Because ex-presidents each get a Secret Service security detail, it's safe to assume the Military will be doing something about it: protecting Barry.
Trump has one, Obama has one, Bush, etc. All on taxpayer money ofc.
BTW it's called "Secret Service" but this isn't a secret in any way. It's just how they're called. They're surrounded by military bodyguards in disguise, is all.
Yes. This is what should have been said. I don't think "we" really have a plan because what is going on with our country is so diabolical, and nothing has been done to date. The election was stolen--we know, they know. The lies they tell and then the rino commies fall right in line with them. We are out-gunned in the political arena. All, that I can tell/see, that Trump or any of his family do is use words just like we do-oh, they get more attention, but I don't see anything being done positively to stop one iota of this crap we keep getting from the dementia patient, zero, in the White House.
I'm so sick of these assholes getting away with things none of the rest of us ever could. He fucking lied knowing that so many people would just accept the lie as fact and he could do whatever the fuck he wanted. It's the democrats way of doing everything. I truly wish we could arrest the whole damn bunch of them.
So it's clearly a Clown Meetup just looking at the guest list and all those 6's. But I believe the Comms have signalled that Obama has flipped to the Patriots side. After puppetmaster Al-Waleed was purged by the Saudi Prince of course.
I believe this to be a flipping event. Blowing it up is exactly the opposite motivation Military Intelligence wants to portray (if you flip and performed no violent crimes, you can be redeemed). Such a deal was symbolized in that black lady whom Trump pardoned in the SOTU on Kim KARdashian's request. She had non-violent cocaine charges.
You would agree with me that Barry Hussein was/is a puppet. It's how he was trained, given his career in Chicago, given his glamorous meteoric MSM rise. He's a stuttering self-made nothing, he owes everything to his puppet masters.
Once Al-Waleed (the puppetmaster, 1/3rd of the triangle, +++, Godfather III) was purged, what's a puppet to do? Desperately search for a new puppetmaster to give his strings to. But failing in that, a puppet will flip if threatened and promised security.
You give Barry far more credit than he is due if you think he's staging a resistance at this point. We are in the endgame now, carefully eliminating the last remnants of independent cells.
Do you think it will be covert action, or that the results will be hidden from the faithful to play into longer goals? It really feels like something effin YUGE is coming. Didn't GEOTUS tell us so?
I honestly don’t know. Just when I think I possibly have it kinda sorta figured out, something changes. My gut says that it would be quiet and hidden for now. The sheeple can’t handle that right now. I could be wrong.
The problem isn't the big roaches. We know where they are. The problem is all the little ones that will scurry away once the lights are turned on. When the storm is upon us, the big roaches will be the easy ones to catch and detail. The military will have one heck of a time catching all the little buggers though. I think this is what is going on right now while the storm is still brewing. The military are on a bug hunt for the hundreds of thousands of low profile pedos that fly under the radar. Once the majority of those are caught, then they can turn their attention to the big ones.
He says he's pared down the guest list, but I doubt it. Who would know? Do we have any patriots close to the Vineyard to keep an eye on things? They have to either fly there or ferry over. Somebody's got to see something.
Would it shock you that an event with that many heavyweights, including a former POTUS, might have some security guys in plainclothes?
Where's the drone strike when you really need it?
Because ex-presidents each get a Secret Service security detail, it's safe to assume the Military will be doing something about it: protecting Barry.
Trump has one, Obama has one, Bush, etc. All on taxpayer money ofc.
BTW it's called "Secret Service" but this isn't a secret in any way. It's just how they're called. They're surrounded by military bodyguards in disguise, is all.
Too obvious, cant happen
Datefagging always leads to disappointment
Yes. This is what should have been said. I don't think "we" really have a plan because what is going on with our country is so diabolical, and nothing has been done to date. The election was stolen--we know, they know. The lies they tell and then the rino commies fall right in line with them. We are out-gunned in the political arena. All, that I can tell/see, that Trump or any of his family do is use words just like we do-oh, they get more attention, but I don't see anything being done positively to stop one iota of this crap we keep getting from the dementia patient, zero, in the White House.
Please, please please....
Just one MOAB.
That house full of demons…DESTROY IT!!
The worlds biggest crackhouse.
Nah, I think a couple canisters of Napalm would be better.
I love the smell of Napalm in the morning
How about a white phosphorus bomb? Those are really nice when they come into contact with the skin. Willie Pete aka
why? just use a,space lazer. sheep will believe forest fire
The first arrest 💥
I'm so sick of these assholes getting away with things none of the rest of us ever could. He fucking lied knowing that so many people would just accept the lie as fact and he could do whatever the fuck he wanted. It's the democrats way of doing everything. I truly wish we could arrest the whole damn bunch of them.
