Just like cockroaches, for every shill you see, there's thousands more you don't. But your mod team sees 'em. Some of these diseased shills are DIRECTLY demon-possessed. They want YOU and our patriotic cause back under their evil control. CONDITION ORANGE! Thank you, patriots! WWG1WGA!!!
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

Thanks to our patriot mods for shielding us from the worst of it!
Hate to say this but we need to pray for these people they get unbrainwashed.
Holding mainstream media accountable.
Remember ...
They move in groups of 8.
1 tries to get a foot in the door. If you allow it - they will Hold that door open for the other 8.
I've actually prayed @ these folks and they run off.
This isn't some matter of people on a forum. There is someone on the other side that is afflicted by allowing dark forces to possess them instead of The Holy Ghost.
Lord Jesus Christ Be Praised. Case these demons out and fortify us against these forces.
Remind us that as we stare into the Abyss that Abyss also stares back into us - and we can not fortify against these forces without calling on Our Father to cast out this darkness and shield us from it's teeth.
Someone posted a little prayer they say when confronted with evil. My plan was to cut and paste as a response to them. Maybe I'll start doing it.
When I face those from above - you are with me.
When I face those from below - you are also with me.
This is a simple prayer.
Spiritual Warfare is omnipresent. No matter what we face - it is born through this paradigm.
Every Negative Thought is not from your own mind. It is a liar from The Fallen speaking to you, in your mind, and trying to trick you into thinking this false negative thought is your own voice.
Every Positive Thought Born In Love & Honesty is divine & In His Image.
It’s that simple. When they creep in - see them - stop & be still - then call on Him. Asking Him for help is not weak. He made us this way. He LOVES you and WANTS us to come to Him.
Try it on. Pray & ask for help in digs. Pray & ask for providence in all ways.
Trust me I am learning to do this. I am a baby Christian.
Thank you. That's beautiful
This what I copied from here a little bit ago, I don't remember from who tho
Thank you for sharing this.
Would you please share it. I have encountered people face to face that you could literally feel the presence of pure evil and the way. They look directly at you is like they know if you belong to God and they can’t touch you and it’s a total hatred look.
“I do not consent to this evil message. I rebuke this, in the name of Jesus! Father, I ask that you rebuke this and send it back to hell, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Also a spiritual NO also works ❤️
Amen and we can bind, rebuke and cast them out in Jesus name when we have faith as well as address them and command them to get behind us and be silent in Jesus name and command them to loose the affllcted in Jesus name
I don’t think sending positive vibes to the moderators for doing a good job is a sign of pussification.
There is zero value from that user. Criticism and doubt are fine, but that filth is not nor should ever be tolerated.
If you want to waste your time on people like that, hop your ass over to reddit.
If I were to get banned, and was able to argue my case afterwards, I would do so with love in my heart. As Jesus would expect of me. As we should do in all situations. I’m sure I’d be sad, a bit upset, but understand these mods have a job to do. I know they are doing the best that they can. Now I wouldn’t have called that fella demonic, but to reply back to a mod like that, as what appears to his last words here, he chose his words...poorly.
These place is a place of help and information. A place of hope. We all want God’s good graces all over this place. Our fellow brother there didn’t need to be here. I’m sure he will find another forum to express their views. Or not? Thank you mods. The hammer is heavy I’m sure. But someone has to do it. 🙏👍
We unban from those messages all the time. One user we gave a 1-day vacation to wrote the mods, saying, basically, "Yeah, I can see where that ban was warranted. I'll see you tomorrow." Haha, I was kinda floored 😅👍
Am I shadowbanned here? Lmfao, my posts aren't showing up on the site
Handshake. Posts approved manually.
All I wanted was for the mod to cite the “dooming”. Didn’t happen, I stated past tense facts with passion and I become a “doomer with plenty of warning”, which was none, I was banned next day without any interaction from the “mods”. Suggestion: before you throw down the ban hammer, why don’t you look at the history of the anon in question..... then take a fresh look at the comments. Don’t get caught up in the same emotional, circle jerk, echo chamber bubble the cancel culture does.
