Correct. An Australian Premier is the political leader of that particular state of the country. This state being New South Wales (NSW) in which the capital is Sydney.
Cuomo was quite high up in the [DS] hierarchy. He probably controlled every single department in NY. He had to go.
This new thing is a puppet, clearly temporary to play a small part in this Show. She will be gone very soon, much like how Newsome "winning" recall is also going to be temporary.
With these examples, it's best to speak with certainty about removals once some have actually happened. Cuomo is the only significant leader to leave and it was to do so before the covid killings made news again after the sexual assault crap.
Timestamp 9:04:
Reporter: "The Premier (Gladys) is telling them that the only way out is a double jab"
Clive "I would say she is lying. I would say she is under ICAC enquiry. A particular lobbyist in Sydney who controls the Liberal party has told her that the only way she gets out of that enquiry is if she pushes a double jab."
Yes, this is how blackmail, threats, and bribes work to keep the elected officers from doing what the People want, and instead do the dirty work of the criminal world mafia gang.
The only reason Gladys is pushing vaccine passports is because she is being threatened with an ICAC investigation if she doesn't
Police commissioner announces they won't enforce passports and NSW roadmap says no restrictions regardless of vaccination status from Dec 1. Gladys is then immediately hit with an ICAC investigation...
So Gladys' job is to bring about vaccine passports.
She fails. Either she couldn't control over the Police Commissioner, or she chose not to. Either the Police Commissioner is a White Hat, or someone is pulling her opposing strings from the back.
If white hats were not involved, there is no way Police Commissioner would announce that. Knowing the swamp, I am sure she had enough on him to make him do what she wants.
She was pushing vaxx passports because she was being threatened by black hats. Now she is forced to resign because of the white hats. Its a tug of war behind the scenes.
So, the black hats in this case are related to the Big Pharm lobbyist that Palmer mentioned. They must have thought they, or she, controlled the police and the ICAC commission, because a mandate requires enforcers and pulling the investigation requires clout with the people doing it.
That was Dr. Chant, our cunt "health advisor" to the ex-Premier.
Gladys has been a dead duck walking for a long time, she was in a long term sexual relationship with a former member of state parliament that was doing dodgy deals for self enrichment. (including favours for wealthy Chinese VIPs)
The hope is the current Treasurer and Deputy Leader (Dom Perrottet) becomes Premier, he was (and hopefully still is) anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine passport......this nonsense has gone on long enough.
I donβt trust any of those fuckers but Dominic Perrottet is at least on record quite recently saying pretty sensible things about how we are born with certain freedoms and how we need to unite and not create a two tiered society.
From Aussie Cossack: Intel reports the NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrotett is set to be "appointed" Premier. No election, no democracy. "Appointed".
π°Perrotett is a hand picked globalist elite candidate - son of a high ranking World Bank official.
(A quick dig proves this to be correct, wikipedia: Perrottet was born in 1982, and raised in West Pennant Hills, Sydney.[10] He is the third eldest[11] of 12 children. His father, John Perrottet, works for the World Bank as the Global Lead for Tourism at the International Finance Corporation, in Washington, DC.)
βΌοΈAlthough the people of NSW are celebrating today's WIN the successor to Gulag Gladys may just be Satan himself...
πLord have mercy!
That was the Chief Health Officer of New South Wales, Kerry Chant,the head
bureaucrat for state health(like Fauci is the US Federal bureaucrat)
Kerry Chant is a useless bitch,she has killed many people with her incompetence by not allowing the use of the safe,effective treatments.
Bloody useless Gladys went along with that murderous behaviour and did nothing to stop it.
Gladys has been an awful Premier. She is from the left faction(almost communist) of the NSW Liberal Party. Over the years she has really pissed off her voter base.
Most people will be glad to see the back of her. Good riddance!
It gets interesting. Over the years the Liberal Party has been infiltrated by the left to destroy it. People like Nick Greiner, Bruce Baird, Michael Baird and the worst by far
Malcolm Turnbull, just to name a hand full.
Up until the "Scamdemic",it was just annoying and these idiots were only helping
the Labor Party slowly destroy NSW and Australia.
With the "Scamdemic" this awful behaviour has now achieved murderous results
and badly damaged the National economy.
It's going to be interesting to see how this pans out.