You spelled execute wrong
It's the law, handshake bitch.
I don’t even use curse words, but every time I hear or read the word btch used in that context it makes me giggle 😄
I don’t know why I find it so funny!
Yes! JP Sears makes me laugh so hard when he says “acting like a scared little btch”
Treason brah
You’re really gonna need to brush up on your extreme hyperbole, son.
Yes we are non-violent. However the military needs to do what is necessary to save the planet from communism and satanism
It’s “scaled down”
600 guests 60th bday
They love that number
And they are asking for donations of six dollars
You get it.
So it's clearly a Clown Meetup just looking at the guest list and all those 6's. But I believe the Comms have signalled that Obama has flipped to the Patriots side. After puppetmaster Al-Waleed was purged by the Saudi Prince of course.
I believe this to be a flipping event. Blowing it up is exactly the opposite motivation Military Intelligence wants to portray (if you flip and performed no violent crimes, you can be redeemed). Such a deal was symbolized in that black lady whom Trump pardoned in the SOTU on Kim KARdashian's request. She had non-violent cocaine charges.
I gotta think that Barry Sotero is about the last damn person to flip, I would hold out more hope for Xi Xinping then that guy.
The event may be large and over the top devil worshipy simply because they are doing what scared people do: praying.
Well the horrifying Satanic version of prayer anyway. I have no idea what they even call it, but I suspect the event is essentially a special mass.
You would agree with me that Barry Hussein was/is a puppet. It's how he was trained, given his career in Chicago, given his glamorous meteoric MSM rise. He's a stuttering self-made nothing, he owes everything to his puppet masters.
Once Al-Waleed (the puppetmaster, 1/3rd of the triangle, +++, Godfather III) was purged, what's a puppet to do? Desperately search for a new puppetmaster to give his strings to. But failing in that, a puppet will flip if threatened and promised security.
You give Barry far more credit than he is due if you think he's staging a resistance at this point. We are in the endgame now, carefully eliminating the last remnants of independent cells.
Please donate $6 or $60 $666 was just too obvious
That gas that the termite companies use when they put tents on houses...
Sorry it leaked, oops
A great place for the Rods Of God to make an appearance!
wheres the submarine parking for the island pedo crowd?
F-15 preflight…CHECK! Engine start on one…CLEAR!
This is the evil convention scene of the movie
Let’s all pray to the volcano gods. 🌋
I’ve thought the same thing this week. I believe something big will happen, other than Hussein turning 60. We may not hear about it right away though.
Do you think it will be covert action, or that the results will be hidden from the faithful to play into longer goals? It really feels like something effin YUGE is coming. Didn't GEOTUS tell us so?
I honestly don’t know. Just when I think I possibly have it kinda sorta figured out, something changes. My gut says that it would be quiet and hidden for now. The sheeple can’t handle that right now. I could be wrong.
I was thinking it would be very ironic if a predator done just happened to send a gift to all those Satanist
I mean, seems like they are trying to bait us. Seems a little too obvious
The problem isn't the big roaches. We know where they are. The problem is all the little ones that will scurry away once the lights are turned on. When the storm is upon us, the big roaches will be the easy ones to catch and detail. The military will have one heck of a time catching all the little buggers though. I think this is what is going on right now while the storm is still brewing. The military are on a bug hunt for the hundreds of thousands of low profile pedos that fly under the radar. Once the majority of those are caught, then they can turn their attention to the big ones.
Inb4 false flag...
Flea circus
Wonder what would happen to the tent roofs if several black hawks hovered over them?
Insert meme of the house burning in the background with the little girl turned around looking at you and SAYING
He says he's pared down the guest list, but I doubt it. Who would know? Do we have any patriots close to the Vineyard to keep an eye on things? They have to either fly there or ferry over. Somebody's got to see something.
It’s a slap in the face to the Kennedys that’s for sure.
Yesterday 10yr delta Extortion 17...seals get to play?
Next Epic War Film: Assault on Pedo Island
Nuke it from orbit.
Two words....
passing drone would work karmic justice
I can here it now.
Oopsie 😁
Wouldn't count on that one, chap
There’s no way there’s people invited to this that don’t think this is a honey pot trap
Please let those A-10 we say yesterday decimate everyone in these tents.
Where's the Sky King when we need him the most...
The tents are to hide the fact that nobody's there