These people think they know how to troll/make analogies. I need someone with a LinkedIn account to tear this analogy apart. Let’s just say I can’t comment because it would link back to me and my employment.
So what I’ve came up with is this…
99.97% of people are equipped with “all season tires” which have been around forever and have proved their effectiveness.
These “winter tires” have not been fully tested which is why people don’t trust them.
Data shows that everyone’s “all season tires” are more effective than these not fully tested “winter tires”
These winter tires are proving to be ineffective and are blaming the blowouts and accidents which cause injury and death on those who have summer tires.
The “winter tire company” is downplaying “all season tires” and not disclosing their data, requesting to keep data hidden for 50+ years, and stating that the “all season tire” data is misleading or false
What’s better than these winter tires being forced upon us? Well, obviously our all seasons, learning how to drive in the snow [finding effective vitamins and meds that work] or even “tire chains” [IVM/HCQ] on any type of tire.
These winter tire companies along with help are desperately attempting to heavily restrict, if not ban, the use of tire chains AND are developing (I mean stealing the design) their own type of tire chains
These winter tires shed some type of debris on the road which is hazardous to all, even the drive with those winter tires
These winter tires don’t last more than three months, if that, and then have to change them out again and again
Nobody really knows what material these ineffective winter tires are even made from
Don’t blame your cheap and ineffective winter tires not working on those who you think drive on summer tires in the winter time. Maybe you should learn to drive in the snow or put chains on rather than blaming others
I’m not anti winter tires… my natural all seasons are proven better than your ineffective winter tires.
If you’re so worried about these drivers than maybe you should just stay home and not drive in the snow
Honestly I think a better car analogy could work but leftist would hate it. Putting mrna in your body through injection is like putting brake fluid in your gas tank. The wrong substances in the wrong places will wreak havoc on your car and body.
Not only ineffective, it's a new model that's only been around a year, based on a brand new technology with no track record, and so far 1/10K users had catastrophic delamination at high speed.
But consider that in the Firestone case, when just 1 in 140K tires delaminated they had to do a massive recall and nearly went bankrupt. But that's only because they didn't think to get liability waivers.
jDon't worry, if the first 3 shots don't work to their ends, (some people will have natural 'resistance') there will be a 'patch' shot with a different formulation to address 'variants' coming down the pipe.
The vax is more like putting that slime crap into your flat daily driver tire. It more than likely won't work, high chance it will clog the valve stem, it's going to eventually rot out the rim, and it will piss off the tire guy who has to fix it (protein spike).
That's a good one. I used to say it's like brake fluid in the gas tank since putting substances in the wrong place will cause havoc in both car and body.
Right, I live in FL so I didn't even know snow tires were a thing, but the way to beat an bad analogy argument is by using the old "you're comparing apples to oranges" response like you did. There's almost no good comeback.
This reminds me of when the mask Nazis started comparing masks to seatbelts. Not even remotely the same.
Fuck it, grind up a few winter tires and throw some aborted babies in the mix and shove that needle right into my arm. Ive been convinced 👏🏻 IVE SEEN THE COVID VAX LIGHT
well color me a pussy then. I proudly sport winter tires, and summer tires on my suv. My Pickup tires are offroad / mud tires and i never switch them. Yet they're more expensive than both sets of my suv tires.. because Merica! No, but really. My truck needs an aggressive tire year round to tow my various trailers in the crazy ass locations that i bring them to.
I love my snow tires. Traction for driving up and down the mountains of NH. You will quickly realize the value of them. However, most people drive like idiots and probably need them anywhere there is snow / ice. I see validity personally when it comes to mountains and harsh weather locations.
I just bought just two winter tyres for the front on my front wheel drive car. The two steel wheels I put them on are second hand. My car has done 220 K miles. I am not extravagant, I just don't want to slide into anything.
Here in the north, we save money to pay for heating fuel by making tires out of snow. Southerners used to copy the look awhile back...they called them whitewalls.
I live in Indiana. Fuck your snow tires. Anyone that needs snow tires, to drive safely and effectively in the snow should stay home in such conditions.
