So the burning question it led to is this. Was the clumsy forgery either:
an indicator of utter incompetence in the hussein whitehouse
an agitprop escalation by bad people believing themselves to be untouchable and wanting to flex on the public who they deceived
a 'whitehat' indicator well before Q, anons pointing out what a fraud the purported elected president was, and still is.. a big red flag they were waving to draw attention.
The third one of these could never have happened without Q, and thats now the theory I'm leaning towards.
Loretta Fuddy, died after a very smooth descent into the ocean as a passenger in a light plane, and was last seen on camera holding onto the buoyant sections of the plane in perfect conditions waiting for a rescue along with other passengers... then later on claimed she died. And supposedly there was footage of someone attired in full scuba mask/tank/suit that surfaced in a section of the video.. like it was purposefully crashed at a specific location with blackops people nearby tasked with killing her.
Heres an interesting quote from a special someone:
U.S. business mogul Donald Trump, who's mulling a presidential bid as a Republican candidate, has questioned Obama's place of birth and wondered whether the president was hiding something by not releasing the long-form birth certificate.
Yes, there’s also a vid of inside the plane right after it crashed.
The vid isn't grainy, so you know who you’re looking at.
You see everyone putting on lifejackets and exiting the plane into the ocean.
In the vid the woman who issues the birth certificate is alive and well.
The vid also shows her clearly alive in the water with the rest of the occupants.
It’s at this moment you see someone in scuba gear (I know CRAZY) come up from underneath and begin to do something.
From what I can remember thats’s about all the vid shows.
No. The plane didn't "crash". It landed gently in the water and everyone then bailed out safely, including Ms Fuddy. She was pronounced dead when rescue arrived - allegedly from a heart attack. See the video.
Yeah, a crash doesn’t have frogmen already there waiting..
Not too mention those ppl didn’t look freaked out at all.
They don’t have to be screaming “WE’RE GONNA DIE””””, but at least a LITTLE BIT of worry on their faces would have made a whole lot more sense.
The thing that stood out to me was the use of the term "African American" for his race. I don't think that term was even a thing until much later than 1961.
Reminds me of Q stating how stupid these people were...the lefties just cannot help themselves with their politically correct bullshit...African American! LOL! This term wasn't even a thought until the mid 80's! I remember because at the time I was trying to get on as a pilot with United Airlines and all of them were basically only hiring from 3 categories of people...Military, anyone other than white male, and female! The joke in my circles as a struggling, civilian flight instructor was the only way to get hired on as a pilot with a major airline was to be a black female with a Mexican surname! It was at that time that this hyphenated American bullshit started showing up on the applications!
They had a name for hiring so many females and so many minorities...can't remember the fucking phrase they used. It was all bullshit...but I was constantly being passed over for hire even though I had more experience than any of the blacks or females I was being interviewed with? Don't remember any Mexicans or Asians being hired, but that was because all the Asians would be trained by guys like me and then go back to Japan or China and I guess Mexican didn't like to fly airplanes? But then again...there wasn't the fraction of Mexicans in the U.S. as there is now...
Affirmative action is the term you're looking for. And yes, I can remember in the early '80s when political correctness started causing bullshit terms like 'african-american'. The term hadn't even been coined in the '60s.
Man...just went through Chemo and Radiation for Hodgekin's. That and getting old has really messed with my memory. Sometimes I just cannot recall the most simple words or phrases! Very irritating. Thanks...yes...Affirmative Action!
Hopefully this exposes more corruption. A judge agreed it was fake 'but in the interests of the nation' there was no charge. Also Maricopa County where an audit is simmering away. 🤓🤓🤓
Remember how the Jan 6 committee demand for executive privilege documents from Trump went to appeals court and Trump "lost" because we have only "one president at a time" and the past presidents cannot assert privilege?
What are the chances that this news is dropping right now, after 10 years of investigation, right when you can use that precedent to demand all the documents that Obama put under seal on the last day of his presidency ?
Let this be the tide turning, it will be hilarious if the birth certificate is what pushes the awakening over the precipice!
Right? Thats what I was thining. Also didnt that Sheriff get convicted for not allowing illegals to come in, and Trump had to pardon him? He is a mad lad, and this is a fitting end to the saga.
It was a civil rights thing, that he was deliberately targeting Hispanics in his roundups around the county. He would go to places like Home Depot where illegals would congregate begging for work, or set up road checks and stop people.
It was obvious targeting. And it wasn't just Home Depot, it was "driving while brown" as various Hispanic friends told me. As it was clearly targeting Hispanics, that is discrimination by law, like it or not. It's a problem when a third of your population is one race and they have a disproportionate number of criminals. Hispanic resentment in general was exploited in every election until he was gone.
