On January 9, 1943, two days after Nikola Tesla died destitute in a New York City hotel, the FBI called MIT professor and esteemed electrical engineer, John Gordon Trump. Our president's uncle.
Trump can't release free energy until after the swamp is drained.
They stole his work and storage units through the Alien Property Act, even though he was a proud, naturalized American. I was.long under the impression that this was a nefarious act, but I no longer think so. That information had to be in the right hands.
For whatever it's worth from an anonymous guy on the internet:
A good friend/professional mentor has worked for a certain agency his entire life. Went straight out of college in the late 60's to work for this agency that at that time, its existence was not public knowledge.
He has stated to me a number of times that the secrecy surrounding novel energy generation technologies exceeds that of the UFO/Non-terrestrial visitors "situation".
They're literally more concerned about the citizens of this world becoming energy independent than they are about us knowing that we're not alone.
Of course they are. It would cut the strings used to control everything, namely oil, gas, and coal. Returning power to the people means more than most think.
Look into Tartaria, an erased worldwide empire. They harnessed the power of aether and built magnificent structures around the earth. Many of these exquisite buildings were destroyed after the world expos…
Shortly after, we had a energy barons and cabal… Very fascinating history if you go down the rabbit hole.
Going through these is not taking a red pill, it’s a giant thick suppository… a lot of NASA, Army, Navy, CIA, Soviet documents stating the same shape of the earth also. These two videos are nice to start your journey down the rabbit hole, but it is eye opening. Started wondering what else I was taught is a fallacy.
Why do you flat earth shills insist on making us look like idiots?
Piss off with this nonsense.
Flat earth bullshit is intentionally injected into boards like ours because a normie will come here and see some flat earth discussion and NOPE the fuck right off the board.
I am far from a shill, nor am I new account. Why do you believe the earth is a globe? What proofs do you have for its shape? I guarantee you can not put together a logical argument for the globe shape without CGI. Think Q is censored, try the flat earth, it is literally 100x more censored with a lot of false leads.
I believed the lie I was fed for almost 40 years, till very recently. You obviously have not gone down the rabbit hole nor have taken the red suppository, as you would have read that NASA, army, navy, United Nations, soviets, etc all have come to the same conclusion on the shape of the earth. With the most recent document from the Army in 2017.
Plenty of videos on the fake space station, photos with birds on Mars, flies in outer space, flies on Mars, rainbow on Mars, a mouse on the space x rocket in space, bubbles in space, gravity on the ISS, green screen failures, the list goes on.
The US and the soviets were nuking the firmament in the 50/60s in operation fish bowl.
The aether (positive) comes from the firmament with the earth being the ground. The Tartars learned how to harvest this power to power their cities (why were they wiped from the history books?)
If you hold the Bible to be true, there are over 200 verses that only make sense in a planar flat earth.
So please don’t call other shills out of your own ignorance, take the suppository and be awakened.
Strangely, some can accept they've lied to about everything since birth, but the shape of the earth? Never, you shill! I can't say I know one way or another, but all of the obvious NASA/ISS fakery at the least, show they are faking what they show publically.
Yes, the extraction and transmission of aetthic energy, the batteries" the cymbltics of the "modern" cathedrals, "missing", probable red cobalt and/or merceuric gazebozo dispersion, etc. is very intriginging.
There have been many resets throughout our real history.
This thread is a shitshow of people who think they are awake butt haven't even scratched the surface. Sad.
Flat earth has little to do with it, you have obviously not watched the videos. It iis about ancient aetheric energy tech and transmission that was erased after our previous reset(s).
The flat earth material is a tiny percentage of hours of video example. I agree it should have been a video of its own, as so many like yourself, get upset and turned off by the term. Try actually watching the videos and then form an opinion. These are not flat earth videos, so you'll be fine and maybe discover what many belief is part of our destroyed history.
Everyone should watch these, long but fascinating. Guy's delivery takes some getting used to, but it grows on you. 100% recommend viewing.
A 5-hour verbose video starting with "What about..." So what? There are plenty of questions, but just because you come up with one answer doesn't mean it is actually THE answer. Flat Earth is a non-starter. We have satellites and people traveling around a spherical Earth. Airplanes navigating Great Circle routes from one continent to another. We have gravity. We have horizons over which people can and do travel, every day.
If there is anything to a Flat Earth (and I'm not granting it), it should be possible to express in a sentence. It should not take 5 hours of brainwashing. Rabbit Hole is right. It leaves Earth and goes somewhere deeply underground, never to be seen again.
