I'm not predicting an outcome, I'm saying that, no matter what happens this week, it'll be a milestone of some kind. Am I predicting arrests, or the like? No.
You're predicting either their narrative dying or our cause suffering a sizable setback, this week.
Outcome + point in time...
Hinged of the event from Mr Liddell? It's just another week of carpet bombing, imho. I hope August is a hot month for them, though i don't see this week as a make or break week, when it happens it happens.
Yeah, this is pretty much where I'm at. If all this + the audits still haven't move the needle in a week or two then it will be with a heavy heart that I will order my body armor.
If somehow the cyber symposium is a flop it would be catastrophic to the entire movement against election fraud. So yes, he is correct about either their narrative dying or us taking a massive step back
I place more stock in the AZ audits & legal proceedings than civilian releases.
If what he presents is impactful, great, though it won't be any sort of catastrophic event for me. Just like his meeting at the White House back in Jan when his notes w were caught by the press.
More than likely, what he presents will be swept under the rug by the media & be a fairly benign event though another straw on the camel's back.
It will only be 'catastrophic' to those thinking this will be the event to set it off. Maybe it is, maybe it isnt.
Yeah, my point is that he can present all the evidence, but until someone steps in to do something about it, it's just more preaching to the choir.
Until I see major media outlets discussing it, or calls for a nationwide audit by Dems/RINOs, or an actual decertification of Arizona's election, I won't be too excited regardless of what is presented.
wouldn't it be interesting if we saw something along the lines of 200k votes switched via dominion in AZ. Then AZ audit drops their findings saying vote count was off on tabulators by 200k or more.
As those of us in blue cities/states face mandates and totalitarian rule, please, please, use hopium wisely.
What was Trump's #1 critique of the way pols handle attacks during the 2016 campaign? It was, why are you announcing your plans to give them a head-start?
So the fact that we all think it's going to happen this week, means it's definitely not going to happen this week.
If the goal is to keep the DS guessing and expending ammo... then we can expect more info to drop, and more surprises.
Every time the DS expends ammo, they reveal something. The more desperate they become, the less that is hidden from the patriots.
A couple weeks ago I was at a hotel talking to the desk person about the AZ audit. Solid Trump supporter (believes Trump won) who had no idea about the AZ Audit. But one way or another, she knew the election was rigged.
So if we go back to what Q said about us being ready to help others understand the plan and current events, people will be surprised, shocked, and/or horrified when the military steps in and the truth is revealed. I think everyone is going to be surprised, us included.
So to answer your question, as ready as can be. I'm trying to stay a bit ahead on basic supplies, doing the things I need to do, trying to keep up with back-channel news, watching and waiting for the Patriots to make their move, praying that it isn't too much longer of a wait, and mentally preparing to hold out as long as possible.
What would you prefer? Civil war? If the shooting starts, are you ready to rock and roll? How many shots do you expect to get off before you get capped? How many of us would get out alive?
I can assure you I haven't repeated myself a 1000 times. People expect something to go down on their time frame, and Q has made it clear that this is much bigger than a little sting operation.
I don't like watching our country go to hell any more than anyone else, but I also know I don't have the tools to take on an entrenched enemy. But, I also see arrests happening that were on the decline during the Obama years. That might not seem like much to you, but the fewer pawns in the game at the end, the cleaner the ending can be.
Until you calculate all the people who get their news directly from the site online. No, liberal media reaches a dramatic majority of the nation. And the people who don’t watch that crap are already on our side. So who cares? The point is, Democrats literally control every single arm of our society and we are expecting Mike to hit it out of the park and Democrat judges, Democrat law-enforcement, Democrat legislators to.... arrest themSELVES?!?!?!?
Things are happening, that's for sure. Patriots got a whole bunch of info MOABs armed and ready to go at any moment.
That being said, Anon, don't put too much hope in any single date! If there is one thing I've learned over the years, one of Q's favorite moves was using anons' chatter to make the deep state think that Trump and the military were going to spring into action on certain dates... and when that date came, it would end up being a total fakeout meant to trick the Deep State into expending false flag ammunition.
