Electronic money will be their way of tracking everything you do and pressing a button and ending you. Doesn't matter why, maybe they don't like your hair.
Today I can pay you $10 and they wouldn't know, because I used cash.
Tomorrow, they would know you got $10. They would know where it came from (me). They would know where I got it. They would know what you would do with it, and so on. Speak out against the government? Sorry, your credit card isn't authorized purchase gas. Sorry, you cannot buy food. Sorry you cannot charge your vehicle. Sorry we remote disabled your electric car. Sorry no plane ticket for you. Sorry, the cab company won't accept your attempt at payment. Sorry, sorry sorry.
The serial numbers aren't magically tracked. When I pay bob a dollar, and Bob pays a store and a store gets paid by Phil who gets my original dollar as change from the register, then Phil gives said dollar to Sally ... Etc
The paper currency itself may be tracked, sure, but the user of the paper currency isn't which is why they want apps, debit cards, venmo, paypal, crypto, whatever. Anything EXCEPT cash.
Deflation would be an issue in trading if you cannot easily divide the money into smaller pieces. Crypto solve this problem by supporting up to 100 zeroes after the decimal point. When the fiat scam was legalized one of the main selling points was inflation too, which also technically solve the problem of division. But anyone who isn't retarded should prefer a solution that works without fucking everyone over.
Ther is an RfID strip In Most money now. As you walk through certain parts of the airport money can be counted automatically while it sits in your suitcase.
If they wanted or needed tracking, they would use this method. But they really won't need it because when you go to the grocery store and pay with cash in order to be anonymous, the stores cameras will track you everywhere you go, then you show your member card to save $0.16 on that $100 purchase which basically connects your identity to the transaction.
Simply put people are stupid, and no matter how anonymous or privacy oriented a medium of exchange is designed to be, it means nothing if you don't protect yourself from all the other surveillance mechanisms.
I used to join the "store club" and then swap my card with someone else, and then swap their card with someone else (and encourage them to do the same) on a regular basis.
Cameras and phones make all that futile nowadays, but cash will still keep them from getting an accurate buying profile, at least until accurate facial recognition.
The Hong Kong folks came up with glasses that had frames with outward shining IR LEDs that blinded the cameras, in addition to using umbrellas outdoors.
Mostly true, but absolutely nothing like the digital dollar they want to install, which will track everything you buy down to a stick of gum! Far worse in my opinion. Use cash every chance you can ! Fuck the convenience of plastic
If the wife wants to buy online she builds up a cart over several weeks and then she uses cash to buy a visa debit card and uses that. Costs a dollar or two for the card but peace of mind is worth it.
Very similar here. My husband and I only buy with cash. We do not have a "line of credit" anywhere. If we don't have the cash on hand that means we can't afford it, so we save until we do. All around us friends, family and neighbors are buying high end everything (on credit). No thanks.
Good for you! While I was working I asked my then teenagers to keep the house neat and clean so I didn't have to come home to a mess. One of them was supposed to sweep the family room floor. She swept it and left a nice pile of debris right in the middle of the floor, and didn't understand why I was a bit angry. She then stated that she did all of the hard work and all I had to do was pick it up.
Seems fair, if she can't see it, it's not there.Just so you know, mopping will require a fair bit of sulking and talk of unfairness on her part. Make her do it anyway, it'll be fun to watch.
Technically the same I guess, you just have to refill it regularly ;-)
But debit cards doesn't necessary need to be linked to a bank either. Today you can have a crypto debit card and pay with say Cardano. It's like what people back in the old days would refer to as a bank of their dreams, i.e savings account with +5% interest, you're in full control, full privacy, and "backed by gold"* as in Cardano is market valued, just like gold so you won't suffer from permanent inflation, value can both go up and down, but generally goes up over time.
In America that's called a "gift card", typically bought when you don't know exactly what someone wants but you know where they can get some cool stuff they'd like.
Fucknoff you demonstrate zip by accepting cashless society. I'll remind all you worshippers of computers that your freedom was.stolen using that same system. Deep state will have most of you back in chains only months after thainis over. Blind mice.
