The interesting thing is that even hardcore liberals aren't buying that "qanon" is a dangerous violent terrorist organization. Even THEY know that's stupid. They'll tease you over it, insult you, say a lot of idiotic things....but they aren't buying the media line.
That and a the weird interpretations of every Q message like a Valve Fan combing through every bit of lore to "confirm" the existence of half-life 3...
Just so you know: there is no such thing as "Qanon". I quoted it above only because I was quoting the media.
This was covered by Q.
Might wanna actually read Q posts.
Q followers if you prefer.
On the subject of LARPS: the entire media is a LARP. And most of them don't even know what the term means.
Agreed, but that doesn't contradict my point. Can you honestly say you haven't heard somebody who agrees with Q(or thinks they do) who quoted Q posts in a way that made you (at the very least) a little bit embarrassed for them?
I'm not saying you're bad people. You're not. But there are some Q followers who I can only describe as cuckoo for cocoa puffs, and they make the lot of you look nuts.
Sometimes people post in a Q-esque manner. But no. It doesn't overly bother me. Deceptive Deep State CIA agents working within the media to craft a false narrative bother me. Cabal operatives working within government bother me. Deceived liberals who have been evangelized and weaponized by Cabal-controlled media bother me. Satanic pedophile elitists who traffic, rape, and murder children bother me.
I guess our standards differ greatly. People being a bit silly just don't rate.
I see what you mean, I'm just saying it makes it hard to take Q and associated followers seriously. Some of them may be glowies or evangelicals as you put it, and I wont deny it, but I guess what I'm saying is Q attracts as many evangelicals of their own, and it's something you gotta be aware of and understand if you want to be taken seriously.
Yes, I would say panic. The last paragraph, indicating the Q's might succeed had me interested. Hopefully the article was saying that in truth, not to diminish patriots from attempting to keep moving forward, by making us think we might not need to do more.
Article by a Rothschild on top on it, lol. They are afraid. They are afraid of truth sweeping across the world. Their “virus”, that has no cure, only an outcome. And it’s one of Truth.
Taken from the article;
“ There’s a war going on against your way of life, and the only way to win is if you personally join the fight.”
He's a real cabal cadet it seems. I figured he was just an enterprising turd. But the books were likely to set up the subject matter expert cred needed to journal for The MSM.
Tinfoil hat thought of the day; Mike Rothschild is just a fictional virtual character. The name could be for comms purposes.
Agreed we need to get involved within every level of government. Once we have fair elections with a majority rule, common sense can reign again for we the people
Sheriffs are the ultimate legal authority for their jurisdiction. They can tell federal officers to get lost and they have the ability to not enforce unconstitutional laws.
That was milder ridicule than I expected. The thing about local action is that most people don't give enough of a fuck to participate regardless of side.
This generation we are part of must lead as true public servants and, for their own good and the good of humanity, raise the next to understand this war and hold the line themselves.
Imagine how badly their minds will explode when the first school board names a facility "Q High School" . Makes me want to run just to make that happen. : )
In Washington State, I just saw a campaign sign for a school board candidate "Joe Peperosa." I get it - probably wouldn't stand a chance if he used his real name, which I assume is "Joe Based-Red" or "Joe Red-Weiner" kek
Some of the state is still relatively intact and unscathed. Back roads only - no interstates, except for the based farmer's billboards north of Vancouver. : )
There's that Mikey Rothschild guy again. The MSM's "QAnon Expert" of choice. It's honestly kind of amusing to read these articles with a red-pill mindset. They're serving up a steaming bowl of BS to the masses with the occasional little nugget of truth. And all throughout the subtext is: Q is dangerous, Q is violent, Q hasn't predicted anything correctly, please don't follow Q.
LOL at the pandemic on the unvaccinated. They have subverted the meaning of the word, and are applying it to everything now.
When you see bodies piling up in the streets, then you can possibly say it is a pandemic, IF there is a deadly disease causing it. Until then, STFU about pandemics.
If anons take seats I hope they actually listen to their district, all of their district, all sides. Maybe make it like a forum where things can get upvotes or downvoted to see what people want or what people think the biggest issues are. Make it so money stays out of the forms...
They will start arresting us long before we can run for elections. They are already pushing a narrative that we are a national security threat. They are telling us that they are going to start monitoring all of our communications for misinformation, which will then lead to arrests. The plan is developing VERY quickly. Elections a year and a half from now are the least of our worries.
This is honestly what I look for to see that we are winning. I don't post a lot, some of it is negative because I'm having a difficult time and sometimes hope seems lost.. but this is exactly part of the plan and fixing our issues.
Archive these trash mainstream media articles. Linking to them just gives them clicks. Regardless, local politics is the way forward. So many local county board members run unopposed for decades, even a half hearted campaign to challenge them would likely be successful.