I think they do. I remember a couple of times on QRV, we would be talking about various topics, and then Q would mention something similar in one of the drops. so I bet they still check in from time to time. amazing to think about...
I just realized part of my last reply was to another post about prayer. but sure it's all good, I know you like talking about Jesus too, and the link is an interesting one:)
Kidding. We'll see, won't we. Even if it's a MOAB, they'll do their best to ignore it. I'm not as obsessed with how the media or people receive this. I'm waiting to understand how the military becomes involved.
I wonder that too; 'what' will bring the tipping point...and military side note; the cyber composium is at a military related facility with a gun range. Mr. Lindell does a great job planning these events.
Or so you think. I was just thinking about how BRILLIANT Q is with timing and periods of silence.
Right now the world is watching for his next post. Every MSM is just waiting for the epic day Q “comes back” so they can sneer and write hit piece after hit piece trying to tear down the anons.
Imagine the hits on that next post/barrage of posts? It’s going to be billions a minute, every MSM will be putting out some catchy breaking news snarky headline analyzing every word phrase and dot.
"It must be right. It must be according to the law. It must be proven. It's what you don't see. Durham is not the only game in town." ~ Q
Wise words from Q...thank you for posting fren!
Sorry not going to get excited about date fagging again, burned too many times.
It's not datefagging, tho. Their narrative either dies this week or our movement takes a yuge step backwards.
That statement in itself is datefagging...
'It happens this week'
It's been a steady carpet bombing for years. Like the red coats march back from concord to boston & being harassed the entire way.
Every week is either a step forward or backward.
I'm not predicting an outcome, I'm saying that, no matter what happens this week, it'll be a milestone of some kind. Am I predicting arrests, or the like? No.
100% u/catsfive!
You're predicting either their narrative dying or our cause suffering a sizable setback, this week.
Outcome + point in time...
Hinged of the event from Mr Liddell? It's just another week of carpet bombing, imho. I hope August is a hot month for them, though i don't see this week as a make or break week, when it happens it happens.
Yeah, this is pretty much where I'm at. If all this + the audits still haven't move the needle in a week or two then it will be with a heavy heart that I will order my body armor.
If somehow the cyber symposium is a flop it would be catastrophic to the entire movement against election fraud. So yes, he is correct about either their narrative dying or us taking a massive step back
I place more stock in the AZ audits & legal proceedings than civilian releases.
If what he presents is impactful, great, though it won't be any sort of catastrophic event for me. Just like his meeting at the White House back in Jan when his notes w were caught by the press.
More than likely, what he presents will be swept under the rug by the media & be a fairly benign event though another straw on the camel's back.
It will only be 'catastrophic' to those thinking this will be the event to set it off. Maybe it is, maybe it isnt.
Datefag all you want man and fuck anybody who says otherwise. If they don't like it, they can block you or just simply move along.
Not at all. There's always something huge on the horizon. And always some breadcrumbs to be following the next day, the next week... :-)
same thing inauguration day, anytime a date is mentioned it passes, I wouldn't count on anything happening this week.
Let's hope so... We really need to get this show on the road. I am so tired of waiting for IT to happen.
I want my country back NOW!
I took the day off tomorrow. Stocking up on popcorn :) Mike Lindell is on a mission from God!!!
Woohoo now here's a patriot! 👆
we've got a full tank of gas...
and we're wearing sunglasses
I am definitely ready to finally see what this guy has.
I think we can predict what he has. The real questions are:
What will be done about it?
Who has the authority to do anything about it?
Who has the balls to step up and actually do something about it?
That’s exactly what this is…. He is revealing the hard evidence.
My predictions are probably different than your predictions, but either way, it'll be an big day for both of us.
Yeah, my point is that he can present all the evidence, but until someone steps in to do something about it, it's just more preaching to the choir.
Until I see major media outlets discussing it, or calls for a nationwide audit by Dems/RINOs, or an actual decertification of Arizona's election, I won't be too excited regardless of what is presented.
Oh you don’t think Democrats will see the symposium and immediately arrest themselves?
All predictions, on both sides, will be based on the hard evidence. No wishes, no hopium.
