Look at all these women leaving their kids and families behind. Pieces of shit. Everything is bigger in Texas, and these bitches are BIG Pieces of SHIT.
It doesn't take but a glance at those folks to figure out the underlying problem. It looks like one gigantic estrogen bath. Any male sitting on that plane for more than an hour is going to disembark wearing a dress.
True enough. Fat cells produce estrogen. You can imagine how much excess estrogen these big girls are churning out. Too much estrogen can make women unreasonably bitchy/moody and even psychotic if it's really severe. Postpartum psychosis is due to the progesterone drop after giving birth.
She DOES NOT mean well unless your belief is that she is a complete moron. She exposed herself as a complete fake. She clearly only agreed to support the rightful victor because she KNEW she had an out in the planned fake insurrection. That is the most logical explanation. Actions speak louder than words. Blackburn is a traitor.
I agree. It seems a lot of folks are giving her and others a pass for Jan. 6th and I don't know why. Rand Paul is another that didn't stand up for Trump on the 6th but he's seemingly gaining popularity since then due to his "pro-Trump" statements...it's baffling.
It is because of how simple-minded too many people are. They forget someone sold them out just a few short months ago. The powers that be offer limited choices knowing that, psychologically, people are more likely to pick one. They ensure all options are bad for the people and good for the criminals. As expected, many simple-minded citizens then pick their perceived lesser evil from the proffered selection. We have to remind them CONSTANTLY to reject the full spectrum of criminal traitors and advance true patriotic Americans. If there are no patriotic Americans available for a certain office, then find one or run yourself!
Based on what is being revealed from the Arizona audit, I wonder if people like Blackburn and Paul were told to stand down in order to expose the Democrats for the lying, soulless, treasonous, corrupt feckers they are.
One ask the others "Why are we flying over water" "Pilot comes on and says everyone put your seatbelts on we will be landing at GITMO in a few minutes."
They look EXACTLY like I would picture DEMOCRAT, FILTH RIDDEN COMMIE CUNTS to look like.
Nice masks!
Rules for thee... not for me!
They just fucked themselves. Abbot just said he's going to call back to back 30 day special sessions for as long as it takes. If he has to do it for a year, he will do so. And the minute they come back to Texas, they get arrested.
Senator Blackburn promised to vote against the certification of votes then voted in favor. When she is on talk radio in TN, people ask her about this and it is all about attack on the democracy bla blah blah. She lied - nothing changed from Jan 5 to Jan 6 to Jan 7 in regards to the certification of votes…. “Insurrection” or not.
I hope she gets primaried bc I will not be voting for her ever again.
As usual, masks for thee, but not for me. Looks like a bunch of silly Karens, having a good old time. Did the taxpayers pay for your flight to D.C.? Why not just pick up the phone and beg mommy and daddy to take over the Texas elections. Do all of you worthless females NEED to hop on a plane, can’t one person go to D.C. and ask Queen Pelosi real nice to see that it is done? All smiles because you are soooooooo proud of yourselves. You are a bunch of worthless jackasses!
Pictured left to right, and front to back. Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen……
Yeah, Blackburn TALKS a good game. That is the extent of it. She was claiming she was going to stand up for Trump and oppose certifying the false results only to fold in the face of the fake insurrection. Even if the insurrection were real, what does it have to do with correcting a completely corrupt, rigged election? Surely she isn't that stupid. So she must be a corrupt fake.
Alternatively: This new Snakes on a Plane sequel looks lame AF.
Damn, that's a good one...
MH370, anyone?
My Birthday's coming up. If you're saying to MH370 these retards, can have that please?
...and a MAGA cake?
what can I do to help?
Are you Texans absolutely certain you voted these hags in?
Looks to me like TX might need to audit their local elections.
Trust me. Texas’ votes are not what they seem.
Thank the Bushs
please clap.
“Hey Simon…”
“According to the sheet, we’re supposed to clap at this point of the speech, but I sort of dozed off .. did we actually clap yet?”
“Nah, I’ve been checking out this thic chic sitting across the hag in blue”
“That’s a dude”
“What? No way … look at how she smiles at Jeb? Genuine. You KNOW she’s a She man”
“That’s what I’m saying, that dude is a she-man”
“No no, I said she is a She, man!”
“Shhh, Jeb is looking at us…”
“Damn that eyes, it’s as though he’s looking at you but he’s staring just a few inches in front of you..”
“Here here… ok as I wa—“
You guys realize there are over a dozen men included in this group of morons?
There are no men in the democrat party and damn few in the republican.
They prefer "shemales"
They must be forced to sit at the back of the bus, er I mean plane.
Well played
This better just be the previews.
This movie gonna get Yelped so hard!
Yup. The Democrat argument about requiring masks on planes just went out the window. :>)
It has been said many times, but it bears repeating... these people are stupid.
What about the fucking polar bears!?
Everyone of them should be arrested
according to the TX governor, they will be once they return. kek
Let’s hold him to that.
$1M bail each, money goes to supporting the border and their agents.
Especially since these flights were reportedly paid for by a Lebanese billionaire.
Look at all these women leaving their kids and families behind. Pieces of shit. Everything is bigger in Texas, and these bitches are BIG Pieces of SHIT.
It doesn't take but a glance at those folks to figure out the underlying problem. It looks like one gigantic estrogen bath. Any male sitting on that plane for more than an hour is going to disembark wearing a dress.
