And the FDA is banning N-acetylcysteine (NAC), funny that. (FYI, Swanson and private sellers on still have it available. Maybe smaller online retailers or drug stores. Amazon removed all their NAC listings.
I always wondered if there was something in the 2019 flu shot. And I heard that the test swabs were infected--maybe why they went so far inside so the natural immune system in the nostrils would be overridden.
This info puts many things together. This is a big reason to question vaccines, all vaccines. We never know what is in them, we can't tell by looking or taste or what-not. It could be pure poison for all we know. Oh. Golly, poison. They want to kill us all.
Very interesting about NAC...
These bastards do want to kill us all.
I sent this vid to a vasker (yes I made that up just now - vaxxer + masker - you're welcome) and they simply found some fact check on Reuters. I laughed at him. They cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias is beyond measurable.
I ask them if they believe there are evil people in the world, but they just can't comprehend that there could be such a large coordinated effort.
Very difficult to get through to people even when the evidence is spoon fed to them. I guess its true that they will need to feel it to believe it.
I'm just glad we have some info that could potentially save their lives. This video is a Godsend.
That's exactly what I get trying to discuss this stuff with my normie sister. My Mother on the other hand became redpilled largely on her own after seeing first hand how the mainstream media was coordinated to push a negative narrative during Trump's 4 years (she was a lifelong Democrat and Hillary voter).
Her Awakening has been an awesome thing to see, she is a gentle soul who has seen evil, but the hardest part was to understand that the world power matrix is full of corrupt and genuinely evil people who are pushing a genuinely evil agenda.
My retarded sister on the other hand is blinded by naivety - typical bluepilled generalization that "everyone in Power got there because they are Good, smart people who have personal drive, commitment, and know what they are doing!" :/
She doesn't understand that political appointments and other positions of power and influence are highly prized and largely occupied by sociopaths and psychopaths and that greed and fulfillment and expansion of personal desire is the driving motivation of those inhuman individuals playing this game.
Me too. I have not been vaxed but I take it because so many people in my area have been vaxed (the shedding thing). I take two 1000 mg tablets twice a day (one in the morning and one at night. Warning - they are some big tablets and you will need a big gulp of water to get them down.
I first heard about it a few months back when I accidentally OD on tylenol. Drs were useless so ended up buying a couple of tubs of the stuff more or less at the same point the FDA were talking about removing it.
I know we aren't supposed to do this on here, but I am positive you will like to know.
Glutathione supplements are absolutely not gonna survive the stomach.
I connect people with doctors and pharmacies who provide IVM and HCQ. I also direct people to where they can get glutathione shots.
Another solution was liposomal glutathione, which was the option I chose for myself until recently.
Now there is a nanotechnology for glutathione where the glutathione molecule is separated from the clump of molecules, then quickly surrounded by ultra pure water. You swish it in your mouth for 40 seconds (good for the gums, too), then swallow. It actually absorbs into your bloodstream right from your mouth.
Not to be a salesman...just trying to spread the word, like I do with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. I didnt get a penny for doing that for the past year. My heart is pure on this.
All of our friends who have been vaxxed need an absorbable glutathione. Also, all of us who wore the graphene mask need it.
I did research the see who funded their discovery and to see what connections could be made between them and any global corps. Turns out Steve Scott funded it with his own money. (He writes Christian books and marketed several famous products before, like Total Gym ). His family also helped fund this research. He's had a passion for years to find a way to make glutathione absorbable.
Here is where you can get it, and here is a video of Steve explaining it. (Start at 2 min to speed it up to the good part.)
After my coworker sheep all rushed off to get vaccinated like lemmings off a cliff one week, by that Friday I started feeling weird and I had a fever that night. I took NAC plus colloidal silver (definitely get this---it works great) and I did not develop any symptoms of anything. I did it just for a few days. I learned about colloidal silver from Info Wars. The one I have has a higher ppm and I got it from iHerb. iHerb is now completely sold out of NAC.
I make my own using a kit that includes a generator, silver rods, and instructions.
Starting at around $125 they are available online. For this price you can make GALLONS of collodal silver. Order more silver rods make more and give away to family and friends.