Pray for the Mods.
We could use it. Some of thd crap we see haunts your dreams, you worry about what these people went through to become like this
“Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing. To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume. And who is adequate for such a task as this?” 2 Corinthians 2:15-16 NLT
Prayers for shaking haters off.
Alot of individuals who don’t know the Lord on my prayer list regularly. My biggest prayer other than for my lost family and friends is that God uses ALL of this EVIL they have done for something GOOD
Be encouraged fren for our merciful Father has already promised to do it!
“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 NKJV
I also highly suggest proverbs 16 in its entirety. Here are some highlights “The Lord has made everything for his own purposes, even the wicked for a day of disaster.” Proverbs 16:4 NLT
“We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” Proverbs 16:9 NLT
“The path of the virtuous leads away from evil; whoever follows that path is safe. Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall. Better to live humbly with the poor than to share plunder with the proud.” Proverbs 16:17-19 NLT
Question: Why are so many on here speaking against Israel and the Jews when God specifically says in tye Bible that Israel is his chosen land and people and all others must come to him through Christ Jesus? I can dig up specific verses if you want.
That’s a good question. I think it’s because there are scriptures that say the way the Jews turned from God, God would leave them in such a way that every nation would come against them. Fulfillment of their punishment for backsliding. Nothing I am in interested in participating in.
A cycle of sorts, they reject God, God leaves then to their own devices and punishes their iniquities and idolatry through hard life lessons (or plagues) to encourage them to return to Him.
“That is true. They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand fast through faith. So do not become proud, but fear. For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you. Note then the kindness and the severity of God: severity toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness to you, provided you continue in his kindness. Otherwise you too will be cut off. And even they, if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in, for God has the power to graft them in again. For if you were cut from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these, the natural branches, be grafted back into their own olive tree.” Romans 11:20-24 ESV
Spiritual warfare is very very real. I spent years working in the pro-life movement trying to save babies & moms (working behind the scenes)…. And some of the stories I heard and things I experienced were hard to believe. It’s exhausting. So thank you!!!
The prime target is anything Family-Oriented. If someone can be affected in a way that it is carried back to a family that is %100 a target.
If you can be affected in a way that will directly affect families, yours or otherwise, these demons know and come knocking.
Remember their goal - undo & invert anything pure as an insult to God.
They want to destroy anything that was made In His Image. They want to separate you from His Design.
They want you to feel isolated and cast away from the Joy & Life God has always had planned for you. Know this and fortify.
Fortunately no
Isn't it odd how leftist revolve around hypersexualized insults?
I am sure that being the MOD of any forum often involves reading the dredge of comments and discouraging commentary from people that are troubled and probably need lots of prayer, good counseling, and help.
I appreciate the efforts, discernment, diligence and restraint in your efforts to make these boards something that is not filled with filth and drivel.
Keep up the good work.
Yes, it does.
You get these tards, too? What do they look like in your world?
Pretty much the same, although fewer in number on a daily basis, since most Q people have largely abandoned Reddit, and we don't have big events going on like the symposium or the audits going on that are drawing people there.
Why am I such a faggot, why do I want to hide the truth, I must be part of the Deep State, I will be hung for treason, etc. Same old.
Fact is that on both sides of Q, people believe 100% that they're right. You and I believe we are so obviously right that it's hard to see how anyone could disagree outside of just being catastrophically stupid.
When someone encounters someone who they both disagree with and believe must be catastrophically stupid, well, that's kind of a rare situation in real life. So of course some people are going to use that opportunity to be a dick about it, because they believe ultimately, they'll be shown as correct and therefore justified in their dickishness. They can be a dick, because eventually, whoever they're being a dick to will have to deal with the fact that they were catastrophically stupid and deal with the fact that a dick knew more about the truth than they did.
Some Q people believe that about non-Q people. Some non-Q people believe that about Q people. There's no middle ground. One of us is super, super wrong about Q.