I lived in Indiana and can attest. They are not needed there. I'm now in the northeast in the mountains. If you drive without them, you might be retarded, depends on where you live I guess.
When Quebec propossed Winter tires mandatory they paid out 25% less accident claims in the first Winter. BTW, Quebec has no fault insurance. When you realize how badly insurance companies have overcharged all this time. Only good times ahead.
Inject 'safe and effective' experimental nano-bot-spikes into your existing tires and you will be protected from all driving hazards (not responsible for tire scarring, wheel seizure or rubber shedding).
Karma is coming for you Kevin. Your tires will fail you and winter will remove you from the face of the earth. Sunshine would have kept you healthy, but your kind thrives in shadows.
A better comparison would be that you were forced to use winter tires regardless of the weather, and then you’d be forced to buy new tires every six months. Also your neighbours who don’t have a car are forced to buy them for your’s to work. There. Fixed it.
So is this clown admitting that winter tires kill tens of thousands of people who otherwise would have had a 99.9 chance of being just fine? Also he needs to look up the term 'false analogy' and read it very carefully, twice. I guess you don't need much education to sell tires. I get it, Firestone is very jealous of others making a killing during the holidays and nobody wants tires for Christmas.
Hey Polska, I live in Texas and don't need any of that shit! Well, up until last February. Anyway, I put chains on my tires, and that's like a mask for them, so checktard!
I know that no state bans winter tires. Tires are not banned for being 3 Peak Mountain Snow Flake and/or M+S rated, they are banned to stop the wear that studs cause to roadways.
Easy enough to prove me wrong - Find a single state that bans non-studded tires based on their 3PMSF and/or M+S rating.
My road to work has a flashing light indicating chains or snow tires rare required. I wouldn't let a fancy metal sign with flashing lights tell me how to live my life.
Oddly enough his first bullet point is spot on. The rest mostly misrepresent the fact that the vax is fully tested and proven. As an aside, I live in Calgary and don’t use winter tires.
Love the comparison between what truly is a luxury accessory and injecting experimental compounds into your one and only circulatory system. How fucking smooth does your brain have to be to think these are even comparable in any way? Let's try.
Most normal people don't buy "winter" tires. They get by with the one set they have and they trust that their vehicle will still stop in the snow. Kinda like how those of us with immune systems have taken the risk that our bodies will stop the infection without injecting ourselves with "winter tires".
These people think they know how to troll/make analogies. I need someone with a LinkedIn account to tear this analogy apart. Let’s just say I can’t comment because it would link back to me and my employment.
So what I’ve came up with is this…
(Mic Drop)
You can remove winters tires from your car after installing them...
It amazes me that anyone would stray from the factory all-weather, all-season, all-terrain set.
Someone doesn't live on a mountain.
Someone doesn't understand analogy.
Lol! Love your post! Kek
Have a hundred upvotes, anon.
That. Was. Epic.
Mike drop, indeed!
The false equivalencies in the poorly thought out meme above are driving me nuts especially since I'm a car guy and in the industry.
Injecting something into your body is in no way equivalent to putting a higher-performance part on a fucking machine...
Not saying snow tires are not effective. They are. It’s just these snow tires with little data being pushed on us are extremely ineffective
End of discussion
Nor do they cause the oil to clump up, block passages nor cause permanent head damage.
Honestly I think a better car analogy could work but leftist would hate it. Putting mrna in your body through injection is like putting brake fluid in your gas tank. The wrong substances in the wrong places will wreak havoc on your car and body.
Wish I could give a Golden Updoot once per month that would automatically make a post the top comment. This one would get it.
Lmao! I love you, rooftop 😂😂
Not only ineffective, it's a new model that's only been around a year, based on a brand new technology with no track record, and so far 1/10K users had catastrophic delamination at high speed.
But consider that in the Firestone case, when just 1 in 140K tires delaminated they had to do a massive recall and nearly went bankrupt. But that's only because they didn't think to get liability waivers.
Experimental snow tires you can't take off and don't actually work lol
Also Tire chain are an alternative. Kind of like ivermectin and hqc
jDon't worry, if the first 3 shots don't work to their ends, (some people will have natural 'resistance') there will be a 'patch' shot with a different formulation to address 'variants' coming down the pipe.
