I’ve been pushing back hard. In my management meetings, I’m always preaching that these continued overreaches in personal freedom are unconstitutional and if we continue to enforce, it will only get worse. All the other managers got their jabs and wear their masks. They are brainwashed.
I know I'm the same one, but when you’re constantly outnumbered, it’s exhausting. I’ve been called crazy, conspiracy theorist, “super right wing”.. “Honestly, we kinda phase you out when you start talking about that stuff because it’s crazy.” I’ll continue to fight for what’s right, but man it’s exhausting. I have zero based friends living near me. I feel so alone sometimes, which is why I’m here A LOT.
Keep pushing. I’m way outnumbered at work but I climb on my soapbox each and every day trying to get people to understand.
We are marked as squeaky wheels, trouble makers, shit stirrers, etc. Fuck them all. I’m not sure what I will do after this job, but I’m so over working for a sleezebag hospital system with a cuck boy CEO.
State govt here. Mandatory jabs on my door step. I will not concede and I will not comply. They will have to fire me, after I provide them with scientific data and a letter from my attorney threatening discrimination charges. My wife is also an attorney who is adamantly opposed to the jabs - so I have some fire power to work with.
While you're at it, it'd be incredibly helpful for a huge swath of people if you could get your wife to draft up a simple OP for We The Pedes detailing what EXACTLY we should look for, and ask of, an attorney. Citing case law would be outside her scope (but welcome if she wants to!) but a general outline would be incredibly useful.
Most of our modern systems - political, health, finance and law - are obfuscated to the point of illusion to the Everyman. And it's mostly sharks and Clowns in wetsuits in the waters, even dipping ones toe into the legal system - to try to do the right thing - is incredibly daunting, financially draining, and demoralizing.
I hate to say this , but same evidence points to a huge requirement for everyone's skills in the near future as those sheep fall victim to the culling. Weather the Storm Fren.
I remember when I had a couple of co workers call me crazy. Well 2 of them this week said they may think I'm right. I was about to give up on all this and it really energized me to keep up the red pilling no matter how many people I lose in my life. I do it for them, even if they don't want to hear it.
I am waiting for this. When even one person I know reverses course on their insanity and considers taking action on my advice I will feel like there may be some hope of winning. It's not even about wanting to be right. It's about wanting to survive this thing and hopefully in solidarity with loved ones whether they are usually on my team politically or not.
Look, if you're the only unvaxxed one in these meetings, save your breath to cool your porridge. You deserve a break. It would be different if there were still people on the fence, you might be able to help, but if they've all submitted, you're just wasting your breath. Glad you have this place to find solace in.
The last thing to make me speak up was when I was directed to ask my employees what their symptoms are when they call in sick, as well as asking their vax status. Some of the other managers were also troubled, so I had to speak up. I will not be complying, they will.
I did some research and unless they recently changed the rules, you can ask. But you cannot force them to answer. So if they refuse, that’s the end of that. Still unbelievable.
So it's a backdoor for them to get the info they want. Even if I had the vaxx, I'd refuse to answer just because that's me. But I know they would likely take that as an 'admission' that I was unvaxxed.
Other managers might be setting policy for their employees and it's important to have someone reminding them that this is America, founded to protect individual liberty.
Correct. I’ve been asked by people at work that I know are complying if I’ve gotten it yet. I immediately exit the conversation, don’t even entertain it. There’s no winning and you need to tread carefully with those types.
I think I’m gonna start ignoring anyone in a mask. Like if they talk right at me pretend I didn’t hear anything and look like they are invisible. I can’t understand them anyways. I’m getting tired of saying “say again” multiple times to get an understanding of what they are uttering. Getting tiresome especially since I’m partially deaf as it is. so I have a hard time understanding with freebreathers already. Add a mask and forget it, can’t understand wtf they are saying.
It has a great pattern to it! You start by not establishing agreement or disagreement, but a very positive sounding phrase. “Complete health”.
That allows a conversation to continue without a guard being put up immediately, and gives you the opportunity to walk them through things logically, one thing to the next.
And at no point does it devolve to name calling, meaning even if they don’t leave the convo agreeing with you, you’ve still planted a seed.
Many smart people (including Rush Limbaugh) have said that you need to help people reach their own conclusions, and make them think they came up with it on their own. This facilitates that so well.
This is also known as the Socratic method, executed beautifully. Living in a leftist city I’ve also had to learn these methods versus outright stating my views.
I mean that makes perfect sense. We tend to see faces in inanament objects because we are human and our brains typically try to make sense of everything we see. If someone is in a masks the nose and mouth covered your brain does not see a human face.
I've never worn a mask except for on airplanes. In the past I've just been ambivalent to maskers, I figured they're brainwashed and if they want to wear a mask then so be it.
This time around (since people started wearing them again a couple weeks ago) I'm more of the opinion that they're the enemy, because their going along with this hoax makes them an accomplice. Their obedience to corrupt "rulers" is what allows this to continue and grow.
I don't even look at the faceless zombies. There's nothing to see. When it first started, I'd search the face-diapered faces, wondering if I knew them. Then I realized that I was wasting my time. I never initiate a conversation with them for the reason you stated and the fact that they're lunatics. Obviously, people with hearing issues are at a big disadvantage. I refuse to strain my hearing and have to tell them to repeat. I am just not interested.
And then if you throw in someone with a thick foreign accent. Forget it. Definitely can’t understand them. It must be frustrating for non-native language speakers. I know a few foreign languages and it is hard enough to follow along without masks. With the masks it is very hard to follow along a foreign language conversation.
The problem is, you have "hospitals" that aren't giving a single bit of care to people and letting them die "with covid."
I've known one they gave no meds to and just wanted to "watch him." That drives hospital numbers up.