Yes his disappearance made zero sense, they wouldn't even clarify how he hurt his back or where exactly he was when he "fell down the stairs". Slowly, over time these fanatics will tumble!
As a citizen of Danistan, I can only say that the corruption in the Australian political class runs excruciatingly deep.
I would not be surprised if Gladys is being thrown under the bus by her operators (puppet controllers) and being replaced with simply a new face of corruption, for public appearance and propaganda reasons.
I do not trust anyone who would replace her, and I do not trust the establishment of which she is simply a symptom.
I'd be thrilled to know that my suspicions are wrong, and that this blip actually indicates a set-back for the black op masters, but until I see that directly, I'm a skeptic.
I have lost all confidence in the system which put Gladys in place, and I want to see the whole thing brought to its knees before I will invest even one iota of faith in them.
Meanwhile, the freedom movement in Australia is growing, and I believe in Australians and in Australia.
Ohh, that witch.. while I feel like this is good, I hope it doesn't turn into one of the situations like the Coumo Hochul disaster, out of the frying pan into the fire. Now if you could just get rid of the blond hag with the hairy upper lip.
She was one of three Australian Premiers (Think US State Governor) who has been diabolical with Covid lockdowns, police states, vaccine passports and loss of freedoms. In one interview she clearly said she was doing it to bring in the New World order.
This is a major Black hat player in Australia to resign and great news for Freedom loving Aussies
Q showed us in post #135 - #138 that 191 of 195 of the world's countries have Jewish owned or controlled central banks, not counting the World Bank and the IMF which are also controlled by Jews.
Q showed us that China's central bank owes the House of Rothschild central bankers $44 trillion.
Connecting the dots leads me to believe that the CCP can't take a shit without the Rothschild's permission.
Connecting the dots leads me to believe a major goal of the COVID holocaust hoax is to bankrupt the human race in preparation for the New World Order's Great Reset... which will benefit only one tribe.
You gotta look at this news with the background of what Clive Palmer said just a few days ago.
He had said "The only reason Gladys is pushing vaccine passports is because she is being threatened with a ICAC investigation if she doesn't"
Now, what does this say?? Someone more powerful forced her to go ahead and get investigated and resign. Sounds like the White Hats ?
Is the Premier the equivalent of a governor?
Correct. An Australian Premier is the political leader of that particular state of the country. This state being New South Wales (NSW) in which the capital is Sydney.
I learn so much from this board. Thanks GAW commenter.
Sydney is the capital of NSW
This isn't true, the case is still ongoing;
You can watch it live if you like;
EDIT: It has finished for the day and replays are not available under NSW law. The case resumes 9am (Sydney - AEDT) on Tuesday 5th October.
Not necessarily look at Cuomo, his replacement is even more evil.
Cuomo was quite high up in the [DS] hierarchy. He probably controlled every single department in NY. He had to go.
This new thing is a puppet, clearly temporary to play a small part in this Show. She will be gone very soon, much like how Newsome "winning" recall is also going to be temporary.
With these examples, it's best to speak with certainty about removals once some have actually happened. Cuomo is the only significant leader to leave and it was to do so before the covid killings made news again after the sexual assault crap.
CUomo still runs new York through his proxy. He can be twice as evil that way.
Yes u/Elitewaki! She's related to Pelosi...all the same evil bunch!
Thanks, I was looking for that!
So the sequence of events:
Sep 14th press conference
Timestamp 9:04: Reporter: "The Premier (Gladys) is telling them that the only way out is a double jab"
Clive "I would say she is lying. I would say she is under ICAC enquiry. A particular lobbyist in Sydney who controls the Liberal party has told her that the only way she gets out of that enquiry is if she pushes a double jab."
Sep 29th, NSW Police Commissioner refuses to enforce vaccine passport mandate
Sep 30th, Gladys resigns citing the ICAC enquiry.
This is all fascinating because we are seeing the inner workings of the swamp in a way we have never seen before!
Thanks for that wrap-up. I saw all those events but seeing it written out like that really makes this story spicy.
Yeah, someone good at graphics can perhaps make it into a nice thingy with arrows!
Yes, this is how blackmail, threats, and bribes work to keep the elected officers from doing what the People want, and instead do the dirty work of the criminal world mafia gang.