Again, you clearly demonstrate that you don't understand what you're talking about. Only shitty people blather about what they don't understand. Either do some research and come back with actual points that show you have even a basic grasp of what crypto is, or shut the fuck up.
Don't be fooled by the leftist "fact check" mentality, it works both ways you know. That's how they can have controlled opposition, and control sheep allover the political spectra.
Do your own research, and don't trust anyone. That's the key here. Let me ask you this, how do you buy a car? are you blindly trusting the used car salesman, that goes something like "muuhh powerful engine, great gas milage REEE, iT hOlDs tHiS mAnY bAgS oF gRoCeRiEs and it has a color you like". Or are you actually looking up the specs, know what it means and closely inspect the car before you buy it?
See most people would use blind trust, and that's why they get fucked. Do your own research.
How about a U.S. treasury like we were designed to have. I'm in favor of that and freedom. I do t need my money trapped in the ether of the internet when the power goes off.
Crypto can be the great equalizer. A decentralized crypto cannot be confiscated and is borderless with no time restrictions.
There is a new sector called DEFI. Decentralized finance. It is taking the bank out of the picture. You can get loans in a trustless manner.
Crypto is the great equalizer
You gotta be naive if you think anything will work without internet today :-)
Alright, I know what you're gonna say, you personally live off grid and can survive without internet, maybe you personally have thought of everything. But what about the lefties and libtards in nearby cities?
Once internet goes down chaos will erupt in hours, and it won't take long before a herd of zombies come walking towards your farm looking to burn, loot and murder. Have you thought of that? are you prepared for that?
See internet and power grids are partially decentralized across the world, it's very unlikely that the whole world lose power and internet connectivity at the same time and permanently, if that happened nothing would matter anyway. But say it's only your state or country that is affected.
Then perhaps it's a good idea if you could bring your wealth easily, securely, and travel light, while escaping the zombie apocalypse that was once a major city close to where you used to live.
Naive is thinking you can't live without a computer. Computers stole your freedom... yeah let's have some .ore of that. Comon man, I k ow you are smarter than that.
You don't understand, the society as we know it will collapse without functional internet. But yea, few of us who are prepared to survive without computers will survive. The rest will probably starve.
Killing the internet or power turns everything obsolete. Killing internet or power is always used as the antagonist. Shut the power & internet off and you will see mass hysteria real quick and your bank account, silver, is worthless too? How do you know how much to value your silver at without internet.
The day internet goes down will be the end of globalism, no more surveillance, no more digital oppression, everyone is free once anarchy erupts. It's someone interesting to see how people use this argument against crypto, which would be the last digital system to be affected by outages.
But completely ignoring the fact that nothing would work without internet connectivity, entire big box store chains can go down and force to close just because of a local outage or a server crash in another country these days.
Why are people ignorant to the dangers of centralization, but over worried about the very unlikely scenario of a worldwide outage, alien attack, solar storms, nuclear war etc. all happening at the same time which is the only way worldwide decentralized networks could go down?
One EMP ends all your crypto. I want physical cash backed by valuable metals. Otherwise it's all fiat still Nd useless even if it cant be inflated. Plus one EMP ends a your crypto.
The boat is barely a foot from the dock. Crypto is the future of finance, social media, video streaming, news, entertainment, and on and on. It removes the control of these things from centralized locations and organizations and gives it back to the people.
Come to Nevada. I'll the you to the desert and we will spend a month. You will go home fatter That You arrived. No internet, no Albertsons, just good knowledge to live abundantly. Can't shut that down with a switch. It's called skill.
Not hard to figure out what people need. The more yku can do for yourself the more you can do for others. I'll trade for what I need. I can do a lot of shit.
Great advice, and which I follow. However, I don't think some kind of digital currency is avoidable. The answer is to have local barter and currency systems. I remember this town in Greece that did this in 2012 during the financial crisis. Worked pretty well and really brought based people together. When they go global, we go local.