Its a great circle route, not a full circle. A great circle route is the shortest distance between two points on a globe, the line of the journey must bisect the centre of the earth.
Only for reasons of convenience. But the Great Circle is the standard of the shortest distance between two points. That's why flights from the western U.S. to Europe go close to the Arctic. (Been there, done that.) All the short hops are, by definition, segments of Great Circles.
You have nothing but information you have accepted. Zero. Only what they fed you. No verifiable observations, no proof.
They contradict God's Word. It's clear as a bell once you get your head out.
Also video wzs given as proof and the government spent way more time on their lies with YOU than five hours.
The idea is valid even queered with the shit the unbelievers put out. You probably didn't know people actually receive Holy Spirit when they accept Christ becoming a new creation within. A non global Terra firm is where we live.
No conflict with God's word, since God was speaking to Moses in the language of the ancient Egyptians. Not a sophisticated view of astrophysics. But Earth as a ball is intimated in a passage in the Book of Job. The rest pertained to Israel and the Israelites, all pretty much flat land for all that mattered. No hard shell for a sky. A "firmament" was a general idea of the sky or heaven; something where the Sun, Moon, and stars might be placed. And that's where they are---except now we are permitted to see how unimaginably huge God's universe is. Could it be that you are jealous of the fact that secular astronomers have a better appreciation of God's grandeur than you do? That you are spurning God by turning your eyes away from His creation?
Flat earth has very little screen timel in 5 hours of video, it is obvious you did not watch. I believe it should have been left out completely because it is not integral to the information presented and will turn many off who seethe with the mention of it. Were you taught in school that a cabal of pedovore satanists run the earth? Is that easier to believe than the shape of earth, no matter what it really is?
Literally everything taught in school is fallacy for life as intended. The future will hold meditation and psychic powers. We need only quite our minds.
I personally don't buy this "free energy" stuff. My main reasoning being, Trump wouldn't be fighting so hard for fossil fuels, coal specifically, if we were just gonna have free energy in a few years.
That being said, I DO beleive a lot of Tesla's power transfer technology has been suppressed. So we'll probably end up with $10-20 monthly power bills at a maximum once all of this hyper efficient wireless transfer tech is released.
Your believe in "Free energy" is irrelevant because the term is a misnomer, and meant to classify anyone who uses the term as Fringe.
Nothing is free, the energy is coming from somewhere. In the free space occupying a couple meters in front of your face, there is so much energy available that if we are able to tap it, it would be enough energy to power your entire lifetime. This is the energy being exerted from the galaxy, the stars, our sun, and our planet.
The cabal demand that we all think that energy is only available in a red container, and comes from a petrol station in limited supply. When in fact there is so much untapped energy being imparted into the earth that it would be all the energy humanity could ever need.
We are not going to have free energy in a couple years, because even Trump knows that we need a economically responsible energy source. IF the entirety of Tesla's discoveries were fully understood, and put into practice it would destroy almost every industry on the planet.
It’s not just from the sky, it is also in the space all around you. Right now you have hundreds of media broadcasts passing through your body via certain vibrational frequencies. There are a whole lot of other frequencies that we haven’t tapped into. Prayer is one such channel.
Not sure about it 'destroying every industry on the planet' - anyway you are correct about the 'potential energy' stored in the earths electric field it's about 100v per meter as =you m\ove away from the surface - however there is currently no way to harnass it as the current/amprage is low. However the idea is that Tesla figured out how to soak that energy up and utilize it. And maybe he did. It's also the same idea that Ayn Rand was talking about for the force that John Galt discovered. It also makes it's appearance in 'Antiquitech' as related to the Tartaria / Mudflood theory. Certainly a fun rabbit hole to go down.
Check out the "tesla nozzle " or "tesla wheel" He figured out how to use compressed air to turn this giant wheel, and once up to speed it has more output than input.
That's DJT uncle. Not sure \if you've seen the 'time traveling trumps video but basically the idea is that Uncle John stole some kind of time-travel device and that' why DJT is like a step ahead of everybody becuause he has this device. a fun conspiracy and worth finding the video if you're a trump fan as I assume many of us are
Project Looking Glass is a future prediction device, not a physical time travel device. At least that’s what I picked up from the project Camelot video.
The Energy that Tesla is talking about is never "FREE", as it takes a little Energy/Equipment to create a Lot of Energy.
Energy power Transfer has been suppressed, along with his energy creation patents and technology.
