The doomer & negative comments I see here lately are mostly from trolls. Do not engage they get paid for engagements. Move on, block or deport whatever you want to do
But to those that aren't bots & trolls.... please understand your role and your mission. This is war, war sucks and it ain't for everyone
If you can't be patient, stay on task and want to go back to sleep, that's your choice. But don't expect to coddled and sung a lullaby by people here.
If you turn off stuff being revealed to you because blah blah you've heard it all before, you're going to miss stuff. It's like passing up a great book because it's words and you already know words. Or a tasty treat because you know food.
If you can't be patient, positive and receptive at least be quiet.
It's ok to take a break, it's ok to not understand stuff. It's ok to have feelings. Not every thought that enters your mind needs to be said out loud.
It's not okay to fail our mission.
Your attitude & words matter
Yep. Ride out the storm. Be like Noah on his ark.
if we have to ride this out too much longer, we'll be getting a major saddle rash!
I get my hands dirty deporting handshakes like Noah.
My wife rides deep in my ass.
Username checks out
Great write-up. Last full paragraph is particularly good. I often want to yell at those still asleep saying look at all this evidence! It’s literally right in front of your eyes!! But that only results in resentment. Have faith, pray, show the same grace that God has shown us.
Thanks :)
I was hesitant to post it.
Thank you for posting what I was thinking. This is our mission.
Good post fren.
You can’t convince a blind man the sky is blue, but you can at least inform the blind there is indeed a sky, a magnificent dome above our heads, and it has colors, all manner of swirls we call clouds, soft, pillow-like… sometimes strange, dark and angry. Sometimes flashes of light appear, striking the ground with immense energy, horrendous booms close behind.
Then one day when the blind man can see again through the miracles we hear in the Bible… he may be shocked by the sight to behold, but he will find comfort that the world has been painted for him by a friendly green frog fren.
This is how I keep my patience meter above ‘0’.
This is the only thing I can do… I submit to Gods will knowing that His is more perfect than mine 🙏🏼
There was a paragraph?
Not many of us are immune to that :). It's about we handle ourselves in the moment
Good summary. Weak-willed snowflakes have no place here.
The back lash against everything right now is massive and the propaganda media is doing everything it can to hide it. I'm talking world wide. We're winning but it's going to get really hard for many of us myself included. We need to be cohesive. Look at a small victory yesterday, the airlines backed down because the pilots and the rest of the employees held fast. They won! Jab mandate dropped! I assume united airlines who were the ones who started this shit will drop it as well very soon.
Wondering why Obama is partying with his friends at this point in time isn't backlash.
I was not aware of that; thanks for commenting about it.
Pepe and the Frens, my favorite band.
And my favorite oblivious Myanmar native.
Thanks for the pep talk, Gunny.
Yes thank you for saying that!
Frustration runs high because people these days are what i call "click babies"; someone who expects instant gratification by a mere click on the internet and, if they dont get it RIGHT NOW, they piss and whine and cry about it. I treat them as the overgrown children they are.
People need to calm the F down, have patience, and pay attention to whats going on. This is not a one-click solve all problems thing going on.
Edit: great post, OP.!
I agree with you. Honestly, we don’t even know what it is ML and his team are actually intending to accomplish with this. We don’t really know who/what Q is and how they fit into this now - since the drops have stopped. We see one man - DJT - and we tell ourselves if he had just won the election, or we can get him reinstated, we can go back to normal. Ask yourself how “normal” things were in 2017-2020. We think we know the Plan, and therefore we think we know just what needs to happen and how it should play out, and when our expectations don’t mesh with what we see happening, well then everything is just “effed up” and the blaming starts. People need to realize this is MASSIVE worldwide, age old corruption involving powerful enemies that really don’t want to be exposed. Without Divine intervention, we’d have no hope at all. Election fraud is just one tiny move in a huge chess game that we can’t possibly understand just by watching from the sidelines. I don’t believe the ultimate goal of winning the game really has much to do with reinstating DJT. He’s part of a much bigger plan. Why do people have such tunnel vision? Because, as you said, we want everything yesterday. Instant gratification does not build the kind of character our forefathers possessed. I believe a big part of the Great Awakening is waking up to exactly what it is we stand to lose - so we will learn to appreciate and protect it instead of taking it for granted the way many of us have. So we need to stop second guessing the people who are fighting in the trenches on our behalf, and instead pray for them. Pray to God for His wisdom, His protection, His intervention because “our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” (Eph 6:12) Mere mortals are not equipped to fight that battle without God’s intervention and I stand firm in Faith that we will see that intervention! He has already promised it. So, in the interim, stop second guessing and complaining and learn to pray.
I feel you've been wanting to unload that for a while and i did the TL;DR version. Like, holy shit haha!
Yeh yer spot on.😁
I’m one of the quiet ones. I’ve posted maybe twice since the whole thing started and I found this site. ( November) I’ll admit, I don’t have much hope this is real….but I DO have hope. I wouldn’t keep reading if I didn’t. But yes I agree about staying quiet if you can’t be positively engaged. I’ll be honest, if nothing major happens today, I’m not sure how much hope I’ll have left. 😞 it will just appear to be another date where something was suppose to happen big, that didn’t happen. I’m praying all this madness ends soon though. My husband and I have 6 kids (yes they are all his. We’ve only ever been with each other, married very young and still going strong 18 years later) and even the oldest ones (16 and 13) are scared what’s gonna happen if Trump, his buds and the military don’t pull this off. I am skeptical…but hopeful.