We have digital.money. debit cards, credit cards, gift cards. All digital....not quantum nut still digital. How many keep cash on hand instead of in the bank, how many of you have gold or silver. They've successfully gotten me not to trust them, with this I'll never feel confident in the money supply. Who gets to set it up, who has the money to do it? That's the people who will give you your crypto, likely th deep state controlling it all. It's going to take a lot for me to buy I to that. My money will stay in physical gold, silver and lead. You a have fun.
I use to work for BOA and we were really pressured to get those cashing checks to sign up for a checking account, the selling point was if you lose your cash, no way to replaceit, if you lose your debit card, you can replace it without losing your cash. It is safer. You have fraud, the bank will conver it. The thing we were not to tell the customer was that there would come a day where all financial transaction would be electronic, physical cash will be a thing of the past. It was really I.portant to get people use to using their debit card instead of cash. At the time, I didn't realize how scary this was.
Cash is easily just as trackable especially if 50% of the population uses digital. Would be easy to determine what bank and potentially what account withdrawal it came from and what bank/account it was ultimately deposited.
No unique numbers and cash is counterfeited with unique numbers you can see where the money flows. this is all pure speculation but in my opinion very possible
Pretty much leaves the precious metals and the real best bet for the barter society
Cash is just as traceable? that's why drug dealers have cash hoarded and the government knows about it. Haha. If crypto was allowed, they would only allow it to trace your every move. Yes gold and silver are about it. Physical, non-traceable holding that cannot be forged, faked or copied easily, or at all.
You have to.move cash through an airport for it to get tracked. Rfid readers all over airport checkpoints know when people have large amounts of cash. I have a friend who works on the equipment t in vegas.
Why are people against BTC here? BTC to me is one of the things that will help return power to the people. It's a direct threat to the central banking cabal that runs almost every single country in the world.
Because they don't understand it. They just think crypto=digital money. I don't blame them so much, it's an easy mistake to make and there is a ton of propaganda about it because it's possibly the biggest threat on earth to the corrupt institutions that run us.
I was anti Bitcoin for years. I fought with my son about it but lost the arguments because I didn't understand it. I finally sat down during the lockdowns and educated myself so that I could be explain to people why it was bad.
Well...it didn't go as planned. I realized I misunderstood ALL OF IT. After months of hyper focused research I realized I wasn't right about anything. And now I'm pissed because I didn't invest sooner.
It's not something anyone can explain in one sitting. You have to take time to process it a little bit at a time. Now my son comes to me with crypto questions.
Bias is an interesting phenomena, we often hear "if somethings too good to be true then it probably isn't". People follow the blind trust instead of thinking for themselves, see this is why "fact checkers" exist. They take advantage of the fact that people are willing to outsource their brain and let someone else think for them because it takes time to research a complex topic and understand it.
I guess that's the problem with crypto, it's so great that people who know it almost act as if they where in a cult or something. And this is obviously taken as a big warning sign from normies who don't know how it works.
Then there's the scammers who make shitcoin forks which is essentially just another fractional reserve scheme and trick people into investing into something centralized, only to then run away wit the money. Those certainly won't help the cause.
Wrong, it's the fact that it can all be lost with one flip of the proverbial switch. We dont know who invented it, we have to take the liars word for it that it is incorruptible and you can't hold it in your hand. You guys spent too much time I. The digotal world. you can't survive without it. And your blind trust of it is disturbing because we won't stay free with minds that so easily accept any narrative pushed at them.
You don't have to take anyone's word for it if you understand how it works, that's my point. YOU have to take his word for it, because you don't understand it and apparently refuse to.
All of modern civilization can be shut off at the flip of the switch. You can use your argument for literally all technology, yet here you are, using the internet and power grid.
Exactly, it's that "guilt by association" mentality which is often seen among lefties. See someone finds something like Dorkslys dreams about a decentralized twatter not dependent on AWS, M$ patent #060606 and associate it with cryptocurrency, hence cryptocurrency bad because some big tech company see how they can use it for their own benefits.
Same people don't realize that the government was early to embrace technology like cars or guns, because such technology is obviously superior, and useful to anyone. Imagine if someone sat here and argued against guns and cars, because "REEE government and big tech uses it".
