Is DS going to use this as an excuse to keep Biden in office regardless of the exposed Fraud? Makes complete sense. They will claim it doesn't matter how POTATUS got there, we are in a "crisis" and we can't be messing with our POTATUS! The media will rally behind this too. The sheep will follow along blindly, the conflict could be a long lasting conflict, by design to push out fixing the 2020 election. We must hold the ******* line bois! God wins, we will prevail. This is their highest plan to overshadow election fraud, now we need to work to destroy it.
Against an advanced military that has nuclear capability and the largest standing army on the planet? Taiwan government would fold within a day, holdouts within a week. I'm surprised they haven't already invaded.
And the fact that evidently OP is one of just 6 individuals who are aware of this plan in the entire country. Would be big if true but the odds are just way too wonky
I would say too, and that I hope it doesn't happen. BUT ... having been around AF bases in my career, and knowing fighter pilots, they will tell you that other than Israeli Fighter pilots, Taiwanese pilots are hands down the most lethal.
Here is why China's bombers will not get anywhere near Taiwan: Taiwanese AF trains EVERY training engagement as a no-win situation. Every time, their pilots are out numbered, or outgunned, or flying damaged airframes, you name it. They train over and over and over as if they are in it FOR REAL, and they have to use every ounce of greymatter to overcome massive odds. The Chinese on the other hand don't really train at all. They have some bullshit simulation where they ALWAYS come out on top. They report back to the higher ups: "look sir! We kicked ass again! We are the best!!" Their philosophy is confidence is better than skill.
I Don't want this to happen, but if it does, Taiwan is gonna take over 20-30% of china by the end of the year.
Here's another thing I bet you all don't know about: killing Taiwan would knock us 10 years back in transistor chip technology. Since like the 50s / 60s Taiwan has been making transistor chips like their life depended on it and they make the smallest transistors out there. They are by far the best in this industry.
The way these computer chip manufacturing facilities work is like some Russian dolls: you have to build manufacturing plants for bigger chips before you can get the smaller chips. This is because the sensitivity and calibration required to manufacture smaller chips (5nm) would require a bigger chip (say 7nm). Well even knowing how to build smaller manufacturing plants won't help you, you have to specially manufacture certain computer chips from a bigger chip, and manufacture that chip from a bigger chip, and so on.
This is why if Taiwan gets bombed, the World would be sent back 10 years ago in computer technology. Everywhere else like China and US companies are behind by 10 years in the manufacturing factories compared to what Taiwan has. This is a big reason why Taiwan hasn't been invaded up until now. They have an extremely valuable resource that's only on their island and is not easily replicated anywhere in the world.
I agree, but it would likely contribute to supply chain breakdown which I am not really able to handle atm. I've beeb trying to prepare as best I can since January 2019 but I'm going to be fucked this year and I have no way of stopping it.
I agree, China would shoot itself in the foot as well if they were to invade Taiwan. However, their government is that stupid enough that I bet you they would do it anyway to puff up their ego.
The CCP would also be pushed doing this disastrous move if their regime & economy is in grave danger of toppling over. They would blame the countries downturn on war with Taiwan and US and say how great of a job they're doing.
I honestly can't think of any historical examples of China making self-destructive decisions like this out of ego. Chinese perspective is as socialist as it gets. I also don't understand at all your point of them pushing even MORE disaster on themselves during a time when their economy is in danger. That really makes sense to you?
There's several examples in Chinese history of their self-destructive ego but if you want a great example, look at what caused the Opium Wars. Chinese have always thought of themselves as the center of the world and even the word China in Mandarin means "middle kingdom", everyone outside of China is considered barbarians by them. When Europeans came to China to trade, Chinese Emperor refused to allow them to trade because they were outsider barbarians. Chinese emperor would only allow British to buy goods but not sell the Chinese any goods. British East Indies Company started giving opium to Chinese they bought from and get them addicted to opium. Soon a sizeable portion of China was addicted to opium and Chinese Emperor was forced to open up trade with Europe. Since Chinese population was also weak from addiction they were easily conquered by Europeans and this is how you ended up with French controlling Vietnam, British getting Hong Kong, and so on.
If the CCP is on the brink of falling apart, they will push war with Taiwan and world to prolong their collapse as well as a last resort. If they destroy Taiwan, they can gamble on creating computer chips before US and world, and then proceed to dominate everyone through their tech. They could also gamble that the US will fold rather than fight them in any meaningful way because who manufactures everything for US? China.