Im hispanic and why wouldnt you target hispanics if you were looking for illegals? All illegals are hispanic, or at least 99.9%. People forget that profiling is an essential part of being a police officer.
Seems like a great idea to go to places where illegals gather.
Just like stop and frisk destroyed the crime rate in NY but required a heavy degree of profiling.
Oh, it worked well. It's like the bank robber Willy Sutton's answer to Why do you rob banks? "Because that's where the money is." But it was made to order for the grievance industry.
Now the interesting bit is that Jerome Corsi (the guy who faked being Q and got discredited) got involved in this as well. Until now i was under the impression that he was the guy trying to prove the BC was fake.
Looks like the BC of the lady Johanna Ah'Lee which was used as a source for creating the forged Obama BC had her BC with her at all times since 95, except when her friend Jerome Corsi asked to borrow it. He claims he borrowed it 10 days after Obama's BC was released.
My read is that Jerome Corsi was the guy who arranged for the forgery (probably because he works for CIA), then pretended to be the guy who exposes this and hence becomes a controlled opposition, until he was outed by the Q
I don't recall his claiming that. I do recall that he began to do "interpretations" of Q posts on a Patriot live stream before Q outed him as a "paytriot" because he was basically trying to sell his books and to drag people to InfoWars where Alex was claiming to be in contact with Q (or Zaq).
Yeah, 5 year old video. It’s cool we’re bringing it back to life for the normies. But apparently it’s done no damage for these past 5 years. Congress doesn’t care. Feds don’t care. Only the damage from what “the people” know, will come from this. Obama is a fake guy. Fake president. And continues to destroy this country. I’m looking forwards to being “very happy”, very soon. We’re winning, I have no doubt. But the end won’t be for everyone.
That's what I was looking for. I didn't see a date. If this was current, we'd have seen more of it around recently. However, the newly awakened need to know so glad it was posted. Thanks.
Obama is the name of Barry’s biological father (from whom he was spawned). Soetoro is the name of the man Barry’s mother married afterwards (and subsequently divorced). Dinesh D’Souza goes into this background in his book “The Roots of Obama’s Rage”.
Just a coincidence that she was the only person to die after the small plane she was in had to make an emergency water landing off the coast of Hawaii.
I feel as though Peter Strozk was involved in the forged document. He specialized in that sort of stuff and has White House visit logs that match up. I did some digging way back…he was a specialist in forging documents.
Because the video is from 2016. Watch the headlines scrolling across the bottom "President-Elect Trump...", "Rebels in Aleppo...", DNC email hack...", Russia, Russia, Russia.
This all got memory-holed 5 years ago and that was either done by black hats and Trump let them or it was done by white hats so it can be brought up again when the time is right (theory I'm going with).
I watched this live when it first came out. I was on a lunch break. I went back to work and showed everyone that Obama isn't Obama.
No reaction. Nothing. I couldn't believe it. This is kind of a big deal. They show you exactly how it was forged! If you question it after this, you have rocks for brains.
I don't know what it takes for the zombies to notice anything, aside from it coming from their regular news channel, of course.
Because it’s a 5 year old video, according to comments below the video, and the comments in here. So I don’t know if this is coming to light again, hopefully so.
That video is old, from 2016 or early 2017. The news ticker underneath runs Dylan Roof convicted of 2015 murders, and mentions President Elect Donald Trump.
Yes, I was thinking the same thing because Joe Arpaio is no longer the sheriff in Maricopa county. If he had been the sheriff maybe things would have been different there last year.
I remember seeing this some years ago (about 2015). I could not understand how this type of evidence was so quickly dismissed. At about the same time, I saw a video about the layering in a copier. That was the subject of most of the public denials of the evidence. This video was simply ignored and the attacks on Joe Arpaio began in earnest using fake information which was directed and produced for public consumption. I hope that our country can return to a place where media information can't just over-ride facts and evidence.
It was such a bad forgery to begin with. They had unlimited funds and tech at their disposal to crate one that would be close to flawless but instead they put out something that was an obvious fraud. Were they rubbing our collective noses in it? YES! I think that's exactly what it was. It was a "So what the fuck are you going to do about it?" moment for Obama. He was showing you and us how untouchable he was.
Well, hopefully, this evidence from 2016 was part of the Q team’s NCSWIC storm. When this came out originally, we were already shell-shocked by the Lois Lerner scandals going unpunished, the Obama care architect bragging about lying to get it passed, the gun running scandal, and many other obvious problems that showed our government and media were colluding to lie to us and to protect guilty people while targeting innocent Patriots. There is no excuse for anyone believing them anymore unless you are either on the side of liars or you have an IQ of 50.
