This will get interesting. California law bans small off-road gas engines, including lawnmowers and chainsaws
🧠 These people are stupid!
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Damn, I'm impressed by your cynicism, and I believe you're probably spot-on. Congratulations, you're able to see the future. o7.
Side note, from my understanding a not insignificant part of Cali's "functional economy" is based on immigrant labor being used for yard work (something prevalent across the South, I'm sure - and God Bless them if they're legal and working hard, etc. Nothing wrong with hard work and effort). This seems like a direct attack on that particular industry.
So WTF are they doing?
The Dems in power over there KNOW the demographics, probably better than Conservatives do because they suck the blood from them and manipulate them for EVERYTHING.
Why would they introduce something like this? It's biting the hand you use to fill in your counterfeit ballots.
Applying equal cynicism to this question, we come to a PANIC situation. Possible forced self-destruction? We'll see I guess.
There is an incredibly simple answer to why libtards do anything at all...One must only know that Liberalism is a severe mental disorder...books have been written on this's diagnosable and 100% true. At the core of their mental issues is that fact that they always fit the textbook definition as a people suffering from severe psychosis! Honestly, I really think that when you make a mental decision to be at war with our Creator, He allows your mind to become what's termed in the Bible as demented, which is just another way of saying psychotic!
they have 30million dollars set aside specifically to help these people buy new equipment.
Who they're really fucking over is everyone smart enough to have a personal generator in a state which regularly experiences crippling problems with power infrastructure. They want you suckling at newsom's teet and to starve to death any other way.
Yup. Family member of mine just bought a gas powered generator because of the consistent outages. Looks like this may be right.
The purpose of the law is to undermine a major source of employment for illegals, then cut government assistance checks for the newly unemployed illegals, effectively controlling them. They'll vote and their kids will join La Raza.
This is why I bought a generator recently and I have hired an electrician to hook it up to my house.
I live in the south. My gardener is a white retired firefighter. There are illegals working in landscaping here but not to the degree it is back in Cali (where I am from)
When I was a kid in Los Angeles, my gardener was Japanese before it went to where it is 100% hispanic.
True, the gardener's were nearly always japanese circa 1960's
And they did great work...
Mr. Miyagi was based. From Detroit! RIP Miyagi. Banzai!
There are a lot of hispanic illegals in Alabama also, they are usually in the landscaping or construction businesses.
Says goes into effect 2024....or when they determine it’s feasible. 🙄
Yes, but it’s going to tick off the Hispanics now.
San Diego SD&G just delivered a gas generator to her house today for a breathing machine. Now the libtard governor just outlawed it.
They're going after gas powered stoves too.
Hahahaha! And who is going to enforce this garbage?! What a waste! It doesn’t even have any teeth in the bill! Good luck enforcing this idiot DemoLibs!! Gavin NewScum is just so many levels of Stupid!
It will be selectively enforced on a political basis. If you make everything illegal you can arrest whomever you want.
I just told my daughter that lives in San Diego they had no idea that this happened and they have a full garage of desert toys. My son in law is flipping out.
It's for when they want to bust someone but have nothing on them. They can say look he has a lawnmower let's take em in.
This new law is designed to shut down the generators used by preppers who are prepping to live ‘off the grid’ when SHTF.
Anyone have a longer extension cord I can borrow?
I don't think mine is long enough to reach Nevada.
The fat illegals will have to trade in their leaf blower for a new broom and rake.
I hate those things.. They spent 3 times as long blowing what they could pick up with their hands or a broom.
No you don't get it. They want to ban the MANUFACTURE of small internal combustion engines. In other words, all lawn equipment manufactured after the ban will be electric.
Until you go to AZ to buy it, it's about as good as the Colorado magazine ban. Cabela's in Sidney Nebraska will sell you 30+ rounders all day long
Brushless motors and modern batteries are fairly good replacements for old tech gas motor; other than cost that is. Less noise and smell.
For trimming up your backyard lawn, sure.
For taking care of a large lot that's been left to grow wild for months? Not so much.