We're fighting people who are supposed to be protecting us. And their "voice" will be bigger than a stat people can read. Especially when they tell them they have X people in beds, and Y people died. They don't care about our ivermectin.
I see several people dying locally, and all I wonder is if they were actually given a cure or just told to suffer and die. And they don't even know.
I find is extraordinarily difficult to believe any numbers reported by hospitals and by the media. Every time I hear them, I think of the movie 1984 and the reports of "our boys fighting on the Malabar front," and people gaping at the screens in utter belief. Of course, the reports are all fiction. Unless you are there yourself, how would you know any differently? I think I'm going to take a stroll down to the local ER and have a look for myself and see how "overwhelmed" it is
My wife works at a local hospital, they were claiming 10 'covid' patients in DCC (ICU) last week. Strangely none of these show on the government's notifiable diseases report, despite it being a notifiable disease in the UK. Another local hospital claimed 170 a couple of weeks ago, again nothing on the report.
True. It's a dauting task trying to break that programming too. Although it isn't absolute, the media have done a hell of a job propagandizing Joe Q. Public with fear and disinformation and selling the notion of an expert-ocracy.. I want to see this whole façade crumble and the truth to be revealed, more than I've ever wanted anything, for all of our sakes, normies included.
That sounds negative. I'm just pissed that people are dying and no one knows the ways to treat them because our medical community is lying to people. I've lost almost all respect for them, even people I thought were good people.
You 100% described my mother in law. She won't stop spewing the crap her TV told her for long enough to listen to a word from anyone else. I never seen anybody talk so much, and say so little.
Small business owner/operator here… never once have I wore a mask, respected “social distance”, or observed any part of these foul, unconstitutional mandates. I am a rebel from birth and I will not be forced, coerced, or intimidated by anyone. I deal with people differently I guess. First of all, only a handful of brave, unfortunate souls have come at me in public in hopes of cramming their insanity down my throat. You can imagine their surprise when I turn around mask-free, look them in the eyes, and say, “what’s it like licking Gavins boots? You look great in chains! Ignorance is no excuse! You were born free, it’s up to you to decide if free is how you are now. If you’re panicking over masks, social distance, a gene therapy treatment masked as vaccines, an unlawful lockdown mandate… then you are either very slow or you are not free anymore. Wake the f$ck up dummy! You’re being hoodwinked and stand to lose everything including your life… I am free. Bye.” End conversation. I am an a$$hole to stupid people… jussayin 😈🍿🐸🇺🇸
Pretty much said this just the other day and once a week for awhile now.
Don't participate/entertain insanity and/or use their own idol's words against them. It works to trigger them, but not to wake them up. However never underestimate the power of planting a seed.
Nah, the people around me who are all vaccinated are too far gone, my brother-in-law and father left my house mad and in denial when I stuck a magnet on their arm. At this point, they’re on their own. I tried so hard to get them to agree not to get it, they all ran out and got it.
Hate is the real pandemic and it's not cured by the vaccines, lockdowns, experts and the government. Those are the causes. Half the world's population could die but we would still be better off than we are now if people remembered how to be kind and compassionate after it was all over.
I am beyond sickened by the way I've seen people I used to love, friends and family, turn into vile hate spewing monsters. Losing people to a disease would be easy, whatever this is... It's unbearable.
I have an issue with the whole “there’s no isolate of the virus” line of argument. Dr. McCullough (sp?) was giving an interview yesterday to Stew Peters and he very kindly corrected Stew on this. It’s semantics, but it matters.
The virus has definitely had its genome sequenced. So all of the genetic data has been sequenced. That’s how they compare variants. It’s fairly basic to do for a good lab. This sequencing is how they created mRNA vaccines.
Does this mean the virus is being grown in laboratories? Not necessarily. And what do we even mean by “it hasn’t been isolated?” Do you want to see it under a scanning electron microscope? I’m just curious.
I really think that whole line of argument is very weak and serves to discredit us. I’m as against all this bullshit as anyone here, but I want strong arguments. Our job is to separate the wheat from the chaff and spread the word.
Thanks for the response. I haven’t seen that line of reasoning yet. Personally, I believe it to be a bit weak. Koch was brilliant, but our understanding of the microbiome at his time was in its infancy. I think we’re figuring out just how incredibly complex our bodies and all of the different organisms which inhabit them are. Which means we need to re-examine some of our prior assumptions. Here are a few interesting articles about this. I think, like most situations, this one calls for a bit more nuance than we’re hearing.
Prepare to be attacked personally. Brainwashed people can't digest facts, so they make it personal. They have been programmed to attack the messenger when their NPC programming can't compute.
This 100%. Was called a “loser” at work the other day for saying I wouldn’t be getting it. Anyone not vaccinated at this point was a “loser” in the mans eyes. Tough to stay patient sometimes but these types are looking for an emotional response.
Have in the past tried to get #PushBack to become a thing and start trending without it gaining much traction, perhaps the time has finally arrived....
Every time I go to the grocery store I see this sign about getting covid vaccines at the pharmacy. I get so angry inside that I've decided I'm going to wait till they're really busy and then I'm going to ask for a pharmacist consult, act like a damsel in distress tell him I read a bunch of articles about animal studies where they all died from the spike protein I'm going to list all the facts I read so everyone can hear them and then I'm going to ask why the ingredients aren't listed and what about the graphite that's contained in the Jab. Super unassuming and normal so I don't look like a nut job, make sure everyone hears me..lol
I have what they are calling Covid right now... It is a lot like the flu, but lasts longer and your loose your smell and taste. So, there is something out there, but we still have to live our lives. Doctors here are giving HCQ and Ivermectin and my family got Regeneron shots yesterday. The Vax is poison. But I believe Covid is real, just not that big of a deal... Just another Coronavirus that makes you sick for 2 weeks. Or a flu mutation IDK but it not regular flu... But I do understand they can tell the difference with testing.