You’re assuming that there isn’t an abundance of energy. Look at atomic energy for one. Who knows how many other dozens or hundreds of abundant energy pathways we could be taking if it weren’t for Rothschild greed?
There is an abundance of energy all around us. The trick is to tap that energy using as little energy as possible to do the tapping. It is kind of like a kid on a swing, once you get the swing to going, you only have to push the swing a little each cycle to keep it swinging. Same concept to tap the energy around us using the correct equipment.
I already have.... Some Crystal Cell battery's in series, running a variation of the Joule Theft Circuit lighting a couple hundred+ LED's in camping lamps. Just add water, and you have a real Energizer Bunny.... I know Small Scale, but proves the point.... Too bad one cell broke during the move, and will need to be fixed before i can use the setup again on a camping trip....
I made them...... Copper pipe/caps, Magnesium, Alum. Borax in water to dip the hot copper in to make a coat of cuppers oxide (semiconductor) on the copper. Mix distilled water with the Alum and then assemble. The Alum Creates a zeolite crystal between the Magnesium (negative) and the copper (positive) and the cuppers oxide (diode) only allows electrons to flow in 1 direction. Just keep them wet with distilled water (Dew/Condensation). Many vids out there showing Mr. Bedini's method, along with his vid ($$).
Oh, for Pete's sake. Solar cells and wind turbines are "free energy," and what a worthless crock of shit it is. Unless you can state the physics of its availability, you are just dreaming of magic.
Have a workshop with 9 kw of solar on it to date it has produced 60,000 KW hours of power. is someone here going to tell me it took over 60,000 KW hours to create my panels and inverter that will be producing for the foreseeable future many more thousands of KW hours.
Show real documentation otherwise you are just repeating BS.
Yes wind turbines and solar cells are a net negative energy producer. And at the beginning and the end of their lifetimes are some of mans most environmentally irresponsible creations. The mining of the materials used is filthy, the disposal of units that are not recyclable a disaster.
You read it. And then explain it. No more of this arm-waving and assuming the mantle of people who are above you in their insight and accomplishments. There is plenty of energy in the universe, but it is the science of thermodynamics that makes it available.
I've read a lot about Tesla, particularly his notions for wireless transmission of electricity. But that still took an electrical power input. You want to state in a few sentences what he was thinking? If you can't, then it is pretty clear you don't know what he was thinking.
I’ve read often about the supposed new power system. Raised my eyebrows last week when I received a notice from my power company they were replacing my meter due to its age….🤔
The Earth is a capacitor, it can release energy. There is what looks very much like a Wardencliff Tower in Arizona. All it needs is for about 4 of these build anywhere you fancy and energy will come to anyone with a 4 foot metal rod and a hammer to drive it into the earth.
If you are wondering about this, read up on the Invention Secrecy Act, then become familiar with 35 U.S.C. 181; the so-called Secrecy of Certain Inventions and Withholding of Patent.
It's mind blowing how inventions are disappeared (confiscated) and then moth-balled in some unknown warehouse vault. It's all to prevent upheaval from the existing (controlled) infrastructure as it relates to 'national security'. In other words, crony capitalists (oil and finance) along with the masters of the universe ARE the existing infrastructure. Whether we ever see it in our life time, these Acts and Codes need to be overhauled or even rescinded.
We need to clean house at the U.S. Patent office where ongoing corruption occurs and the Rothschild banking cartel has gained complete control of it. I am not exaggerating this either.
Did you know in 1971, energy conversion systems were subject to review and possible restriction if they offered conversion efficiencies “in excess of 70-80%.” How much has changed from that time to the present? Automobiles today still get approximately the same MPG as in the 1930s. The only technology that has drastically changed are the computers; so-called "Smart" technology, which is really a euphemism for a Spy Device.
If a dry vapor provides a 100 percent burn rate, why do fuel injection systems still make use of the same aerosol spray concept of liquid petro as they did from back in the 1920s?
Why does the U.S. Patent office use a provision allowing them to slap a "national security" gag order on a patent application? Many energy technologies have disappeared through this means.
There were an accumulation of 5,579 invention secrecy orders in effect at the end of fiscal year 2015. In that year alone there were 95 new secrecy orders imposed. Only 36 prior orders have ever been rescinded.
What is the total number today?
If you really believe we already have the best technology available, you live in a world where the oxen drawn cart is incontrovertibly the best driver-less technology that can found.
Fun fact: Tesla stored notes and left them when he moved from place to place. People who found the notes at auctions or elsewhere were visited by men in black suits who knocked on their door....and then they would discover the chests of notes were missing. This is where the "Men in Black" originated. He had something magnificent for the amount of effort they spent trying to gather it all up.