Bitcoin when used with best privacy practices is far more fungible than cash. You can also get on a plane with infinite wealth effectively stored in your brain... Can't do that with gold, laundry detergent, cash, or anything else.
I believe Bitcoin is a white hat project (NSA?), an ark for the flood that comes when the central bank monopoly money inevitably collapses.
Bitcoin is teaching people about scarcity and inflation, got to fix the money to fix the world.
Blockchain is the future of humanity and a major part of the great awakening.
It has the potential to send us into a golden age the likes of which we've never seen before. It has the potential to remove corrupt centralized banks and institutions and put finance in the hands of the people.
If you aren't invested in Ethereum or GME, you're going to be kicking yourself for the rest of your life.
How would you pay them after 2023 when the world goes cashless? See cash only has "value" because the government says so, and because the government bet up counterfeiters and throw them in jail, as well as upgrading the layout regularly to make them harder to counterfeit.
Once the government stops doing that cash will be super easy to counterfeit and will die of on it's own while people voluntarily abandons it. At this point, most people only knows about bank accounts and will take the only option they know about. Lot's of criminals will get caught, and while mass arrests are ongoing, new prisons being built and so on they take the opportunity to also arrest dissidents.
I was talking about this with my Badminton group last night. We had to pay £20 membership and none could pay because the card reader broke. I was the only one with a £20 note in my wallet. They were shocked I still carried coins.
Bitcoin is not a currency, dingbats, it is a store of value in the form of digital property.
We criticize what we don't understand.
Crypto is truth and cannot be stopped. Children born in 2021 will never have a bank account...and that is a GOOD thing.
There are already 'privacy coins' like Monero, ZCash, Horizon etc. This tech is moving faster than the DS can keep up with, and in the end the winner will be in favor of 'the people's privacy and in our best interest.
Study up and pay attention people, we are witnessing the first transformation of money in over 5000 years...you don't want to miss this!
Electronic money will be their way of tracking everything you do and pressing a button and ending you. Doesn't matter why, maybe they don't like your hair.
Today I can pay you $10 and they wouldn't know, because I used cash.
Tomorrow, they would know you got $10. They would know where it came from (me). They would know where I got it. They would know what you would do with it, and so on. Speak out against the government? Sorry, your credit card isn't authorized purchase gas. Sorry, you cannot buy food. Sorry you cannot charge your vehicle. Sorry we remote disabled your electric car. Sorry no plane ticket for you. Sorry, the cab company won't accept your attempt at payment. Sorry, sorry sorry.
W.A.K.E. U.P.!!!
Bro they already track regular currency.
What do you think those serial numbers are for? It's all tracked. Dollars, coins, blockchain, credit/debit. They're all tools of the beast, homeslice.
The serial numbers aren't magically tracked. When I pay bob a dollar, and Bob pays a store and a store gets paid by Phil who gets my original dollar as change from the register, then Phil gives said dollar to Sally ... Etc
None of that is tracked.
I'm not saying you can't get around it. I'm just saying it has a serial number and masonic imagery for a reason. :p
The paper currency itself may be tracked, sure, but the user of the paper currency isn't which is why they want apps, debit cards, venmo, paypal, crypto, whatever. Anything EXCEPT cash.
If the feds chose to bomb your location. You and Bob are screwed.
I was thinking of carrying around a bunch of gold coins, but this is much better.
1 ozt coins with premium go for about $1900 and lower, fractional amounts carry a far heavier premium relative to the amount of gold contained.
Perhaps gold for expensive purchases and silver for common goods?
Deflation would be an issue in trading if you cannot easily divide the money into smaller pieces. Crypto solve this problem by supporting up to 100 zeroes after the decimal point. When the fiat scam was legalized one of the main selling points was inflation too, which also technically solve the problem of division. But anyone who isn't retarded should prefer a solution that works without fucking everyone over.
Silver coins and fractional silver are much more usable. Gold is for storing wealth.