I know the birth cert that they kept up on the White House server, with 7+ layers is completely fake.
But the image that shows up for the video is fake as well... that college ID is an easily debunked and shitty chop where someone took a womans ID and simply pasted obombo's pic in it, and using this fake does not help our cause :/
Yeah, when I first heard about it, I wasnt paying too much attention and I just accepted the media narrative that Trump was being a racist. Oh boy, how far the journey has been from there to here.
You and a lot of other people.
So the burning question it led to is this. Was the clumsy forgery either:
an indicator of utter incompetence in the hussein whitehouse
an agitprop escalation by bad people believing themselves to be untouchable and wanting to flex on the public who they deceived
a 'whitehat' indicator well before Q, anons pointing out what a fraud the purported elected president was, and still is.. a big red flag they were waving to draw attention.
The third one of these could never have happened without Q, and thats now the theory I'm leaning towards.
Didn't the woman who produced the birth cirtificate get killed in a plane crash?
Loretta Fuddy, died after a very smooth descent into the ocean as a passenger in a light plane, and was last seen on camera holding onto the buoyant sections of the plane in perfect conditions waiting for a rescue along with other passengers... then later on claimed she died. And supposedly there was footage of someone attired in full scuba mask/tank/suit that surfaced in a section of the video.. like it was purposefully crashed at a specific location with blackops people nearby tasked with killing her.
Analysis of the released at the time birth cert.
Looking at the linked source, it used to be hosted on the wh site, at:
Now its available via services like at this link - no doubt there are other mirrors out there as well. Not too hard to search for.
Other sites host a copy of the image, not the pdf:
Heres an interesting quote from a special someone:
Yes, there’s also a vid of inside the plane right after it crashed. The vid isn't grainy, so you know who you’re looking at.
You see everyone putting on lifejackets and exiting the plane into the ocean. In the vid the woman who issues the birth certificate is alive and well.
The vid also shows her clearly alive in the water with the rest of the occupants. It’s at this moment you see someone in scuba gear (I know CRAZY) come up from underneath and begin to do something.
From what I can remember thats’s about all the vid shows.
That's exactly as I remember seeing it. It was nuts.
No. The plane didn't "crash". It landed gently in the water and everyone then bailed out safely, including Ms Fuddy. She was pronounced dead when rescue arrived - allegedly from a heart attack. See the video.
Yeah, a crash doesn’t have frogmen already there waiting..
Not too mention those ppl didn’t look freaked out at all. They don’t have to be screaming “WE’RE GONNA DIE””””, but at least a LITTLE BIT of worry on their faces would have made a whole lot more sense.
Bringing the SAUCE!
Thanks for the links
Yes, interesting.... everyone survived except her. And she survived getting outside the plane, then mysteriously drowned before they were rescued.
Someone posted this video this year here
Frogmen do that
I’ve seen that. It’s MIND BLOWING
Same. Can no longer find the version with multiple layers. Would appreciate a copy.
Direct link to pdf
I can confirm. The version was on the official site for a while. The multiple photoshop layers were clearly visible.
9 layers I believe.
The thing that stood out to me was the use of the term "African American" for his race. I don't think that term was even a thing until much later than 1961.
Reminds me of Q stating how stupid these people were...the lefties just cannot help themselves with their politically correct bullshit...African American! LOL! This term wasn't even a thought until the mid 80's! I remember because at the time I was trying to get on as a pilot with United Airlines and all of them were basically only hiring from 3 categories of people...Military, anyone other than white male, and female! The joke in my circles as a struggling, civilian flight instructor was the only way to get hired on as a pilot with a major airline was to be a black female with a Mexican surname! It was at that time that this hyphenated American bullshit started showing up on the applications!
They had a name for hiring so many females and so many minorities...can't remember the fucking phrase they used. It was all bullshit...but I was constantly being passed over for hire even though I had more experience than any of the blacks or females I was being interviewed with? Don't remember any Mexicans or Asians being hired, but that was because all the Asians would be trained by guys like me and then go back to Japan or China and I guess Mexican didn't like to fly airplanes? But then again...there wasn't the fraction of Mexicans in the U.S. as there is now...
Affirmative action is the term you're looking for. And yes, I can remember in the early '80s when political correctness started causing bullshit terms like 'african-american'. The term hadn't even been coined in the '60s.
Man...just went through Chemo and Radiation for Hodgekin's. That and getting old has really messed with my memory. Sometimes I just cannot recall the most simple words or phrases! Very irritating. Thanks...yes...Affirmative Action!