And now we see, that the electro motors in cars, airplanes etc. make sense. Only with the arrival of zero point (free) energy. Otherwise it is nonsense.
I have a heavily timbred on grid block, looking to go off grid with solar, battery and a generator to charge for back up. Anyone here ever tried a wood gassifer and generator? Wood dust I can pellet compress is basically a “free” resource for me.
Free energy is like free water. Water is everywhere. It is in the air in the form of vapor, it rains from the sky, it is under the ground. The real cost is gathering the water, storing the water, treating the water, pumping the water, and all the costs to run a water system. Energy is also all around us, and likewise it must be collected, and stored, and treated (make it AC or DC at the proper frequency and voltage), and it also has to be transmitted (electric grid). Nothing is free, except the free gift of eternal life. Romans 6:23 " For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Thank you for the reference to the video. It was very interesting. I spent 36 years working as a Civil Engineer in the largest water and power municipality in the US. I wish I had seen this video at the start of my career. It shows we really know so little about the world around us.
So if he's left hints that it's possible, how come no one has figured it out independently in the last 125 years? There's been plenty of almost-as-smart people that should have pulled it off ,having been pointed in the right direction from this article.
Maybe they have and they've all been suppressed by that same agency? Are there any stories of more recent energy researchers on same topic being harassed?
I have always wanted to get on a water tower, and hang a wire down to the ground, to tap the altitude Voltage.
One does not need step down tech like you may think. Using a Bedini patent Capacitor pulser circuit, you let the cap fill up to a higher Voltage than a 12 or 24V battery and then dump the Voltage in the Cap into the battery. Tesla had crude switching that could do this. Tesla was not trying to catch the altitude Voltage, he was tapping the energy of the Ether.
On January 9, 1943, two days after Nikola Tesla died destitute in a New York City hotel, the FBI called MIT professor and esteemed electrical engineer, John Gordon Trump. Our president's uncle.
Trump can't release free energy until after the swamp is drained.
They stole his work and storage units through the Alien Property Act, even though he was a proud, naturalized American. I was.long under the impression that this was a nefarious act, but I no longer think so. That information had to be in the right hands.
You think kushner will alow that? Lols. Tesla was a gift from God. Gospel of John was his inspiration for the AC generator.
The gospel of John? How so?
Trinity in his own words. He was the genius not me.
Gordon Freeman, is that you?
For whatever it's worth from an anonymous guy on the internet:
A good friend/professional mentor has worked for a certain agency his entire life. Went straight out of college in the late 60's to work for this agency that at that time, its existence was not public knowledge.
He has stated to me a number of times that the secrecy surrounding novel energy generation technologies exceeds that of the UFO/Non-terrestrial visitors "situation".
They're literally more concerned about the citizens of this world becoming energy independent than they are about us knowing that we're not alone.
Of course they are. It would cut the strings used to control everything, namely oil, gas, and coal. Returning power to the people means more than most think.
Look into Tartaria, an erased worldwide empire. They harnessed the power of aether and built magnificent structures around the earth. Many of these exquisite buildings were destroyed after the world expos…
Shortly after, we had a energy barons and cabal… Very fascinating history if you go down the rabbit hole.
Ewaranon also makes a nice video on the shape of the planet. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2sLM4OMECPE
Going through these is not taking a red pill, it’s a giant thick suppository… a lot of NASA, Army, Navy, CIA, Soviet documents stating the same shape of the earth also. These two videos are nice to start your journey down the rabbit hole, but it is eye opening. Started wondering what else I was taught is a fallacy.
Why do you flat earth shills insist on making us look like idiots?
Piss off with this nonsense.
Flat earth bullshit is intentionally injected into boards like ours because a normie will come here and see some flat earth discussion and NOPE the fuck right off the board.
Take this shit to https://conspiracies.win/ for fucks sake.
I am far from a shill, nor am I new account. Why do you believe the earth is a globe? What proofs do you have for its shape? I guarantee you can not put together a logical argument for the globe shape without CGI. Think Q is censored, try the flat earth, it is literally 100x more censored with a lot of false leads. I believed the lie I was fed for almost 40 years, till very recently. You obviously have not gone down the rabbit hole nor have taken the red suppository, as you would have read that NASA, army, navy, United Nations, soviets, etc all have come to the same conclusion on the shape of the earth. With the most recent document from the Army in 2017.