Ther is an RfID strip In Most money now. As you walk through certain parts of the airport money can be counted automatically while it sits in your suitcase.
Figures. 🤮
God help us all. We got stuck with a govt that acts like a paranoid abusive spouse.
Pretty soon a dozen eggs will all have serial numbers.
I wonder if we could degause out money with a large magnet
Microwave it. That'll take care of sensitive electronics with an antenna.
However, I seriously doubt that paper money has Any RFID in it.
If they wanted or needed tracking, they would use this method. But they really won't need it because when you go to the grocery store and pay with cash in order to be anonymous, the stores cameras will track you everywhere you go, then you show your member card to save $0.16 on that $100 purchase which basically connects your identity to the transaction.
Simply put people are stupid, and no matter how anonymous or privacy oriented a medium of exchange is designed to be, it means nothing if you don't protect yourself from all the other surveillance mechanisms.
You're not wrong.
I used to join the "store club" and then swap my card with someone else, and then swap their card with someone else (and encourage them to do the same) on a regular basis.
Cameras and phones make all that futile nowadays, but cash will still keep them from getting an accurate buying profile, at least until accurate facial recognition.
The Hong Kong folks came up with glasses that had frames with outward shining IR LEDs that blinded the cameras, in addition to using umbrellas outdoors.
Mostly true, but absolutely nothing like the digital dollar they want to install, which will track everything you buy down to a stick of gum! Far worse in my opinion. Use cash every chance you can ! Fuck the convenience of plastic
They will know and they will tax you.
They sure wish they would. But this is where the high-tech cat and mouse game starts.
Up to a point in the near future, the only way to own equity was to expose yourself.
Electronic money can be fully anonymous. Zcash for example uses zero knowledge proofs. No one can track it
Debit is considered cash now in some places.
If the wife wants to buy online she builds up a cart over several weeks and then she uses cash to buy a visa debit card and uses that. Costs a dollar or two for the card but peace of mind is worth it.
Right on, Mary. I used to know guys in the service who thought they had money because they had blank checks in their check books.
Very similar here. My husband and I only buy with cash. We do not have a "line of credit" anywhere. If we don't have the cash on hand that means we can't afford it, so we save until we do. All around us friends, family and neighbors are buying high end everything (on credit). No thanks.
Good for you! While I was working I asked my then teenagers to keep the house neat and clean so I didn't have to come home to a mess. One of them was supposed to sweep the family room floor. She swept it and left a nice pile of debris right in the middle of the floor, and didn't understand why I was a bit angry. She then stated that she did all of the hard work and all I had to do was pick it up.
Seems fair, if she can't see it, it's not there.Just so you know, mopping will require a fair bit of sulking and talk of unfairness on her part. Make her do it anyway, it'll be fun to watch.
I wish you luck! Teens can be a "challenge" to say the least, but you're doing it the right way.
'bank account linked cards' is 'debit card' in English
Technically the same I guess, you just have to refill it regularly ;-)
But debit cards doesn't necessary need to be linked to a bank either. Today you can have a crypto debit card and pay with say Cardano. It's like what people back in the old days would refer to as a bank of their dreams, i.e savings account with +5% interest, you're in full control, full privacy, and "backed by gold"* as in Cardano is market valued, just like gold so you won't suffer from permanent inflation, value can both go up and down, but generally goes up over time.
In America that's called a "gift card", typically bought when you don't know exactly what someone wants but you know where they can get some cool stuff they'd like.
Sometimes I wonder if this is what My President means with "Save America" .
KEK, maybe, I never thought of it like that.
☝️☝️☝️ This
Crypto is not the fucking devil. Christ, knock it off with this.
Crypto is to central banks what torrenting is to the music and movie industry.
There is a reason Bitcoin has been villified since its inception by the banks and other powerbrokers.
You have no clue how Bitcoin works
I'm just gonna put this here for visibility:
Lmao. That's what they always say. Stop being a blind mouse.
Stop being ignorant, crypto is the future of humanity and a huge part of the great awakening. Don't trash something you have no clue about.