Correct. In the late’60’s they tried to astroturf the term “Afro-American “. The “African-American “ term came into mainstream use later still.
Hopefully this exposes more corruption. A judge agreed it was fake 'but in the interests of the nation' there was no charge. Also Maricopa County where an audit is simmering away. 🤓🤓🤓
Is the audit still simmering away? Local accounts make it seem like it was a fraudit and over unless some patriots unseat some commies in 2022
It was not even the correct color for the year.
Remember how the Jan 6 committee demand for executive privilege documents from Trump went to appeals court and Trump "lost" because we have only "one president at a time" and the past presidents cannot assert privilege?
What are the chances that this news is dropping right now, after 10 years of investigation, right when you can use that precedent to demand all the documents that Obama put under seal on the last day of his presidency ?
Let this be the tide turning, it will be hilarious if the birth certificate is what pushes the awakening over the precipice!
My thoughts exactly and coincidentally in the same county with election fraud and a suppressed audit.
Right? Thats what I was thining. Also didnt that Sheriff get convicted for not allowing illegals to come in, and Trump had to pardon him? He is a mad lad, and this is a fitting end to the saga.
It was a civil rights thing, that he was deliberately targeting Hispanics in his roundups around the county. He would go to places like Home Depot where illegals would congregate begging for work, or set up road checks and stop people.
Yes, they framed the fact he picked up illegals where everybody knew they could be found as targeting.
It was obvious targeting. And it wasn't just Home Depot, it was "driving while brown" as various Hispanic friends told me. As it was clearly targeting Hispanics, that is discrimination by law, like it or not. It's a problem when a third of your population is one race and they have a disproportionate number of criminals. Hispanic resentment in general was exploited in every election until he was gone.
Im hispanic and why wouldnt you target hispanics if you were looking for illegals? All illegals are hispanic, or at least 99.9%. People forget that profiling is an essential part of being a police officer.
Seems like a great idea to go to places where illegals gather.
Just like stop and frisk destroyed the crime rate in NY but required a heavy degree of profiling.
Oh, it worked well. It's like the bank robber Willy Sutton's answer to Why do you rob banks? "Because that's where the money is." But it was made to order for the grievance industry.
Now the interesting bit is that Jerome Corsi (the guy who faked being Q and got discredited) got involved in this as well. Until now i was under the impression that he was the guy trying to prove the BC was fake.
Looks like the BC of the lady Johanna Ah'Lee which was used as a source for creating the forged Obama BC had her BC with her at all times since 95, except when her friend Jerome Corsi asked to borrow it. He claims he borrowed it 10 days after Obama's BC was released.
My read is that Jerome Corsi was the guy who arranged for the forgery (probably because he works for CIA), then pretended to be the guy who exposes this and hence becomes a controlled opposition, until he was outed by the Q
I don't recall his claiming that. I do recall that he began to do "interpretations" of Q posts on a Patriot live stream before Q outed him as a "paytriot" because he was basically trying to sell his books and to drag people to InfoWars where Alex was claiming to be in contact with Q (or Zaq).
Yeah, 5 year old video. It’s cool we’re bringing it back to life for the normies. But apparently it’s done no damage for these past 5 years. Congress doesn’t care. Feds don’t care. Only the damage from what “the people” know, will come from this. Obama is a fake guy. Fake president. And continues to destroy this country. I’m looking forwards to being “very happy”, very soon. We’re winning, I have no doubt. But the end won’t be for everyone.
It's uncool you're posting a Google Amp link though.
Actual link -
Archived link-
That's what I was looking for. I didn't see a date. If this was current, we'd have seen more of it around recently. However, the newly awakened need to know so glad it was posted. Thanks.
If the CIA can make one false identity for Bathhouse Barry, why not make two?
I wouldn't be surprised if Barry Soetoro isn't his real name either.
Not very likely now given his mother used his name on her visa application to the USA....
Then let’s not forget that the hospital Hussein was allegedly born in wasn’t in existence until many years after his birth date....
But the BS is enshrined in archives now....!
Obama is the name of Barry’s biological father (from whom he was spawned). Soetoro is the name of the man Barry’s mother married afterwards (and subsequently divorced). Dinesh D’Souza goes into this background in his book “The Roots of Obama’s Rage”.
RIP Loretta Fuddy!
Just a coincidence that she was the only person to die after the small plane she was in had to make an emergency water landing off the coast of Hawaii.
Divers on the "rescue" team saw to it. They drowned her.
Did you see the vid of the divers in the water??
Can't recall if it was vid or still shots but definitely saw them/ him/ xqzhjer
If someone here has it they need to post it. I’ll look for it later when I have time!