Plenty of videos on the fake space station, photos with birds on Mars, flies in outer space, flies on Mars, rainbow on Mars, a mouse on the space x rocket in space, bubbles in space, gravity on the ISS, green screen failures, the list goes on.
The US and the soviets were nuking the firmament in the 50/60s in operation fish bowl. The aether (positive) comes from the firmament with the earth being the ground. The Tartars learned how to harvest this power to power their cities (why were they wiped from the history books?) If you hold the Bible to be true, there are over 200 verses that only make sense in a planar flat earth.
So please don’t call other shills out of your own ignorance, take the suppository and be awakened.
Strangely, some can accept they've lied to about everything since birth, but the shape of the earth? Never, you shill! I can't say I know one way or another, but all of the obvious NASA/ISS fakery at the least, show they are faking what they show publically.
Have you watched that full series? It is a compelling and interesting story.
The giant rocks are actually giant trees…
Don’t diss it until you hear the full argument. Otherwise you are no better than a redditor.
Yes, the extraction and transmission of aetthic energy, the batteries" the cymbltics of the "modern" cathedrals, "missing", probable red cobalt and/or merceuric gazebozo dispersion, etc. is very intriginging.
There have been many resets throughout our real history.
This thread is a shitshow of people who think they are awake butt haven't even scratched the surface. Sad.
Flat earth has little to do with it, you have obviously not watched the videos. It iis about ancient aetheric energy tech and transmission that was erased after our previous reset(s).
The flat earth material is a tiny percentage of hours of video example. I agree it should have been a video of its own, as so many like yourself, get upset and turned off by the term. Try actually watching the videos and then form an opinion. These are not flat earth videos, so you'll be fine and maybe discover what many belief is part of our destroyed history.
Everyone should watch these, long but fascinating. Guy's delivery takes some getting used to, but it grows on you. 100% recommend viewing.
I watch these on 1.5 speed and he sounds normal. You can almost get away with double speed.
A 5-hour verbose video starting with "What about..." So what? There are plenty of questions, but just because you come up with one answer doesn't mean it is actually THE answer. Flat Earth is a non-starter. We have satellites and people traveling around a spherical Earth. Airplanes navigating Great Circle routes from one continent to another. We have gravity. We have horizons over which people can and do travel, every day.
If there is anything to a Flat Earth (and I'm not granting it), it should be possible to express in a sentence. It should not take 5 hours of brainwashing. Rabbit Hole is right. It leaves Earth and goes somewhere deeply underground, never to be seen again.
No shit there isn't a full circle route. You'd end up where you began. Which makes earth a round object.
Its a great circle route, not a full circle. A great circle route is the shortest distance between two points on a globe, the line of the journey must bisect the centre of the earth.
And then there are Rhumb lines....
Only for reasons of convenience. But the Great Circle is the standard of the shortest distance between two points. That's why flights from the western U.S. to Europe go close to the Arctic. (Been there, done that.) All the short hops are, by definition, segments of Great Circles.
You have nothing but information you have accepted. Zero. Only what they fed you. No verifiable observations, no proof.
They contradict God's Word. It's clear as a bell once you get your head out.
Also video wzs given as proof and the government spent way more time on their lies with YOU than five hours.
The idea is valid even queered with the shit the unbelievers put out. You probably didn't know people actually receive Holy Spirit when they accept Christ becoming a new creation within. A non global Terra firm is where we live.
No conflict with God's word, since God was speaking to Moses in the language of the ancient Egyptians. Not a sophisticated view of astrophysics. But Earth as a ball is intimated in a passage in the Book of Job. The rest pertained to Israel and the Israelites, all pretty much flat land for all that mattered. No hard shell for a sky. A "firmament" was a general idea of the sky or heaven; something where the Sun, Moon, and stars might be placed. And that's where they are---except now we are permitted to see how unimaginably huge God's universe is. Could it be that you are jealous of the fact that secular astronomers have a better appreciation of God's grandeur than you do? That you are spurning God by turning your eyes away from His creation?
Flat earth has very little screen timel in 5 hours of video, it is obvious you did not watch. I believe it should have been left out completely because it is not integral to the information presented and will turn many off who seethe with the mention of it. Were you taught in school that a cabal of pedovore satanists run the earth? Is that easier to believe than the shape of earth, no matter what it really is?
So you "sampled" 5 hours? Lying cunt.
No. I never said that. Go lie to someone else.
Fuck back off to plebbit, disgusting cunt shill.
You keep popping up on my message path. Are you talking to me? LGBQ(etc.) to the side, I don't have a cunt (since birth).
