My mother is continuously talking about how she wishes I was vaccinated, my sister references it constantly, and today my dad as well. I've lost all my friends now and only know of my aunt, wife, and one other person not vaccinated. Nearly everyone thinks I'm insane and in my city I can't go to any non essential business. Haven't been to a gym or eaten at a restaurant or seen any other people in 3 months. I feel like I am in prison and going insane, yet they keep beating me down and there are even new restrictions coming to control us... even though I basically just stay home and work from home and can't do anything, yet people llike my parents are travelling and going to concerts and obviously spreading the virus more than I am from my home prison...
My serious question is what the fuck is wrong with these people? They don't seem to care that we've become a 2 class society, they don't understand the QR codes are obviously an attempt at control, and they do not realize that if they choose to draw their own line in the sand at 3 or 50 vaccines, then they will also be ostracized.
Why are they so obsessed with these fucking vaccines? They seem brainwashed, and they are, but how did it get this bad!?
Where can I go? I'm in Canada. Is it possible to move to Texas or Florida without work lined up?
Fear and groupthink are the shackles they are bound with.
Home/land values in TX/FL to the moon 🚀 🌙...!
Not in rural east Texas. Cheap af here
I live in the blue dems area of Texas in the south near the bay, a rural area. Let's say all those Vote for biden and build better w/e bs signs are all gone! LOL! I've been renting a house for 800$ a month. It's 4-5 bedrooms 1700 sq ft. When I lived in Cali same house would be over 3-4k a month. So cheap af!
I’m in NE Texas. Have you tried to buy land lately or had your home value re-evaluated lately?
I bought my 4 br house in February for 140k; just had it appraised last week for 145k. So yes it’s going up
Yes. They are brainwashed, the same way that people are brainwashed into believing the Earth is boiling or that race is about skin color. It’s all to push everyone towards global communism and fall under (one) totalitarian rule.
They are turning into zombies. I hope they are the slow zombies. Not the fast zombies. They freak me out.
these zombies won't be able to run their hearts will give out like all those athletes
Hope so.
Yea aggression is one thing but I’d much rather have it in a ‘walking dead’ like zombie than a ‘21 days later’ zombie- fuuuhuuuck thaaat kek
Totally! Slow zombies are easy, just walk away. Fast zombie? Hell nah! Those things don’t get tired. No thank you.
I’m with you; homie don’t play that lol cuz if they start wwz stacking...I’m burning this whole bitch to the ground haha
This whole thing has made me realize that people are just so gullible and stupid. They might have book smarts, but they don’t have any discernment of the truth. I have lost so much respect for people in general
Yup. I’ll never look at some family and friends the same ever again.
This. I’m not sure I’ll ever be who I was again. I don’t forget easily, I wanted a career and friends and to be part of society. Now I just want to build a tiny house off grid and fuck off with my kids.
A tiny house with your kids = heaven.
I love my kids more than any thing but this is a statement from someone who doesn't have young kids lol.
Lol, so true.
Perfect opportunity right now to improve yourself until this madness goes away. Online classes - learn a new trade, get continuing education in your field to improve your promote-worthiness, develop a high skill level in a favorite hobby - while the others are groupthink-confiming their jab decisions and feelings of superiority with each other. You will come out ahead, feel better about your future and dwell less on what you 'can't' do vs what you 'can'. And you will be setting a great example for your kids to use when life seems to act against them in their future.
Yep. I def feel I don't belong here anymore. I will gladly go when the Lord calls me home.
Wide is the path that leads to destruction. We are lucky that we don’t fit in
Sadly, this is me too now. I try my hardest not to be judgemental, but I can't help viewing my vaxxed relatives and friends as a sort of lower life-form now. I don't know how to trust people who are so unable to see the painfully obvious lies everywhere. I don't know how to trust people who are happy with Apartheid, who talk without shame about discrimination, who see no problem with dismissing human rights legislation, who refuse to see coercion when people have the right to work, travel, breathe freely removed because they won't "consent" to an obviously dangerous experimental modification of one's DNA. I have a friend whose wife volunteered to be a jabber, I can't bear to even contemplate talking to him and her anymore. The brainwashing is so bad, I feel like I don't know them anymore. I loathe the animals who did this to my previously near and dear. Nothing short of public hangings will start to set right the wrongs that have been done.
