Agreed homosexuals have free will. I don’t answer for their choice but I will not offend God by turning the truth I believe, which is his, into a lie! No one should be mistreated but I don’t have to support it either!
I once worked a guy and he ask me “ You treat well. But I get a strong impression you don’t like my lifestyle. Would you tell me why?”
I said I’m not your judge. Yet the One true living God, I believe, says it turns his truth into a lie. So I don’t answer for you. I answer for me. And as a woman of faith when a good looking man comes in the restaurant I’m not going to stand with you while you make google eyes at him, I simply walk away!”
He said no more but got my point! What bothers me is these movies teach very young children it’s okay, it’s natural. Like slowly cooking a frog in a kettle in a slow heating the water he won’t jump out he just gets cooked to death! I know God can free them if this wrong thinking but the more movies instill our children it’s ok the harder it is that they will ever understand!
Sad others even Condidtions the young instead of letting them grow without this influence and use their free will to decide!
Gay people negate themselves. They don’t reproduce.
Satan wants to invert design. Turn what is good upside down and undo the divine design. It’s that simple.
Tons of folks doing anti parasitics and going back Hetero. It’s complicated - just understand why they try to convince autistic kids they are the wrong gender etc. it’s to conflate them and all.
It’s so sad that we have to be so careful now days more than ever before. I can’t even allow my grandbabies to watch most kids shows anymore when I have them over. My daughters screen everything very carefully too before allowing even books or magazines.
Stranger Things season 3 comes to mind for me. Being an 80s themed series it was all so inappropriate the way it was presented. To that point the series was spot on for 80s culture.
Yep. The 100 is another, especially when it gets to the part about the community living in the mountain who kidnaps others., cages them and drains their blood to put inside themselves so they can go out in the sun without dying. Then they zombify the tribal soldiers to work for them. By getting them addicted to some drug.
That series had monumental potential. Its been a while so I can't remember what made me quit watching. I vaguely recall some outlandish religious connotations.
This is the problem with a lot of people's stances when it comes to homosexuals. People don't like it but it's their choice and they have free will. This is how we have gotten into this mess with the movies promoting gayness all the way to pedophile rising to tranny time story hour at you local kindergarten. People need to speak up and say NO to homos, it's a sin it's not natural, no you weren't born that you have a mental illness and you were raped as a child facts. If any tranny took my youngest who's 7 and touched them or shaked their ass at them i would take said individual and tie them to a fence and give them the Mathew Shepard type counseling.
Even Hallmark has started spewing the same crap that Hollyweird has been pushing. So very disappointing but hey, we've got lots more time to follow everything else that's going on.
Started rewatching movies A to Z. Lot of new removals "He'll never be back", "I am too dumb to fall for this commie shit" and loads of other WOKE stuff has been removed. Feels good to shut pedowood out.
Ditto. Not seen anything since before election 2020 except Wonder Woman on Christmas Day that I watched because son wanted me to watch with him. It actually made me sick to my stomach. I haven’t watched any TV shows either. Same reason.
I feel your pain, love movies, can't stand wokeness or hollywood types that are now known creepers. It's a full time job just trying to find a good film without above nonsense. Had some good luck with a lot of movies Mel Gibson has made, just watched Get The Gringo. Pretty cool + no hollywood.
Saw a list on IMDb of "new movies coming soon" and every single one was a remake or a sequel. So very tired of Marvel/StarWars/etc and endless amounts of CGI.
I hardly ever watch any now, and then one of my old favourites on dvd. My large collection has been whittled down considerably. As I grow closer to God I cannot tolerate most of what passes as normal. Finding out why some actors never appealed to me is another reason all Hanx movies and the like have been binned. Don't miss them a bit; prefer reading, various puzzles and doing creative stuff. I am free!
this sounds like me too, I spend a lot of time reading & learning about God. also trying new creative drawing/editing programs. no need for fiction when there's so much to study.
I tried re-watching 30 Rock and ALL I can pick up is the creepy “jokes” about things that normal people wouldn’t find funny. Like hunting “man”, or going to creepy parties with elites and joking about being naked around them. It’s almost like they couldn’t help but put some cabal garbage to rub it in our faces when we weren’t truly aware of all the evil that is plaguing our world.