Lol, you did say it and deleted it, you pathetic bitvh.
I couldn't have deleted anything. I don't know how.
Lie? You'd know about that ma'am. Give me a short run down off the 5 hours you watched, I'll wait for 15 min or YOU are a Lying cunt.
What 5 hours? Are you talking to me? I am a man, not a woman. I can't find you on the main thread, so I have no idea what you are referring to.
Stfu shill cunt, just look at her "contributions".
How many shekels per word?
You tell me. You are the one who would need to be paid, since you have no stomach for a real conversation.
Literally everything taught in school is fallacy for life as intended. The future will hold meditation and psychic powers. We need only quite our minds.
And telepathy. Its here now.
They took our (free) power away.
GODS Word gives a pretty good description ans it doesn't line up with the Jesuit lies.
I personally don't buy this "free energy" stuff. My main reasoning being, Trump wouldn't be fighting so hard for fossil fuels, coal specifically, if we were just gonna have free energy in a few years.
That being said, I DO beleive a lot of Tesla's power transfer technology has been suppressed. So we'll probably end up with $10-20 monthly power bills at a maximum once all of this hyper efficient wireless transfer tech is released.
Your believe in "Free energy" is irrelevant because the term is a misnomer, and meant to classify anyone who uses the term as Fringe.
Nothing is free, the energy is coming from somewhere. In the free space occupying a couple meters in front of your face, there is so much energy available that if we are able to tap it, it would be enough energy to power your entire lifetime. This is the energy being exerted from the galaxy, the stars, our sun, and our planet.
The cabal demand that we all think that energy is only available in a red container, and comes from a petrol station in limited supply. When in fact there is so much untapped energy being imparted into the earth that it would be all the energy humanity could ever need.
We are not going to have free energy in a couple years, because even Trump knows that we need a economically responsible energy source. IF the entirety of Tesla's discoveries were fully understood, and put into practice it would destroy almost every industry on the planet.
Tesla was basically sucking lightning out of the sky. It wasn't free, it came from the sky.
Kind of like saying solar is "free". It's free to us, if we have a way to catch it. It's being made somewhere though, yes.
A read of just the introduction of A Practical Guide to 'Free-Energy' Devices (1800+ pages) will clear up many misconceptions about 'free' energy.
Author of that book is Patrick J. Kelly, by the way. A Practical Guide to 'Free-Energy' Devices. Year 2008.
Edit - link to a newer version of the book: https://archive.org/details/APracticalGuideToFreeEnergyDevices
It’s not just from the sky, it is also in the space all around you. Right now you have hundreds of media broadcasts passing through your body via certain vibrational frequencies. There are a whole lot of other frequencies that we haven’t tapped into. Prayer is one such channel.
Not sure about it 'destroying every industry on the planet' - anyway you are correct about the 'potential energy' stored in the earths electric field it's about 100v per meter as =you m\ove away from the surface - however there is currently no way to harnass it as the current/amprage is low. However the idea is that Tesla figured out how to soak that energy up and utilize it. And maybe he did. It's also the same idea that Ayn Rand was talking about for the force that John Galt discovered. It also makes it's appearance in 'Antiquitech' as related to the Tartaria / Mudflood theory. Certainly a fun rabbit hole to go down.
Check out the "tesla nozzle " or "tesla wheel" He figured out how to use compressed air to turn this giant wheel, and once up to speed it has more output than input.
Look up "Karpens Pile"
"On January 9, 1943, two days after Nikola Tesla died destitute in a New York City hotel, the FBI called MIT professor and esteemed electrical engineer, John G. Trump" https://finance.yahoo.com/news/how-tesla-nikola-and-donald-trump-are-all-connected-115511618.html
Trump has to drain the swamp first.
That's DJT uncle. Not sure \if you've seen the 'time traveling trumps video but basically the idea is that Uncle John stole some kind of time-travel device and that' why DJT is like a step ahead of everybody becuause he has this device. a fun conspiracy and worth finding the video if you're a trump fan as I assume many of us are
The device is called project looking glass, and cabal didn't want it since it kept showing the same future were they lost.
Project Looking Glass is a future prediction device, not a physical time travel device. At least that’s what I picked up from the project Camelot video.
That is accurate. Quantum computers or golden tablet (book of Thoth) have similar abilities.
You're reason for disbelief in free energy is bc trump? Wow
The Energy that Tesla is talking about is never "FREE", as it takes a little Energy/Equipment to create a Lot of Energy. Energy power Transfer has been suppressed, along with his energy creation patents and technology.