I deal with this too. Try your best to view them as sheep who have just been led astray. Jesus is the shepherd, and we are the sheepdogs trying to help Him keep them safe. Look at them with pity rather than disgust
I view vaxholes as subhumans now. It’s fucked up but I can’t help but view them as low IQ idiots.
Book smart never get when people are lying to them. Street smarts know everyone is lying.
Yup. First it was a shock, then disgust, now it is disappointment and sadness. Rifts I thought impossible are now chasms that will never close.
The Lord said that His Word would divide families. If we extend His "Word" to refer more broadly to the individual liberty He espoused vs. the compulsion espoused by Lucifer, we can see this happening very clearly before our eyes.
Christ is freedom, the devil is compulsion. That is what makes communism, socialism, and most government programs evil, no matter their intent.
Same and especially doctors!
Yeah, I used to trust doctors 100%. So happy to be awakened to it now, bc it’s been going on forever. I just had no clue prior to all this
Also living in communist Canada here.. please don’t move just yet! There are more of us than you realize. People are starting to wake up.
Why are they so obsessed? They’re scared. Simply put. They think vaccines will set us free and will conflate the Wu Flu with polio and smallpox. They believe the news, and the narrative. Trust the $cience is their religion. Remember, a lot of Canadians are.. well… stupid. You know, you’ve witnessed it. Maybe it’s all the maple syrup, maybe it’s our brain injuries from hockey, but we aren’t all bright. Also, we just don’t appreciate FREEDOM here, like our awesome neighbours to the south. We’ve never had to fight for it, and now our country is overrun with commies, with Justin Castreau selling our country to China.
Vaccine-free people are usually not scared or glued to CTV/CBC fake news or Fakebook, and we know it’s just a matter of time for enough evidence and whistleblowers to come out, resulting in the majority of Canadians waking up. Remember, just because someone took the experimental jibby jab, doesn’t mean they agree with where our country is going. They will often keep their silence to avoid any public shaming, but they know this compliance is wrong.
Hunker down fren, these morons will mostly wake up, or die off, then we got a HUGE, BEAUTIFUL country to enjoy with our American brothers and sisters hopefully visiting often!
Upvote for vaccine free!
"Don't flee the Soviet Union bro, the Bolsheviks will eventually go away. Hunker down and resist the communists! There are more in the white army than you realize, we'll take back our country yet!"
Proceeds to get thrown in gulag.
Literally this is a concern.
I thought you were literally in Canada eh?
hang in there. Start prepping, find others,
I’m in Communist Canada as well. Land of the Liberal Lunatics!
Remember we have the truth on our side. You will never be able to argue with these people, they need to wake up on their own.
The issue is that they can’t hide their crimes forever.
Upvote for the maple syrup :D
The Americans should never have stopped at the 49th parallel and allowed the British to keep Canada. I say you all cede from the British Crown and join us yanks south of your border. One big happy family!
We have enough third world trash now
Sorry to hear about the isolation. I am in the US but a very blue area. I took early retirement to avoid the vaccine and it really pissed off some close friends and co workers. It is essentially a cult they belong in and hence the cognitive dissonance you cause them is where the hostility is coming from. If you stay strong eventually you can break the spell. You do have to try and move on which is hard. Lead by example, as I think they don't change based on reason alone. Canada is hard because the government control is greater. I have slowly won friends back over when I live normally and they see that life can go on when we choose to move on. This community helped me in the dark times but for me personally I am slowly trying to deprogram some friends where there was a lot of vax conflict.
So you're saying we have to scare them out of it?