I haven't tried it, somewhat averse to things going in versus out, but I read Dr. Gershon's treatment plan. (Sister has cancer) At this point after two years of chemo and 3 operations, I think I've convinced her that alternate cures need to be considered. Dr. Bryzinski in Houston has an excellent track record. Many reports of Fenbendazole, Quinine, Ivermectin, etc. Weird thing is that anti-parasitics seem to be effective against viruses and cancer. Would love it if scientists and doctors could do research to figure out why, but unfortunately most research is find by pharma companies and they don't seem interested in researching these things. No money in it. You would think that socialized medicine would be more receptive.
I'm fairly ignorant of how socialized care actually functions. I'm aware of the ideal and wise enough to know that ideal is never reality. Thank you for sharing some knowledge.
Yes, cancer can't burn fats and protein, they doing seem to have the ability to switch on those genes. Fasting and avoiding sugars and carbs I'd how to weaken cancer cells. Only if you have sufficient body fat should you fast. The anti-parasitics can deliver the fatal blow to kill the cancer after being weakened. I never understood why treating cancer was done with carcinogenic drugs and ionizing radiation. Always seemed like a bad idea.
After looking into it some more, I think it’s probably ok to take afterwards. They all referenced this one study and it doesn’t really have any data on it. Here’s a good thread on it with links to the study. (That’s also a good subreddit if you’re not familiar with it)
Thanks! Here are several supplements I take when I drink alcohol. I never get hungover. I also pretty much only drink high quality tequila blanco though - it is the cleanest alcohol - the only one that your body does not convert to glucose and instead distributes as a waste product. It is also the only alcohol that is a stimulant rather than a depressant. Something about the agave makes this substance so unique that I don’t even think it should be classified as alcohol - it seems like something else. For example if you switch to only drinking this, you will still go through cravings for other alcohol for a period. I would just add that any b vitamin should always be taken with methyl folate or your body does not absorb it well.
I used to take liposomal glutathione so that it could be absorbed. Now there is a newer technology. I am passionately trying to save my vaccinated kids and friends.
This video describes the technology. Also, here is a link for where to buy it
Just good intentions here...and so much research. I am grateful to improve on the liposomals I took before.
They will be literally torn limb from limb like some freaky sub saharan African witch trial video if these vaccines really start dropping people in massive amounts.
No lay person knows for sure. It’s better to err on the side of safety. Especially if these backed fucks are running around shedding their newly acquired spike proteins everywhere.
When I read info on the "shedding" phenomena, it referred to bodily fluids, not skin. Is there a reliable reference that refers to actual human skin "shedding" as a source of the "spiked protein"?
Great information, pretty much what Dr. Ruby said on interview with Stew Peters Show, but this had more information. When was this video made and how come it goes to video like that instead of a page on bitchute? Who posted it on bitchute?
Edit to add ... I'm surprised they didn't mention anything about shedding. So now that we know it was all along the graphene oxide making people sick, can it be shedded from a vaxxed person to and unvaxxed person? Or is what unvaxxed people getting sick from is the regular flu or cold and nothing at all to do with shedding?
Can someone clarify for me please? Are they saying that the graphene oxide is the sole cause of the virus and is also in the vaccine, masks and tests, or are they saying that graphene oxide is something that produces the same effects as the virus and is thus able to be administered without raising suspicion?
I guess I’m confused - does the virus have anything to do with graphene oxide or is it just the masks, tests and vaccine?
Yes, there has been no "covid19" virus isolated in a lab. It doesn't exist. All of the sickness attributed to c19 is instead a result of graphene oxide in the flu shots of 2019, the masks, the testing nasal swabs and the c19 jab. When someone has a virus(flu/cold) it's probably just one of the regular viruses we get from time to time such as rhinovirus, rsv, enterovirus etc.
Yes, what i am beginning to piece together is that there is possibly no real Covid.
If they inserted the GO into the 2019 flu shots, etc, then the symptoms of Covid-19 are really just GO poisoning?
And they modeled the Cov Sars 2 virus in 2 days, and all of the actual vaccines being developed over 20 years and patented were really just a way to get GO and the mRNA together for injection.
So maybe they used the symptoms of GO to scare people into getting more GO + their 5G nanotechnology + mRNA solution.
The process seems to be to kill off lots of people while they hone in on the ability to kill only certain people through 5G control.
The nanotechnology has biosensors and they can essentially download a state of your health. The GO encases the mRNA and maybe can be controlled to release on their demand.
End result = do what we say or we will kill you remotely.
Going off on a tin foil tangent here I know, but honestly it seems to be how things are shaping up. Can't rule this shit out yet, it seems.