Wrong. The CDC along with the creator of the tests has confirmed that the tests do not differentiate between any strain of flu or even the common cold. The entire testing process has been a scam from the get go. That is why they were encouraging asymptomatic people to test. To help pump the numbers with false negatives and also to legitimately make people ill with the Ethylene Oxide on the test swabs.
Yes, I meant to say can not tell the difference. I just realized I miswrote it. The testing is a scam. So we don't know where real outbreaks are happening. But trust me, whatever Covid is, it is something new... I have had the flu dozens of times, this is not the flu. I am not a drama queen either, I am a fairly health 48 year old man, and its has been a rough 2 weeks. Not so bad that we needed to shut down the entire country / world. But most people would need it least 10 days off work. Just my 2 cents. Thanks for reading Fellow Patriot.
You can't argue like this. I'm sorry but you can't. That's not how it works. They already are all in on the narrative, you cannot wake them up by being logical. Remember that spongebob meme with the guy in the superhero suit talking to Patrick? You would be the guy in the superhero suit, and the person you're trying to convince would be Patrick who never understands your point. I have just accepted that all of this is out of our hands now. I can only hope that arrests come soon and justice is served PUBLICLY so that people who believed the narrative get a bitch slap across their face. When the record shows that covid was a scam, and the vaccines a crime against humanity, then we win.
are we still pushing the misinfo meant to discredit Robert Malone? He is not and has never claimed to be the inventor of the mRNA vaccine. That lie is used to label him a grifter and dismiss his views.
One of the best analogies I've read, and I wish I could remember where I saw it, is that libs are like a baby handing you a toy fisher price phone and insisting that it's ringing and you need to answer it, and if you don't play along the baby will scream and cry til it gets its way.
This reminds me of the store owner (AKA my hero) in Portland, was it? with the Star Wars shop who said to the tranny, "You are sick in the head. The problem is that no one ever confronts your ass."
We have been too tolerant. Too polite. Just yesterday an associate whose son is a friend of my son's called to tell me her son had COVID and that their family will have to quarantine for 14 days. She said she was calling to see if my son was feeling ok when in reality she was looking for someone to blame. Complete denial that there could be any possibility that she and her other family members had made him sick with the shedding of all their spike proteins from the experimental gene therapy injections.
I said I was sad to hear her son (who we hadn't seen in over a week) was not feeling well and tried to end the call. She kept pushing it then with "the delta variant this" and "he's the only unvaxxed one in the family" that.
I snapped. Told her that they can go ahead and quarantine themselves if they like and that they can continue to play pretend that they're terrified of this "new COVID variant" if that is their preference but that I felt zero obligation to play pretend with them and that I would not be participating in the perpetuation of any make-believe false narrative for the sake of good manners by passively agreeing and not objecting to blatant lies when they are told to me.
So, that call didn't end real well. But, she'll have a nice long couple of weeks to think it over during her self imposed quarantine.
At our house we're gonna carry on enjoying life as much as possible and spending time with more sane people until their rationality returns to them.
Oh I have confronted them before, provided facts, got yelled at, yelled back.
They even believe the vax is BETTER than natural immunity -- and all their friends agree. Even tho they are having health issues commonly seen with the jab.
I've been pushing back on masks in anticipation of the mandated jabs. We've been denied service for dental care now three times between my son and me for not wearing masks but each time I have had the opportunity to calmly tell the dentist and their staff that what they were doing was objectively wrong and that their discrimination toward us was entirely irrational not to mention unethical and absolutely unrelated to anyone's safety. Dentists and restaurants are fantastic examples for calling people out on mask policies. Mouths are wide open and breathing for hours in both places so the level of insanity of anyone enforcing a mask mandate, particularly in those venues, is especially high and worthy of pointing out.
The problem is it is not enough to "prove" some "truth". Problem is really making so many people believing it that would cause action you want:
"We fucking prove covid doesnt exist. Wait, I mean, we force the government to prove it does exist. The burden of proof is on the government, not us. Unless they can prove it is real, the vaccines, the lock downs, the masking are all unnecessary."
That not work this way.Sorry. Those "silver bullet" will not work.
It works [such way]: We fucking prove it not exist. Since that is core part of belief system they installed it wouldn't be moved a inch without something powerful enough to shatter COMPLETELY beliefs about covid. ONE THING POWERFUL LIKE MOAB or it wouldn't work. It must be so POWERFUL,SHOCKING and UNDENIABLE that fighting it is impossible. Do we have something like that ? XD Maybe Q would have but we certainly now have not !
So sorry for you,for axolotl_peyotl and other users: denying it exists (even if it in fact would not exist) wouldn't cause any gain in those information war.
To be sincere - strikes not powerful enough would probably already make [sheeps] belief system stronger.
And we will be outside Overton window mostly ignored while claiming it not exists.
And even if majority would believe covid not exist - the government to protect for all cost all those measures "against covid" would defend claim covid is real to the very end. And of course neither government wouldn't be honest and scientific about method to defend covid existence nor the public (majority) would be even able to notice it isn't honest and scientific.
And of course if public would already be believing it is/was all lie government proving anything is both needless and not reliable by definition as they lied formerly.
They claim they already isolated virus many times. We would look silly if we would ask for isolating this. Instead - we have already all statistics and numbers to sham them for germophobia and for overreacting.And to call them conspiracy theorists.
u/MaudeMotrin : As I don't know about usage of 8kun (and I am getting lost many times with their forum counter-intuitive interface) - may I please you for reposting this as answer to those idiot? Attacking with those statistics we have already small chance but available chance. Attacking existence of virus however is battle doomed at its begin.