Now if this video doesn't seal the deal I DO NOT KNOW WHAT WOULD!
Michelle spilling the beans - Barack born in Kenya!
Imagine a US president not having the US as his home country
It's almost like he's an illegitimate president, a traitor who must be stripped of the title and executed.
The video is from 2016.
I pray the 'sheep' will finally 'wake up' and BELIEVE the truth this time. Amen
I feel as though Peter Strozk was involved in the forged document. He specialized in that sort of stuff and has White House visit logs that match up. I did some digging way back…he was a specialist in forging documents.
This was from back in 2016. Not sure why it shows 12-12-21 as though it was presented yesterday.
OP why do you say "New Info" when this is a 5 year old video?
when was this again?
so old info, but worth a look to people that are unaware
And why isn’t this national news ?? Worldwide news? What the actual fuck ….
Because the video is from 2016. Watch the headlines scrolling across the bottom "President-Elect Trump...", "Rebels in Aleppo...", DNC email hack...", Russia, Russia, Russia.
This all got memory-holed 5 years ago and that was either done by black hats and Trump let them or it was done by white hats so it can be brought up again when the time is right (theory I'm going with).
I watched this live when it first came out. I was on a lunch break. I went back to work and showed everyone that Obama isn't Obama.
No reaction. Nothing. I couldn't believe it. This is kind of a big deal. They show you exactly how it was forged! If you question it after this, you have rocks for brains.
I don't know what it takes for the zombies to notice anything, aside from it coming from their regular news channel, of course.
Because it’s a 5 year old video, according to comments below the video, and the comments in here. So I don’t know if this is coming to light again, hopefully so.
That video is old, from 2016 or early 2017. The news ticker underneath runs Dylan Roof convicted of 2015 murders, and mentions President Elect Donald Trump.
Loretta Fuddy and Stanley Ann Dunham are the same person...look for age progressions.
This is an old video. I shared it as much as possible at the time. Couldn’t get anyone to watch it.
Yes, I was thinking the same thing because Joe Arpaio is no longer the sheriff in Maricopa county. If he had been the sheriff maybe things would have been different there last year.
Is your definition of new 5 years old?
This is old news.
is this new….or an old newsconference?
The market ticker says this is old….. The headline seems like clickbait.
It's got both. The alignment of the printer was new. The timing is rad.
It’s an obvious forgery...those people are stupid
Interesting havent seen that video
I remember seeing this some years ago (about 2015). I could not understand how this type of evidence was so quickly dismissed. At about the same time, I saw a video about the layering in a copier. That was the subject of most of the public denials of the evidence. This video was simply ignored and the attacks on Joe Arpaio began in earnest using fake information which was directed and produced for public consumption. I hope that our country can return to a place where media information can't just over-ride facts and evidence.
It was such a bad forgery to begin with. They had unlimited funds and tech at their disposal to crate one that would be close to flawless but instead they put out something that was an obvious fraud. Were they rubbing our collective noses in it? YES! I think that's exactly what it was. It was a "So what the fuck are you going to do about it?" moment for Obama. He was showing you and us how untouchable he was.
Funny timing that this just came out:
now haul his ass in jail - wake up the normies
Well, hopefully, this evidence from 2016 was part of the Q team’s NCSWIC storm. When this came out originally, we were already shell-shocked by the Lois Lerner scandals going unpunished, the Obama care architect bragging about lying to get it passed, the gun running scandal, and many other obvious problems that showed our government and media were colluding to lie to us and to protect guilty people while targeting innocent Patriots. There is no excuse for anyone believing them anymore unless you are either on the side of liars or you have an IQ of 50.
I remember also, within days of inauguration, he flew to Hawaii, to sacrifice his grandmother. I always thought she maybe wasn't a reliable liar.
This is a distraction. Old news. He's no longer sheriff.
I know the birth cert that they kept up on the White House server, with 7+ layers is completely fake.
But the image that shows up for the video is fake as well... that college ID is an easily debunked and shitty chop where someone took a womans ID and simply pasted obombo's pic in it, and using this fake does not help our cause :/
This should be YUGE!
Semi "msm" news coverage.
This! Its from 2016 and who downvoted this comment? This site is compromised i swear.
For the benefit of all those who are here who have awakened since then!!!
then the headline shouldn't start with "New info".
Yeah, when I first heard about it, I wasnt paying too much attention and I just accepted the media narrative that Trump was being a racist. Oh boy, how far the journey has been from there to here.
He was famous for 30 yrs before running, hit TV show and all
He was multiple times on Oprah for fuck's sake. How could people ever think he was racist? That one baffles me to no end.
Trump is never wrong - it's uncanny!