The only "extraterrestrial" life they will discover are fallen angels. Then they will play it up how they are going to be our "saviors". Do not be deceived...
And it will happen with Satan and his " angels of light ". He will descend from the heavens ( thrown out ) and bring peace , safety and prosperity to all.
Exactly. Just watching this video which was posted earlier by Greekish: interesting how the UFO sightings coincided with satanic / globalist moves: Karl Marx, formation of the UN etc.
Some interesting observations I've noticed about people's heavy DMT reports, where they met the "machine elves". (very likely demons in their natural realm)
There seems to be a trend with creatures encountered nightmarishly harassing people until they submit, and perhaps related I've heard reports of these beings bouncing in and out of people, changing them "fixing". There's also reports of people coming back very different and seemingly given a purpose on earth. They eat healthier and are basically "on a mission from the dmt creatures". If you don't submit, you come back with a bad trip and heavy trauma. These are definitely not good creatures by in large. Lots of reports of people getting sliced up, etc.
I think it is a part of Gods message to us....that in the vast expanse of all that could be, God has given us the gift of the earth and all the parameters that make it possible. And as man searches and searches for something else out there what they are really searching for is God and i just feel like God has us search to learn, yes but also to find out how special we really are.
I mean its whatever. I’m not sitting here saying its for sure that way and i know its true...i couldnt certainly be wrong about being alone in the universe...just something i think makes sense if God were to try to communicate how special we are to us we would be surrounded by possibilIties of finding “ourselves” i.e. other civilizations and keep coming up empty all the while never realizing how special that makes us and the implications of that
It's weird that a bunch of atheists think Christians would be somehow in crisis about learning that the Creator was even more powerful than we thought because he put life elsewhere in the universe besides here.
But there's nothing in the BIBLE about life anywhere else in the universe.
WE are the ones created in God's image; and Jesus was sent to save US. For many believers, the existence of intelligent life on other planets seems to threaten that paradigm.
"Hey, no fair! I thought WE were the children of God! So, who was created by God in his image? Was it we, or these freaky-looking stumpy grayish green dudes with three spindly fingers, giant eggheads and googly eyes? And is Jesus a man, one of us like the Bible says, or one of them?!!?!? Or, did God have to create ANOTHER savior in the image of each intelligent species in the universe that fucks itself up???!?!?"
Our brains aren't particularly well suited for processing the existence of extraterrestrial beings, so we tend to get..."creative". ;)
There are a lot of different kinds of heavenly creatures, not just traditional Angels. And this whole universe is a bubble God made for us to play in, so yeah.
The book of Enoic(probably miss spelled that) was taken out during the Council of narcia. It very clearly tell the story of a guy going to another planet, getting taught things no human should know at that time and returning.
The only thing that was left in was that he became the grandfather of Methuselam who became the grandfather of Noah
In Genesis it says Enoch walked with God and he was no more.
There are many times the Bible actually does reference what are considered the sky people, or watchers.
The irony tho is that many of the stories of the Elohem, or powerful ones is likely talking about an ET influence charged by God to help guide humanity.
Right, I think it was ca. 4th century, the Council of Niceae, in modern day Nice, France. Constantine, the first Catholic Roman Emperor, wanted a single canon to unify the church. So they voted on which books were holy enough to make the cut. I would love to see some of the stuff that didn't make it! ;)
“And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”
Apocryphal books (disclaimer, also have errors like Bible) shed some light on this topic.
“And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”
God made worlds without end. We have brothers and sisters on many of them. Christ is the Savior of us all. Apocryphal books’ mention of the Watchers, in my estimation, refer to these peoples. They taught children of Adam to use metal etc. I know, Apocryphal books are a mix of truth and manipulated writings. The Bible is as well unfortunately, though not to the same extent as the Apocrypha. In the process of thousands of years the Cabal has manipulated and removed some of the text. It’s one reason Christ’s use of parables was so genius - not too different from Q’s riddles.