So only people who have had the 2019 flu shot, have worn the types of masks that have GO in them, have taken a covid test or have gotten a covid vax would be at risk?
Other than masks I’ve done none of those things. How would you know if the masks have GO?
Really makes the push for constant testing in places such as Australia (“Get a test at the slightest symptom!! As many times as you like!”) seem extra dodgy. But I’m inclined to assume ignorance rather than malice, especially at the lower levels.
The people who did this are absolute monsters, and the ones who helped them (MSM) should have to face justice as well. FDA, CDC, WHO, the entire Democratic Party, MSM personnel and their bosses, and the boards and CEOs of every business that promotes vaccines, all of them should have to face down pitchforks whenever they appear in public. All of them should be in jail awaiting execution.
They cannot except justice for this NAZI-level crime like they did at the end of WW2 after the show trials. No deals. No secret relocations so they can continue research. Only the gibbet for all of them.
Good video, but I wish they would have said more about what to do about the people who have had the PCR tests (lots of people) and / or worn the masks for long periods. They mentioned NAC and Glutathione, but they mentioned the glutathione being taken intravenously. And I thought the NAC was a precursor, so not sure what the point of taking that is unless people do it to prompt the bodies production of glutathione. Can anybody clarify? Thanks.
Good question. More answers needed for sure, but understanding the antidote for graphene oxide poisoning is huge.
He did say intravenously as an option and since elderly cannot produce as much if it as easily then they may be the best use of injections.
Younger people who got the vaccine may be able to use NACs I'm thinking, but still intravenously would be much faster result - especially if they are particularly sick.
For swab PCR tests, I read that while graphene oxide was on the tips it is a much smaller amount. I personally got the swab, but only once. Since they were pushing test, test, test for so long and also employers require weekly testing if not vaxxed, then perhaps it was a slower, consistent poisoning method.
I would think that since I only got 1 swab and perhaps considering shedding (which I still know little about) the supplemental route may be sufficient.
Long story short I would think the more graphene oxide you got and the older or sicker you are then the more direct antidote you need.
Obviously, I am not a medical doctor so treat me like an idiot, please.
Lol. I hope you're right about the swabs, or that the LQC team is wrong. Because as you said, some people took those tests a lot. I believe you can get glutathione as a supplement, but since he mentioned taking it intravenously, now I don't know if it would even do any good. I hope some actual doctors who aren't compromised will weigh in on this an clarify this stuff because there are lots of people who will need treatment. If you find any such info or videos, please post them and let me know, and I will do the same. Thanks, fren.
Does anyone have a guess to what their endgoal is? The vaccine will obviously kill off most of the liberal sheeps. That would mean the only ones surviving will be Patriots who can do their own research.
Wouldn't that overall be amazing or am I missing something? God Bless
ohhhhh that matches what a guy on here was claiming that there will be another virus that the only way you survive is to take the vaccine.. so you have to know when.. but it makes more sense that it's this..
I went on a business trip last week, 3 plane rides and office get together with all vaxers. Started feeling bad on the plane Friday night and Saturday I was sick and started taking HCQ+zpack+zinc. So as of today I feel pretty good about half of the time. I do have some NAC squirreled away. Should I take that also?
So I have two friends, (a couple) the woman is sick with virus but isn't too bad, however the guy may have to go into the hospital. Both are vaxxed. Will this Glutathione help them get better or do they need something to take along with this do you think?
I would review some of the comments posted above about ways to properly increase glutathione levels via NACs etc and then introduce it to them. It seems simple enough, but they may need a lot since they are vaxxed and sick. Not a doctor, but the science seems legit and sound. Maybe send them the link to the video?
They aren't close friends, just people we see when out and about type thing, so I don't have their contact info but my husband may have contact info for one of them on social media. I was telling him about the gluthathione but I couldn't remember the name of it at the time, so I told him I would find it and tell him. I thought ivermectin could help them also, at least with symptoms.
Probably yes to both. I just question so much now because of that video. It seems if they are sick then perhaps it is a common cold or flu magnified because of the vaxx in combination with graphene oxide poisoning- I have no idea as I am not a doctor. I would also recommend sending them to America's Frontline Doctor's in combination with this news about graphene oxide. No doubt, they will be motivated to at least look into it.
And thats how you handle that crap. Follow the money.
Sometimes I will open up a page of Bilderberg meeting attendees and cross reference the leadership team of the org in question and see if they attended multiple years.