I believe the whole point of the Q operation was to stop us from trying to take back the country by force and getting ourselves killed needlessly while they were working in the background.
I tried to get involved locally with our GOP and the level of ignorance was beyond my comprehension. They all play the game and hobnob with one another but they are far from inclusive and far more exclusive at the local, county & state levels. Since then 2 or 3 members of the local committee were forced out for ethical issues which I thought was rather ironic. Was at one county GOP meeting and one of their darlings was there. They were fawning all over her and when I met her, my gut instinct was "Holy heck, this is Satan's sister!".
I would definitely welcome a MAGA party as a 3rd party provided that they are allowed to play by the same rules as the two party system. Right now it is almost impossible for a 3rd party candidate to win even at the local level.
Qanon is now a blanket term for MAGA
The interesting thing is that even hardcore liberals aren't buying that "qanon" is a dangerous violent terrorist organization. Even THEY know that's stupid. They'll tease you over it, insult you, say a lot of idiotic things....but they aren't buying the media line.
To be fair, Qanon does have its LARPers and its lolcows...
Not trying to be a dick, but ya'll do kinda set yourselves up for a lot of it, lol
Its the date fagging
That and a the weird interpretations of every Q message like a Valve Fan combing through every bit of lore to "confirm" the existence of half-life 3...
Just so you know: there is no such thing as "Qanon". I quoted it above only because I was quoting the media.
This was covered by Q.
Might wanna actually read Q posts.
On the subject of LARPS: the entire media is a LARP. And most of them don't even know what the term means.
Q followers if you prefer.
Agreed, but that doesn't contradict my point. Can you honestly say you haven't heard somebody who agrees with Q(or thinks they do) who quoted Q posts in a way that made you (at the very least) a little bit embarrassed for them?
I'm not saying you're bad people. You're not. But there are some Q followers who I can only describe as cuckoo for cocoa puffs, and they make the lot of you look nuts.
Sometimes people post in a Q-esque manner. But no. It doesn't overly bother me. Deceptive Deep State CIA agents working within the media to craft a false narrative bother me. Cabal operatives working within government bother me. Deceived liberals who have been evangelized and weaponized by Cabal-controlled media bother me. Satanic pedophile elitists who traffic, rape, and murder children bother me.
I guess our standards differ greatly. People being a bit silly just don't rate.
I see what you mean, I'm just saying it makes it hard to take Q and associated followers seriously. Some of them may be glowies or evangelicals as you put it, and I wont deny it, but I guess what I'm saying is Q attracts as many evangelicals of their own, and it's something you gotta be aware of and understand if you want to be taken seriously.
Absolutely, and as long as you're actively making sure you're becoming one of them, you're on the right track. = P
^making sure you're not becoming one of them
The most recent catchall bogeyman term. It's their perfect scapegoat
Article written by a Rothschild 😂😂
Panic indeed!
Yes, I would say panic. The last paragraph, indicating the Q's might succeed had me interested. Hopefully the article was saying that in truth, not to diminish patriots from attempting to keep moving forward, by making us think we might not need to do more.
QAnon = Q+Americans, not obsessed nutcases
Or something like that
Article by a Rothschild on top on it, lol. They are afraid. They are afraid of truth sweeping across the world. Their “virus”, that has no cure, only an outcome. And it’s one of Truth.
Taken from the article;
“ There’s a war going on against your way of life, and the only way to win is if you personally join the fight.”
Amen. 🙏👍
Very nice post. Thank you.
He's a real cabal cadet it seems. I figured he was just an enterprising turd. But the books were likely to set up the subject matter expert cred needed to journal for The MSM.
Tinfoil hat thought of the day; Mike Rothschild is just a fictional virtual character. The name could be for comms purposes.
Yeah…be like Mike. Big Mike. Yikes!!
He plays the game doesn't he?
He has a PhD in economics from MIT, and likes to debooonk conspiracy theories. I don't know how economics qualifies one for deboonking though.
Agreed we need to get involved within every level of government. Once we have fair elections with a majority rule, common sense can reign again for we the people
Congressional seats are nice but we need people to run locally for Sheriff. Thats where the real potential for change is.
Why for sheriff?
Sheriffs are the ultimate legal authority for their jurisdiction. They can tell federal officers to get lost and they have the ability to not enforce unconstitutional laws.
As they are ELECTED.
Thanks fren 👍🏼
lefty: oh no QANON conspiracy theorists are terrorists anyone: What is QANON? and why do they hate it? lefty: ...........
Yes, this is a problem.
This 👆🏼 I’ve been saying just that here for a while.
The author: “By Mike Rothschild“
That was milder ridicule than I expected. The thing about local action is that most people don't give enough of a fuck to participate regardless of side.
I wish the anons well in their local endeavors.
