereign Children and punishable by death.
Must be nice to be able to afford that. Good for them.
I hear you. We don't have the time or the money to do those things. We go without all the time and have no familial support whatsoever. My husband watches the young children and tends the animals while I cook and clean. We literally don't have time for anything else. If my husband were to volunteer, who would watch the children? If I watch the children, who will cook and clean? How did your mother cook three meals a day if she was volunteering her time? How did your dad fix your home if he was gone? Who took care of the animals?
And how did they afford the gasoline to drive around town and volunteer? Who did the food shopping? Who took care of the garden? Who watched the children while all of this was done?
I love this! Thank you for taking the time to spell it out.
How did they get 10 children to school without a vehicle?
Our nearest Catholic school is a long drive from us so walking is out of the question. Taking the bus is a good way to get stabbed where we live. It's like a little Compton. There were several shootings at the parks this weekend if that's any indication of what our town is like. It's kinda funny but not really.
I'll have to wait for my children to be a little older to do a lot of these things. We definitely put our oldest two to work and also do not use television. Our neighbors are crackheads so asking the community for help is out of the question nor could we afford to hire them if we DID have reliable neighbors. We live in the hood but its the only place we could afford a house.
Our situations are different but I really appreciate the detail and it gives me hope and something to strive for.
You also mentioned not buying into the commercialization of Holy days...what does that mean? We are recent converts to Catholicism so we're still taking it all in and trying to understand the customs and whatnot. We had to buy nice suits and outfits for the all kids for baptism and confirmation and I was so upset about spending the money on outfits that will be worn once. Hopefully we can donate these and another family will be spared the expense. Now your comment about commercialization of Holy days has me wondering what other expenses are going to come up?
Thanks again!
I assume that their family didn't use as much internet time. The other key to acting is to aggregate. Patriots help patriots. Many hands make light work. Find those people locally. That's what made this teacher possible. Not rich people, but a group of people with pooled resources.
But there's always reasons you can't do something. . .
Yes, it's the internet usage that's standing in our way. Thanks genius.
Reclaim some time, kiddo. There's always excuses until they become problems you solved.
Ah, k.
Because there is no personal responsibility for the parents?
Like Trump says. Have the tax money follow the kids. It isn't hard and the system is way too bloated and expensive anyway.
Vouchers are resisted by teacher unions because the are trying to protect redundant jobs. I recently told an educator friend, teaching jobs don't exist for the teachers. If teachers don't like that, they can do something else.