Police commissioner announces they won't enforce passports and NSW roadmap says no restrictions regardless of vaccination status from Dec 1. Gladys is then immediately hit with an ICAC investigation...
I don't think so...
So Gladys' job is to bring about vaccine passports.
She fails. Either she couldn't control over the Police Commissioner, or she chose not to. Either the Police Commissioner is a White Hat, or someone is pulling her opposing strings from the back.
If white hats were not involved, there is no way Police Commissioner would announce that. Knowing the swamp, I am sure she had enough on him to make him do what she wants.
She was pushing vaxx passports because she was being threatened by black hats. Now she is forced to resign because of the white hats. Its a tug of war behind the scenes.
So, the black hats in this case are related to the Big Pharm lobbyist that Palmer mentioned. They must have thought they, or she, controlled the police and the ICAC commission, because a mandate requires enforcers and pulling the investigation requires clout with the people doing it.
Don't stop praying for our Australian brothers and sisters to be delivered from the evil!
Hopefully Red October will be smoking hot worldwide! π₯
Thanks fren! This breaks my heart but someday soon these evil people will see justice delivered on an epic scale. Eagerly awaiting that day!
What do you do fren. Maybe someone here can help.
Thanks Joys1Daughter! Each night I pray for Aus, the US and a great awakening to spread across the world.
Amen fren! All our voices lifted in prayer are powerful! ππ€
One fatal freudian slip: NEVER drop "New World Order" in your press conference!
Is she the cunt that said you canβt talk to your neighbors?
Youβre correct. Every day some Aussie cunt tries to out cunt the cunt from yesterday
Wow - what a cunt!
When you look Down Under, youβre evidently gonna find a lot of cunts. π€·
And it very little to do with genitalia.
Ima move this off 17 updoots sorry bout that
That was Dr. Chant, our cunt "health advisor" to the ex-Premier.
Gladys has been a dead duck walking for a long time, she was in a long term sexual relationship with a former member of state parliament that was doing dodgy deals for self enrichment. (including favours for wealthy Chinese VIPs)
The hope is the current Treasurer and Deputy Leader (Dom Perrottet) becomes Premier, he was (and hopefully still is) anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine passport......this nonsense has gone on long enough.
Thanks for the detailed response. Hard enough to keep track of our homegrown cunts.
I donβt trust any of those fuckers but Dominic Perrottet is at least on record quite recently saying pretty sensible things about how we are born with certain freedoms and how we need to unite and not create a two tiered society.
From Aussie Cossack: Intel reports the NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrotett is set to be "appointed" Premier. No election, no democracy. "Appointed". π°Perrotett is a hand picked globalist elite candidate - son of a high ranking World Bank official.
(A quick dig proves this to be correct, wikipedia: Perrottet was born in 1982, and raised in West Pennant Hills, Sydney.[10] He is the third eldest[11] of 12 children. His father, John Perrottet, works for the World Bank as the Global Lead for Tourism at the International Finance Corporation, in Washington, DC.)
βΌοΈAlthough the people of NSW are celebrating today's WIN the successor to Gulag Gladys may just be Satan himself... πLord have mercy!
That was the Chief Health Officer of New South Wales, Kerry Chant,the head bureaucrat for state health(like Fauci is the US Federal bureaucrat)
Kerry Chant is a useless bitch,she has killed many people with her incompetence by not allowing the use of the safe,effective treatments.
Bloody useless Gladys went along with that murderous behaviour and did nothing to stop it.
Gladys has been an awful Premier. She is from the left faction(almost communist) of the NSW Liberal Party. Over the years she has really pissed off her voter base. Most people will be glad to see the back of her. Good riddance!
Hear! Hear! Only yesterday I asked here how compromised our Gladys was. Now we know and no doubt, more to follow. Karma's a bitch.
It gets interesting. Over the years the Liberal Party has been infiltrated by the left to destroy it. People like Nick Greiner, Bruce Baird, Michael Baird and the worst by far Malcolm Turnbull, just to name a hand full.
Up until the "Scamdemic",it was just annoying and these idiots were only helping the Labor Party slowly destroy NSW and Australia.
With the "Scamdemic" this awful behaviour has now achieved murderous results and badly damaged the National economy.
It's going to be interesting to see how this pans out.