You’re assuming that there isn’t an abundance of energy. Look at atomic energy for one. Who knows how many other dozens or hundreds of abundant energy pathways we could be taking if it weren’t for Rothschild greed?
There is an abundance of energy all around us. The trick is to tap that energy using as little energy as possible to do the tapping. It is kind of like a kid on a swing, once you get the swing to going, you only have to push the swing a little each cycle to keep it swinging. Same concept to tap the energy around us using the correct equipment.
Good analogy.
So all the great minds since; and the power of the internet yet n one can replicate his claims.. there is a reason he was also known as a charlatan
Some PPL have, you just never hear anything out of them again when the bad guys find out about it....
I would not recommend building free energy devices just yet, but all the Tesla files are released now and many people are creating.
I already have.... Some Crystal Cell battery's in series, running a variation of the Joule Theft Circuit lighting a couple hundred+ LED's in camping lamps. Just add water, and you have a real Energizer Bunny.... I know Small Scale, but proves the point.... Too bad one cell broke during the move, and will need to be fixed before i can use the setup again on a camping trip....
Did you make the crystal cell or buy it? This is new to me, but the concepts check out. I would like to look into it.
I made them...... Copper pipe/caps, Magnesium, Alum. Borax in water to dip the hot copper in to make a coat of cuppers oxide (semiconductor) on the copper. Mix distilled water with the Alum and then assemble. The Alum Creates a zeolite crystal between the Magnesium (negative) and the copper (positive) and the cuppers oxide (diode) only allows electrons to flow in 1 direction. Just keep them wet with distilled water (Dew/Condensation). Many vids out there showing Mr. Bedini's method, along with his vid ($$).
Please tell me you have a link to the full article?
Oh, for Pete's sake. Solar cells and wind turbines are "free energy," and what a worthless crock of shit it is. Unless you can state the physics of its availability, you are just dreaming of magic.
Prove it. I hear this bullshit all the time.
Heard the same on solar Prove it.
Have a workshop with 9 kw of solar on it to date it has produced 60,000 KW hours of power. is someone here going to tell me it took over 60,000 KW hours to create my panels and inverter that will be producing for the foreseeable future many more thousands of KW hours.
Show real documentation otherwise you are just repeating BS.
The energy to build those panels both human and electric. Takes a lot of heat to make them.
Ok I will give a number how much energy does it take to make one 250 watt panel?
You must know right?
Guy in my village assures me that he has built a perendev generator that runs his house. Won't let me see it but could be true.
Or could be bullshiting
Yes wind turbines and solar cells are a net negative energy producer. And at the beginning and the end of their lifetimes are some of mans most environmentally irresponsible creations. The mining of the materials used is filthy, the disposal of units that are not recyclable a disaster.
So is hydrogen. Unless we find a new, stable and limitless source of renewable power, oil isn't going anywhere.
Browns Gas is interesting.
No. Read Nikolais work. All the energy exists.l already. It's about tapping in.
You read it. And then explain it. No more of this arm-waving and assuming the mantle of people who are above you in their insight and accomplishments. There is plenty of energy in the universe, but it is the science of thermodynamics that makes it available.
Read Teslas writings yourself, it's readily available.
I've read a lot about Tesla, particularly his notions for wireless transmission of electricity. But that still took an electrical power input. You want to state in a few sentences what he was thinking? If you can't, then it is pretty clear you don't know what he was thinking.
Lmao. Actually thinking is hard. Not for everyone.
My great grandfather told me this, he remembered this newspaper.
The newspaperguy was shouting on the sidewalk, "free energy for everyone!"
But, my great grandfather said, there was this guy next to the newspaperguy, shouting even harder "fake news, fake news"
They called him the "fact checker"
I’ve read often about the supposed new power system. Raised my eyebrows last week when I received a notice from my power company they were replacing my meter due to its age….🤔
Analog vs digital meters. I've also been told models are coming with contacts so they can be remotely shut off.
The Earth is a capacitor, it can release energy. There is what looks very much like a Wardencliff Tower in Arizona. All it needs is for about 4 of these build anywhere you fancy and energy will come to anyone with a 4 foot metal rod and a hammer to drive it into the earth.
Then there is LENR, this is a reality. https://lenr-canr.org/
Have a look at Tom Bearden http://cheniere.org/references/index.html#Top
Bob Greenyer https://remoteview.substack.com/
The man himself. http://www.tfcbooks.com/e-books/my_inventions.pdf
If you are wondering about this, read up on the Invention Secrecy Act, then become familiar with 35 U.S.C. 181; the so-called Secrecy of Certain Inventions and Withholding of Patent.