I think the question would be if those planets had or had not had a Christ figure incarnate on their planet yet. It could throw the Christian story of Christ being the Savior for all into question.
This is how I’ve heard it put by these scientists.
Could not Christ be the Savior of ALL his brothers and sisters? Including those on the ‘worlds without end’? Is not His Atonement infinite in its reach?
Christian doctrine says God made us in His image. So if we were to happen upon an alien species, which would have comparable or much higher intelligence that ours (which is the most likely outcome, making an interstellar journey is not easy) that would create a pot of questions. Do those beings have souls? Do they exist in the afterlife as well?
They're also made in his image. Although, imagine the Roman’s surprise to meet the head-shaping Mongol Huns for the first time (they would wrap their heads during development, elongating their skulls). They look fairly alien.
Now imagine a race of humans even further distant genetically and culturally. Hollywood corrupts our perspective on this subject - they don’t look like Hollywood’s version, but we’d think they look weird/different.
I don't think they would look like humans at all. I mean they evolved in an alien planet with probably a completely different climate, atmospheric make-up, gravity etc. Sci-fi films always portray aliens as humans with colourful makeup because of the practical limitations, reality might differ a lot.
The responses here would tend to bolster the argument that Christians would be in crisis learning that the Creator is not who they thought "him" to be.
That or Comms. Aliens have been decoded to symbolize 'foreign agents'. Aka Roswell was about Operation Paperclip, Nazi scientists. We call them Clowns.
Decode would indicate NASA shitting their pants regarding the Great Awakening.
Yep learned about this not long after high school ( early / mid 90s ). I've heard / read there were two ways it could be used.
The alien angle. This would cause mass panic, a massive jump in violent crime ( nobody gives a fuck we're all about to die ), but an assumed massive world wide suicide by religious folks. The aliens would tell us, there are no gods, just them ; they created us.
The other would be that each major area would have their individuals Gods showing themselves and basically proving each religion was the 'right' one = world wide holy war.
The target is the religious folks. You can't have a one world operational government and control with religion still in play. Religion gives people rights and say over their life.
Haven’t heard anyone else make the LOTR reference yet but we’re talking giants and monsters and high society spiritual beings and magic that seemed to disappear from the area normie humans stayed at. Easy comparison to make.
Wow thanks for the channel, looks promising. Ive barely dipped my toes yet into Tartaria. Giants and monsters are biblical so you bet I believe in them. Dog headed people you say? Like Dogmen? Like the ones Vic Cundiff documents on his podcast Dogman Encounters #yourwelcome and #nowayIwouldn’teverwanttomeetone
Unfortunately these most likely liberal dirtbag theologians will look down the nose at the human race and conclude they aren't ready for the truth. Similar to how liberal dirtbags conclude minorities are too dumb to get ID to vote.
They never DON'T project—either their own sins onto others, or what they're about to do (Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, etc.). Now watch this:
In Project Bluebeam, the plan is to use high-tech equipment to literally project onto the "salt layer" in the atmosphere movie-like images of supernatural beings, across the entire nation at once. This is designed to cause a mass psychotic/religious experience that too many would find undeniable, simply due to the widespread simultaneous experience of it.
Some pundits have written that [their] ultimate goal is to instill a new global religion to replace those of the past. Of course it goes without saying that it will be monstrously, incalculably evil, and most people won't fall for it, but there it is.
nothing everyone already knows aliens are real we would honestly be more concerned with if we shpuld call them his her ornthey or ze or some stupid shit…like we are long past the whole aliens thing
Whatever became of the news that the “intergalactic federation of planets” (or something like that) had made contact with the US and Israel? I assume now it was code but at the time it was comical, and very Star Trek-ish…
Well, they also hire artists to imagine what their probes will find, before sending the probes. Those artists are often surprised by how accurate their imaginations are!
IMO, it would not be as big a deal as some would like to think. This is not 1850. People understand that the universe is vast and that there must be other life forms.