And the FDA is banning N-acetylcysteine (NAC), funny that. (FYI, Swanson and private sellers on still have it available. Maybe smaller online retailers or drug stores. Amazon removed all their NAC listings.
I always wondered if there was something in the 2019 flu shot. And I heard that the test swabs were infected--maybe why they went so far inside so the natural immune system in the nostrils would be overridden.
This info puts many things together. This is a big reason to question vaccines, all vaccines. We never know what is in them, we can't tell by looking or taste or what-not. It could be pure poison for all we know. Oh. Golly, poison. They want to kill us all.
Very interesting about NAC... These bastards do want to kill us all.
I sent this vid to a vasker (yes I made that up just now - vaxxer + masker - you're welcome) and they simply found some fact check on Reuters. I laughed at him. They cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias is beyond measurable.
I ask them if they believe there are evil people in the world, but they just can't comprehend that there could be such a large coordinated effort.
Very difficult to get through to people even when the evidence is spoon fed to them. I guess its true that they will need to feel it to believe it.
I'm just glad we have some info that could potentially save their lives. This video is a Godsend.
You just hit it.. they can't comprehend the amount of people behind this!!!
That's exactly what I get trying to discuss this stuff with my normie sister. My Mother on the other hand became redpilled largely on her own after seeing first hand how the mainstream media was coordinated to push a negative narrative during Trump's 4 years (she was a lifelong Democrat and Hillary voter). Her Awakening has been an awesome thing to see, she is a gentle soul who has seen evil, but the hardest part was to understand that the world power matrix is full of corrupt and genuinely evil people who are pushing a genuinely evil agenda.
My retarded sister on the other hand is blinded by naivety - typical bluepilled generalization that "everyone in Power got there because they are Good, smart people who have personal drive, commitment, and know what they are doing!" :/ She doesn't understand that political appointments and other positions of power and influence are highly prized and largely occupied by sociopaths and psychopaths and that greed and fulfillment and expansion of personal desire is the driving motivation of those inhuman individuals playing this game.
Wow. So refreshing to hear people who get it state it so plainly and clearly.
I am in good company. We should have like a big event somewhere lol.
"Vaskless 2021 - Q sent me"
Right. They are very coordinated... and all of us are like.. just live life and be happy.. meanwhile they plot.
That is very well said about your sister's viewpoint! Everyone has an agenda soooo she better trust their agenda is what she want's for herself!
Me too. I have not been vaxed but I take it because so many people in my area have been vaxed (the shedding thing). I take two 1000 mg tablets twice a day (one in the morning and one at night. Warning - they are some big tablets and you will need a big gulp of water to get them down.
I first heard about it a few months back when I accidentally OD on tylenol. Drs were useless so ended up buying a couple of tubs of the stuff more or less at the same point the FDA were talking about removing it.
I know we aren't supposed to do this on here, but I am positive you will like to know.
Glutathione supplements are absolutely not gonna survive the stomach.
I connect people with doctors and pharmacies who provide IVM and HCQ. I also direct people to where they can get glutathione shots.
Another solution was liposomal glutathione, which was the option I chose for myself until recently.
Now there is a nanotechnology for glutathione where the glutathione molecule is separated from the clump of molecules, then quickly surrounded by ultra pure water. You swish it in your mouth for 40 seconds (good for the gums, too), then swallow. It actually absorbs into your bloodstream right from your mouth.
Not to be a salesman...just trying to spread the word, like I do with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. I didnt get a penny for doing that for the past year. My heart is pure on this.
All of our friends who have been vaxxed need an absorbable glutathione. Also, all of us who wore the graphene mask need it.
I did research the see who funded their discovery and to see what connections could be made between them and any global corps. Turns out Steve Scott funded it with his own money. (He writes Christian books and marketed several famous products before, like Total Gym ). His family also helped fund this research. He's had a passion for years to find a way to make glutathione absorbable.
Here is where you can get it, and here is a video of Steve explaining it. (Start at 2 min to speed it up to the good part.)
what's the dosage and timing?
for how many days?
About 500-600 mg daily is probably fine for most. More might be needed for heavy drinkers, drug users, smokers, people in high pollution areas.
NAC is a precursor to the most powerful antioxidant in the body: glutathione.
People who die from lung inflammation (cytokines storm) that correlates with flus/covids tend to have low levels of glutathione.