Unrelated...did you have a doc in IL that you got some ivermectin from? Thanks
You can get the HCQ ivermectin combo pack shipped for 90 bucks from America’s frontline doctors
Thanks their website had been giving trouble for the past few days.
No, I bought the horse paste off of Amazon. Took three 250 lbs doses spaced out over 9 days.
Ok thanks, I thought you found a doc in the PR of IL.
No, I don't live in IL
what did you take it for again?
I've have some of the HCQ, but not quite sure what the ivermectin does?
I got mine from the farm store. It works.
Did you think of the injectable type taken by drinking mixed in juice? I’m not sure if the paste or the 1% injectable version is the best. Thx
wouldn't it be interesting if we saw something along the lines of 200k votes switched via dominion in AZ. Then AZ audit drops their findings saying vote count was off on tabulators by 200k or more.
I believe this is the plan. Cyber Symposium starts at the same time the preliminary audit results are released.
I'm. SO. Ready.
And prepare for the network to go dark... which will also be a huge sign
As those of us in blue cities/states face mandates and totalitarian rule, please, please, use hopium wisely.
What was Trump's #1 critique of the way pols handle attacks during the 2016 campaign? It was, why are you announcing your plans to give them a head-start?
So the fact that we all think it's going to happen this week, means it's definitely not going to happen this week.
I'd love nothing more than to be wrong, though
90% this.
The info will come out, but the likelihood of action actually taking place, doubtful.
More likely the DS will try and shut down Communications this week,
That feeling comes in waves. So sure, then hopeful, then doubt & sadness. Roller Coasters suck IMO.
If the goal is to keep the DS guessing and expending ammo... then we can expect more info to drop, and more surprises.
Every time the DS expends ammo, they reveal something. The more desperate they become, the less that is hidden from the patriots.
A couple weeks ago I was at a hotel talking to the desk person about the AZ audit. Solid Trump supporter (believes Trump won) who had no idea about the AZ Audit. But one way or another, she knew the election was rigged.
So if we go back to what Q said about us being ready to help others understand the plan and current events, people will be surprised, shocked, and/or horrified when the military steps in and the truth is revealed. I think everyone is going to be surprised, us included.
So to answer your question, as ready as can be. I'm trying to stay a bit ahead on basic supplies, doing the things I need to do, trying to keep up with back-channel news, watching and waiting for the Patriots to make their move, praying that it isn't too much longer of a wait, and mentally preparing to hold out as long as possible.
^^^^^ This! Very well said! ^^^^^
What would you prefer? Civil war? If the shooting starts, are you ready to rock and roll? How many shots do you expect to get off before you get capped? How many of us would get out alive?
I can assure you I haven't repeated myself a 1000 times. People expect something to go down on their time frame, and Q has made it clear that this is much bigger than a little sting operation.
I don't like watching our country go to hell any more than anyone else, but I also know I don't have the tools to take on an entrenched enemy. But, I also see arrests happening that were on the decline during the Obama years. That might not seem like much to you, but the fewer pawns in the game at the end, the cleaner the ending can be.
The same problem remains how do you get past the non coverage by the lame stream media. If they don't cover it over half of the country won't see it.
That's what I'm thinking. That's why we'll be doing our best here to help coverage get out
I wouldn't say that, nobody's watching the fake news anymore anyways.
Primetime news is dominated by OAN, RSBN, and local stations. Even with fox, fake news cant get 4million viewers on primetime!
Until you calculate all the people who get their news directly from the site online. No, liberal media reaches a dramatic majority of the nation. And the people who don’t watch that crap are already on our side. So who cares? The point is, Democrats literally control every single arm of our society and we are expecting Mike to hit it out of the park and Democrat judges, Democrat law-enforcement, Democrat legislators to.... arrest themSELVES?!?!?!?
click anybody home!?!?!? Tosses splodie boy
oops dropped something....hey think you can find that
Things are happening, that's for sure. Patriots got a whole bunch of info MOABs armed and ready to go at any moment.