I believe you are partially correct. Sometimes it's a human posting, other times it's a bot. Makes complete sense (and is relevant) in some comments and threads, and other times it's gibberish.
Kind of amusing as long as people understand that it's a 50/50 chance it's the bot they're replying to.
The only "extraterrestrial" life they will discover are fallen angels. Then they will play it up how they are going to be our "saviors". Do not be deceived...
And it will happen with Satan and his " angels of light ". He will descend from the heavens ( thrown out ) and bring peace , safety and prosperity to all.
Take heed, Do Not Be Deceived. Be prepared.
Strong Delusion as mentioned in the Bible!
Exactly. Just watching this video which was posted earlier by Greekish: interesting how the UFO sightings coincided with satanic / globalist moves: Karl Marx, formation of the UN etc.
Translation. NASA enlightens 24 theologians to study moloch and satan's other minions by using DMT.
Joe Rogan enters the chat
Some interesting observations I've noticed about people's heavy DMT reports, where they met the "machine elves". (very likely demons in their natural realm)
There seems to be a trend with creatures encountered nightmarishly harassing people until they submit, and perhaps related I've heard reports of these beings bouncing in and out of people, changing them "fixing". There's also reports of people coming back very different and seemingly given a purpose on earth. They eat healthier and are basically "on a mission from the dmt creatures". If you don't submit, you come back with a bad trip and heavy trauma. These are definitely not good creatures by in large. Lots of reports of people getting sliced up, etc.
A hallucinogen found in a couple of different plants.
One hundred million stars in our galaxy alone on the low end. Do you think we're the only planet with life in the galaxy?
Why do you believe we're the only planet with life in the galaxy?
I think it is a part of Gods message to us....that in the vast expanse of all that could be, God has given us the gift of the earth and all the parameters that make it possible. And as man searches and searches for something else out there what they are really searching for is God and i just feel like God has us search to learn, yes but also to find out how special we really are.
This is why Christians are looked at as crazy.
I mean its whatever. I’m not sitting here saying its for sure that way and i know its true...i couldnt certainly be wrong about being alone in the universe...just something i think makes sense if God were to try to communicate how special we are to us we would be surrounded by possibilIties of finding “ourselves” i.e. other civilizations and keep coming up empty all the while never realizing how special that makes us and the implications of that
There are probably species out there that would die upon coming into contact with water or oxygen.
How could we be the only planet in the galaxy with life?
Best way I’ve ever heard it put!
But there's nothing in the BIBLE about life anywhere else in the universe.
WE are the ones created in God's image; and Jesus was sent to save US. For many believers, the existence of intelligent life on other planets seems to threaten that paradigm.
"Hey, no fair! I thought WE were the children of God! So, who was created by God in his image? Was it we, or these freaky-looking stumpy grayish green dudes with three spindly fingers, giant eggheads and googly eyes? And is Jesus a man, one of us like the Bible says, or one of them?!!?!? Or, did God have to create ANOTHER savior in the image of each intelligent species in the universe that fucks itself up???!?!?"
Our brains aren't particularly well suited for processing the existence of extraterrestrial beings, so we tend to get..."creative". ;)
And The Vatican came out a few years ago saying that even if there were ETs not to worry because God created them too. Paraphrasing.
There are a lot of different kinds of heavenly creatures, not just traditional Angels. And this whole universe is a bubble God made for us to play in, so yeah.
The book of Enoic(probably miss spelled that) was taken out during the Council of narcia. It very clearly tell the story of a guy going to another planet, getting taught things no human should know at that time and returning.
The only thing that was left in was that he became the grandfather of Methuselam who became the grandfather of Noah
Enoch is how you spell it.
Correct. God made worlds without end. We have spiritual brothers and sisters on other planets ... and we are the Flintsones compared to some of them.
Look at the book of Enoch.
In Genesis it says Enoch walked with God and he was no more.
There are many times the Bible actually does reference what are considered the sky people, or watchers.
The irony tho is that many of the stories of the Elohem, or powerful ones is likely talking about an ET influence charged by God to help guide humanity.