Fucknoff you demonstrate zip by accepting cashless society. I'll remind all you worshippers of computers that your freedom was.stolen using that same system. Deep state will have most of you back in chains only months after thainis over. Blind mice.
Again, you clearly demonstrate that you don't understand what you're talking about. Only shitty people blather about what they don't understand. Either do some research and come back with actual points that show you have even a basic grasp of what crypto is, or shut the fuck up.
Don't be fooled by the leftist "fact check" mentality, it works both ways you know. That's how they can have controlled opposition, and control sheep allover the political spectra.
Do your own research, and don't trust anyone. That's the key here. Let me ask you this, how do you buy a car? are you blindly trusting the used car salesman, that goes something like "muuhh powerful engine, great gas milage REEE, iT hOlDs tHiS mAnY bAgS oF gRoCeRiEs and it has a color you like". Or are you actually looking up the specs, know what it means and closely inspect the car before you buy it?
See most people would use blind trust, and that's why they get fucked. Do your own research.
They just buy into it all. Sheep keep following the wolves.
You must be in favor of the federal reserve I take it?
How about a U.S. treasury like we were designed to have. I'm in favor of that and freedom. I do t need my money trapped in the ether of the internet when the power goes off.
Crypto can be the great equalizer. A decentralized crypto cannot be confiscated and is borderless with no time restrictions. There is a new sector called DEFI. Decentralized finance. It is taking the bank out of the picture. You can get loans in a trustless manner. Crypto is the great equalizer
Actually, internet is the great equalizer. Because cutting internet access equalizes bitcoin to zero.
Very true.
You gotta be naive if you think anything will work without internet today :-)
Alright, I know what you're gonna say, you personally live off grid and can survive without internet, maybe you personally have thought of everything. But what about the lefties and libtards in nearby cities?
Once internet goes down chaos will erupt in hours, and it won't take long before a herd of zombies come walking towards your farm looking to burn, loot and murder. Have you thought of that? are you prepared for that?
See internet and power grids are partially decentralized across the world, it's very unlikely that the whole world lose power and internet connectivity at the same time and permanently, if that happened nothing would matter anyway. But say it's only your state or country that is affected.
Then perhaps it's a good idea if you could bring your wealth easily, securely, and travel light, while escaping the zombie apocalypse that was once a major city close to where you used to live.
Naive is thinking you can't live without a computer. Computers stole your freedom... yeah let's have some .ore of that. Comon man, I k ow you are smarter than that.
You don't understand, the society as we know it will collapse without functional internet. But yea, few of us who are prepared to survive without computers will survive. The rest will probably starve.
Killing the internet or power turns everything obsolete. Killing internet or power is always used as the antagonist. Shut the power & internet off and you will see mass hysteria real quick and your bank account, silver, is worthless too? How do you know how much to value your silver at without internet.
Depends on who has the switch to the internet
The day internet goes down will be the end of globalism, no more surveillance, no more digital oppression, everyone is free once anarchy erupts. It's someone interesting to see how people use this argument against crypto, which would be the last digital system to be affected by outages.
But completely ignoring the fact that nothing would work without internet connectivity, entire big box store chains can go down and force to close just because of a local outage or a server crash in another country these days.
Why are people ignorant to the dangers of centralization, but over worried about the very unlikely scenario of a worldwide outage, alien attack, solar storms, nuclear war etc. all happening at the same time which is the only way worldwide decentralized networks could go down?
So nothing works without the internet. You are one step closer to recognizing the error of your thinking.
One EMP ends all your crypto. I want physical cash backed by valuable metals. Otherwise it's all fiat still Nd useless even if it cant be inflated. Plus one EMP ends a your crypto.
Btc is the most libertarian idea of all time
The boat is barely a foot from the dock. Crypto is the future of finance, social media, video streaming, news, entertainment, and on and on. It removes the control of these things from centralized locations and organizations and gives it back to the people.
Why should we trust that shit after all this. Its shear ignorance to trust these traitors. Ignorance.
People have become lazy, ignorant, and just, well, lazy when it comes to money spending.