The vax is more like putting that slime crap into your flat daily driver tire. It more than likely won't work, high chance it will clog the valve stem, it's going to eventually rot out the rim, and it will piss off the tire guy who has to fix it (protein spike).
That's a good one. I used to say it's like brake fluid in the gas tank since putting substances in the wrong place will cause havoc in both car and body.
Right, I live in FL so I didn't even know snow tires were a thing, but the way to beat an bad analogy argument is by using the old "you're comparing apples to oranges" response like you did. There's almost no good comeback.
This reminds me of when the mask Nazis started comparing masks to seatbelts. Not even remotely the same.
Imagine once you put on your winter tires you will never be allowed to take them off.
That's the reason this analogy of his doesn't work.
You can always swap your tires out...
You can't undo the "vaccines."
Here’s the problem with those “snow tires”.
Sometimes right after putting on snow tires some cars have complete engine failure.
Anyhow, if you’re not using snow tires, my snow tires are not going to work, right?
Best reply here... These A.holes have zero logic...
The rest of their 'argument' is not relevant.
Winter tires sucks in the summer.
I'm from the south and I know this!!
Fuck it, grind up a few winter tires and throw some aborted babies in the mix and shove that needle right into my arm. Ive been convinced 👏🏻 IVE SEEN THE COVID VAX LIGHT
LOL, you need to find this post and put this reply on it.
And snow tires are for rich pussies.
well color me a pussy then. I proudly sport winter tires, and summer tires on my suv. My Pickup tires are offroad / mud tires and i never switch them. Yet they're more expensive than both sets of my suv tires.. because Merica! No, but really. My truck needs an aggressive tire year round to tow my various trailers in the crazy ass locations that i bring them to.
Im probably just poor 😂 its cool you get an exempt too
I personally prefer snow chains but that's just me.
My Volkswagen is a piece of shit in the snow unless I have snow tires.
Ill grant an exception
Maybe it never snows in Germany?
They make tracks and chains that will save you a little effort.
Unless one of yall have them, then its fine you are exempt
I love my snow tires. Traction for driving up and down the mountains of NH. You will quickly realize the value of them. However, most people drive like idiots and probably need them anywhere there is snow / ice. I see validity personally when it comes to mountains and harsh weather locations.
I just bought just two winter tyres for the front on my front wheel drive car. The two steel wheels I put them on are second hand. My car has done 220 K miles. I am not extravagant, I just don't want to slide into anything.
They are great in the rain!
Ivermectin is my drug of choice.
I live in Louisiana. Fuck your snow tires.
Los Angeles here, what are "snow tires"?
Here in the north, we save money to pay for heating fuel by making tires out of snow. Southerners used to copy the look awhile back...they called them whitewalls.
Hell I'm from Detroit, what are snow tires?
We have salt.
I live in Indiana. Fuck your snow tires. Anyone that needs snow tires, to drive safely and effectively in the snow should stay home in such conditions.
I lived in Indiana and can attest. They are not needed there. I'm now in the northeast in the mountains. If you drive without them, you might be retarded, depends on where you live I guess.
You should live in a place that gets actual snow
Tire chains are cheaper anyway and easier to take on and off. No need for special tires.
New Jersey, Had no idea snow tires were a thing and we get a decent amount of snow.
When Quebec propossed Winter tires mandatory they paid out 25% less accident claims in the first Winter. BTW, Quebec has no fault insurance. When you realize how badly insurance companies have overcharged all this time. Only good times ahead.
Kevin is a faggot. Tires save lives.
I stand with winter tires.
I happily pay a thousand dollars for a set of great winters. All i need is common sense to get there.
You couldn't pay me to be vaccinated and i don't do it even though it's free.
Tells you everything you need to know.
Can someone photoshop a few fallen soccer players in there?
KEK!! I can put those in there as well 🤣🤣
Post a link back here when your done?! Pls!
Winter tires don't fuck up your engine or total your car
Sounds cool until they glitch and start devouring the planet until the earth is a swarm of nano bots that will wipe out all life in the universe.