And while only one of our sides can be correct, both sides have plenty of people who can't handle the responsibility of being right when the opposition are so obviously wrong. Plenty of people on both sides are going to be immature and hostile towards the people they believe are so obviously wrong.
You have some people here who believe their role is to be shepherds and counselors for the confused, angry non-Q people when the Plan manifests. I think there are (hopefully) plenty of people on my side who feel the same way about what happens if the Plan never materializes. Hopefully we can stick to that belief when the time comes that one of us sees that we were extremely wrong.
The equivocation is very elegantly crafted, but there's a common sense gap or disconnect.
The media would not devote one single syllable to Q if it were just a silly LARPer in his mother's basement. As it is, their breathless hyperventilated shrieking about "QAnon" being a dangerous group of terrorists broadcasts loud and clear that it's an existential threat to them and their overlords, the C_A.
Also, patriots like Trump, Pompeo, Flynn, Scavino, Wood, and Lindell would have to be literal psychopaths to keep constantly putting out Q-cues and happy, smiling videos and speeches about "coming back soon" and "the best is yet to come!" if nothing were already being done. To keep the most patriotic base of supporters hanging on a military rescue if none were forthcoming would be cruelty on an unimaginable scale. Has any of these men ever demonstrated traits of a sadistic sociopath in the past? No. So what are the odds that all six suddenly went insane simultaneously? Zero.
They either all went psycho at once and now delight in psychologically torturing Trump-supporting patriots when they know we're full-on communist from now on, or we have nothing to worry about.
This is hard for me to answer directly, so I'm going to be very delicate in how I word this. C5, please give me just a bit of leniency here to answer this.
The reason that the media is watching you isn't because they think you're legitimate or threatening to an illegitimate power structure.
They're watching you because they want to see what happens when Q fails.
When people here talk about not advocating violence, that's always under the context that there's a Plan that involves the military doing violence on your behalf. You don't need to pull out your gun, because the military is going to do it for you. They're going to hang the traitors. They're going to arrest people.
The military is the only way? Why? What exactly does the military do that can't be handled by anyone else? What is the military specializing in? Killing people and breaking things, right?
The impression on the outside isn't that you don't believe violence is necessary. Just that YOU don't need to be the ones to do it, because the military will do it for you. Someone is going to commit violence on your behalf.
And nobody outside of the Q world believes there's any chance of that happening. Which means that people outside of Q world think when you inevitably discover that the military is NOT going to arrest people, NOT going to hang traitors, and that Q is not coming to do any of the things you believe...
...then the context under which you promised non-violence no longer applies. Because your certainty in the Plan no longer exists. That's not to say that anyone in the Q movement WILL be violent, but that the promise you're making right now no longer exists, because the world in which you made that promise was revealed to be different than you thought.
And is that belief wrong? Do people here not talk about what happens if the plan fails and it's up to the people? Has nobody here openly wondered about the contingencies if Q is revealed to have failed or to have been a psyop or whatever?
Are people right now willing to commit 100% to nonviolence even if the Q plan completely fails?
That's why people who don't believe in Q are keeping an eye on this community. Because they "know" with 100% certainty that the Plan you're waiting for doesn't exist. And they are concerned about what happens when you guys realize that.
To be 100% transparent, that's not why I'm here. I've talked about my interest in the Q community too many times to be worth repeating. But there is a very viable reason that the Q community has national interest, and it's not because the outside world thinks you're "over the target." It's because they want to see what happens when you realize that you aren't.
The difference is that the leftists NEVER defend their beliefs; they just name call, or leave. It's amazing that there is such a massive group of people who are unwilling to defend their beliefs.
Oh, that's an awfully broad brush to be painting with.
If someone was 100% certain that the sun was an alien fetus that was controlling our minds and making us all gay, exactly how long would you be interested in debating with this person if they showed resistance to being convinced otherwise?
I don't think that it's appropriate to say that leftists don't defend their beliefs. They just feel like their beliefs are being defended by reality. They predicted Biden would uneventfully be inaugurated on Jan 20th, and that appears to have happened. They believe that Joe Biden is running the country, and so far, that appears to have happened.