Nevertheless thing is they could show anything and say it is sample. All they need is to tell they have it. Sorry,but that would not work.
We have real numbers,we have their secret deals,we have all their logical mistakes,we have all the facts. Nothing to prove more (except maybe mass deaths or mass infertility because of "vaccines" soon) Compiling and delivery is the real problem.
But they haven't have they? They have had to admit there is no reference for the virus. This argument has been successful in Canada, Ireland and elsewhere where the covid rules have been dropped as a result. I'd say that's a strong argument.
This argument has been successful in Canada, Ireland and elsewhere where the covid rules have been dropped as a result.
Is that really confirmed that have been all dropped ? Really ? I don't know about it...
Ok,there are some anons from Canada on GA,if they will confirm it here then maybe it would have sense somehow (I don't know how and why it would have ever sense... )
Is Alberta whole Kanada ? No.Moreover, I repeat - I want to see confirmation from real person from Canada how it really works or not. This thing is much too important to even risk failing in court or something like this.
It it would be workable it shall be used of course,I totally agree with that.
I totally agree that relying on one point weakens your position
Then we both agree,but those person on 8kun maybe isn't. We really should use all arguments,and we cannot afford to lose even a bit as power of enemy propaganda is still quite big.
It is why I am insisting on checking it. Maybe court was on his side this time. But to do this on the scale of whole country we shall be sure case wouldn't be lose even if judge/juries will be vaxxers. It all shall be undeniable. MSM already claim we are wrong about "vaccine" and crazy. Losing it in court would give them "argument",so even if we would lose - our arguments shall be enough to appeal or something.
People are getting sick, but why? We have been told that flu deaths are practically zero, which is not possible.
How many "covid deaths" are really flu deaths? How many are medical incompetence? How many are something else?
If you lost someone to "covid", how receptive would you be to learn that their death was actually for some other cause? What if that other cause was preventable?
The Covid death numbers are hijacked and the “Case numbers” should all be thrown out — bad data.
Doctors neglecting to treat sick patients (there are plenty with treatable pneumonias or other infections pushed off to die as “Covid”) is the biggest case of institutional medical malpractice ever conceived.
The primary message to push is treatment for Covid exists. peer-reviewed, safe and effective therapeutics are readily available.
If they can wake up to that fact, they’ll start to see the media is suppressing that info — why wouldn’t they? 72% of media advertising is from Big Pharma.
I was one of those. I had a 104 fever for 17 days last January. I've never been that sick for that long ever before. It may not have been Covid, I did test positive BTW, but it was something serious and I had pneumonia afterward. I am not advocating everyone get the vaccine but to think there is not a dangerous virus out there is I think just wrong.
Believe it or not, the flu can cause pneumonia, an opportune bacteria can take hold while your immune system is preoccupied with another invader. It can also cause 104F fever. I had the same thing the last time I had the flu. About 16 years ago, I was sick for a week. Home in bed. Couldn't get out of bed or do anything. Sweating and shivering at the same time. The fever broke at 3am in the morning. I woke up in soaked sheets and comforter. Got up, changed the sheets and took a shower. Didn't even feel sick any more. That was the last time I was sick. I've not gotten the flu vaccine since. I figured if I was going to get that sick with a flu shot, I wasn't going to bother anymore. I actually thought I was going to die, but I didn't. I don't know what people are dying of for certain, but I don't underestimate the flu any more.
I too had something very different than the flu: three days of 103 fever, then 5 weeks of 99.5. Difficult breathing throughout (I have allergy-triggered asthma). There is something, but it's recoverable for most people.
I agree. And we have always had serious bugs out there. I know of healthy adults and children throughout my life who've died from a virus. I'm sure ran through the majority of the population and because of that it weakened and mutated and our immune systems grew stronger because of it. No one panicked and shut the world down. At risk people and the people who lived with them took precautions to protect themselves. That's what we should be doing with this. Wear a mask if you have a family member you're worried about. (imo It probably would just be better to limit being in crowds etc for awhile because I think masks give a false sense of security to the vulnerable people)
But we didn't even give this virus a chance to see what it would do as it went through the population.
Wonder why your comment got downvoted. Do you think there is a clown op feeding a narrative, pushing division, an either-or, no nuance, overly simplistic position?
There is a lab created bioweapon causing illness. I know ER docs who were in the front lines since the beginning and this illness did not respond in predictable ways.
It does not help us wake anyone up to the Plandemic and all the deception if we deceive ourselves into a different false narrative that there is no novel illness.
I’ve been pushing back hard. In my management meetings, I’m always preaching that these continued overreaches in personal freedom are unconstitutional and if we continue to enforce, it will only get worse. All the other managers got their jabs and wear their masks. They are brainwashed.
I know I'm the same one, but when you’re constantly outnumbered, it’s exhausting. I’ve been called crazy, conspiracy theorist, “super right wing”.. “Honestly, we kinda phase you out when you start talking about that stuff because it’s crazy.” I’ll continue to fight for what’s right, but man it’s exhausting. I have zero based friends living near me. I feel so alone sometimes, which is why I’m here A LOT.
Keep pushing. I’m way outnumbered at work but I climb on my soapbox each and every day trying to get people to understand.
We are marked as squeaky wheels, trouble makers, shit stirrers, etc. Fuck them all. I’m not sure what I will do after this job, but I’m so over working for a sleezebag hospital system with a cuck boy CEO.
State govt here. Mandatory jabs on my door step. I will not concede and I will not comply. They will have to fire me, after I provide them with scientific data and a letter from my attorney threatening discrimination charges. My wife is also an attorney who is adamantly opposed to the jabs - so I have some fire power to work with.
Best of luck fren!