Almost done watching it myself, and I've commented (even posted a screenshot OP!) about it here plenty. 30 Rock is on some NEXT LEVEL "we're rubbing it in your faces" OR "Patriots are secretly in control of the script writing" stuff. It's a CONSTANT barrage of "They never thought she'd lose" jokes.
I actually highly recommend watching it. It's over the top to the point of surrealistic parody.
I watched Sweeney Todd when it was free on YouTube and now it all seemed to be very clear that it was about the elite / lizard people eating us, and also getting us to eat ourselves (animal meat industry).
can't remember if I shared this one or not, but you might find it interesting...look at picture 6/11-the table of contents;
Alec Baldwin's story is on page 56, in a section called Quips (they happened to pick a word that starts with Q??)'s a silly article about his platform/resume if he ran for President someday; 'Run Alec Run'.
Since I was redpilled and came to understand that [they] use movies to tell us their plans, watching movies have changed for me. Now I look for the hidden meaning behind the movie.
Thanks for the link. Btw I love your video links to all the occult and “new age” materials. I saved on of your recent post comments which was like a compilation of occult knowledge but it didn’t save!!! And I can’t find the comment argh…now I don’t even remember which post that was. Sigh. Thanks anyways for your input.
Brainwashing and subliminal messaging hidden within virtually all of them. Trying to name/find exceptions to this rule seems more difficult than just not watching any.
That being said, I still watch a handful that I've already been brainwashed by - namely "The Matrix" and "The Big Short", primarily for pink-pilling purposes with others. ;)
There's a movie I watched a very long time ago called The International. To the bet of my memory, it's about a guy who uncovers a conspiracy for the major world banks to take over the world. The movie has a shoot-out scene in the Guggenheim Museum that I would have to say is one of the best gunfight scenes ever in movies, up there with the lobby shoot-out scene in The Matrix and the train station shoot-out scene in The Untouchables. They actually re-created the museum in a roughly 1:1 scale at a warehouse to accomplish the scene. Fantastic, and at the time I had never considered the idea of banking cartels ever taking over the world!
There are benefits to the movies - namely as you shared. There's a guy on YouTube who does a lot of movie reviews and how they are constantly pointing out of the matrix, which you can only see when you begin to be able to "see". His channel is "Quantum of Conscience" on YT - Matt. His schtick is basically about showing that even the "conspiracy theories" are a rabbit hole designed to take your attention away from the truth....
The Big Short totally frosted my pop-tart. As if what the banks and gubmint did wasn't bad enough, they immediately started doing the same thing again after the bailout. My pap used to say "Screw 'em all but six and save them for pallbearers.". I say "Screw 'em all but one and when he's put the last urn in the hole, kick him in too". May God forgive me for the horrible thoughts that I have about every last one of these tools.
It's a great movie for the simple fact that it lays everything out in crystal clarity, and still, 99% of the people who watch it just go "ho hum, nothing I can do about it, back to the grind".
This, more than anything else, astonishes me to no end. A deep sleep has come over us...
I understand that. It's like these people create a b-line straight to my potty mouth. I ask for forgiveness but am having a HUGE problem with the repenting part. How can you turn away from seeing such injustice without wanting to go all Jesus at the temple with it?
I mean... I hate Hollywood and the MSM, but, I'm not boycotting entertainment. The issue is that there simply isn't anything being released because they are in a state of freefall/collapse. There have been like 3-4 solid movies this entire year that came out. It's a joke.
Seriously.. whatever happened to epic movies that take you to another part of the world or another world and make you feel like you had 2 hours of adventure? Some movies that I really enjoyed - The Big Year, Blood Diamond, Slumdog Millionaire, Inception, Interstellar, Hell or High Water
Need more movies like those.. So tired of silly Hollywood bullshit. It's like they have a quota on trying to fit the most tired propaganda into every movie.
Me! Cant handle any of the ones that spued such hatred towards Trump ... this also includes the music industry ... cant handle the radio if Cher, Bette Midler or Streisand come on .. I change stations .. used to love their music!