Do you know how those batteries are made, and plugging something in to the grid is not zero emissions, how is electricity generated?
Are Onan generators brushless motors?
These idiots can’t even keep the power on the cool their homes. Now you got the added demand for electric vehicles and power tools. Bet there’s a little part in there stating if it’s a commercial business it wont apply. Meaning all the rich folk who hire a lawn company wont feel the effects.
The people of California are not idiots… our government and south of Sacramento are the “idiots”. We The Sovereign People of Northern California, Jefferson State drive diesels, light bonfires, fly our Ol’ Glory’s, carry our 2nds and abide by God’s Laws… WE started the recall and have been pushing hard for it since that foul fool took office… fuck Gavin Newsom and the limpd!cks down south (not all Southerners are idiots either… many Anons hail from LA/San Diego area ♥️). Sorry but I cannot tolerate anyone brow beating my statesmen… it’s already ten times harder to survive here so the last thing I will put up with are statements meant to hurt my people. I do understand that your intentions were to make a simple blanket statement in order to get your point across but in doing so you fail to acknowledge the pain and suffering we deal with every day. They burn us alive in our homes, release tens of thousands of violent criminals out on our streets, and then cut our power and water for days at a time. Mercy and understanding is all we ask fren. ♥️🐸🇺🇸
Absolutely we need more Californians fighting for CA. My friends and I have been joining rallies and protest marches during the weekends. Yesterday we walked down Hollywood/Vine to protest the vax mandates. There was about 200 people who joined in this march. And many more people showing their support for the protest as they drove down Hollywood Blvd and honking their car horns. I hope to see thousands upon thousands of Californians joining this fight!
Honestly, when has protesting with MAGA hats and American Flags accomplished any lasting change for anyone? When are we going to learn that evil doesn't care how much we rant, stomp and rave about our suffering. The globalist shit stains like Gavin Newscum and his ilk just laugh at us or temporarily pacify us! Evil only really understands one thing...massive SHOW of POWERFUL force! Take that statement how you will.
"more Californians willing to fight for our own state."
You seem to be saying that if a greater number of Californians joined the fight, using the exact same tactics as currently in use, that victory would be likely.
What about changing strategy/tactics.
It amazes me, blows my mind, that our side, the patriots have greatest number of military veterans with graduate level degrees, (tried and tested in battle) in all aspect of controlling the battle space in foreign countries. Yet when it come to the destruction of our own country, all this experience is no where to be found. In our resistance, we have people leading the way by virtue of their courage along, with no actual experience. Where are the veterans who know how to, through peaceful measures, defeat an enemies plans, and why aren't they leading, teaching the rest of us.
Message to any government entities monitoring this site: Fuck you!!
Every read Term Limits by Vince Flynn
I'm in Texas, but I have compassion for the good folks of California. You and the many other Americans like you didn't ask for any of this. Stay strong, I'm praying for all of you who are fighting behind enemy lines. Make California Golden Again!💛💛
Calm down skeeter he ain’t hurtin’ nobody. lol I’m thinking maybe this was directed at the leadership more than the people. Most people know Cali is currently under belligerent occupation at the moment and I believe everyone here dreams of a day where you guys have competent leadership from fair elections. I myself am praying for you guys because you need it. Peace and much love from NC brother. 🇺🇸✌🏻
I’m praying for you and for all other good Americans (all other good global citizens, in fact) that you persevere through the trials and abuses these beasts are putting you all through.
California is a great state with wonderful people. I think perhaps with so many people involved in some manner with H-wood and media, it’s been harder for some there to see the forest through the trees, so to speak. I do believe the creativity and energy of the people of Cali will outlast the reign of these evil beasts. Our domestic (and international) victory will be even sweeter to those currently under more intense assault from the marxist scum.
Anons are on your side, CopperKid.
I think he’s referring to the same geniuses that passed the ban on lawn mowers
The article also says it bans generators. So in a place that can’t keep water or electrons flowing bans generators. Honk honk! 🤡🌏
One can buy battery-powered chainsaws, whereby the pollution is taken to the power station down the road. Of course some of the energy is lost in the power-lines, but hey, at least there won't be any petrol fumes onsite. I see the power-tool manufacturers rubbing their hands in glee. LOL these people are stupid.