True enough. Fat cells produce estrogen. You can imagine how much excess estrogen these big girls are churning out. Too much estrogen can make women unreasonably bitchy/moody and even psychotic if it's really severe. Postpartum psychosis is due to the progesterone drop after giving birth.
They have fled their elective duties and their seats should be declared vacant.
Traitors, every single on of them.
Yep! She's always been too good at the game. Smiles and big hair don't make up for failure in critical moments.
I think she may be in the same category as Pence.
She DOES NOT mean well unless your belief is that she is a complete moron. She exposed herself as a complete fake. She clearly only agreed to support the rightful victor because she KNEW she had an out in the planned fake insurrection. That is the most logical explanation. Actions speak louder than words. Blackburn is a traitor.
I agree. It seems a lot of folks are giving her and others a pass for Jan. 6th and I don't know why. Rand Paul is another that didn't stand up for Trump on the 6th but he's seemingly gaining popularity since then due to his "pro-Trump" statements...it's baffling.
It is because of how simple-minded too many people are. They forget someone sold them out just a few short months ago. The powers that be offer limited choices knowing that, psychologically, people are more likely to pick one. They ensure all options are bad for the people and good for the criminals. As expected, many simple-minded citizens then pick their perceived lesser evil from the proffered selection. We have to remind them CONSTANTLY to reject the full spectrum of criminal traitors and advance true patriotic Americans. If there are no patriotic Americans available for a certain office, then find one or run yourself!
Based on what is being revealed from the Arizona audit, I wonder if people like Blackburn and Paul were told to stand down in order to expose the Democrats for the lying, soulless, treasonous, corrupt feckers they are.
She’s a poor excuse for a senator. I won’t vote for her a second time, that’s for sure.
None of them would likely have their job with voter integrity laws.
Look at all them smiling like this is a game. AND WE PAY their salary
One ask the others "Why are we flying over water" "Pilot comes on and says everyone put your seatbelts on we will be landing at GITMO in a few minutes."
I hope this is true!!
They look EXACTLY like I would picture DEMOCRAT, FILTH RIDDEN COMMIE CUNTS to look like.
Nice masks!
Rules for thee... not for me!
The liberal filth on Twitter defending them go "We could ALL look like this, if only you disgusting plebes would get vaccinated...."
I love how these retard Dems always think they are on the bridge. The Selma Bridge.
Sitting in coach and eating pretzels as you bug out on your constituents is not an act of courage.
They just fucked themselves. Abbot just said he's going to call back to back 30 day special sessions for as long as it takes. If he has to do it for a year, he will do so. And the minute they come back to Texas, they get arrested.
Don't believe a word she says, RINO all the way!
Almost entirely women, no wonder!
Wow… a bunch of dumpy middle aged women who failed in their personal lives deciding the fate of important legislation.
Prediction - no one in this picture will be arrested or held accountable for anything because R's are a bunch of bitches. I pray I'm wrong.
Gov. Abbott says they're subject to arrest upon returning to TX.
We’ll see. Hope so.
“Says” but lemme see what he DOES
We'll see if he actually does it or if he's just like Blackburn and talks a good game while serving the enemy with action.
Lol. "Unchartered territory" - geddit?
OK, dictionary time. Compare "uncharted" and "unchartered".
Hint: you can charter an airplane; you can chart a territory.
I love when they do this. We've also seen Pelosi, Kerry, Fauci, Newsom in public without masks and they didnt catch the virus.
Just more proof masks dont prevent anything.
Senator Blackburn promised to vote against the certification of votes then voted in favor. When she is on talk radio in TN, people ask her about this and it is all about attack on the democracy bla blah blah. She lied - nothing changed from Jan 5 to Jan 6 to Jan 7 in regards to the certification of votes…. “Insurrection” or not.
I hope she gets primaried bc I will not be voting for her ever again.
As usual, masks for thee, but not for me. Looks like a bunch of silly Karens, having a good old time. Did the taxpayers pay for your flight to D.C.? Why not just pick up the phone and beg mommy and daddy to take over the Texas elections. Do all of you worthless females NEED to hop on a plane, can’t one person go to D.C. and ask Queen Pelosi real nice to see that it is done? All smiles because you are soooooooo proud of yourselves. You are a bunch of worthless jackasses!
That's right. Eat your own, bitches. Eat your own.
They eat more than their own.
No masks, and gang signs? WTF are these idiots doing?
And why has twitter not taken censored the tweet for misinformation? These lawmakers support no such bill.
Rules for thee, not for me
Those cows aren't going to be smiling when they are standing in front of a firing squad.
Most of them would require armor piercing bullets just to get through all the layers of fat.
Pictured left to right, and front to back. Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen, Karen……
Yeah, Blackburn TALKS a good game. That is the extent of it. She was claiming she was going to stand up for Trump and oppose certifying the false results only to fold in the face of the fake insurrection. Even if the insurrection were real, what does it have to do with correcting a completely corrupt, rigged election? Surely she isn't that stupid. So she must be a corrupt fake.
If there was an ever an argument for the private ownership of surface-to-air missiles, this is it.
Start the executions
Glad to see they are self-segregating. That's very Dem of them.
They shouldn't be so smiley, they're about to be arrested.