It is next to impossible now to look at any of it as 'entertainment'.
A lot now is for research, 'how are they trying to reveal or insert evil for this one?'
Learning and being able to explain to nornies what they are doing and why is the main goal now.
Years ago some religious types would just make blanket statements "its all evil"...which doesnt convince nornies., and comes off as kinda crazy. To open eyes you have to be able to explain the details.
Yep...same! I loved to watch movies, but more and more I find myself just reading. Lately, it seems every movie I'm the lease bit interested in watching always has to promote the "sodomite" agenda somehow. I won't use the word "gay" to describe homos any longer. That's a great word that's been cooped by pedophiles (most of them) to make what they do (stick their junk in each others rectums) seem more acceptable to normal people. Nothing normal about this and now movies (every damn one) is promoting this wickedness!
We follow the "ten year rule" on pop culture stuff. Meaning, yes of course they're trying to brainwash us. But, if we watch movies/tv/listen to music that's +10 yrs old, the brainwashing becomes glaringly obvious. The older the stuff is, the easier it is to see. Really noticed this when I tried to watch Doogie Houser a few years ago🤣 Just doing backflips to legitimize that white coat authority. The "10 year pop culture rule" is esp helpful for kids.
I watch old reruns, of movies or series. I can’t remember the last time I watch something new. Maybe that last avenger movie? And it was the worst one. So yea, my home has been done with movies, series for quite awhile.
The most recent movie I've seen was the new version of Midway. I am only slightly interested in seeing the new Dune or Ghostbusters movies, but I am really not going to go out of my way to go to any movie theater. I've only watched some video rentals of older movies Going forward, I couldn't care less about the woke garbage coming from Hollywood.
The woke garbage is everywhere . Movies ruin themselves with gotcha marketing. I wait to find out the reviews before wasting my time. Truth is I just don't watch anymore...
Wokeism killed movies for me and now I see it everywhere. Occasionally a gem slips through but TV and Movies have gone to shit, and my life hasn't been worse for it.
I hope the whole industry is taken down by God in a very destructive and exposing manner. And while he's at that, I will pray he then moves onto the MSM, Government, Corporations, and whatever else his will would determine.
Same on both counts. This real life movie leaves me with shocked face pretty much daily. 🤡 🌎
Frank Capra and Cecil B Demile movies ftw
Agreed homosexuals have free will. I don’t answer for their choice but I will not offend God by turning the truth I believe, which is his, into a lie! No one should be mistreated but I don’t have to support it either!
Very True!
I once worked a guy and he ask me “ You treat well. But I get a strong impression you don’t like my lifestyle. Would you tell me why?”
I said I’m not your judge. Yet the One true living God, I believe, says it turns his truth into a lie. So I don’t answer for you. I answer for me. And as a woman of faith when a good looking man comes in the restaurant I’m not going to stand with you while you make google eyes at him, I simply walk away!”
He said no more but got my point! What bothers me is these movies teach very young children it’s okay, it’s natural. Like slowly cooking a frog in a kettle in a slow heating the water he won’t jump out he just gets cooked to death! I know God can free them if this wrong thinking but the more movies instill our children it’s ok the harder it is that they will ever understand!
Sad others even Condidtions the young instead of letting them grow without this influence and use their free will to decide!
Look under the surface.
Gay people negate themselves. They don’t reproduce.
Satan wants to invert design. Turn what is good upside down and undo the divine design. It’s that simple.
Tons of folks doing anti parasitics and going back Hetero. It’s complicated - just understand why they try to convince autistic kids they are the wrong gender etc. it’s to conflate them and all.
It’s so sad that we have to be so careful now days more than ever before. I can’t even allow my grandbabies to watch most kids shows anymore when I have them over. My daughters screen everything very carefully too before allowing even books or magazines.
LOL I haven't watched Western TV shows or movie in years, thanks to Korean dramas.
Don't get me wrong there's plenty to pick at, but as a whole, kdramas have been a wholesome change of pace.
Anytime we watch anything where gay or trans shows up, we’re instantly done with that show. Sadly some were series I had really liked too.