This generation we are part of must lead as true public servants and, for their own good and the good of humanity, raise the next to understand this war and hold the line themselves.
So afraid of Q. It's almost as if they know that nothing can stop what's coming FOR THEM
I don't need people who think we should wait for some mythical group of white hats to save the world
I need politicians who understand they need to FUCKING DO SOMETHING.
We are only doing what they were except we put honest people in.
These “digital soldiers” aren’t picking up guns or marching on the Capitol — though many actually did that.
So we're not doing that, but we did that.....I'm confused! I never went to college, but this doesn't seem right to me! Kek
Imagine how badly their minds will explode when the first school board names a facility "Q High School" . Makes me want to run just to make that happen. : )
Pepe School for Based Youth 🧐
In Washington State, I just saw a campaign sign for a school board candidate "Joe Peperosa." I get it - probably wouldn't stand a chance if he used his real name, which I assume is "Joe Based-Red" or "Joe Red-Weiner" kek
I miss WA. It was great...back in 80’s-90’s.
Some of the state is still relatively intact and unscathed. Back roads only - no interstates, except for the based farmer's billboards north of Vancouver. : )
Yep . . . It would be great to discover that it went Red, and to restore it to conservative (and true) leadership!
A commie purge is needed Nationwide, then Worldwide.
PEPSI - Pepe School for Based Idiots. kek
There's that Mikey Rothschild guy again. The MSM's "QAnon Expert" of choice. It's honestly kind of amusing to read these articles with a red-pill mindset. They're serving up a steaming bowl of BS to the masses with the occasional little nugget of truth. And all throughout the subtext is: Q is dangerous, Q is violent, Q hasn't predicted anything correctly, please don't follow Q.
Show me where Q was ever any of those things. Repeating a lie does not make it come true.
Avowed communists running for office get zero negative press. 🙃
Hey look - a "journalist" (MR aka AWS) actually provided a link in text to a Q post. That's a first.
They should be nervous.
It’s just the beginning….
Great work everyone!
There's pandemics, "pandemic of the unvaccinated ", and I'm waiting for the pandemic of "Qanons" to hit the headlines
LOL at the pandemic on the unvaccinated. They have subverted the meaning of the word, and are applying it to everything now.
When you see bodies piling up in the streets, then you can possibly say it is a pandemic, IF there is a deadly disease causing it. Until then, STFU about pandemics.
Thank You God for Q and Anons running for political offices!
NBC is trash, so I'm glad they are uneasy.
Which is not true the elites in our government do not worship satan , are not pedofiles, or do not eat children? My bet is at least two of the three.
WOW We got a whole 9 minutes. WWG1WGA I think it is great. One of the only thing they got right is that we are not interested in QANON!!!
This guy has a hard on for "QAnon."
If anons take seats I hope they actually listen to their district, all of their district, all sides. Maybe make it like a forum where things can get upvotes or downvoted to see what people want or what people think the biggest issues are. Make it so money stays out of the forms...
They will start arresting us long before we can run for elections. They are already pushing a narrative that we are a national security threat. They are telling us that they are going to start monitoring all of our communications for misinformation, which will then lead to arrests. The plan is developing VERY quickly. Elections a year and a half from now are the least of our worries.
The system is broken. Debt slavery, aka US citizenship, is killing America.
This is honestly what I look for to see that we are winning. I don't post a lot, some of it is negative because I'm having a difficult time and sometimes hope seems lost.. but this is exactly part of the plan and fixing our issues.
If they were nervous, this would be a news article and not an opinion piece.
Archive these trash mainstream media articles. Linking to them just gives them clicks. Regardless, local politics is the way forward. So many local county board members run unopposed for decades, even a half hearted campaign to challenge them would likely be successful.
I believe the whole point of the Q operation was to stop us from trying to take back the country by force and getting ourselves killed needlessly while they were working in the background.
Nobody would have done anything. Too busy watching Nascar.
Besides, if there's two or more people, very soon some fed/state/local police will be involved. They're everywhere.
My current theory on "The Plan"
Wake People Up.
Show them a stolen election.
Encourage them to take back their local/national officals.
It's a little tough to win a rigged game.
I tried to get involved locally with our GOP and the level of ignorance was beyond my comprehension. They all play the game and hobnob with one another but they are far from inclusive and far more exclusive at the local, county & state levels. Since then 2 or 3 members of the local committee were forced out for ethical issues which I thought was rather ironic. Was at one county GOP meeting and one of their darlings was there. They were fawning all over her and when I met her, my gut instinct was "Holy heck, this is Satan's sister!".
I would definitely welcome a MAGA party as a 3rd party provided that they are allowed to play by the same rules as the two party system. Right now it is almost impossible for a 3rd party candidate to win even at the local level.
They are all career politicians, who are in it for the money. You won't find anyone there who cares.