I am very familiar with ancient Chinese history, and China refusing trade is not at all an example of China exercising self-destruction for the sake of ego, as they were not dependent on the prospective trade whatsoever. This is merely an example of their historic pride and caution of foreign influence, they didn't need to buy from Britain at the time, but China has many times capitulated on this point when their survival actually depended on it.
They don't need to destroy Taiwan to control their microcontroller tech, China has adopted colonialism.
I'm sorry. but this notion doesn't seem well thought out or based in any history or observed reality at all.
At first I thought it was mega larp. "6 people and one of them rushed to 4chan to relay the supr secret message? How easy would it be to track who posted that?"
But, a wartime president would greatly distract from the audit.
I can see this narrative being pushed:
"So there were discrepancies. There's bigger news in the world going on. It's time to band together and unite against a common enemy."
Bury the truth in " it's not as big a deal as what's going on right now" news.
Friend in Taiwan told me that he doesn't think there will be an attack. Originally, some high-level KMT politicians (they are tied to CCP party) were suppose to be in America starting today and through this weekend. There were concerns in Taiwan that there was going to be an attack this weekend.
However, a few weeks ago, Fujian province in China has an outbreak of covid. A new rumor has been spreading that the attack was called off because of concerns the military would spread covid. Attack would be delayed until after the CCP plenary meeting. The KMT politicians who were suppose to be travelling to America this weekend also called off their plans.
No idea if any of this is true, but thought it would be interesting to share.
i hope Anons understand why Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell is back in the news, at this stage in the Movie. I dont know about the date, but this is exactly how this show needs to end.
Code red, false flag, stick it on Biden. Great Awakening.
No news from Taiwan tv stations and webcam live streams seem okay. I'll check with some friends in the area when it's their morning (evening here) to see if anything happened.
they would march their two million man strong army right on in there
The only way of getting them there is the CCP navy. Taiwan has the means to resist naval landed troops. This would almost certainly draw Japan into the conflict (world class navy) and probably Australia too if the US sits it out. China's best move is total blockade. Then let internal pressures (CCP sponsored opposition parties within Taiwan, etc.) to begin formal negotiations for "peace". Goal would be current Hong Kong style rule until the CCP consolidates power. And all of this completely ignores China's financial house of cards imploding.
In some categories Taiwan has an amazing arsenal. One they've built specifically to counter any China invasion plot. Where I think it falls apart is duration. How long could they hold out? I can't see Japan sitting still though (or Korea either). And let's face it, China's naval expansion is recent. Just because they have a huge number of ships they are still filled with essentially green commanders & sailors. For Taiwan it's a national imperative, for China nearly a conscript navy.
Yes delivery is the tricky part. It my turn into turkey shoot situation if ccp navy screws the pooch. Men at arms are useless if they drown at sea because all the ships got sunk
IMO this is why China bullies yet avoids combat. If they can build up the facade of inevitability they believe they can win. Taiwan is not battle tested but they would definitely have the "WE FUCKING LIVE HERE!" Red Dawn mindset if they were attacked. Further, the boot that came down on Hong Kong had to wake up any who were lukewarm on national defense. There there is this, the Chinese ground troops and their battle testing -
China is a bully and wants the impression of how powerful they are and that eventually they will get their way. Look how they showed up in the above, in numbers. They were shocked that India said "FUCK YOU!". In reality I believe if they tried it with Taiwan they would get a massive bloody nose. Further, Western countries could cripple them in weeks if they stopped buying China goods. Big "Yeah, sure..." that is I know.
yes I remember that they got ass whooped by India in some skirmishes on the border in the mountains. and that's why experience matters. India and Pakistan have been having skirmishes on the their border for decades where they periodically shell each other just for funsies.
This was a theory back in January and why Pelosi was talking about PDJT not having access to the nuclear codes. I remember we talked about it here. That China told Pelosi they were waiting for JoeHoe to take office and then they were going to attack Taiwan though we didn't have proof. China had to wait until Trump was out of office because they were worried he would unleash hell on them for going into war with Taiwan. So this sounds along the same lines as what we heard in January, could be true, I guess we'll see.
lots of things about this don't sound right... but i don't think it's out of the question that plans are being made behind the scenes... i think many people could make this "prediction" and someone is going to be right sooner or later... china will for sure go after taiwan at some point.
where this OP messed up is giving an exact date and time for a military operation that will no doubt be adjusting plans on the fly depending on the evolving situation and opportunities that will present themselves.
even if this OP is right, and has insider intel, "the plan" would have changed dozens of times by now.
"the bombing starts at exactly 2:15 a month-ish from now" doesn't seem like something you could predict without a time machine or knowing the specific reason why 2:15 is important to the chinese.