As with everything including food, it’s probably a good idea to skip it for a while from time to time.
As always, is best to get your “supplements” from food itself. NAC is just the synthetic supplement form of the amino acid cysteine.
NAC in stock here.
The studies I read specified 90g effervescent tablets once per day.
Thanks fren.... both resources are terrific
What do you make of this study: ?
That is what I have been using for years.
I know now to stock up!
how many days in a row?
After my coworker sheep all rushed off to get vaccinated like lemmings off a cliff one week, by that Friday I started feeling weird and I had a fever that night. I took NAC plus colloidal silver (definitely get this---it works great) and I did not develop any symptoms of anything. I did it just for a few days. I learned about colloidal silver from Info Wars. The one I have has a higher ppm and I got it from iHerb. iHerb is now completely sold out of NAC.
Silver works magic on strep throat as well
Wish I knew that when I had strep throat in 8th grade!
Ha.. me too... but now I have kids who are yet in 8th grade
I'm surprised they still sell Colloidal Silver.
I make my own using a kit that includes a generator, silver rods, and instructions. Starting at around $125 they are available online. For this price you can make GALLONS of collodal silver. Order more silver rods make more and give away to family and friends.
That's cool. Mike Adams, Health Ranger tested several Colloidal Silver brands and found Sovereign Silver is the I use it.
Thanks, just got mine.
You can get the precursor L-Cysteine and your body will convert it.
Came here to say this!
I added daily glutathione to my regiment about 3 weeks ago even though I’m not vaxd.
It's supposed to be good as part of the zinc, quercetin, vit D and C protocol as well.
That's the trick that the DS wants to make sure people aren't using to stop "COVID": shoving coffee up your ass.
It does sound like a comment a troll would make and then snicker about in a post on /r/Qult_Headquarters
I haven't tried it, somewhat averse to things going in versus out, but I read Dr. Gershon's treatment plan. (Sister has cancer) At this point after two years of chemo and 3 operations, I think I've convinced her that alternate cures need to be considered. Dr. Bryzinski in Houston has an excellent track record. Many reports of Fenbendazole, Quinine, Ivermectin, etc. Weird thing is that anti-parasitics seem to be effective against viruses and cancer. Would love it if scientists and doctors could do research to figure out why, but unfortunately most research is find by pharma companies and they don't seem interested in researching these things. No money in it. You would think that socialized medicine would be more receptive.
👆🏻 As true as truth gets.
I'm fairly ignorant of how socialized care actually functions. I'm aware of the ideal and wise enough to know that ideal is never reality. Thank you for sharing some knowledge.
How it functions? Not well at all.
Yes, cancer can't burn fats and protein, they doing seem to have the ability to switch on those genes. Fasting and avoiding sugars and carbs I'd how to weaken cancer cells. Only if you have sufficient body fat should you fast. The anti-parasitics can deliver the fatal blow to kill the cancer after being weakened. I never understood why treating cancer was done with carcinogenic drugs and ionizing radiation. Always seemed like a bad idea.
Ncswc lol
Just make sure you don't use black rifle coffee or you'll be shoving other things up your ass in no time.
Ka-Ching!! Money 💰 I was gonna say, so how do you like your coffee-black, cream & sugar? Naahh, anally for me!
There are tons of holistic protocols for cancer that suggest using coffee enemas as well! Gerson is one I can think of!
Do you get caffeinated when you do a coffee enema? Like you drank a lot of coffee really fast?
My old roommate used to give herself enemas of Dilaudid back when we used to be opioid addicts together.
I could never bring myself to join her on that one but she definitely spoke highly about the experience.
Increasing glutathione by around 600% so they say. No NAC needed
This is also great to take whenever you drink alcohol
Before you drink, not after. I read it can further damage your liver if taking afterwards during recovery. I don’t have a source right now.
Thanks. I read you should take it before and after. If you find a source please let me know. For now I suppose I will stop taking it after to be safe.
After looking into it some more, I think it’s probably ok to take afterwards. They all referenced this one study and it doesn’t really have any data on it. Here’s a good thread on it with links to the study. (That’s also a good subreddit if you’re not familiar with it)
Thanks! Here are several supplements I take when I drink alcohol. I never get hungover. I also pretty much only drink high quality tequila blanco though - it is the cleanest alcohol - the only one that your body does not convert to glucose and instead distributes as a waste product. It is also the only alcohol that is a stimulant rather than a depressant. Something about the agave makes this substance so unique that I don’t even think it should be classified as alcohol - it seems like something else. For example if you switch to only drinking this, you will still go through cravings for other alcohol for a period. I would just add that any b vitamin should always be taken with methyl folate or your body does not absorb it well.