The world has been very predictable by believing that the truth is that Trump lost, there is no Q plan, there is no Cabal of people eating babies for immortality, the military is not going to reinstate Trump, and so forth.
Everything that would happen in a world where that is true has happened.
You guys don't believe that and want to debate it, but to them, that's you wanting to debate about whether the sky is blue. Some people like me might enjoy that, but most people just want to move on with their day and let you figure out that the sky is blue on your own.
There are. Many here will fill the roles of shepherd parent, Marine..when the time comes. Till then its redpill blitz n keep moving. We arent wrong.. Too much good emanates from this movement. Too many proofs. When you not just encourage but demand higher standards and sauce well dug from your people...you become a proof in and of yourself. Where and when has the other side hierarchy done that w their side? THEY DON'T That in and of itself is also a proof. Q said they will be doing the heavy lifting. But Q never said we dont make our stand. Just that we stay out of the military's way when they do emerge to take out the top tier. Q also told us to organize. And I dont think weve done enough there yet. This fraud election has to be handled right now. There will be no later if we misstep this. If we dont want to protest in the streets to be misconstrued then we need a digital battlefield way if doing the same using this battlefield. We need a "digital Blitzkrieg" while the symposium has made an in road with the normies..... We need 3 modes to operate as the Ariel bombs, the tank rush and the foot soldiers . We need to organize it n implement it . We need to make some noise now more than ever.
My, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed and had very little English teaching in school with a limited vocabulary.
I bet they did not sleep on a My Pillow. No Great Awakening for you!
This is where my little brother's favorite comeback comes in handy. To shill "awwwww you gonna cry?"
Who was it the other day that asked the newsperson "do you need a hug"?, I think it was Mike.
Yes, the Pillow Master himself!
Lil bro a fan of Bully Maguire?
Damn that's awful. I appreciate what you do. I've dealt with shills a couple times on here, they're so full of hate.
I agree. The amount of effort [they]'re wasting has definitely decreased in the shill and troll dept.
For sure he is spitting the words of Jesus Christ.
His comments were legion stupid. I screencapped a few but no way am I sperging that crap onto you guys.
Thank you. You are awesome.
The internet has given the mentally distributed to spew to a larger audience than every before.
They used be be on a street corner, or in an institution. Now they are in a basement leaking poison onto the internet.
Haha, mentally distributed. I like it when typos whack you on the side of the head like that.
I hate F’n autocorrect. AI is always artificial, but rarely intelligent.
Ha, another good one. Very true.
Always a great retort 👍🏽
I'm rude, crude,socially unacceptable, I have a foul and vulgar mouth when needed (at shills) and I could care less if I hurt their little feewings. As I tell my 13 year old daughter... I'm mean, rotten, cruel, nasty and again, socially unacceptable... To which she wholeheartedly agrees kekek...But, I am honest to a fault and I WILL NOT ALLOW MY COUNTRY TO BE DESTROYED BY THESE COMMIE SCUMBAGS!!! We are MAGA, we are PATRIOTS and we are at war... Don't give these doom and gloom naysaying commies any quarter... I ask no quarter and I give no quarter... Let's kick some more shill commie asses again today, tomorrow and for ever... WWG1WGA and I truly believe that... We are the keyboard digital soldiers and we will win!!!
Deport and do not engage. Do NOT become collateral damage. Patriots will fall if the mods unleash the Hellfire missiles after being warned too many times to clear the area. We appreciate your assistance in this fight, but, sadly, only the mod team can identify as attack helicopters.
🤣🤣🤣 keking my as off... I think I deported 4 or 5 shills yesterday... However, I will NOT allow said shills and trolls to demean ANY Patriots, Anons or Pedes... The Mods on this forum are some of the most outstanding Mods I've ever seen but you guys can't do it alone... I respect all of you but I'm not giving in... God's grace on all the Mods and Anons...
