Very large company with Federal defense contracts. It is also being pushed in a friend’s job that is considered critical infrastructure health related work. Sorry for the vague response, I’d like to limit my metadata output.
That's fine, I just was under the assumption that you were referencing Florida as a whole. That's what threw me off because I couldn't find anything in specific.
I don’t know what you would find. It’s happening internally. The media isn’t interested in cover any of this topic.
There are word of mouth reports of it happening in hospitals and medical manufacturing plants here as well.
If you administer the test yourself, you are clearly complying, but is the compliance free of coercion?
That is the entire problem here. Many people have complied with the injection without informed consent (seemingly everyone since they are not forthcoming with information about adverse reactions), and many others have been coerced into taking it.
Informed consent free of coercion should also apply to the testing since it is an invasion of your body that puts you in contact with a chemical substance (it is not just a Q-tip they use to collect the sample)
Even if this doesn't count as legal precedent for other countries, it seems like it would serve as a legal pattern? If this is deemed illegal in Australia, it should be deemed illegal elsewhere for the same reasons?
I would think that if they are citing ‘informed consent’ that it refers to basic Nuremburg code which is international. I notice they are requiring people in NY to waive informed consent (if you go the testing route), which can be revoked in writing at any time. Its super fishy…
It will, because the Globalists will not stop oppressing people. They will eventually reach a point at which the people will not be able to take it anymore and will resist. The Globalists just don't have the numbers to fend off a mass Awakening. Question is: At what point is this?
Thank you, pede! I used this to obliterate my company's "on the fence" stance about this with my direct WW executive. We're global. We can't blow our Australia business. Decision made. No mandate. Now he and I are preparing to have the fight with the rest of the company to bring them over to full-freedom.
The ruling was against the lady who didn’t want an influenza jab - and was against her appeal - then at the bottom it makes reference to covid mandates potentially not being legal.
Doesn’t matter - I’m Still out of a job - so is everyone else who refused.
No one is calling us saying “y’all can come back now”
No one cares :/ the mandates are still very much in force and enforced.
Hate to be a doomer, but this was one commissioners dissenting opinion. The appeal was dismissed by a 2 out of 3 majority. It carries not weight at all. The only good thing about it is it that opinion may be able to get an appeal in a federal court.
Yup, since that POS company decided to redact an ingredient for the Gene therapy, how can you have informed consent. What if the ingredient is Cyanide? or that black goo from the X-files....You don't know! cause they know if they tell you people will be Wtf!
Trust me that's not the case. My wife lost her job at the hospital today because she refused the jab, and she's pregnant! I've tried to get help but there is none
RIGhT. So where the fuck is the US Supreme court or someone who can put a halt to EO’s that are CLEARLY unconstitutional..? Since when does everyone just hear a statement on a press briefing and all immediately comply?
Imagine if dickface Xiden said EO starting today all firearms are banned? What is our legal recourse to say, hey wait a fucking minute this needs an immediate challenge before anyone has to comply or worse have their livelihoods threatened if you don’t?
Get to fuck with that bullshit narrative, you can still own a gun in Australia once you have cleared the necessary requirements, the gun amnesty was an amnesty on old guns for cash in effect a buy back, so get your facts right before you go calling people of a whole nation fucking retards on your retarded post.
Necessary requirements.
How many handguns are you allowed to own? You, personally, I mean. Without paying money. Are there restrictions on the number and type of handgun you can own? Without being a collector, or some other bullshit?
See, here's the thing...
Even 5-10 years ago, everybody in the English-speaking world thought you guys were bad-asses.
Nobody thinks that anymore. Other than the few who are protesting.
Don’t stop firing just yet that was an industrial court ruling we are hoping the Supreme Court rules the same , the battle is not over yet but we are make big strides keep fighting!!
My place of employment in the USA is requiring vaxx prior to employment now. Will be interesting to see how this plays out. I got in before the policy was implemented.
That is a win our friends Down Under Needs!!
And now we are facing it in Florida.
Hold fast, anon. Gov DeSantis is on our side in this it looks like so far anyway.
Do tell, I was lining a job up there to escape my current mandate.
Very large company with Federal defense contracts. It is also being pushed in a friend’s job that is considered critical infrastructure health related work. Sorry for the vague response, I’d like to limit my metadata output.
That's fine, I just was under the assumption that you were referencing Florida as a whole. That's what threw me off because I couldn't find anything in specific.
I don’t know what you would find. It’s happening internally. The media isn’t interested in cover any of this topic. There are word of mouth reports of it happening in hospitals and medical manufacturing plants here as well.
Where? My employer in FL just made it a requirement prior to employment but doesn’t apply to existing employees. I got in in the nick of time
Great. Now do USA.
And Canada.
And Italy
How does informed consent not apply to the testing, which is also a medical procedure?
That's awesome! Whenever you're ready to take a couple weeks off just swab a grapefruit and boom covid positive!
If you administer the test yourself, you are clearly complying, but is the compliance free of coercion?
That is the entire problem here. Many people have complied with the injection without informed consent (seemingly everyone since they are not forthcoming with information about adverse reactions), and many others have been coerced into taking it.
Informed consent free of coercion should also apply to the testing since it is an invasion of your body that puts you in contact with a chemical substance (it is not just a Q-tip they use to collect the sample)
I know, right? No one is going to sinus-fuck me with one of those damn vaulting poles with the cotton-and-spike-protein tip.