Those will be good for wild fires... Sorry bob my battery is flat.. We are going to have to retreat, regroup and recharge... Oh great the i left the lights on on my quad i guess we can't retreat looks like we are going to become crispy critters unless they can air drop us some strip mined lithium batteries without them breaking and exploding....
I'm thinking about paradise right now and those that died in their cars trying to get out. Broke my heart .
That fool called a governor sitting in his ivory tower....
point well made.
It will make preventative forest clean-up impossible too. You can get little homeowner electric chai saws but they won't cut it when you need to take down trees for fire breaks. Then there are fema relief response operations which run on generators..
Remember, it's not about pollution. It's not about environment, IT'S ABOUT CONTROL!!
Keep that in mind!
Who do you think lobbied the government to enact such a stupid law?
B...b...b but 2+2 = 5. Don't be so logical, it is wacist.
yep. Agreed. It is just another little power grab, if you know what I mean.
I fell You. Your pun that is...
Cool story except they lack skilled tech workers.
I am automation engineer and moved to Texas from Ohio and get paid double because Texas lacks tech workers. Something they overlooked when they invested in the sector.
Before Trump got elected they were outsourcing these American jobs to India.
But after Donald Trump changed the H1 visa policies,it forced companies to change their polices aswel and have resulted in the Texas tech sector begging for tech workers.
The fact you are not aware of this just highlights why your state lacks skilled tech workers and is willing to pay huge sums to convince people to move there.
TLDR: THE NUMBERS DO NOT LIE. There is a reason companies in Texas are now paying huge sums of money to make up for short supply of tech workers in Texas. THIS IS A FACT.
Texas had them, they're just already employed...
Yes that is what happens when there is a shortage and hence forces the companies to pay a lot more to meet the labor shortage.
You can't have it both ways.
You cannot act all snotty as if you do not need any more people to move in while you guys are practically bribing people to move in AT THE SAME DAMN TIME.
Yes,I am butthurt for making double the money for the same pay, facepalm.
Comeback when you can counter what I had actually to say,kiddo.
ALSO FYI, unless you want to be taken for a dumbass please do not spew generic COD level comebacks ffs.
Cool story, so you were the butthurt dumbass one all along?
And you replied to me without even reading? What a fucking bitch!!!
Too bad you will not be able to read this cause I started with 'cool story'.
I think red states should handle newcomers to the state, the same way the Baptist do new comers to the church with visitation night. Someone new comes to church on Sunday, find out who they are. Then go out in teams to visit them, find out where the stand with the Lord.
X number of people move to Texas.
A list is generated by zip code that goes nearest community visitation committee.
Visitation committee calls on new arrival.
Provides new arrival packet
Listens to new arrival testimony as to why they move to state.
Give them historical background as to why Texas has the attributes that drew them, and remind them why the state they move from was undesirable.
Make sure to impress upon them that freedom is a perishable.
Impress upon the newcomer again why they moved from old state to new one.
Tell the SOB's that if they plan on voting for leftist politicians, they might as well not unpack the bags.
Also good time to make sure the newcomer is registered to vote, and gets involved with best organizations.
Now I totally agree with you there. Make the residency probational only, for at least two years. No vote in state elections for 2 - 5 years.
Small tools ---> Lithium Batteries ---> Lithium Deposits ---> Afghanistan ---> China
Also south America-->China
Don’t want us using generators when they nix our power up North for voting YES! to recall his punk ass! What a petty little tyrant. I guess we go caveman and do bonfires… those are legal during fall and winter here! Stupid boy!
As far as the lawn mowers, someone should start a goat business where they bring by a some goats every week, to eat the grass.
In some parts up North they do use goats to mow lol especially in the hills
They really want to see Cali burning, dont they?
[1Pe 5:6 KJV] Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:
[1Pe 5:7 KJV] Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
[1Pe 5:8 KJV] Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
[1Pe 5:9 KJV] Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.
