Reports of police stations raising the Aussie flag upside down are coming in from across the country. If the police side with Aussies, it’s all over.

Let’s hope. They are only reason tyrants still have power.
Shame on them. Taking too fucking long
Things take time to develop .. if they come through then that is all that matters!
Start filming this free Australians. Trump TV needs new talent.
TV needs talent.
Agreed. Give them a starting beacon.
I just hope DWAC goes up at some point.
I was up an absurd amount t then it leveled out but I got in at 12.50
These things take off during cycles. Once an announcement is made or news about it comes up you'll see a bump. Markets are reactionary.
I'm massively in profit. It's my most profitable stock at the moment. I guess it depends when you bought it.
Sorry, yes. Fair point. It was forum sliding, although it was accidental forum sliding on my part, but still, you're right. We should stay on focus.
Loyalty is not an overnight success.
The police have a choice and so far they've decided to go against the people. Don't trust them with this gesture because it could be as a very famous Admiral once stated "it's a trap". In WW2 my grandfather said that the Germans would often come up waving a white flag and as soon as the Allied solders would start walking up to them the Germans would open fire on them at close range. The white flag was a trap!
Very sad, I have heard this as well about WWII there was no code of conduct among some of them.
Yeah but everything we know about the war is wrong.
I know, I’m just remembering things my Dad said about it he never spoke much about the war but he really really hated the Germans for a long time, to the point that he wanted nothing to do with anything German manufactured no matter how good it was car, clocks, motors etc.
Thats that decades of indoctrination. News, school books, etc etc. I hope the truth is all brought to light one day soon.
Really? I heard differently.
It could be a trap, but it's also worth remembering that not all police think alike.
Look at America, for example. You have patriotic local sheriffs in some counties who have refused to follow unconstitutional gun control laws, then you have police chiefs in some democrat shitholes that fully comply with their authoritarian democrat bosses.
Not all police think alike. Sadly, in most parts of the world almost all police are following orders, but there will be the occasional pocket that stands with the people.
Yes...let's hope so...if the Aussies can regain control of their government...it will certainly cause many other countries citizens to follow in suit...not sure the sheeple here could be counted on as I think most of America is brain damaged to the point of no return I'm afraid. I hope I am wrong on this point...
We're more free than the Aussies right now, so that says something. We also have guns. Lots of guns.
It is true that here in America there are a lot more guns. Today, those guns only serve as a potential deterrent to more oppressive actions, but it isn't full proof. It becomes vastly more powerful when a significant group of people unite and fully pledge that understand an unprovoked attack against one of us is an unprovoked attack against all of us. if that number is between 10-20% of the population the tyranny ends, without a day of violence.
For sure, it's like nukes, there's an underlying threat of what could happen, but it's not a sure thing. Much better to accomplish things through peace.
It's already had an effect. One reason The people behind Biden did not attempt a direct vaccine mandate to the general population is that no one wanted to go out into that population with 400 million guns floating around and force vaccinate people, some of whom steadfastly believe it is a "kill shot" who would have nothing to lose in their view.
Also probably why China/DS hasn't invaded the US and instead has devised this insidious covert war.
For sure. I think back in the old Soviet Union they determined that a military invasion of the US was not winnable because the general population was armed, which is why Kruchev was banging his shoe on the podium at the UN, and saying they would beat us from within, a playbook the CCP has become very good at.
Yes...your so correct. Feeling depressed today...and too negative. God is good and I know He's in control. So glad to have this group to commiserate, hope and if need be...die with! Thanks Fren!
Never let Satan, sin, take Joy from your life. Happiness comes and goes, but Joy is Christ is your life. All sadness and unhappiness comes from sin itself. No matter what happens, if your with Jesus Christ, your Joy is forever. It’s ok to be sad, or disappointed, but don’t lose sight of the victory. Christ is the win, and we’ve already won my friend. Just hold on. This life on Earth is like snapping your fingers...it’s that quick, compared to eternity. We’re together in this. Together with Jesus Christ. 🙏💯❤️
Here's a great quote I heard somewhere for whenever I'm feeling down/frustrated/angry/etc.
“The first great and primary business to which I ought to attend every day is to have my soul happy in the Lord.”