FYI - weekly testing is also illegal based on 2015 Federal law that protects a person's "genetic" information. PCR test uses genetic information.
Even if this doesn't count as legal precedent for other countries, it seems like it would serve as a legal pattern? If this is deemed illegal in Australia, it should be deemed illegal elsewhere for the same reasons?
I would think that if they are citing ‘informed consent’ that it refers to basic Nuremburg code which is international. I notice they are requiring people in NY to waive informed consent (if you go the testing route), which can be revoked in writing at any time. Its super fishy…
Nobody cares about Nuremberg code anymore. They don’t care about our federal/state laws either.
They'll care when they are subjected to it when this is all over and they face an accounting by the people.
It will, because the Globalists will not stop oppressing people. They will eventually reach a point at which the people will not be able to take it anymore and will resist. The Globalists just don't have the numbers to fend off a mass Awakening. Question is: At what point is this?
Yesterday it was Fair Work Australia, today its Australian Courts.
I feel terrible for all my folks who jumped the gun because "we will lose our jobs if we dont" .. duh.
This is why you stand your ground and don't comply out of gov't intimidation and fearmongering.
i have 3 people close to me that have been threatened with losing their job if they don't take the shot, yet none have been fired yet lmao
key word, coercion.
fuck yes cunt
The Ruling Here << Focus on Part II
Thank you, pede! I used this to obliterate my company's "on the fence" stance about this with my direct WW executive. We're global. We can't blow our Australia business. Decision made. No mandate. Now he and I are preparing to have the fight with the rest of the company to bring them over to full-freedom.
Praise the Lord!!!!! 🙏
This isn’t what you think it is.
The ruling was against the lady who didn’t want an influenza jab - and was against her appeal - then at the bottom it makes reference to covid mandates potentially not being legal. Doesn’t matter - I’m Still out of a job - so is everyone else who refused. No one is calling us saying “y’all can come back now” No one cares :/ the mandates are still very much in force and enforced.
Yep... Wife lost her nursing job today. Fucking nightmare this is, WA
How long ago did you lose your job? At a certain point when enough people refuse these companies are going to be screwed.
I lost my partner of 3 years on 20th sep (she left me, she’s not dead) and my job on the 30th September. QLD health is a big ass company -
Wohoooo !! Praise God
Eating pizza and worshipping moloch.
You might not like that decision.
Hate to be a doomer, but this was one commissioners dissenting opinion. The appeal was dismissed by a 2 out of 3 majority. It carries not weight at all. The only good thing about it is it that opinion may be able to get an appeal in a federal court.
Yup, since that POS company decided to redact an ingredient for the Gene therapy, how can you have informed consent. What if the ingredient is Cyanide? or that black goo from the X-files....You don't know! cause they know if they tell you people will be Wtf!
baby parts
finally! some god damn fucking SENSE
Trust me that's not the case. My wife lost her job at the hospital today because she refused the jab, and she's pregnant! I've tried to get help but there is none
If a court can find common sense in that place as much as they've gone full Nazi, then hopefully courts here will come to similar conclusions.
RIGhT. So where the fuck is the US Supreme court or someone who can put a halt to EO’s that are CLEARLY unconstitutional..? Since when does everyone just hear a statement on a press briefing and all immediately comply?
Imagine if dickface Xiden said EO starting today all firearms are banned? What is our legal recourse to say, hey wait a fucking minute this needs an immediate challenge before anyone has to comply or worse have their livelihoods threatened if you don’t?
Any lawfags here?
Which court will overturn it.
A bit of hopium... But I'm still out of work until I give in and get it ...
It's fucked because Victoria is the only state enforcing if for every single worker in the state
I can drive 4 hours down the road and be fine???
Amen! It looks like their courts aren't completely corrupt.
Australia deserves what it gets. They gave up their guns, voluntarily. They are the VERY DEFINITION of a cautionary tale for the U.S.
Fucking retards.
Get to fuck with that bullshit narrative, you can still own a gun in Australia once you have cleared the necessary requirements, the gun amnesty was an amnesty on old guns for cash in effect a buy back, so get your facts right before you go calling people of a whole nation fucking retards on your retarded post.
Necessary requirements. Fine. How many handguns are you allowed to own? You, personally, I mean. Without paying money. Are there restrictions on the number and type of handgun you can own? Without being a collector, or some other bullshit?
See, here's the thing... Even 5-10 years ago, everybody in the English-speaking world thought you guys were bad-asses.
Nobody thinks that anymore. Other than the few who are protesting.
Finally a bit sanity in the land down under. They really need a win.
No doubt this is good news for our brothers and sisters down under. Let's see if their Luciferian pedophile run government abides by the ruling.
Saving this, I skimmed over it briefly. Very edifying.
Don’t stop firing just yet that was an industrial court ruling we are hoping the Supreme Court rules the same , the battle is not over yet but we are make big strides keep fighting!!
We already knew. Common sense.
My place of employment in the USA is requiring vaxx prior to employment now. Will be interesting to see how this plays out. I got in before the policy was implemented.
THIS IS NOT A WIN. THIS IS BEING MISINTERPRETED. Jesus Christ, stop running with everything you see on bitchute. This is not in relation to Covid.