Stranger Things season 3 comes to mind for me. Being an 80s themed series it was all so inappropriate the way it was presented. To that point the series was spot on for 80s culture.
Yep. The 100 is another, especially when it gets to the part about the community living in the mountain who kidnaps others., cages them and drains their blood to put inside themselves so they can go out in the sun without dying. Then they zombify the tribal soldiers to work for them. By getting them addicted to some drug.
That series had monumental potential. Its been a while so I can't remember what made me quit watching. I vaguely recall some outlandish religious connotations.
This is the problem with a lot of people's stances when it comes to homosexuals. People don't like it but it's their choice and they have free will. This is how we have gotten into this mess with the movies promoting gayness all the way to pedophile rising to tranny time story hour at you local kindergarten. People need to speak up and say NO to homos, it's a sin it's not natural, no you weren't born that you have a mental illness and you were raped as a child facts. If any tranny took my youngest who's 7 and touched them or shaked their ass at them i would take said individual and tie them to a fence and give them the Mathew Shepard type counseling.
Even Hallmark has started spewing the same crap that Hollyweird has been pushing. So very disappointing but hey, we've got lots more time to follow everything else that's going on.
Being awake will do that to you!
Started rewatching movies A to Z. Lot of new removals "He'll never be back", "I am too dumb to fall for this commie shit" and loads of other WOKE stuff has been removed. Feels good to shut pedowood out.
Ditto. Not seen anything since before election 2020 except Wonder Woman on Christmas Day that I watched because son wanted me to watch with him. It actually made me sick to my stomach. I haven’t watched any TV shows either. Same reason.
Have you heard they came out with a mew superman who’s trans
Up until 2011 I watched 15 movies a week. Faithfully. Then I got internet at home. It started reducing my watching. Then Netflix made it too easy.
I feel your pain, love movies, can't stand wokeness or hollywood types that are now known creepers. It's a full time job just trying to find a good film without above nonsense. Had some good luck with a lot of movies Mel Gibson has made, just watched Get The Gringo. Pretty cool + no hollywood.
The Chosen series is pretty good. You have to download Angel studios app
Saw a list on IMDb of "new movies coming soon" and every single one was a remake or a sequel. So very tired of Marvel/StarWars/etc and endless amounts of CGI.
Red Dawn (1984) on DVD go brrrrr
I hardly ever watch any now, and then one of my old favourites on dvd. My large collection has been whittled down considerably. As I grow closer to God I cannot tolerate most of what passes as normal. Finding out why some actors never appealed to me is another reason all Hanx movies and the like have been binned. Don't miss them a bit; prefer reading, various puzzles and doing creative stuff. I am free!
I find myself reading and studying my bible more and working on my paintings, drawings and shaping and wire wrapping cabochan stones
this sounds like me too, I spend a lot of time reading & learning about God. also trying new creative drawing/editing programs. no need for fiction when there's so much to study.
Amen to that
I just watched “They live” last week. I’ve been watching a lot of 30s-40s movie classics mostly now. Some really funny stuff out there.
Next up, I suggest C.H.U.D. "nuclear comms" spelled out.
DANG those underground dwellers!!
I tried re-watching 30 Rock and ALL I can pick up is the creepy “jokes” about things that normal people wouldn’t find funny. Like hunting “man”, or going to creepy parties with elites and joking about being naked around them. It’s almost like they couldn’t help but put some cabal garbage to rub it in our faces when we weren’t truly aware of all the evil that is plaguing our world.
Almost done watching it myself, and I've commented (even posted a screenshot OP!) about it here plenty. 30 Rock is on some NEXT LEVEL "we're rubbing it in your faces" OR "Patriots are secretly in control of the script writing" stuff. It's a CONSTANT barrage of "They never thought she'd lose" jokes.
I actually highly recommend watching it. It's over the top to the point of surrealistic parody.
Especially when you know NCSWIC.
I watched Sweeney Todd when it was free on YouTube and now it all seemed to be very clear that it was about the elite / lizard people eating us, and also getting us to eat ourselves (animal meat industry).