Keep up the fight.
While you're at it, it'd be incredibly helpful for a huge swath of people if you could get your wife to draft up a simple OP for We The Pedes detailing what EXACTLY we should look for, and ask of, an attorney. Citing case law would be outside her scope (but welcome if she wants to!) but a general outline would be incredibly useful.
Most of our modern systems - political, health, finance and law - are obfuscated to the point of illusion to the Everyman. And it's mostly sharks and Clowns in wetsuits in the waters, even dipping ones toe into the legal system - to try to do the right thing - is incredibly daunting, financially draining, and demoralizing.
Any help from an expert would be a huge help.
Same in my state. Playing chicken.
Good trouble. Necessary trouble.
Thats alright i could use some lubrication. These old achy joints...
The kind of trouble that, when it comes the conspirators will wish they never saw.
Quoting CRT now? Freedom > trouble.
I hate to say this , but same evidence points to a huge requirement for everyone's skills in the near future as those sheep fall victim to the culling. Weather the Storm Fren.
I hope this doesn’t happen. At the very least I hope the private sector realizes they will lose half their workforce if they try to mandate.
If they mandate then workers need to organize. Strength in numbers 👍🏽
It is very exhausting.
{Fellow fighter/debater/truth teller}
It's truly hard to deal with Ivermectin Deniers but keep reminding them
Ivermectin deniers?
Dang, I’m getting all kinds of red pilling gems from you guys here today!
I remember when I had a couple of co workers call me crazy. Well 2 of them this week said they may think I'm right. I was about to give up on all this and it really energized me to keep up the red pilling no matter how many people I lose in my life. I do it for them, even if they don't want to hear it.
I am waiting for this. When even one person I know reverses course on their insanity and considers taking action on my advice I will feel like there may be some hope of winning. It's not even about wanting to be right. It's about wanting to survive this thing and hopefully in solidarity with loved ones whether they are usually on my team politically or not.
Fuck those traitors, history will vindicate us. Keep the fight brother!
Look, if you're the only unvaxxed one in these meetings, save your breath to cool your porridge. You deserve a break. It would be different if there were still people on the fence, you might be able to help, but if they've all submitted, you're just wasting your breath. Glad you have this place to find solace in.
The last thing to make me speak up was when I was directed to ask my employees what their symptoms are when they call in sick, as well as asking their vax status. Some of the other managers were also troubled, so I had to speak up. I will not be complying, they will.
Yeah, that's a direct violation of hippa. Unbelievable ..
I did some research and unless they recently changed the rules, you can ask. But you cannot force them to answer. So if they refuse, that’s the end of that. Still unbelievable.
So it's a backdoor for them to get the info they want. Even if I had the vaxx, I'd refuse to answer just because that's me. But I know they would likely take that as an 'admission' that I was unvaxxed.
Other managers might be setting policy for their employees and it's important to have someone reminding them that this is America, founded to protect individual liberty.
Good point.
Correct. I’ve been asked by people at work that I know are complying if I’ve gotten it yet. I immediately exit the conversation, don’t even entertain it. There’s no winning and you need to tread carefully with those types.
I think I’m gonna start ignoring anyone in a mask. Like if they talk right at me pretend I didn’t hear anything and look like they are invisible. I can’t understand them anyways. I’m getting tired of saying “say again” multiple times to get an understanding of what they are uttering. Getting tiresome especially since I’m partially deaf as it is. so I have a hard time understanding with freebreathers already. Add a mask and forget it, can’t understand wtf they are saying.
I tell them that I believe in COMPLETE health. That's why I am against the mask.
So they look at me and ask. What is complete health.
I say that people are not animals right? They kind of laugh and say of course we are not.
I say.. ok.. being human is both PHYSICAL and MENTAL/EMOTIONAL right? Such as our "thoughts" and "feelings" matter to right?
So I say.
The mask is only a "physical solution" to a "physical problem". I wouldn't mind doing it if it didn't hurt my emotional/mental state.
Then I break the famous seat belt example.
I say
You agree that wearing a seat belt is a good thing for protecting our "physical health" right.
I then say.
You agree that wearing a seat belt does not hurt our mental health right?
I then end the convo by saying. That's why I don't have a problem complying with seat belt laws.
I love this!
It has a great pattern to it! You start by not establishing agreement or disagreement, but a very positive sounding phrase. “Complete health”.
That allows a conversation to continue without a guard being put up immediately, and gives you the opportunity to walk them through things logically, one thing to the next.
And at no point does it devolve to name calling, meaning even if they don’t leave the convo agreeing with you, you’ve still planted a seed.
Many smart people (including Rush Limbaugh) have said that you need to help people reach their own conclusions, and make them think they came up with it on their own. This facilitates that so well.
Agreed! This is what works for me.
We need to be fighting for COMPLETE health. Not just physical health
This is also known as the Socratic method, executed beautifully. Living in a leftist city I’ve also had to learn these methods versus outright stating my views.
This is nimble navigating, nice work friend.
I mean that makes perfect sense. We tend to see faces in inanament objects because we are human and our brains typically try to make sense of everything we see. If someone is in a masks the nose and mouth covered your brain does not see a human face.
inanimate is the word you are grasping for.
My keyboard didn't even try to correct me. It's an Android.
I've never worn a mask except for on airplanes. In the past I've just been ambivalent to maskers, I figured they're brainwashed and if they want to wear a mask then so be it.
This time around (since people started wearing them again a couple weeks ago) I'm more of the opinion that they're the enemy, because their going along with this hoax makes them an accomplice. Their obedience to corrupt "rulers" is what allows this to continue and grow.
Yep. They are giving power to evil symbols.