I used to take liposomal glutathione so that it could be absorbed. Now there is a newer technology. I am passionately trying to save my vaccinated kids and friends.
This video describes the technology. Also, here is a link for where to buy it
Just good intentions here...and so much research. I am grateful to improve on the liposomals I took before.
Best wishes!
Exercise might literally save lives....
Imagine that
There was a movie out a few years ago, that was based along this idea. "The Kingsmen" I believe was the name.
They will be literally torn limb from limb like some freaky sub saharan African witch trial video if these vaccines really start dropping people in massive amounts.
Glutathione needs to be taken with Vitamin C to make it past the digestive process.
Liposomal Vit C!
Excellent video - thanks for sharing.
You can take reduced glutathione powder with baking soda dissolved in distilled water using a nebulizer.
Did all vaccines have graphene oxide since the beginning of the jabs?
No lay person knows for sure. It’s better to err on the side of safety. Especially if these backed fucks are running around shedding their newly acquired spike proteins everywhere.
When I read info on the "shedding" phenomena, it referred to bodily fluids, not skin. Is there a reliable reference that refers to actual human skin "shedding" as a source of the "spiked protein"?
Great information, pretty much what Dr. Ruby said on interview with Stew Peters Show, but this had more information. When was this video made and how come it goes to video like that instead of a page on bitchute? Who posted it on bitchute?
Edit to add ... I'm surprised they didn't mention anything about shedding. So now that we know it was all along the graphene oxide making people sick, can it be shedded from a vaxxed person to and unvaxxed person? Or is what unvaxxed people getting sick from is the regular flu or cold and nothing at all to do with shedding?
Seems like that might have been a big distraction.
Holy shit!
Tried to send link to this on messenger. They won't allow it. Amazing
nope have to use telegram
Do websites like amazon and iHerb send legit stuff? I'm scared of getting duds
Can someone clarify for me please? Are they saying that the graphene oxide is the sole cause of the virus and is also in the vaccine, masks and tests, or are they saying that graphene oxide is something that produces the same effects as the virus and is thus able to be administered without raising suspicion?
I guess I’m confused - does the virus have anything to do with graphene oxide or is it just the masks, tests and vaccine?
Yes, there has been no "covid19" virus isolated in a lab. It doesn't exist. All of the sickness attributed to c19 is instead a result of graphene oxide in the flu shots of 2019, the masks, the testing nasal swabs and the c19 jab. When someone has a virus(flu/cold) it's probably just one of the regular viruses we get from time to time such as rhinovirus, rsv, enterovirus etc.
Yes, what i am beginning to piece together is that there is possibly no real Covid.
If they inserted the GO into the 2019 flu shots, etc, then the symptoms of Covid-19 are really just GO poisoning?
And they modeled the Cov Sars 2 virus in 2 days, and all of the actual vaccines being developed over 20 years and patented were really just a way to get GO and the mRNA together for injection.
So maybe they used the symptoms of GO to scare people into getting more GO + their 5G nanotechnology + mRNA solution.
The process seems to be to kill off lots of people while they hone in on the ability to kill only certain people through 5G control.
The nanotechnology has biosensors and they can essentially download a state of your health. The GO encases the mRNA and maybe can be controlled to release on their demand.
End result = do what we say or we will kill you remotely.
Going off on a tin foil tangent here I know, but honestly it seems to be how things are shaping up. Can't rule this shit out yet, it seems.
So only people who have had the 2019 flu shot, have worn the types of masks that have GO in them, have taken a covid test or have gotten a covid vax would be at risk?
Other than masks I’ve done none of those things. How would you know if the masks have GO?
Really makes the push for constant testing in places such as Australia (“Get a test at the slightest symptom!! As many times as you like!”) seem extra dodgy. But I’m inclined to assume ignorance rather than malice, especially at the lower levels.
This is why you never wear the mask.
Yeah. I'm wondering the same. It IS a little confusing, but everything's confusing these days.
So true!
Damn. Good point.
Thanks for sharing!