You control your mental attitude by what you do/read/think about/etc. Remember that and worship God, thank Him for all the great things He has done, and is doing. It's great for resetting your perspective with the world.
Yes...words to live by. We have everything we need in Him!
Guns and 2A are the ONLY reason we are still reasonably free and they can't make any big pushes to end our freedoms too fast.
Absolutely Correct!
And we keep them handy. In case someone wants to force a jab. I consider the jab an attack with a deadly weapon.
I would hope LE sees it the same way, and doesn't try to enforce such nonsense.
What do you suggest? Going somewhere and gunning down random people in hopes of killing a few of the guilty?
The DS wants a civil war, so we're not going to give them one.
True, you Aussies are leading the charge, along with Europe in open resistance. Thanks for holding fast.
On a separate note… if they raise the flag upside down, does that actually mean that it’s right side up?
Keklarious 🐸
Oh no. There goes my grip on reality again.
I'll have to check my local cop shops
I'm really curious.
Sassy & Big Lez did it 😂
Surely one of the greatest cartoon series ever created. As this is a cop thread I thought it might be appropriate to add this: https://youtu.be/U6Hkc9VGiXQ
Man I love all the episodes 👍🏽
Capital punishment for the worst offenders. They are mass murderers. Legal justice must mean that they reap what they sow.
AWESOME NEWS!!! The tide IS turning, and the elites smell like low-tide rotten fish 👍🏽
Australian police have been by far, the biggest scum during this jabdemic. 2 years later and these nitwits ask for help? Twats
Aa stated in a previous post, I talked to a cop at a march on Saturday who said if he wasn’t wearing his uniform he’d be marching with us. The worm is turning frens! Looking forward to seeing them march with us IN uniform though, one can hope... Edit to add: Alex Cooney who formed Cops for Covid Truth has been a brilliant influence. https://www.copsforcovidtruth.com/
Where? Where are the reports? Do you have any source links?
That is one flag at one police station. What we see here is hope and opinion—not real news until sourced.
Should be too late for them. They are the ones that "enforce" the dictatorial mandates of the government.
I feel the cops are starting to sniff what’s coming here in Oz.
Heard Bosi’s Q and A today. He acknowledged there are good cops out there and society does have a need for morally decent cops. But he did emphasise the corrupt pigs and the ones that’ve committed violence against the innocent with be in jail soon enough. And not a special cop jail, they’ll be in general population. There they’ll meet their karma.
Good for them. STAND UP!! It's never too late to do the right thing
I hope the police down there have greater numbers than their military does.
No reason to think the military wouldn't follow suit, yeah the generals might be cucked, but the soldiers have a mind of their own.
Your right. There also might be a great number of soldiers that join in as well.
That's normal. It's because they're on the upside down part of the planet.
The cops don't even carry guns there, c'mon man.
You missed them shooting non lethal rounds at civilian protesters at the Shrine of Remembrance? https://youtu.be/qnWWlywdVgo I believe an AR15 is a gun... https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/police-to-get-high-powered-guns-in-drive-to-sweep-terror-off-streets-20191218-p53l04.html
From your article you posted:
“Police officers will not be patrolling the streets with the rifles as part of general duties," he said.
"Unless they are responding to a critical incident, the rifles will be securely stored at the police station or in vehicles and the community won’t see them.”
They all carry pistols mate. Every single one of them. They’ve been busting out the ARs for “critical incidents” such as freedom rallies and construction worker’s protests.
Wrong they do carry guns ...
They have rifles and shotguns secured at the station, but they don't patrol with guns. Only federal police carry guns there.
Mate, pistols are guns. They all wear hip holsters. I live in Australia. My brother in law was a sergeant. My Dad’s best mate another retired sergeant.
I have no idea, I can only hope!
If not shopped that's cool as fuck
Symbolism will be their downfall? Flags are symbols
They should run Premiers Annastacia Palaszczuk (QLD), Dan Andrews (VIC) and Michael Gunner (NT) up the flag pole, upside down. Leave them hanging till they are just mere wind socks. Acutally do it with the whole lot of them in Parliament, will make for novel Christmas decorations. That should alleviate some of the distress we Aussies are feeling.
Hurry the fuck up!