I don't even look at the faceless zombies. There's nothing to see. When it first started, I'd search the face-diapered faces, wondering if I knew them. Then I realized that I was wasting my time. I never initiate a conversation with them for the reason you stated and the fact that they're lunatics. Obviously, people with hearing issues are at a big disadvantage. I refuse to strain my hearing and have to tell them to repeat. I am just not interested.
And then if you throw in someone with a thick foreign accent. Forget it. Definitely can’t understand them. It must be frustrating for non-native language speakers. I know a few foreign languages and it is hard enough to follow along without masks. With the masks it is very hard to follow along a foreign language conversation.
For sure, throw in accents and it's a mess. Blessings to you, my friend.
memorize the the first 6 bullet points there
The problem is, you have "hospitals" that aren't giving a single bit of care to people and letting them die "with covid."
I've known one they gave no meds to and just wanted to "watch him." That drives hospital numbers up.
We're fighting people who are supposed to be protecting us. And their "voice" will be bigger than a stat people can read. Especially when they tell them they have X people in beds, and Y people died. They don't care about our ivermectin.
I see several people dying locally, and all I wonder is if they were actually given a cure or just told to suffer and die. And they don't even know.
I find is extraordinarily difficult to believe any numbers reported by hospitals and by the media. Every time I hear them, I think of the movie 1984 and the reports of "our boys fighting on the Malabar front," and people gaping at the screens in utter belief. Of course, the reports are all fiction. Unless you are there yourself, how would you know any differently? I think I'm going to take a stroll down to the local ER and have a look for myself and see how "overwhelmed" it is
My wife works at a local hospital, they were claiming 10 'covid' patients in DCC (ICU) last week. Strangely none of these show on the government's notifiable diseases report, despite it being a notifiable disease in the UK. Another local hospital claimed 170 a couple of weeks ago, again nothing on the report.
Completely agree. The normies are buying it like it's gospel tho.
True. It's a dauting task trying to break that programming too. Although it isn't absolute, the media have done a hell of a job propagandizing Joe Q. Public with fear and disinformation and selling the notion of an expert-ocracy.. I want to see this whole façade crumble and the truth to be revealed, more than I've ever wanted anything, for all of our sakes, normies included.
That sounds negative. I'm just pissed that people are dying and no one knows the ways to treat them because our medical community is lying to people. I've lost almost all respect for them, even people I thought were good people.
You 100% described my mother in law. She won't stop spewing the crap her TV told her for long enough to listen to a word from anyone else. I never seen anybody talk so much, and say so little.
Small business owner/operator here… never once have I wore a mask, respected “social distance”, or observed any part of these foul, unconstitutional mandates. I am a rebel from birth and I will not be forced, coerced, or intimidated by anyone. I deal with people differently I guess. First of all, only a handful of brave, unfortunate souls have come at me in public in hopes of cramming their insanity down my throat. You can imagine their surprise when I turn around mask-free, look them in the eyes, and say, “what’s it like licking Gavins boots? You look great in chains! Ignorance is no excuse! You were born free, it’s up to you to decide if free is how you are now. If you’re panicking over masks, social distance, a gene therapy treatment masked as vaccines, an unlawful lockdown mandate… then you are either very slow or you are not free anymore. Wake the f$ck up dummy! You’re being hoodwinked and stand to lose everything including your life… I am free. Bye.” End conversation. I am an a$$hole to stupid people… jussayin 😈🍿🐸🇺🇸
"Don't even try"... OK FBI informant!
He clearly stated that they have a programmed response but you can short circuit them.
Does work and it's actually pretty easy.
So you actually agree then. 👍
"Don't do this, it is a fools errand."
Pot calling the kettle black m80
Honestly I stopped reading your post after you started it negatively.
Idc mango
Pretty much said this just the other day and once a week for awhile now.
Don't participate/entertain insanity and/or use their own idol's words against them. It works to trigger them, but not to wake them up. However never underestimate the power of planting a seed.
Anyone have any FDC or CDC webpage links to good articles we can send with the picture to prove the post above?
Nah, the people around me who are all vaccinated are too far gone, my brother-in-law and father left my house mad and in denial when I stuck a magnet on their arm. At this point, they’re on their own. I tried so hard to get them to agree not to get it, they all ran out and got it.
Hate is the real pandemic and it's not cured by the vaccines, lockdowns, experts and the government. Those are the causes. Half the world's population could die but we would still be better off than we are now if people remembered how to be kind and compassionate after it was all over.
I am beyond sickened by the way I've seen people I used to love, friends and family, turn into vile hate spewing monsters. Losing people to a disease would be easy, whatever this is... It's unbearable.
I have an issue with the whole “there’s no isolate of the virus” line of argument. Dr. McCullough (sp?) was giving an interview yesterday to Stew Peters and he very kindly corrected Stew on this. It’s semantics, but it matters.
The virus has definitely had its genome sequenced. So all of the genetic data has been sequenced. That’s how they compare variants. It’s fairly basic to do for a good lab. This sequencing is how they created mRNA vaccines. Does this mean the virus is being grown in laboratories? Not necessarily. And what do we even mean by “it hasn’t been isolated?” Do you want to see it under a scanning electron microscope? I’m just curious.
I really think that whole line of argument is very weak and serves to discredit us. I’m as against all this bullshit as anyone here, but I want strong arguments. Our job is to separate the wheat from the chaff and spread the word.
Not a scientist here by any means, but my understanding is by saying it hasn't been isolated, is because it hasn't been proven by Koch's Postulates.
Thanks for the response. I haven’t seen that line of reasoning yet. Personally, I believe it to be a bit weak. Koch was brilliant, but our understanding of the microbiome at his time was in its infancy. I think we’re figuring out just how incredibly complex our bodies and all of the different organisms which inhabit them are. Which means we need to re-examine some of our prior assumptions. Here are a few interesting articles about this. I think, like most situations, this one calls for a bit more nuance than we’re hearing.