I have a feeling that circumstances coming will take care of scaring the shit out of them.
You ever read history, re: the amazingly disastrous utopias built in Europe and Russia during the early to mid 20th century and wonder how so many people fell for it and supported it?
Just watch your family and you'll understand.
What I've learned is you really cant understand it until you've witnessed it.
Living through this makes me almost feel sorry for the Germans. MK Ultra and soaking in daily propaganda is a hell of a thing.
I always pictured all the citizens huddling in fear in their homes when the tyrants take over. Actually the truth appears to be that half the citizens just turn into assholes. Makes a lot of sense too. How could you do a tyranny with everyone huddling in fear? Even huddling in fear is a kind of resistance. You need to turn half the people into the asshole enforcers.
yeah, you have to understand that for the nazis to be that "successful" they heavily relied on citizen help. Ratting out your "dissenting" neighbors for benefits, not buying from jews, ratting out jews, turning a blind eye to the trucks picking up their friends. Compliance was key.
The masks sure help make people feel like they are anonymous, like they are on their phone or something) dehumanized and nasty.
But we wear other clothing it's not different! /fuccccckkkkk my brain hurts just typing that
You wouldn't call wearing pants dehumanizing!
*well actually... I would but I definitely want people wearing pants we don't need to be THAT human....
I saw a great Jordan Peterson clip. He said "I've been telling my students for years now that there is a terrible, TERRIBLE lesson from Nazi Germany, and it is one that not many people seem able to accept. The lesson is "YOU ARE THE NAZI", that's why it is such a terrible lesson"
Basically, it was ordinary people like us who were the population of Nazi Germany. They were not black-hearted monsters, they were just people. Common or garden people. Goering was very open about what they did at the Nuremburg trials. He was asked how the Nazis managed to get the most well-educated population in Europe to go along with the regime. Goering chuckled and said "That was the easiest thing of all! All you have to do is get the people really frightened and then you can do anything you like"**
Psalm 1 Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.
We should all meditate on the lord. A good beginner meditation is to recite the lord's prayer (preferably in latin, it's not hard to memorize) be in bed, lying down on your back, eyes closed. Recite the lord's prayer in your head for 1 hour, deeply feel each verse, contemplate it but stay focused on the prayer, don't let your mind wander and if it does, go back to reciting.
It is hard for people to admit they were wrong. Their hostility is because the longer you hold out, the worse they feel about themselves. But there is an escape hatch for them, they truly did not know enough when they took the shots. They were deceived by the government.
The question is can you guide them to that escape hatch? Even though the message is it isn’t their fault will they be open to listening and understanding they were deceived? There is hope and unexpected people are waking up.
Actually had a couple of normies tell me everyone they know has become fed up and in their words “are over it!” Both live in deep blue states. They said they refused the booster. One said they actually told their doctor they hoped to catch Omicron and finally get real immunity. So maybe there is hope.
This booster shit is going over like a fart in an elevator with 95% of people.
Thank God for that!
First, your never going to change them, and second, what you can change is the location of your butt. Don't know where you are, but Florida, Texas, and Tennessee are places with lots of freedoms the northern states can only dream of.
He’s in Canada.
The vaxx is the dangling carrot for the donkeys... the promise that they may get their old life back if they comply. As the vaccine status will have a "best before" date soon (in my country politicians demand a vaxx-update every 6 months, otherwise you lose your freedom again and will be regarded as unvaxxed), people like your parents will have to decide whether or not to take the 5th, 6th or 12th shot. Especially with suffering from side effects, this will lead to more people questioning the narrative and waking up.
I live in Europe and share the same experiences you have. No cinema, no museum, no hairdresser, no restaurant. Only food and drugstore. I am surrounded by vaxxed people who do not see the big picture and think I am crazy. Lost nearly all my friends.
But you can't comply yourself out of tyranny. Those who see have to path the way, thus stay strong.
If the White Hats really want to speed it up, make the governments start charging for the injections. Start with say $100 for the third booster.