A lot of folks can't make change without the register, and you even see them struggle to count coins. Kind of sad.
Kind of like cursive writing.
Or how to plant a garden
Or how to can goods
Or how to bake bread…without a recipe
All on purpose..slowly boiling the frog
Come to Nevada. I'll the you to the desert and we will spend a month. You will go home fatter That You arrived. No internet, no Albertsons, just good knowledge to live abundantly. Can't shut that down with a switch. It's called skill.
I thought muh .000017 bitcoins werent trackses?!? I love me some cash, silver, gold!
Cash is tracked too.
Pretty much left with bartering with raw gold/silver if you want to purchase things without the nanny state peering over your shoulder at all times.
Or barter with items.
That can get complicated when you have to find demand for some of your items or find equivalent values.
But for some transactions, certainly.
Not hard to figure out what people need. The more yku can do for yourself the more you can do for others. I'll trade for what I need. I can do a lot of shit.
I got just under 7k in hard cash and im taking it to freedom land (FL) this week to have a new start
I am considering this, if the vaxx becomes mandatory in my blue haven of a state.
Great advice, and which I follow. However, I don't think some kind of digital currency is avoidable. The answer is to have local barter and currency systems. I remember this town in Greece that did this in 2012 during the financial crisis. Worked pretty well and really brought based people together. When they go global, we go local.
We have digital.money. debit cards, credit cards, gift cards. All digital....not quantum nut still digital. How many keep cash on hand instead of in the bank, how many of you have gold or silver. They've successfully gotten me not to trust them, with this I'll never feel confident in the money supply. Who gets to set it up, who has the money to do it? That's the people who will give you your crypto, likely th deep state controlling it all. It's going to take a lot for me to buy I to that. My money will stay in physical gold, silver and lead. You a have fun.
I use to work for BOA and we were really pressured to get those cashing checks to sign up for a checking account, the selling point was if you lose your cash, no way to replaceit, if you lose your debit card, you can replace it without losing your cash. It is safer. You have fraud, the bank will conver it. The thing we were not to tell the customer was that there would come a day where all financial transaction would be electronic, physical cash will be a thing of the past. It was really I.portant to get people use to using their debit card instead of cash. At the time, I didn't realize how scary this was.
Cash is easily just as trackable especially if 50% of the population uses digital. Would be easy to determine what bank and potentially what account withdrawal it came from and what bank/account it was ultimately deposited.
No unique numbers and cash is counterfeited with unique numbers you can see where the money flows. this is all pure speculation but in my opinion very possible
Pretty much leaves the precious metals and the real best bet for the barter society
Cash is just as traceable? that's why drug dealers have cash hoarded and the government knows about it. Haha. If crypto was allowed, they would only allow it to trace your every move. Yes gold and silver are about it. Physical, non-traceable holding that cannot be forged, faked or copied easily, or at all.
You have to.move cash through an airport for it to get tracked. Rfid readers all over airport checkpoints know when people have large amounts of cash. I have a friend who works on the equipment t in vegas.
Tons of counterfeit coins and bars with tungsten cores that pass the size, weight, and surface acidic tests for gold, friend.
Digital isn't cash
Why are people against BTC here? BTC to me is one of the things that will help return power to the people. It's a direct threat to the central banking cabal that runs almost every single country in the world.
Because they don't understand it. They just think crypto=digital money. I don't blame them so much, it's an easy mistake to make and there is a ton of propaganda about it because it's possibly the biggest threat on earth to the corrupt institutions that run us.
I was anti Bitcoin for years. I fought with my son about it but lost the arguments because I didn't understand it. I finally sat down during the lockdowns and educated myself so that I could be explain to people why it was bad.
Well...it didn't go as planned. I realized I misunderstood ALL OF IT. After months of hyper focused research I realized I wasn't right about anything. And now I'm pissed because I didn't invest sooner.
It's not something anyone can explain in one sitting. You have to take time to process it a little bit at a time. Now my son comes to me with crypto questions.