No that oneβs name is Kerry Chant. I call her the Chunt
Now go get Andrew's the complete commie cuck.
Yes! He's next on a long list!
Yes his disappearance made zero sense, they wouldn't even clarify how he hurt his back or where exactly he was when he "fell down the stairs". Slowly, over time these fanatics will tumble!
He is a traitor, he literally sold VIC out to the CCP.
Let's hope he is next to go. I swear if I met him in the street as an ordinary bloke, I wouldn't hold back at the arrogant kunt.
Please don't.
I can't believe after belt and road he is allowed to stay
I'm skeptical.
As a citizen of Danistan, I can only say that the corruption in the Australian political class runs excruciatingly deep.
I would not be surprised if Gladys is being thrown under the bus by her operators (puppet controllers) and being replaced with simply a new face of corruption, for public appearance and propaganda reasons.
I do not trust anyone who would replace her, and I do not trust the establishment of which she is simply a symptom.
I'd be thrilled to know that my suspicions are wrong, and that this blip actually indicates a set-back for the black op masters, but until I see that directly, I'm a skeptic.
I have lost all confidence in the system which put Gladys in place, and I want to see the whole thing brought to its knees before I will invest even one iota of faith in them.
Meanwhile, the freedom movement in Australia is growing, and I believe in Australians and in Australia.
Time for a reckoning.
Thank you for that insight! From far away in Colorado, I believe in Australians tooπΈπβ€
Your belief and faith strengthen us. Thank you sincerely. Proud to call you patriot and pede.
(hugs) please keep us updatedπΊπΈβ€(& pretend there's an Australian flag after the heart because my dumbass phone doesn't have that emoji π)
Spot on!
And please please please, Dan be the next!
She was getting her guts rearranged by some dodgy operators is the public story
Damn, thatβs some dicey low-grade gutter genitalia there - how would anyone sink low enough to hit that sht?
By leaning left or right whilst mounted to avoid the giant fucking hook nose on this cunt.
Ohh, that witch.. while I feel like this is good, I hope it doesn't turn into one of the situations like the Coumo Hochul disaster, out of the frying pan into the fire. Now if you could just get rid of the blond hag with the hairy upper lip.
Ah, this seems like good news for down under.
They could really use some it seems.
May she be the first of many worldwide
Wrong, they are all infiltrators and wrong.
This and they need to hang.
Finally, this witch is leaving. Big win for Australia.
I hope this isn't over for her and people who have lost loved ones, jobs, and businesses put this witch along with CHO's etc to jail.
She was one of three Australian Premiers (Think US State Governor) who has been diabolical with Covid lockdowns, police states, vaccine passports and loss of freedoms. In one interview she clearly said she was doing it to bring in the New World order.
This is a major Black hat player in Australia to resign and great news for Freedom loving Aussies
It's hard to imagine anyone being in a relationship with that. She looks like a goblin.
πππ For those of you who have never seen an ibis, here is the comparison :
Thanks for that, "Gladys Bin Chicken". I've never heard that one. It's very appropriate for her. She was not a good State Premier.
If comments can be stickied, this one desperately needs to be.
Please say goodbye to Ms. Gladys...
You forgot to mention the child abuse links.
Q showed us in post #135 - #138 that 191 of 195 of the world's countries have Jewish owned or controlled central banks, not counting the World Bank and the IMF which are also controlled by Jews.
Q showed us that China's central bank owes the House of Rothschild central bankers $44 trillion.
Connecting the dots leads me to believe that the CCP can't take a shit without the Rothschild's permission.
Connecting the dots leads me to believe a major goal of the COVID holocaust hoax is to bankrupt the human race in preparation for the New World Order's Great Reset... which will benefit only one tribe.
They all need a booting....
Goodbye Cabal Tyrant Whore.
It's a distraction.
Bosi is the man for our times, like The Dood was in California in the 90's. He fits right in.
If we can't have Mel Gibson back on loan for a while, this old mate for PM would be a more than worthy substitute.
Straya1! Represent.
Midwestern USA fren hereβI would LOVE to see yβall have Bosi as PM! From your lips to Godβs ears.... πΊπΈπ¦πΊ
Lots of resignations the last couple of days
She should have been arrested, placed in solitary without bail pending the investigation for what she has done to the citizens.
It's HABBENING!!! the whole shit show will be revieled!