Interesting when my son called a few nights ago he mentioned the vax. He and his wife got it, she's a nurse, and he had friends get really sick with the "Delta" variant and that really scared him, so he got the jab. He knows how I feel, and I'm not changing my mind. He "joked" about maybe he should be worried about the effect 5G will have on vaxed people.
Control freaks think that if everyone would just do what they say, then they'd be happy. Of course, it doesn't work that way because happiness is an internal state of being, and even though controlling those around them has never actually made them happy, they continue to think if they can just get everything the way they want it, then they'll be happy. Your choice, being contrary to theirs, makes them unhappy and that, in their way of thinking, is all your fault, so they whack on you because if you'd just get with their program, then they'd be happy.
They've probably always been like this, but it was likely subtle and sporadic until the virus fear element kicked in and now, because of their fear, they're in fulltime control freak mode.
“My sex change only works if YOU call me a woman too!”
“My mask only works if YOU wear a mask too!”
“My vaccine only works if YOU take the vax too!”
Notice the pattern here?
Definite control freaks.
Emperors new clothes
very accurate. The true solution to this madness is spiritual revolution, where people have epiphanies about true happiness coming from within and accepting things the way they are. It's the gap between what we desire and reality of what is, right now right here, that makes people suffer the most.
Come to Idaho. It’s pretty based here, although that is ever so slowly changing in the populated areas due to fuckheadfornians and dipshits from Oregon moving here en masse. We could use some more patriots to balance it out. Super lax gun laws here, including permitless concealed carry. More patriots moving here would help keep it that way.
Looking at Idaho myself.
Just a few things to consider: the huge amount of people moving here has caused the housing market to explode. Housing prices in my area have more than doubled in the last 5 years, and Idaho wages don’t really support the price hike. Probably fine if you are going to roll equity but I know a ton of people who are stuck in apartments and townhomes because they just can’t afford to buy a house. Other than that it’s great here.
It can’t be more expensive then King County lol
To put it in perspective, the house I bought last year for ~$340k is now worth ~$420k, but 4 years ago would’ve sold for ~$120k. If I was still working the same job I was 4 years ago, my wages would’ve only increased by $4.00/hr (my company gives cost of living raises yearly) in that timeframe.
Kuna, not too far from Boise. You?
I’m in Texas. Born and bred here.
I love it and have all the freedoms I choose to have right now. However, our state government is FUCKED. If we don’t facilitate changes in 2022, we will struggle HARD to remain a red state.
We just moved from Washington a year ago to Missouri and I love it here. Sure, I miss family a few friends, my mountains and ocean beaches, but it’s got other perks here that make up for it. Take a look at Missouri. My brother’s family also fled Washington and they landed in South Dakota and sounds like they are happy with the state.
Losing a lot of amazing, based friends from California to Idaho. You’ve gained some truly amazing people too! 🥰
We’re definitely experiencing some growing pains here with everyone moving in, but I just hope that we’re getting more patriots than not!
We’ve considered moving too (I’m in Northern CA). But we feel like we need to stay and fight the tyrant here, especially with so many patriots leaving the state.
We are pulling the kids from public school, participating in rallies, getting involved where we can. My husband risks losing his job but we are praying for breakthrough and an end to the tyranny.🙏
I’m in Texas. Unsure about the real estate landscape but the state is HUGE. Covid has basically been over here for the last year or so. Still got the ones wearing masks but it’s not too bad.
If they watch a lot of tv.. definitely brain washed. My family is also brain washed. During thanksgiving, I just asked them the questions. Like, “why are vaccinated people still getting sick? Like how does that happen?” Or “what’s in the vaccine? I’d like more research.” They had zero answers for me, and I think my quizzing them on things they have no idea about but “should”, they backed off. Act a little coy and smooth brained, ask them questions and go from there.
odds are they'll just tell you to "Look it up" happens for both parties and annoys the shit out of me. just fucking tell me or do it yourself i aint tainting my browser history full of perfectly good femboys with your shot ingredients
I’ve been sending my mom and my in laws articles to wale them up on vaccine damage to the body.