I’ll go back to lurking and praying now! 😉
Have you read the Devolution info? That is the only thing that makes sense now. Fact is you either believe that Trump came in with a 'plan' to take them down or he didn't.
If you listened to his early speeches when he was running in 2015 and he talked about the movement being an 'existential' threat to them, it is clear he knew how big the problem was. He even went on Alex Jones and talked about knowing everything his listeners did. It is inconceivable knowing that, that he didn't come in with a well prepared 'plan'. This is the man who studies Sun Tsu remember.
The idea he just got 'lucky' to get the nomination, and then the Presidency but had no idea what he was doing beyond trying to bring jobs back and lower taxes, does not make sense given his prior speeches.
I admit I have been puzzled at some of his moves; people wrote brilliant articles when the US were under National Emergency during the appearance of Covid, and he boasted about being a 'War President', they detailed all the powers he had - he could have seized control of the Media, Social Media, arrested many of the members of the press and judiciary etc. And then nothing happened. He used none of it, and the DS seemed to be running rings around him.
I don't buy that they'd call him a Dictator because they were already doing that. There are enemy spies and traitors in every level of government and the US are being slowly overtaken from within by hostile forces. And he does nothing except Tweet about it? Then he walks away after a token effort when they steal the election? No, makes no sense, that is not the kind of man he is. He is also VERY big on vengeance.
He was telling us what they were going to do to steal it for months and the idea that he didn't have a plan in place to prevent them I just cannot fathom. So I think the game plan is more complex than we can imagine and the only thing that makes sense is Devolution.
Really don't buy the idea he is DS as some think - for certain they don't appear to know it as they are vicious in their attacks. Anyway the DS could have carried out things much more smoothly if Clinton had won in 2016.
The vaccine stuff, yep don't get that at all. But I'm gonna trust a little longer. Although if nothing happens before the end of the year I'll really lose hope again. Doesn't have to be the death blow to them, but something major so we can see things are moving to conclusion. If they take much longer with this 'plan' though it may be too late for much of the World including the US.
The biggest 'niggle' for me is The Simpsons episode with Trump coming down the escalator. The Simpsons are usually used to signal what the DS are up to. If they set Trump up to be the catalyst, then we would be screwed. OTOH Trump keeps defying the odds so even if they did set him up (and Wikileaks showed they were happy to promote him during the election because Hilary would obviously beat him, lol), he seems to be turning things in his own favor and against their Agenda.
So for now I'm keeping faith, but at same time I'm preparing for the worst. This forum has been vital in keeping the embers of hope alive, unlike the doomers on The Donald. :)
Keep thinking big picture.
Nothing has happened at the exact time we wanted it to.
Trump would not be smiling and happy and jocular in his speeches and messages if this thing were not ALREADY GOING DOWN.
To us it only feels like "waiting" for "something to happen" because we're shielded from viewing what's happening and already happened. And that's good.
If we could see it, then so could the enemy.
All waiting is in the mind. If standing in a long line "wanting" to be first in line, that's wanting reality to be different than it is. Unmet desire is the source of all suffering. If instead we accept what is, stop desiring for the line to go faster, and just enjoy the .win while standing there, then we're no longer "waiting"; we're just enjoying ourselves. In the context of Q, we can employ the same mindset and accept what is: that the Plan is unfolding as it should.
This is literally me.
Well said
Thanks Fren.
They get paid to waist their time and expose their bs arguments for We the People to see and decide for themselves? Good, burn their bosses money. Expose them.
I respect this. Attitude is everything
It's said positive attitude has a higher frequency than negative attitude.
The Hidden Messages in Water
The extraordinary life work of Dr. Emoto is documented in the New York Times Bestseller, The Hidden Messages in Water. In his book, Dr. Emoto demonstrates how water exposed to loving, benevolent, and compassionate human intention results in aesthetically pleasing physical molecular formations in the water while water exposed to fearful and discordant human intentions results in disconnected, disfigured, and “unpleasant” physical molecular formations. He did this through Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology and high-speed photographs.
Each of us knows someone who will never wake up, but we love them in spite of our differences. Keep praying for their enlightenment.
A sticky... feels good 😎
This 100%. Negative attitudes at this point are not helpful. We need more positive criticism.
Well said! Thank you
Exactly this.
I’ve been needing this reminder for the past couple of weeks. Not wanting to sleep, but feeling despair. I’m getting stronger, when I sense it, I use it as my queue to get stronger. Thank you sir.
Kudos "If you can't be patient, positive and receptive at least be quiet."
You're free to plug back into the Matrix anytime, just don't be a Cypher about it.
Excellent post.
You rock.
Here’s an inside tip I learned in the corps that gives us an edge in every op...priority #1 is mission accomplishment, followed by #2, troop welfare. Every Marine knows this order, join us in this train of thought digital warriors, so that our individual and collective bjective here is achieved
Well said!
Thank you! Words of encouragement & patience are very helpful now. We're are over the target.
Yes! It is very much a spiritual battle. We have to keep our energies high and positive thoughts, don't lose faith. Fear, doubt, anger are all low energy vibrations that feed the evil in this world. You have overcome and see the big picture and have faith that good will win!
Well said!