What about the V movie and series? Sounds similar
can't remember if I shared this one or not, but you might find it interesting...look at picture 6/11-the table of contents;
Alec Baldwin's story is on page 56, in a section called Quips (they happened to pick a word that starts with Q??)'s a silly article about his platform/resume if he ran for President someday; 'Run Alec Run'.
Since I was redpilled and came to understand that [they] use movies to tell us their plans, watching movies have changed for me. Now I look for the hidden meaning behind the movie.
Same but I always get pissed I never pick up the stuff as easy as Vigilant Christian
To be fair, he crowdsources stuff by receiving tons of emails from readers. By the way, he's got a new website
Thanks for the link. Btw I love your video links to all the occult and “new age” materials. I saved on of your recent post comments which was like a compilation of occult knowledge but it didn’t save!!! And I can’t find the comment argh…now I don’t even remember which post that was. Sigh. Thanks anyways for your input.
Thanks Cpleb.
Here are some posts I made with links over the last 30 days:
Thanks! It was a comment in someone else’s post but I’m sure these will be interesting as well
Brainwashing and subliminal messaging hidden within virtually all of them. Trying to name/find exceptions to this rule seems more difficult than just not watching any.
That being said, I still watch a handful that I've already been brainwashed by - namely "The Matrix" and "The Big Short", primarily for pink-pilling purposes with others. ;)
There's a movie I watched a very long time ago called The International. To the bet of my memory, it's about a guy who uncovers a conspiracy for the major world banks to take over the world. The movie has a shoot-out scene in the Guggenheim Museum that I would have to say is one of the best gunfight scenes ever in movies, up there with the lobby shoot-out scene in The Matrix and the train station shoot-out scene in The Untouchables. They actually re-created the museum in a roughly 1:1 scale at a warehouse to accomplish the scene. Fantastic, and at the time I had never considered the idea of banking cartels ever taking over the world!
There are benefits to the movies - namely as you shared. There's a guy on YouTube who does a lot of movie reviews and how they are constantly pointing out of the matrix, which you can only see when you begin to be able to "see". His channel is "Quantum of Conscience" on YT - Matt. His schtick is basically about showing that even the "conspiracy theories" are a rabbit hole designed to take your attention away from the truth....
Deron Stack of Blackpilled does this too. Great content. Here he breaks down all the Marxist propaganda in Forest Gump:
Nice, looks like there are quite a few on this train!
Since your name is a Matrix reference, you should check out this excellent presentation on the esoteric occult in the trilogy by Mark Passio:
Good stuff, I'm a big fan of Mark's work. His most recent video is top notch stuff too!
Captain America: Winter Soldier is another good one. Full of Operation Paperclip, MK Ultra, although the "Deep State" in that movie were Hydra agents.
The Big Short totally frosted my pop-tart. As if what the banks and gubmint did wasn't bad enough, they immediately started doing the same thing again after the bailout. My pap used to say "Screw 'em all but six and save them for pallbearers.". I say "Screw 'em all but one and when he's put the last urn in the hole, kick him in too". May God forgive me for the horrible thoughts that I have about every last one of these tools.
It's a great movie for the simple fact that it lays everything out in crystal clarity, and still, 99% of the people who watch it just go "ho hum, nothing I can do about it, back to the grind".
This, more than anything else, astonishes me to no end. A deep sleep has come over us...
To receive God’s forgiveness for anything, you need only truly repent and ask His forgiveness. Just sayin…
I understand that. It's like these people create a b-line straight to my potty mouth. I ask for forgiveness but am having a HUGE problem with the repenting part. How can you turn away from seeing such injustice without wanting to go all Jesus at the temple with it?
It’s gotta be a whole heart thing. Hate evil, yes and seek justice, but choose God in all things
I mean... I hate Hollywood and the MSM, but, I'm not boycotting entertainment. The issue is that there simply isn't anything being released because they are in a state of freefall/collapse. There have been like 3-4 solid movies this entire year that came out. It's a joke.