LOL my in laws are die hard Dem supporters, and just can't see the forest for the trees. They HATE Trump that much!
Their "usual" response is "...but I won't get covid as BAD since I have the jab". Go figure. They still haven't figured out that THEY are the ones spreading it and causing the variants.
that's when I hit them with the "but I thought it was suppose to prevent covid?" and just keep hitting them with it. When they bring up the "well the vax wears off over time, that's why we need the booster" I hit them with "how do you know it's wearing off? who is saying it?" lol Just keep asking questions to the point of annoyance. they will leave you alone. I promise lol
My family and friends clam up when I start. Usually I ask them "What are you seeing that makes you think any of this is a good idea?" The typical answer is silence. None of them want to discuss.
I've even done it loudly with crowds when some store person offers me a mask. No one ever answers me.
I donno, maybe I scare people...
That's a awful way to die.
Fear and guilt works. They know it.
I am in Canada and unlike you I dont find it a big deal you cant go to the gym or to restaurants. You can still get take out you can go for a walk anywhere you want there are plenty of things to do for exercise and as far as restaurants you will get better food at home anywhere. If that makes people feel they are imprisoned then they are just too spoiled and have had too many things in their lives. Neither my husband or I are vaccinated but all our families are and there is no problem they say nothing about the vaccine so that is on your family it is not everyone. We moved to an island where there are only 1500 people and I think its great. We do not miss the restaurants at all.
I'm naturally introverted and spent a lot of time at home by choice even before the "pandemic", but I know people who severely need to get out and be around other people for their mental health. There's a reason suicide rate has been skyrocketing.
I have always preferred spending time quietly at home too but have been deliberately trying to go out more just to encourage people who see me that it is ok to move freely without a mask.
It’s different for a married couple than a young person. If it’s true that the IMF has funded Covid lockdowns through to January 1st, 2025, then think about what that means for a twenty-year-old versus a married couple. The government is potentially taking away half a decade from people here and for a lot of young people that is the years they meet their future partner. It’s a lot easier to ride out half a decade when you are older and built your whole home and family and routine and established your career but for young people? It is so cruel. They need to be able to socialize for those things to happen.
Agree. I am older, married, and also an introvert. But my un-injected patriot son, 25, would like to date and have a normal social life. Our whole family decided to relocate a couple years ago to a rural area, so he moved away from the group of friends he grew up with. Here’s a strong, good looking, intelligent young man who would like to get married and have a family if he could find the right woman. But says no woman is better than the wrong woman. Social interaction is more important when you are young and serves an important purpose. It’s a delicate dance, there’s a rhythm, something sparks, magic happens. For young adults forming the foundations of their lives, the state boot, 24/7 deceit and propaganda, and social shaming are dampers to normal human things like healthy romance or even casual friendship. Most of my son’s newer friendships are forged over agreement on the issues of the day — freedom vs tyranny — and these kinds of friendships are of a different substance than “Hey let’s go have a beer and hang out.” Everyone seems understand that these are not ordinary times and you need to choose your friends and confidants carefully.
Wrong. It is inhumane to lord allow people access to businesses in the city they pay taxes in. I miss hitting the gym and having friends and a pint at the pub. That doesn’t make me “spoiled”.
To be fair I have no friends left though and am saving a lot of money lol.
You’re missing the point completely. This is about freedom. When you comply it allows it to continue.
Validation by proxy, a drowning man will try to pull others down with him, unfortunately this is a fairly fundamental part of human psychology.
The more afraid they are about their actions, the more they will try to validate them by trying to include others in them to support and validate their own decisions/actions.
Fear, even on a minor subconscious level makes people do some really shitty things, fear makes people selfish, any emotion is better than fear as it truly is the mind killer.....