The people who did this are absolute monsters, and the ones who helped them (MSM) should have to face justice as well. FDA, CDC, WHO, the entire Democratic Party, MSM personnel and their bosses, and the boards and CEOs of every business that promotes vaccines, all of them should have to face down pitchforks whenever they appear in public. All of them should be in jail awaiting execution.
They cannot except justice for this NAZI-level crime like they did at the end of WW2 after the show trials. No deals. No secret relocations so they can continue research. Only the gibbet for all of them.
This is insane they are trying to kill us
This pfizer whistleblower talks about it in this interview. This is a good interview for normies as well.
A number of links shown above.
Good video, but I wish they would have said more about what to do about the people who have had the PCR tests (lots of people) and / or worn the masks for long periods. They mentioned NAC and Glutathione, but they mentioned the glutathione being taken intravenously. And I thought the NAC was a precursor, so not sure what the point of taking that is unless people do it to prompt the bodies production of glutathione. Can anybody clarify? Thanks.
Good question. More answers needed for sure, but understanding the antidote for graphene oxide poisoning is huge.
He did say intravenously as an option and since elderly cannot produce as much if it as easily then they may be the best use of injections.
Younger people who got the vaccine may be able to use NACs I'm thinking, but still intravenously would be much faster result - especially if they are particularly sick.
For swab PCR tests, I read that while graphene oxide was on the tips it is a much smaller amount. I personally got the swab, but only once. Since they were pushing test, test, test for so long and also employers require weekly testing if not vaxxed, then perhaps it was a slower, consistent poisoning method.
I would think that since I only got 1 swab and perhaps considering shedding (which I still know little about) the supplemental route may be sufficient.
Long story short I would think the more graphene oxide you got and the older or sicker you are then the more direct antidote you need.
Obviously, I am not a medical doctor so treat me like an idiot, please.
Lol. I hope you're right about the swabs, or that the LQC team is wrong. Because as you said, some people took those tests a lot. I believe you can get glutathione as a supplement, but since he mentioned taking it intravenously, now I don't know if it would even do any good. I hope some actual doctors who aren't compromised will weigh in on this an clarify this stuff because there are lots of people who will need treatment. If you find any such info or videos, please post them and let me know, and I will do the same. Thanks, fren.
Does anyone have a guess to what their endgoal is? The vaccine will obviously kill off most of the liberal sheeps. That would mean the only ones surviving will be Patriots who can do their own research.
Wouldn't that overall be amazing or am I missing something? God Bless
ohhhhh that matches what a guy on here was claiming that there will be another virus that the only way you survive is to take the vaccine.. so you have to know when.. but it makes more sense that it's this..
This is the explanation I've been waiting for! Thank you!!!
This must be why they want lock downs, keep people couped up no exercise no why to fight off the these poisons from masks, vaccines, swabs so on
So many reasons for them I think.
I went on a business trip last week, 3 plane rides and office get together with all vaxers. Started feeling bad on the plane Friday night and Saturday I was sick and started taking HCQ+zpack+zinc. So as of today I feel pretty good about half of the time. I do have some NAC squirreled away. Should I take that also?
Ty fren
really great video.
a lot of folks who recognize "something" is happening fail to appreciate the gravity of danger they are in. this helps show them.
So I have two friends, (a couple) the woman is sick with virus but isn't too bad, however the guy may have to go into the hospital. Both are vaxxed. Will this Glutathione help them get better or do they need something to take along with this do you think?
I would review some of the comments posted above about ways to properly increase glutathione levels via NACs etc and then introduce it to them. It seems simple enough, but they may need a lot since they are vaxxed and sick. Not a doctor, but the science seems legit and sound. Maybe send them the link to the video?
They aren't close friends, just people we see when out and about type thing, so I don't have their contact info but my husband may have contact info for one of them on social media. I was telling him about the gluthathione but I couldn't remember the name of it at the time, so I told him I would find it and tell him. I thought ivermectin could help them also, at least with symptoms.
Probably yes to both. I just question so much now because of that video. It seems if they are sick then perhaps it is a common cold or flu magnified because of the vaxx in combination with graphene oxide poisoning- I have no idea as I am not a doctor. I would also recommend sending them to America's Frontline Doctor's in combination with this news about graphene oxide. No doubt, they will be motivated to at least look into it.
Handshake account lmao. Try harder
Who funds that organization again ? See it for yourself
And thats how you handle that crap. Follow the money.
Sometimes I will open up a page of Bilderberg meeting attendees and cross reference the leadership team of the org in question and see if they attended multiple years.