Prepare to be attacked personally. Brainwashed people can't digest facts, so they make it personal. They have been programmed to attack the messenger when their NPC programming can't compute.
This 100%. Was called a “loser” at work the other day for saying I wouldn’t be getting it. Anyone not vaccinated at this point was a “loser” in the mans eyes. Tough to stay patient sometimes but these types are looking for an emotional response.
Have in the past tried to get #PushBack to become a thing and start trending without it gaining much traction, perhaps the time has finally arrived....
Every time I go to the grocery store I see this sign about getting covid vaccines at the pharmacy. I get so angry inside that I've decided I'm going to wait till they're really busy and then I'm going to ask for a pharmacist consult, act like a damsel in distress tell him I read a bunch of articles about animal studies where they all died from the spike protein I'm going to list all the facts I read so everyone can hear them and then I'm going to ask why the ingredients aren't listed and what about the graphite that's contained in the Jab. Super unassuming and normal so I don't look like a nut job, make sure everyone hears me..lol
This is excellent!!!
I have what they are calling Covid right now... It is a lot like the flu, but lasts longer and your loose your smell and taste. So, there is something out there, but we still have to live our lives. Doctors here are giving HCQ and Ivermectin and my family got Regeneron shots yesterday. The Vax is poison. But I believe Covid is real, just not that big of a deal... Just another Coronavirus that makes you sick for 2 weeks. Or a flu mutation IDK but it not regular flu... But I do understand they can tell the difference with testing.
Wrong. The CDC along with the creator of the tests has confirmed that the tests do not differentiate between any strain of flu or even the common cold. The entire testing process has been a scam from the get go. That is why they were encouraging asymptomatic people to test. To help pump the numbers with false negatives and also to legitimately make people ill with the Ethylene Oxide on the test swabs.
Yes, I meant to say can not tell the difference. I just realized I miswrote it. The testing is a scam. So we don't know where real outbreaks are happening. But trust me, whatever Covid is, it is something new... I have had the flu dozens of times, this is not the flu. I am not a drama queen either, I am a fairly health 48 year old man, and its has been a rough 2 weeks. Not so bad that we needed to shut down the entire country / world. But most people would need it least 10 days off work. Just my 2 cents. Thanks for reading Fellow Patriot.
You can't argue like this. I'm sorry but you can't. That's not how it works. They already are all in on the narrative, you cannot wake them up by being logical. Remember that spongebob meme with the guy in the superhero suit talking to Patrick? You would be the guy in the superhero suit, and the person you're trying to convince would be Patrick who never understands your point. I have just accepted that all of this is out of our hands now. I can only hope that arrests come soon and justice is served PUBLICLY so that people who believed the narrative get a bitch slap across their face. When the record shows that covid was a scam, and the vaccines a crime against humanity, then we win.
are we still pushing the misinfo meant to discredit Robert Malone? He is not and has never claimed to be the inventor of the mRNA vaccine. That lie is used to label him a grifter and dismiss his views.
One of the best analogies I've read, and I wish I could remember where I saw it, is that libs are like a baby handing you a toy fisher price phone and insisting that it's ringing and you need to answer it, and if you don't play along the baby will scream and cry til it gets its way.
I just posted this to FB :)
If our evidence is not on main stream media, they will still "choose" not believe it. Sad state of affairs.
We have however statistics. "Trust the science" they say ?
My cousin called from GA: can't go outside it's absolutely infested with delta, how are you? Is delta bad there? Me: No
That's all I got.
This reminds me of the store owner (AKA my hero) in Portland, was it? with the Star Wars shop who said to the tranny, "You are sick in the head. The problem is that no one ever confronts your ass."
We have been too tolerant. Too polite. Just yesterday an associate whose son is a friend of my son's called to tell me her son had COVID and that their family will have to quarantine for 14 days. She said she was calling to see if my son was feeling ok when in reality she was looking for someone to blame. Complete denial that there could be any possibility that she and her other family members had made him sick with the shedding of all their spike proteins from the experimental gene therapy injections.
I said I was sad to hear her son (who we hadn't seen in over a week) was not feeling well and tried to end the call. She kept pushing it then with "the delta variant this" and "he's the only unvaxxed one in the family" that.
I snapped. Told her that they can go ahead and quarantine themselves if they like and that they can continue to play pretend that they're terrified of this "new COVID variant" if that is their preference but that I felt zero obligation to play pretend with them and that I would not be participating in the perpetuation of any make-believe false narrative for the sake of good manners by passively agreeing and not objecting to blatant lies when they are told to me.
So, that call didn't end real well. But, she'll have a nice long couple of weeks to think it over during her self imposed quarantine. At our house we're gonna carry on enjoying life as much as possible and spending time with more sane people until their rationality returns to them.
Oh I have confronted them before, provided facts, got yelled at, yelled back.
They even believe the vax is BETTER than natural immunity -- and all their friends agree. Even tho they are having health issues commonly seen with the jab.
I've been pushing back on masks in anticipation of the mandated jabs. We've been denied service for dental care now three times between my son and me for not wearing masks but each time I have had the opportunity to calmly tell the dentist and their staff that what they were doing was objectively wrong and that their discrimination toward us was entirely irrational not to mention unethical and absolutely unrelated to anyone's safety. Dentists and restaurants are fantastic examples for calling people out on mask policies. Mouths are wide open and breathing for hours in both places so the level of insanity of anyone enforcing a mask mandate, particularly in those venues, is especially high and worthy of pointing out.