You need to stay where you are and change things. You are on the frontline
Move to any Red State in the US and you will be fine. The only person you need on your side is Jesus Christ. God Bless!
they're fucking terrified that they fucked up, and they don't want to be alone in the fuckup. Every person they can convince to join them means they can feel better about their mistake.
It's called Mass Formation:
30% of the population are severely affected/indoctrinated (“brainwashed”)
40% in the middle are persuadable
30% of us are immune for some reason
Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University in Belgium
Buy some weights at the places you can go to, get a strict home routine to exercise, work, and live your life. One of the most powerful things you can learn is how to live alone (but it's easier said than done - i did it but it wasn't easy). Study the Bible, pick up some new skills, educate yourself and stay on top of the issues. Make your life as best as it can be without the non-essentials. Be the best you can be, have people look at you and see how you are so much better than others, and be like "i want to be like you how did you do it?" and just smile and wink and tap your forehead when you say "no" to when they ask "are you vaxxed?"
To answer your last question, yes, just take a trip to mexico, buy a sombrero and walk across the border.
ya i know, i used to live their, glad i left when i did. Also, i think we should bring back the underground railroad.
They rather be a mule on a leash than a free horse.
Weird my mom who I had not talked too in a couple months out of left field sent me this email about the same topic. Totally passive aggressive. I was like what makes you think I’m not I just don’t go around talking about my medical history like you guys(rest of family.). I have better things to do. Maybe their chip programming is in sync lol
I’m not but who the f cares. I’m annoyed that people even think to talk about their medical history.
Your mom knows you're wannabe based but wants you to know the Darkside has cookies!
Bottom line, they're just not very bright. They don't know how to think. Their brains are broken. Get yourself and your wee family out of there asap if you can. Whatever you do working from home, it can probably be done south of the border. Get on it. I'm sorry it's been so difficult for you. It's hard to face the fact that people you love are numpties. But life is basically normal for a lot of people. You can be in that group too, if you choose.
i believe new vaccine rules for legal immigrants to the us, work visa/student visa holders, and people applying for green cards have to get jabbed up now somewhere in the process. now if you go in as an illegal alien, you don't have to jab and the us gov showers you with money and freebies. this isn't going to go on forever, however. God created the Earth and everything in it. He isn't going to allow the wickeds' plans to fully succeed. That would make God a failure, which is impossible. Romans 8:28 And we know that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose.
Be blessed
Missouri is still free except big cities requiring masks in some areas. Some are still so brainwashed they go along with it
Luke 12:53 They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law.”
Mark 13:12 “Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death.”
Revelation 2:10 Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown.
The local news stations are still pumping the fear mongering. It is literally an evil spell. We will need a hard stop on either electricity or the MSM for them to be freed.
Bro fly to Mexico, identify as a Mexican, walk over the border. You’ll be fine.
How I can’t get on a plane…
Their obsession is so crazy. If they're vaxxed, why do they care about what I do? They are so illogical and programmed.
I would wait until after midterms to come to see what election shenanigans the Democrats (well, and RINO's like we saw in GA) will try to pull. Desantis barely lost to this dude
Also, look at states/counties that do not use Dominion voting machines etc. and do not have Soros backed DA's or Sheriff's. The scum are letting criminals destroy cities and not charging them.
Hugs from CA - we are feeling the same here. It's literally like the twilight zone here.
It's possible, but hard.
But hard shouldn't stop you.
I'm right there with you man. Canadapede here.
Because the news is getting faker and sicker
I was gonna ask where you lived but you said Canada so that explains it. I have no problem as a retiree with no vax in my state. However, there are a few friends who will not come over to my home bc I am unvaxxed.
I really want to shake them up and ask them how they can get sick from me if I am NOT sick.
really want to shake them up and ask them how they can get sick from me if I am NOT sick.
They have been brainwashed to believe there are asymptomatic carriers and that the vaxx blocks infection. Thetefore since you are vaxx free and not outwardly sick by their logic you ARE the asymptomatic carrier.