I had to look up who that was, looks like he was introduced in season 17? TBH The Simpsons stopped being good during season 9.
More like season zero... it was always Garbage....
It adds up with seasonal ability for amphibious landing.
2 weeks to soften them up via blockade, precision takeout of defenses, and negotiation/threat of full scale invasion doable in Red October.
Checks a lot of boxes imo, including nailing the Biden administration.
Is DS going to use this as an excuse to keep Biden in office regardless of the exposed Fraud? Makes complete sense. They will claim it doesn't matter how POTATUS got there, we are in a "crisis" and we can't be messing with our POTATUS! The media will rally behind this too. The sheep will follow along blindly, the conflict could be a long lasting conflict, by design to push out fixing the 2020 election. We must hold the ******* line bois! God wins, we will prevail. This is their highest plan to overshadow election fraud, now we need to work to destroy it.
The DS can't stop what's coming. They can delay it (and have) but they cannot stop it.
China could take over Taiwan in ten hours or less. All the pieces are in place.
Taiwan is a much tougher nut to crack than people think.
Considering the rumors flying a while back that if China attacks? Taiwan WILL blow the Three Gorges Dam.
Against an advanced military that has nuclear capability and the largest standing army on the planet? Taiwan government would fold within a day, holdouts within a week. I'm surprised they haven't already invaded.
I've worked with Nationalist Chinese. The island is an armed camp and virtually everyone over the age of 18 has military training.
If the Bideng regime turns it's back on Taiwan and abrogates the treaty then it will turn on we citizens, probably next.
Maybe strategic bombing to take out their defenses, not carpet bombings.
And the fact that evidently OP is one of just 6 individuals who are aware of this plan in the entire country. Would be big if true but the odds are just way too wonky
Yeah - only gotta wait until tomorrow to find out though. Nothing we could do about it either way.
Yeah, I called bs the second I saw that
Mark my words: Not happening
I would say too, and that I hope it doesn't happen. BUT ... having been around AF bases in my career, and knowing fighter pilots, they will tell you that other than Israeli Fighter pilots, Taiwanese pilots are hands down the most lethal.
Here is why China's bombers will not get anywhere near Taiwan: Taiwanese AF trains EVERY training engagement as a no-win situation. Every time, their pilots are out numbered, or outgunned, or flying damaged airframes, you name it. They train over and over and over as if they are in it FOR REAL, and they have to use every ounce of greymatter to overcome massive odds. The Chinese on the other hand don't really train at all. They have some bullshit simulation where they ALWAYS come out on top. They report back to the higher ups: "look sir! We kicked ass again! We are the best!!" Their philosophy is confidence is better than skill.
I Don't want this to happen, but if it does, Taiwan is gonna take over 20-30% of china by the end of the year.
I mean, it's not happening because there's nothing but an anonymous chan-user larping for it.
Realities of war have nothing to do with this not happening.
Let's hope so. I doubt it would happen as well, but let's see.
Fuck that's scary
Here's another thing I bet you all don't know about: killing Taiwan would knock us 10 years back in transistor chip technology. Since like the 50s / 60s Taiwan has been making transistor chips like their life depended on it and they make the smallest transistors out there. They are by far the best in this industry.
The way these computer chip manufacturing facilities work is like some Russian dolls: you have to build manufacturing plants for bigger chips before you can get the smaller chips. This is because the sensitivity and calibration required to manufacture smaller chips (5nm) would require a bigger chip (say 7nm). Well even knowing how to build smaller manufacturing plants won't help you, you have to specially manufacture certain computer chips from a bigger chip, and manufacture that chip from a bigger chip, and so on.
This is why if Taiwan gets bombed, the World would be sent back 10 years ago in computer technology. Everywhere else like China and US companies are behind by 10 years in the manufacturing factories compared to what Taiwan has. This is a big reason why Taiwan hasn't been invaded up until now. They have an extremely valuable resource that's only on their island and is not easily replicated anywhere in the world.
"This is why if Taiwan gets bombed, the World would be sent back 10 years ago in computer technology."
My reaction to this was 'whoopee'. Seems like computers have led us down a trail to destruction of human ingenuity.
I agree, but it would likely contribute to supply chain breakdown which I am not really able to handle atm. I've beeb trying to prepare as best I can since January 2019 but I'm going to be fucked this year and I have no way of stopping it.
Do you think you depend on these semiconductors more than China does? Do you think China does not ever use semiconductors?
Think a little more reasonably, please.
I agree, China would shoot itself in the foot as well if they were to invade Taiwan. However, their government is that stupid enough that I bet you they would do it anyway to puff up their ego.