[1Pe 5:10 KJV] But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle [you].
That's hilarious!!!
No generators. Good. They will soon discover most charging stations for their electric cars are powered by generators.
Kneejerk to the tesla towing a generator meme from a year ago? It takes that long for things to trickle up to the french farmhouse criwd.
I thought Newsom cared about illegals. Welps, there goes most of their landscaping businesses. what a racist!
They’ll just collect welfare.
But think of how much more quit the drive by shooting will be.
Can't drive electric car to the beach. Might end up with salt an battery. That's against the law, even in Calf.
They did the same thing with incandescent light bulbs. Just order and ship to an out of state address (we have family that lives in AZ) and import into CA.
This new law is designed to shut down the generators used by preppers who are prepping to live ‘off the grid’.
That don't make sense. By the time you get to WORL condition who is going to enforce the new law.
As I understand the law, any fossil fuel cars, lawn mowers, generators etc that anyone has, they can still use. The new law just means no new non-electric models can be purchased, sold, or manufactured in Calf.
How are the homeless going to heat their tents?
Cow farts.
Solar, duh /s
Cool, about time California switched over to electric-powered generators. Stop climate change.
No more gas powered mowers? How will the illegals support themselves?
The fat illegals will have to trade in their leaf blower for a new broom and rake.
Newsome has never run a chainsaw wanna bet ? Or anything that involves labor !
Does screwing his best friends wife count as labor?
I bet he has spiked sime trees though.
There are people who believe he really survived the recall. They are the same sort of fools who will be saying “this isn’t real communism” as they are stood up against the wall.
Looks like they're trying to ban improvised weapons. An ATV and a gas powered nail gun could do some serious damage in the right hands
This is being done because they want to take California from us. They want to make us so uncomfortable, so miserable, so unable to provide basic care for ourselves like working or shopping or even seeing a doctor or dentist that we flee the state.
They know we have generators. This has nothing to do with chain saws and leaf blowers. This is about getting rid of our back up and alternate power sources to make us dependent on them and to make it easier for them to make us suffer when they try to punish us by turning out the lights.
This is big news for Californians and will likely cause at least a short term run on these supplies since soon big box stores will not be able to order them from their warehouses and sell to the public.
I'm actually fine with the cowards leaving Cali. The ones who stay and fight for our homes will not be easily defeated.
banning chainsaws is dumb AF for anyone whos lived outside a city... how you gonna break down wood after a tree falls?
RIP to all the commercial lawn equipment suppliers in the state. Most businesses will probably be going to Arizona or Nevada for their equipment now.
He switched to battery operated dildos long ago
Also consider the state owns and runs the power grids. They control your life and your freedom....
Noose Newssolini.
Includes generators. CA power grid is as reliable as a third world shit hole.
Newsom the scumbag. Your job isn't to save the fucking planet's to serve the fucking PEOPLE of California. And the people of California want their mowers, generators, and their cox model airplanes too you piece of garbage. No one's going to follow your illegitimate corrupt edicts, You cheated in your re-call election and everyone's knows it. Only a matter time before you're arrested. You know those 300,000 sealed indictments Trump has just waiting to spring out? Well, you're on that list you scumbag. I'll visit you in GITMO.
This sucks! The corporate farmers will have their tractors, and the rest of us will have to depend on hand tools?
They'll probably end up requiring chain saw licenses - for chainsaws with a long list of required safety and environmental features. Of course we'll have to show "need" - and pay a yearly license fee, that increases 40% a year.
If I keep my lawn down with Goats, will I have to get electric powered Goats.
Anything to squeeze more $$$ out of you and like CarrieDodson17 said: to convince you to leave CA to the dogs.
I bet they're not gonna ban generators so the homeless people have no way to power their tent cities
Homeless have generators?
I live in California I was being sarcastic.
Does that mean that all the airplane flying in Calf airspace have to be electric too!
I already posted this Topic:
Next step in implementing the Brave New World Order. Watch Hunger Games again if you aren't sure what the future they are creating will be like.
Does that include Gavin's gas powered dildos?