Hey buddy, if you don’t put chains on your car tires then the chains on my tires won’t work!
Karma is coming for you Kevin. Your tires will fail you and winter will remove you from the face of the earth. Sunshine would have kept you healthy, but your kind thrives in shadows.
A better comparison would be that you were forced to use winter tires regardless of the weather, and then you’d be forced to buy new tires every six months. Also your neighbours who don’t have a car are forced to buy them for your’s to work. There. Fixed it.
It's dangerous to force children to drive on experimental snow tires.
Winter tires were invented to save lives. That is the one thing they don't have in common with the vexxine.
So is this clown admitting that winter tires kill tens of thousands of people who otherwise would have had a 99.9 chance of being just fine? Also he needs to look up the term 'false analogy' and read it very carefully, twice. I guess you don't need much education to sell tires. I get it, Firestone is very jealous of others making a killing during the holidays and nobody wants tires for Christmas.
I bet the paper he wrote the rough draft on has mayonnaise on it
You do realize he is mocking us, right?
See my first comment in this thread
I saw after posting. Sorry, and thanks
Every time I see one of these I worry they are going to diea of myocardial issues within weeks.
These headlines write themselves.
I hope this guy gets a booster shot every month
how many months will he make it?
Hey Polska, I live in Texas and don't need any of that shit! Well, up until last February. Anyway, I put chains on my tires, and that's like a mask for them, so checktard!
Have a great day, Czech/Irish!
I experienced the snow storm as well 🤣🤣
Unlike others, I managed just fine
Certainly a pedo if any of you autists want to dig in. His name is right there.
Lmao. Snow tires are outlawed in my state.
Studded tires are outlawed.
That’s what I meant, sorry.
I was hoping someone would jump on Studs/Spikes = Spike Proteins because I can't figure out the analogy myself.
it depends on the state
I didn't say that studded tires are outlawed everywhere.
I only corrected that his state bans studded tires,not snow tires.
Plenty of states still allow studs (some only seasonally).
So you know what state he lives in, and the state laws? Impressive.
I don't need to know what state he lives in.
I know that no state bans winter tires. Tires are not banned for being 3 Peak Mountain Snow Flake and/or M+S rated, they are banned to stop the wear that studs cause to roadways.
Easy enough to prove me wrong - Find a single state that bans non-studded tires based on their 3PMSF and/or M+S rating.
So wait they are saying that winter tires should be mandatory too? The liberals have truly liberated themselves from liberty.
I guess even during summer seasons
My road to work has a flashing light indicating chains or snow tires rare required. I wouldn't let a fancy metal sign with flashing lights tell me how to live my life.
Winter tires are mandatory in many parts of the world with cold winters.
I lived in Erie, ironically winter tires are a joke.
Here is an Erie joke:
If you live in Erie County New York, (ie. Buffalo,NY), I feel sorry for you with those snow belt winters.
If you’re in Erie, Pennsylvania you’re also getting hit with some pretty bad snow.
But if you’re actually living IN Lake Erie, well you’re a popsicle.
winter tires with studs not a joke
If I don't, will I be demonised by the media as a 'pandemic of the non winter tire people'?
Will I be denied entry to certain businesses and venues if I refuse to change my tires?
If I do buy winter tires and they fail, can I sue the manufacturer?
How many sets of tires do I have go through but I am deemed 'fully wintered up'?
This is an apples to oranges comment done by a neckbeard...
But then again, you all know this.
How many test animals did the winter tires kill?
Oddly enough his first bullet point is spot on. The rest mostly misrepresent the fact that the vax is fully tested and proven. As an aside, I live in Calgary and don’t use winter tires.
Love the comparison between what truly is a luxury accessory and injecting experimental compounds into your one and only circulatory system. How fucking smooth does your brain have to be to think these are even comparable in any way? Let's try.
Most normal people don't buy "winter" tires. They get by with the one set they have and they trust that their vehicle will still stop in the snow. Kinda like how those of us with immune systems have taken the risk that our bodies will stop the infection without injecting ourselves with "winter tires".