The CCP would also be pushed doing this disastrous move if their regime & economy is in grave danger of toppling over. They would blame the countries downturn on war with Taiwan and US and say how great of a job they're doing.
"their government is that stupid enough"
I honestly can't think of any historical examples of China making self-destructive decisions like this out of ego. Chinese perspective is as socialist as it gets. I also don't understand at all your point of them pushing even MORE disaster on themselves during a time when their economy is in danger. That really makes sense to you?
There's several examples in Chinese history of their self-destructive ego but if you want a great example, look at what caused the Opium Wars. Chinese have always thought of themselves as the center of the world and even the word China in Mandarin means "middle kingdom", everyone outside of China is considered barbarians by them. When Europeans came to China to trade, Chinese Emperor refused to allow them to trade because they were outsider barbarians. Chinese emperor would only allow British to buy goods but not sell the Chinese any goods. British East Indies Company started giving opium to Chinese they bought from and get them addicted to opium. Soon a sizeable portion of China was addicted to opium and Chinese Emperor was forced to open up trade with Europe. Since Chinese population was also weak from addiction they were easily conquered by Europeans and this is how you ended up with French controlling Vietnam, British getting Hong Kong, and so on.
If the CCP is on the brink of falling apart, they will push war with Taiwan and world to prolong their collapse as well as a last resort. If they destroy Taiwan, they can gamble on creating computer chips before US and world, and then proceed to dominate everyone through their tech. They could also gamble that the US will fold rather than fight them in any meaningful way because who manufactures everything for US? China.
I am very familiar with ancient Chinese history, and China refusing trade is not at all an example of China exercising self-destruction for the sake of ego, as they were not dependent on the prospective trade whatsoever. This is merely an example of their historic pride and caution of foreign influence, they didn't need to buy from Britain at the time, but China has many times capitulated on this point when their survival actually depended on it.
They don't need to destroy Taiwan to control their microcontroller tech, China has adopted colonialism.
I'm sorry. but this notion doesn't seem well thought out or based in any history or observed reality at all.
Ted Kaczynsky enters the chat
So fucking true.
Post alleges the Biden administration has given tacit approval for the CCP invasion of Taiwan, beginning just hours before the AZ results.
At first I thought it was mega larp. "6 people and one of them rushed to 4chan to relay the supr secret message? How easy would it be to track who posted that?"
But, a wartime president would greatly distract from the audit.
I can see this narrative being pushed:
"So there were discrepancies. There's bigger news in the world going on. It's time to band together and unite against a common enemy."
Bury the truth in " it's not as big a deal as what's going on right now" news.
A wag the dog strategy
a few hours? if its happening then its already started about 30 minutes ago
2:15am sep25 taiwan time is 8:15am sep24 my time, and right now its 8:44am
damn i missed this one. thanks for the post.
Friend in Taiwan told me that he doesn't think there will be an attack. Originally, some high-level KMT politicians (they are tied to CCP party) were suppose to be in America starting today and through this weekend. There were concerns in Taiwan that there was going to be an attack this weekend.
However, a few weeks ago, Fujian province in China has an outbreak of covid. A new rumor has been spreading that the attack was called off because of concerns the military would spread covid. Attack would be delayed until after the CCP plenary meeting. The KMT politicians who were suppose to be travelling to America this weekend also called off their plans.
No idea if any of this is true, but thought it would be interesting to share.
i hope Anons understand why Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell is back in the news, at this stage in the Movie. I dont know about the date, but this is exactly how this show needs to end.
Code red, false flag, stick it on Biden. Great Awakening.
Before according to my maffs.
2:15AM local would be 2:15PM EST. (AZ due at 4 EST)
Their time
In a bit over 4h from now:
Almost like its a distraction from stuff going down in AZ. What were the chances that the same time would be chosen?
remember Killary’s code red post?
Nooo. I don't want to go back to Intel.
I know many of us were expecting some major false flag before the results. Could this be it? At this point who fucking knows.
i’ll probably get banned for typing this word on GAW, but this is LARP
Damn, my nephew moved to Taiwan 5 months ago to live there with his Taiwanese wife.
That would capture the news cycle from AZ audit!
Nope, didn't happen. Nice Larp.
inb4 delta
So, the attack is supposed to start 45 minutes before the full Arizona report is released.
I think an hour and 45min. AZ is on west coast this time of year. They don’t move their clocks.
even if this post is total bs, we fully expect China Joe will hand Taiwan to mainland.
Eventually as he was paid handsomely
I trust "you're never going to believe this..." as much as somebody saying "Trust me..."