What’s a “cum funnel”? I’m headed to Home Depot maybe I oughta ask someone there? Thanks again Cats you’re killin it for us!! We ALL appreciate what you mods do... 💝😎👍🏽
I don't even want to know which aisle that's on!
Coincidentally, was in HD yesterday, and this old man told me, "I was 100% with Trump, no one could tell me anything, UNTIL HE SSID TO DRINK BEACH!" and I was just... Speechless
Speechless...accurate. sigh
Probably by the extra wide splinters dildos for convenience since they're frequently bought together.
May the armor of God wrap around our mods who stand for truth and transparency. May God give you a hedge of protection and a spirit of perseverance for the battle at hand...and ahead. Hold the line...the one we serve has already defeated the one they serve!
Exorciiiiiiiizzzzzzeeee the deeeeemonnnnnns!
Just took the plane. Had a stopover in Zurich. Met a based American from Dallas who was all against the vaccine. We’re French ourselves. So glad to meet people in unlikely places who’re awake.
Theyyyyyrrrreeee Heeerrrreeeeee
well then
That was my reaction.
Left wingers sure are a hateful bunch
They actually revel and wallow in hate. They delight in it the way toddlers play in poop. They gain a sense of righteousness and superiority from hating people based on their race particularly. Kinda funny that they call US the racists LOL
Honestly, we should stop saying that. The Boys Town scandal? Republicans. I could go on. They're just as bad (the RINOs, I mean). It's all just one big uni-party of filthy people.
"So many demons" is best Pepe meme right now.
"...and deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory for ever and ever amen."
Holy moly the shills ramped up overnight starting around Tuesday. Both here and patriots. Shill accounts pushing the vaccine. Shill accounts pushing division.
As the saying goes, you get the most flak when you are over the target...
It gets SUPER old, and it's why the mod team can sometimes appear a bit twitchy and ban-happy. We appreciate your patience and understanding with us.
Gosh, I hate to admit this but I am not the best at spotting the shills but I am picking up. I am on Fakebook but in the process of getting off as soon as I get my pics off of there. I have encountered evil there for sure. I have been able to spot them with the symbolism I have picked up on this site. Always the one eye and some how associated with entertainment (DJ, Dancer). Even one posing as a police officer. Then there is the fake donations they are always asking for. That whole site is satanic and I have been telling people to leave it but people are so self absorbed with their lives, they don't want to hear anything bad. I have learned not to argue with people there, just say what I have to say and move along but I am done with it. It's just evil.
The dark can't stand the light.
Wow...that is legendary
Cuuuuuhhhh-ringe! Holy hell.
Is there any way to spot demonics by their appearance? any telltale signs?
Eyes. The kind you see above masks.
This, to bad the mods can't see the eyes to tell. I sure do appreciate the mods, and have been on forums before mods and what a mess.
rudeness and negativity. demons are miserable creatures, the bullies of the spirit world working through their human hosts.
they also hate talking about God, Jesus and prayer.
Moderators should not be taking sides on religious arguments, Revelations talks about the Catholic church, the beast with seven heads, Rome the city on seven hills, wearing scarlet and gold, have you seen the Cardinals robes? There is so much more, do not be naive and do your research.
Lmfao. The feds really are just raging fags into butt play.
What you throw out into the world, you get back threefold. They're too stupid to realize it. (Q is correct.)
I always laugh when I see things like this. They have no more control over their minds now than a two year old. (Probably less. Most of the two year olds that I know have a better vocabulary.)
They are the doomed and the damned. If you are feeling generous, pity them. If not, just get out of the way, they will destroy themselves all on their own.
We have a world to rebuild. The time to pick a side is past, and no more excuses. If they are in here raising hell, they are enemy combatants. I will not pray for them, except for their defeat. I will not forget or forgive. (I've seen too many good people hurt by this.)
These are not good little misguided children. Quit making excuses for them, it's how we got where we are now.
Just say no.
R U OK Mr Shill?
I couldn’t agree more. That’s why I’ve been calling them DemonRats fr some time now
Id is lump the RINOs in there, too.