Seriously.. whatever happened to epic movies that take you to another part of the world or another world and make you feel like you had 2 hours of adventure? Some movies that I really enjoyed - The Big Year, Blood Diamond, Slumdog Millionaire, Inception, Interstellar, Hell or High Water
Need more movies like those.. So tired of silly Hollywood bullshit. It's like they have a quota on trying to fit the most tired propaganda into every movie.
Me! Cant handle any of the ones that spued such hatred towards Trump ... this also includes the music industry ... cant handle the radio if Cher, Bette Midler or Streisand come on .. I change stations .. used to love their music!
I have always had varied musical tastes, but find myself listening to MMM Greatest Hits on DAB a lot these days. Rock on I say.
(((Cher))) (((Bette Midler))) (((Streisand)))
I spend all my free time (and waste a lot of my not-free time) here on GAW. Who has time for movies?
It is next to impossible now to look at any of it as 'entertainment'.
A lot now is for research, 'how are they trying to reveal or insert evil for this one?'
Learning and being able to explain to nornies what they are doing and why is the main goal now.
Years ago some religious types would just make blanket statements "its all evil"...which doesnt convince nornies., and comes off as kinda crazy. To open eyes you have to be able to explain the details.
Got in big trouble at my house for saying something about Jason Mamoa groping a young girl. Anyone remember that? Was that a big nothingburger?
Hubby still watches a lot of movies, most make me angry and nauseous
Yep...same! I loved to watch movies, but more and more I find myself just reading. Lately, it seems every movie I'm the lease bit interested in watching always has to promote the "sodomite" agenda somehow. I won't use the word "gay" to describe homos any longer. That's a great word that's been cooped by pedophiles (most of them) to make what they do (stick their junk in each others rectums) seem more acceptable to normal people. Nothing normal about this and now movies (every damn one) is promoting this wickedness!
can't watch them without seeing the programming. ruins a lot of movies for me.
Interesting article in MSM, warning click-bait slide show, royal connections of famous folk, some of them in this very photo.
Nothing at the theater can compare to what is going on in real life right now!
We follow the "ten year rule" on pop culture stuff. Meaning, yes of course they're trying to brainwash us. But, if we watch movies/tv/listen to music that's +10 yrs old, the brainwashing becomes glaringly obvious. The older the stuff is, the easier it is to see. Really noticed this when I tried to watch Doogie Houser a few years ago🤣 Just doing backflips to legitimize that white coat authority. The "10 year pop culture rule" is esp helpful for kids.
I watch old reruns, of movies or series. I can’t remember the last time I watch something new. Maybe that last avenger movie? And it was the worst one. So yea, my home has been done with movies, series for quite awhile.
I am so not into Hollywood these days.
What platform we talking? Just do a search for kdramas or…?
We used to binge Kdramas. What time is it? 3am. Yeah, we can do another! 😁
I just watch the same old ones over and over. I did check out 'White Squall' a couple weeks ago. The Albatross was a beautiful ship.
All the movies I watch are at least a decade old. And it's not very often.
The most recent movie I've seen was the new version of Midway. I am only slightly interested in seeing the new Dune or Ghostbusters movies, but I am really not going to go out of my way to go to any movie theater. I've only watched some video rentals of older movies Going forward, I couldn't care less about the woke garbage coming from Hollywood.
me but I was never really a movie person.
Have not watched a major movie production, that was not for kids, in 5 years. I don't even watch TV in general. Just not worth the time.
The woke garbage is everywhere . Movies ruin themselves with gotcha marketing. I wait to find out the reviews before wasting my time. Truth is I just don't watch anymore...
Wokeism killed movies for me and now I see it everywhere. Occasionally a gem slips through but TV and Movies have gone to shit, and my life hasn't been worse for it. I hope the whole industry is taken down by God in a very destructive and exposing manner. And while he's at that, I will pray he then moves onto the MSM, Government, Corporations, and whatever else his will would determine.
Yes, for sure. I watch no new movies. I only watch old ones from many years past.
I can barely watch a movie these days. It’s not even that the industry is rife with pedos, I just can’t sit and watch some dribble storyline.
Latest movie I watched was DUNE and I enjoyed it, but was eager for it to hurry up and end. Fuck movies.