Perfect timing! And referring to it as a false flag will be setting them up for success, if true.
No news from Taiwan tv stations and webcam live streams seem okay. I'll check with some friends in the area when it's their morning (evening here) to see if anything happened.
Yea seems like a nothingburger, lets see what AZ has in store.
Agree. I'm so excited about the broadcast. Arm hairs tingling
Guess we'll find out...
Maybe, only the CCP would be dumb enough to plan this for 50 years and execute in the most reckless, impractical way possible.
Break our word to save our own skin?
You're right. We already broke our word to the Taiwanese in the '70s when we recognized the PRC and were cultivating them as an ally against the USSR.
The only way of getting them there is the CCP navy. Taiwan has the means to resist naval landed troops. This would almost certainly draw Japan into the conflict (world class navy) and probably Australia too if the US sits it out. China's best move is total blockade. Then let internal pressures (CCP sponsored opposition parties within Taiwan, etc.) to begin formal negotiations for "peace". Goal would be current Hong Kong style rule until the CCP consolidates power. And all of this completely ignores China's financial house of cards imploding.
In some categories Taiwan has an amazing arsenal. One they've built specifically to counter any China invasion plot. Where I think it falls apart is duration. How long could they hold out? I can't see Japan sitting still though (or Korea either). And let's face it, China's naval expansion is recent. Just because they have a huge number of ships they are still filled with essentially green commanders & sailors. For Taiwan it's a national imperative, for China nearly a conscript navy.
Yes delivery is the tricky part. It my turn into turkey shoot situation if ccp navy screws the pooch. Men at arms are useless if they drown at sea because all the ships got sunk
IMO this is why China bullies yet avoids combat. If they can build up the facade of inevitability they believe they can win. Taiwan is not battle tested but they would definitely have the "WE FUCKING LIVE HERE!" Red Dawn mindset if they were attacked. Further, the boot that came down on Hong Kong had to wake up any who were lukewarm on national defense. There there is this, the Chinese ground troops and their battle testing -
China is a bully and wants the impression of how powerful they are and that eventually they will get their way. Look how they showed up in the above, in numbers. They were shocked that India said "FUCK YOU!". In reality I believe if they tried it with Taiwan they would get a massive bloody nose. Further, Western countries could cripple them in weeks if they stopped buying China goods. Big "Yeah, sure..." that is I know.
yes I remember that they got ass whooped by India in some skirmishes on the border in the mountains. and that's why experience matters. India and Pakistan have been having skirmishes on the their border for decades where they periodically shell each other just for funsies.
Plus why would they want to destroy all that infrastructure they can just commandeer?
Last time I looked there was a pretty big body of water out there. Has the Chinese army learned to march on water?
Amphibious Personel Carriers? /s
great risk to myself, only 6 people know up until now, attack time?
LARP to the core. Attention whore.
Ignore these people.
This was a theory back in January and why Pelosi was talking about PDJT not having access to the nuclear codes. I remember we talked about it here. That China told Pelosi they were waiting for JoeHoe to take office and then they were going to attack Taiwan though we didn't have proof. China had to wait until Trump was out of office because they were worried he would unleash hell on them for going into war with Taiwan. So this sounds along the same lines as what we heard in January, could be true, I guess we'll see.
Then we should turn china into Taiwan, and we can all live happily ever after.
So by my math this is to begin in about 5 hours from now.
5 hours tomorrow, fren. The 25th
Thank you. I assumed local time was local to the writer, not .... anyway, thank you.
I apologize, I misunderstood what I read. You're right 🙂
100% larp
Good distraction and narrative change to cover audit?
Taiwan needs to become like Afghanistan... ""The place where Dynasties go to DIE"".... Just sayin....
I will indeed hold my breath for this to happen but only because I'm bored waiting for the audit hearing to start.
lots of things about this don't sound right... but i don't think it's out of the question that plans are being made behind the scenes... i think many people could make this "prediction" and someone is going to be right sooner or later... china will for sure go after taiwan at some point.
where this OP messed up is giving an exact date and time for a military operation that will no doubt be adjusting plans on the fly depending on the evolving situation and opportunities that will present themselves.
even if this OP is right, and has insider intel, "the plan" would have changed dozens of times by now.
"the bombing starts at exactly 2:15 a month-ish from now" doesn't seem like something you could predict without a time machine or knowing the specific reason why 2:15 is important to the chinese.
Date, time and method are still suspect.
But I'm pretty sure Taiwan and HongKong will come under Chinese control while Biden is still president.
That's the only way for that to happen and not hurt Trump's reputation.