That being said, Anon, don't put too much hope in any single date! If there is one thing I've learned over the years, one of Q's favorite moves was using anons' chatter to make the deep state think that Trump and the military were going to spring into action on certain dates... and when that date came, it would end up being a total fakeout meant to trick the Deep State into expending false flag ammunition.
Everyone need to get it through the head that no symposium, no audit, not court action will be end the criminals tyrants despotic rein of terror.
Q told us:
2601-Nov-2017 1:41:54 AM EDTAnonymous4ch/pol Think about it logically. The only way is the military.
Understand. And I suppose I was wrong, it will take a lot of MOABS, truths, to clear the way for military.
Praying that tomorrow is the beginning of the end.
Ever wonder if 45/Q Team reads some of our threads and crack-up laughing?
I like to make them laugh on occasion 👍🏼
I guarantee there is someone on the Q team that monitors all comms here for threat assessment and narrative detection purposes
I figured as much 👍🏼 So awesome…knowing we’re on the front-lines 😎
I think they do. I remember a couple of times on QRV, we would be talking about various topics, and then Q would mention something similar in one of the drops. so I bet they still check in from time to time. amazing to think about...
THAT, is as cool as it gets 😎👆🏼
I agree, the coincidences are amazing, and I think that Jesus is what ties everything together! 🥳
and for anyone not familiar with the Sayings Gospel/Q-Source, this is a great site with various outlines so you can find the QS in your own Bible.
Wow! Great stuff, thanks F’REAL 👍🏼
I just realized part of my last reply was to another post about prayer. but sure it's all good, I know you like talking about Jesus too, and the link is an interesting one:)
Yes please. God bless the patriots of this great nation.
Will there be a discussion stickies post for comments about the Symposium u/catsfive ??
Do people really believe this [attack] can happen against the President of the United States and nothing will happen? Moves and countermoves. Q
Fire in the hole! 🔥🔥💣💣🐸🐸
That picture literally made me laugh out loud.
Rolling on the floor laughing?
I'm anxiously awaiting the symposium. :)
I'm feeling the hype.
Regardless of the nature of evidence Lindell presents, it is going to be a big week.
I can't wait!!! Everything is happening! Mike Lindell, Assange's trial, and the great awakening is like a tidal wave! I love it.
Just in case anybody forgot. NCSWIC!
Great image!!!
Not getting my hopes up. We’ve been getting coms and “booms” for months.
First thing that came to mind when I saw the pic was "frag out!"
Second thing was "Kobe!"
Praying the internet won't go down.
if you haven't bought your popcorn, now is a good time to do so
You have been banned for 0 days.
Kidding. We'll see, won't we. Even if it's a MOAB, they'll do their best to ignore it. I'm not as obsessed with how the media or people receive this. I'm waiting to understand how the military becomes involved.
I wonder that too; 'what' will bring the tipping point...and military side note; the cyber composium is at a military related facility with a gun range. Mr. Lindell does a great job planning these events.
Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?
Difficult truths.
Crimes against Children = common denominator [no matter political affiliation]
[mass pop awakening].
Have faith in Humanity.
How do you show them when they ain't watching?
"Let's see what happens."
Tune in to find out.
^^^This. Those that need to hear will not be watching. And MSM will not report.
I agree, I think it will be about the children, when people will Finally show some emotion.
just mind boggling that it's taken this long...they really don't pay attention
Or so you think. I was just thinking about how BRILLIANT Q is with timing and periods of silence.
Right now the world is watching for his next post. Every MSM is just waiting for the epic day Q “comes back” so they can sneer and write hit piece after hit piece trying to tear down the anons.
Imagine the hits on that next post/barrage of posts? It’s going to be billions a minute, every MSM will be putting out some catchy breaking news snarky headline analyzing every word phrase and dot.
It’s gonna be fuckin Biblical...
Not only can they just repeat whatever lie they choose to, they can censor the truth as well. It’s a double whammy.
Seeing the truth is quite the mental illness these days lol
Alas the sane person in an asylum is considered the madman.
Did they report you to the FBI? They're supposed to!
well shit... now he should
Dang this whole thread had me laughing 😂
That's not a how any of this works