Bias is an interesting phenomena, we often hear "if somethings too good to be true then it probably isn't". People follow the blind trust instead of thinking for themselves, see this is why "fact checkers" exist. They take advantage of the fact that people are willing to outsource their brain and let someone else think for them because it takes time to research a complex topic and understand it.
I guess that's the problem with crypto, it's so great that people who know it almost act as if they where in a cult or something. And this is obviously taken as a big warning sign from normies who don't know how it works.
Then there's the scammers who make shitcoin forks which is essentially just another fractional reserve scheme and trick people into investing into something centralized, only to then run away wit the money. Those certainly won't help the cause.
Wrong, it's the fact that it can all be lost with one flip of the proverbial switch. We dont know who invented it, we have to take the liars word for it that it is incorruptible and you can't hold it in your hand. You guys spent too much time I. The digotal world. you can't survive without it. And your blind trust of it is disturbing because we won't stay free with minds that so easily accept any narrative pushed at them.
You don't have to take anyone's word for it if you understand how it works, that's my point. YOU have to take his word for it, because you don't understand it and apparently refuse to.
All of modern civilization can be shut off at the flip of the switch. You can use your argument for literally all technology, yet here you are, using the internet and power grid.
Exactly, it's that "guilt by association" mentality which is often seen among lefties. See someone finds something like Dorkslys dreams about a decentralized twatter not dependent on AWS, M$ patent #060606 and associate it with cryptocurrency, hence cryptocurrency bad because some big tech company see how they can use it for their own benefits.
Same people don't realize that the government was early to embrace technology like cars or guns, because such technology is obviously superior, and useful to anyone. Imagine if someone sat here and argued against guns and cars, because "REEE government and big tech uses it".
Btc, we don't even know where it came from. I can have it all.
I already do this!
Bitcoin when used with best privacy practices is far more fungible than cash. You can also get on a plane with infinite wealth effectively stored in your brain... Can't do that with gold, laundry detergent, cash, or anything else.
I believe Bitcoin is a white hat project (NSA?), an ark for the flood that comes when the central bank monopoly money inevitably collapses.
Bitcoin is teaching people about scarcity and inflation, got to fix the money to fix the world.
I agree with all of the above
Blockchain is the future of humanity and a major part of the great awakening.
It has the potential to send us into a golden age the likes of which we've never seen before. It has the potential to remove corrupt centralized banks and institutions and put finance in the hands of the people.
If you aren't invested in Ethereum or GME, you're going to be kicking yourself for the rest of your life.
I own both!!
Also...Blockchain will be the future of voting. I'm convinced.
How would you pay them after 2023 when the world goes cashless? See cash only has "value" because the government says so, and because the government bet up counterfeiters and throw them in jail, as well as upgrading the layout regularly to make them harder to counterfeit.
Once the government stops doing that cash will be super easy to counterfeit and will die of on it's own while people voluntarily abandons it. At this point, most people only knows about bank accounts and will take the only option they know about. Lot's of criminals will get caught, and while mass arrests are ongoing, new prisons being built and so on they take the opportunity to also arrest dissidents.
Listen to the McAfee speech right before they killed him. https://youtu.be/sYaim16f3qw Privacy coins
Gillian McKeith?
Not my favourite woman at all, Ben Goldacre outed her as a fraud years ago, but as long as someone is RP'd by this its alright.
I was talking about this with my Badminton group last night. We had to pay £20 membership and none could pay because the card reader broke. I was the only one with a £20 note in my wallet. They were shocked I still carried coins.
I fear cashless is inevitable now. :(
You guys should write fiction. This is irresponsible journalism.
Bitcoin is not a currency, dingbats, it is a store of value in the form of digital property.
We criticize what we don't understand.
Crypto is truth and cannot be stopped. Children born in 2021 will never have a bank account...and that is a GOOD thing.
There are already 'privacy coins' like Monero, ZCash, Horizon etc. This tech is moving faster than the DS can keep up with, and in the end the winner will be in favor of 'the people's privacy and in our best interest.
Study up and pay attention people, we are witnessing the first transformation of money in over 5000 years...you don't want to miss this!