It's mind blowing how inventions are disappeared (confiscated) and then moth-balled in some unknown warehouse vault. It's all to prevent upheaval from the existing (controlled) infrastructure as it relates to 'national security'. In other words, crony capitalists (oil and finance) along with the masters of the universe ARE the existing infrastructure. Whether we ever see it in our life time, these Acts and Codes need to be overhauled or even rescinded.
We need to clean house at the U.S. Patent office where ongoing corruption occurs and the Rothschild banking cartel has gained complete control of it. I am not exaggerating this either.
Did you know in 1971, energy conversion systems were subject to review and possible restriction if they offered conversion efficiencies “in excess of 70-80%.” How much has changed from that time to the present? Automobiles today still get approximately the same MPG as in the 1930s. The only technology that has drastically changed are the computers; so-called "Smart" technology, which is really a euphemism for a Spy Device.
If a dry vapor provides a 100 percent burn rate, why do fuel injection systems still make use of the same aerosol spray concept of liquid petro as they did from back in the 1920s?
Why does the U.S. Patent office use a provision allowing them to slap a "national security" gag order on a patent application? Many energy technologies have disappeared through this means.
There were an accumulation of 5,579 invention secrecy orders in effect at the end of fiscal year 2015. In that year alone there were 95 new secrecy orders imposed. Only 36 prior orders have ever been rescinded.
What is the total number today?
If you really believe we already have the best technology available, you live in a world where the oxen drawn cart is incontrovertibly the best driver-less technology that can found.
Ahh hidden tech, all I want for Christmas is a ridgey didge Back To The Future HOVERBOARD! ( ok Med Beds for all the sick and post vaxxed )
microfilm or GTFO
Nature supplies them free of charge! Eh? Get it?................
Fun fact: Tesla stored notes and left them when he moved from place to place. People who found the notes at auctions or elsewhere were visited by men in black suits who knocked on their door....and then they would discover the chests of notes were missing. This is where the "Men in Black" originated. He had something magnificent for the amount of effort they spent trying to gather it all up.
Also this:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thorium Sorry for the wiki link. Literally it's minerals found in dirt.
And now we see, that the electro motors in cars, airplanes etc. make sense. Only with the arrival of zero point (free) energy. Otherwise it is nonsense.
I have a heavily timbred on grid block, looking to go off grid with solar, battery and a generator to charge for back up. Anyone here ever tried a wood gassifer and generator? Wood dust I can pellet compress is basically a “free” resource for me.
Wood gasifier works great. This show about rebuilding civilization after a pandemic demonstrates your inquiries. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1470018/
Free energy is like free water. Water is everywhere. It is in the air in the form of vapor, it rains from the sky, it is under the ground. The real cost is gathering the water, storing the water, treating the water, pumping the water, and all the costs to run a water system. Energy is also all around us, and likewise it must be collected, and stored, and treated (make it AC or DC at the proper frequency and voltage), and it also has to be transmitted (electric grid). Nothing is free, except the free gift of eternal life. Romans 6:23 " For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Water Energy?
Viktor Schauberger in the 1930 discovered a lot about this.
Its yootewb, sorry about that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyOGdjWDVM4
Thank you for the reference to the video. It was very interesting. I spent 36 years working as a Civil Engineer in the largest water and power municipality in the US. I wish I had seen this video at the start of my career. It shows we really know so little about the world around us.
So if he's left hints that it's possible, how come no one has figured it out independently in the last 125 years? There's been plenty of almost-as-smart people that should have pulled it off ,having been pointed in the right direction from this article.
Maybe they have and they've all been suppressed by that same agency? Are there any stories of more recent energy researchers on same topic being harassed?
Because his inspiration was divine. Read his memoirs. Critical thinking has tanked on this site.
A simple search will come up with many examples of people working on alt energy being harassed and shut down.
It’s all bullshit Solar panels are not
You should take a look at the videos u/NavyRN posted above.
I have always wanted to get on a water tower, and hang a wire down to the ground, to tap the altitude Voltage. One does not need step down tech like you may think. Using a Bedini patent Capacitor pulser circuit, you let the cap fill up to a higher Voltage than a 12 or 24V battery and then dump the Voltage in the Cap into the battery. Tesla had crude switching that could do this. Tesla was not trying to catch the altitude Voltage, he was tapping the energy of the Ether.