[u/MaudeMotrin:](/u/MaudeMotrin:) I wrote it on conspiracies.win some time ago:
They claim they already isolated virus many times. We would look silly if we would ask for isolating this. Instead - we have already all statistics and numbers to sham them for germophobia and for overreacting.And to call them conspiracy theorists.
u/MaudeMotrin : As I don't know about usage of 8kun (and I am getting lost many times with their forum counter-intuitive interface) - may I please you for reposting this as answer to those idiot? Attacking with those statistics we have already small chance but available chance. Attacking existence of virus however is battle doomed at its begin.
Any claim to 'isolation' is hypothetical, modelling statistics. CDC admitted they have no physical samples.
Nevertheless thing is they could show anything and say it is sample. All they need is to tell they have it. Sorry,but that would not work.
We have real numbers,we have their secret deals,we have all their logical mistakes,we have all the facts. Nothing to prove more (except maybe mass deaths or mass infertility because of "vaccines" soon) Compiling and delivery is the real problem.
But they haven't have they? They have had to admit there is no reference for the virus. This argument has been successful in Canada, Ireland and elsewhere where the covid rules have been dropped as a result. I'd say that's a strong argument.
Is that really confirmed that have been all dropped ? Really ? I don't know about it...
Ok,there are some anons from Canada on GA,if they will confirm it here then maybe it would have sense somehow (I don't know how and why it would have ever sense... )
4 days after court case nearly all covid restrictions lifted.
I totally agree that relying on one point weakens your position but I disagree that such an important point should be played down.
Is Alberta whole Kanada ? No.Moreover, I repeat - I want to see confirmation from real person from Canada how it really works or not. This thing is much too important to even risk failing in court or something like this.
It it would be workable it shall be used of course,I totally agree with that.
Then we both agree,but those person on 8kun maybe isn't. We really should use all arguments,and we cannot afford to lose even a bit as power of enemy propaganda is still quite big.
I think it's only in Alberta after a guy challenged it in court.
It is why I am insisting on checking it. Maybe court was on his side this time. But to do this on the scale of whole country we shall be sure case wouldn't be lose even if judge/juries will be vaxxers. It all shall be undeniable. MSM already claim we are wrong about "vaccine" and crazy. Losing it in court would give them "argument",so even if we would lose - our arguments shall be enough to appeal or something.
can you link me to the CDC source for this?
No sample for PCR https://needtoknow.news/2021/08/cdc-admits-it-had-no-virus-specimens-when-it-designed-the-covid-pcr-test/
No sample period https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/written-proof-cdc-has-no-isolated-purified-sample-of-sars-cov-2-virus-that-causes-covid-19
Where is this posted from?
Nah the vax boomerang is the only way they learn. It has to be that bad.
Brilliant and so true. I’m doing it. 😀❤️
I love this, but I'm not sure what it has to do with Shazaam?
As many others here have been “field testing” this...
the first problem is that people are getting sick. you have to acknowledge that realty first.
People are getting sick, but why? We have been told that flu deaths are practically zero, which is not possible.
How many "covid deaths" are really flu deaths? How many are medical incompetence? How many are something else?
If you lost someone to "covid", how receptive would you be to learn that their death was actually for some other cause? What if that other cause was preventable?
The Covid death numbers are hijacked and the “Case numbers” should all be thrown out — bad data.
Doctors neglecting to treat sick patients (there are plenty with treatable pneumonias or other infections pushed off to die as “Covid”) is the biggest case of institutional medical malpractice ever conceived.
The primary message to push is treatment for Covid exists. peer-reviewed, safe and effective therapeutics are readily available.
If they can wake up to that fact, they’ll start to see the media is suppressing that info — why wouldn’t they? 72% of media advertising is from Big Pharma.
I was one of those. I had a 104 fever for 17 days last January. I've never been that sick for that long ever before. It may not have been Covid, I did test positive BTW, but it was something serious and I had pneumonia afterward. I am not advocating everyone get the vaccine but to think there is not a dangerous virus out there is I think just wrong.
Believe it or not, the flu can cause pneumonia, an opportune bacteria can take hold while your immune system is preoccupied with another invader. It can also cause 104F fever. I had the same thing the last time I had the flu. About 16 years ago, I was sick for a week. Home in bed. Couldn't get out of bed or do anything. Sweating and shivering at the same time. The fever broke at 3am in the morning. I woke up in soaked sheets and comforter. Got up, changed the sheets and took a shower. Didn't even feel sick any more. That was the last time I was sick. I've not gotten the flu vaccine since. I figured if I was going to get that sick with a flu shot, I wasn't going to bother anymore. I actually thought I was going to die, but I didn't. I don't know what people are dying of for certain, but I don't underestimate the flu any more.
I too had something very different than the flu: three days of 103 fever, then 5 weeks of 99.5. Difficult breathing throughout (I have allergy-triggered asthma). There is something, but it's recoverable for most people.
I agree. And we have always had serious bugs out there. I know of healthy adults and children throughout my life who've died from a virus. I'm sure ran through the majority of the population and because of that it weakened and mutated and our immune systems grew stronger because of it. No one panicked and shut the world down. At risk people and the people who lived with them took precautions to protect themselves. That's what we should be doing with this. Wear a mask if you have a family member you're worried about. (imo It probably would just be better to limit being in crowds etc for awhile because I think masks give a false sense of security to the vulnerable people) But we didn't even give this virus a chance to see what it would do as it went through the population.
Cool story.
Wonder why your comment got downvoted. Do you think there is a clown op feeding a narrative, pushing division, an either-or, no nuance, overly simplistic position?
There is a lab created bioweapon causing illness. I know ER docs who were in the front lines since the beginning and this illness did not respond in predictable ways.
It does not help us wake anyone up to the Plandemic and all the deception if we deceive ourselves into a different false narrative that there is no novel illness.