Right, I think it was ca. 4th century, the Council of Niceae, in modern day Nice, France. Constantine, the first Catholic Roman Emperor, wanted a single canon to unify the church. So they voted on which books were holy enough to make the cut. I would love to see some of the stuff that didn't make it! ;)
You’re correct.
“And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”
Apocryphal books (disclaimer, also have errors like Bible) shed some light on this topic.
“And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.”
God made worlds without end. We have brothers and sisters on many of them. Christ is the Savior of us all. Apocryphal books’ mention of the Watchers, in my estimation, refer to these peoples. They taught children of Adam to use metal etc. I know, Apocryphal books are a mix of truth and manipulated writings. The Bible is as well unfortunately, though not to the same extent as the Apocrypha. In the process of thousands of years the Cabal has manipulated and removed some of the text. It’s one reason Christ’s use of parables was so genius - not too different from Q’s riddles.
We are not alone in the Universe, that is such an unconscionably self centered perspective it's disgusting
The written, and rewritten, written, rewritten bible? Depending on which King won a war?
Does it say that it is?
I think the question would be if those planets had or had not had a Christ figure incarnate on their planet yet. It could throw the Christian story of Christ being the Savior for all into question.
This is how I’ve heard it put by these scientists.
Could not Christ be the Savior of ALL his brothers and sisters? Including those on the ‘worlds without end’? Is not His Atonement infinite in its reach?
Christian doctrine says God made us in His image. So if we were to happen upon an alien species, which would have comparable or much higher intelligence that ours (which is the most likely outcome, making an interstellar journey is not easy) that would create a pot of questions. Do those beings have souls? Do they exist in the afterlife as well?
They're also made in his image. Although, imagine the Roman’s surprise to meet the head-shaping Mongol Huns for the first time (they would wrap their heads during development, elongating their skulls). They look fairly alien.
Now imagine a race of humans even further distant genetically and culturally. Hollywood corrupts our perspective on this subject - they don’t look like Hollywood’s version, but we’d think they look weird/different.
Would be a pretty gnarly sight, being attacked, hand to hand combat, by an army with long heads.
I don't think they would look like humans at all. I mean they evolved in an alien planet with probably a completely different climate, atmospheric make-up, gravity etc. Sci-fi films always portray aliens as humans with colourful makeup because of the practical limitations, reality might differ a lot.
The responses here would tend to bolster the argument that Christians would be in crisis learning that the Creator is not who they thought "him" to be.
Project Bluebeam
That or Comms. Aliens have been decoded to symbolize 'foreign agents'. Aka Roswell was about Operation Paperclip, Nazi scientists. We call them Clowns.
Decode would indicate NASA shitting their pants regarding the Great Awakening.
Yep learned about this not long after high school ( early / mid 90s ). I've heard / read there were two ways it could be used.
The alien angle. This would cause mass panic, a massive jump in violent crime ( nobody gives a fuck we're all about to die ), but an assumed massive world wide suicide by religious folks. The aliens would tell us, there are no gods, just them ; they created us.
The other would be that each major area would have their individuals Gods showing themselves and basically proving each religion was the 'right' one = world wide holy war.
The target is the religious folks. You can't have a one world operational government and control with religion still in play. Religion gives people rights and say over their life.
So basically it'll be a bunch of demons manipulating us but more directly than in the past.
Aliens; nah bruh. Nephilim; yeah bruh.
Archons, reptilians, and maybe advanced humans who escaped “west” like the Elves who left Middle Earth and live beyond the ice wall.
Shit man I can get down with that. Im novice with that material
All the pics in this Tartaria telegram group really get the noggin turning:
Haven’t heard anyone else make the LOTR reference yet but we’re talking giants and monsters and high society spiritual beings and magic that seemed to disappear from the area normie humans stayed at. Easy comparison to make.
I want to meet the dog headed people!
Wow thanks for the channel, looks promising. Ive barely dipped my toes yet into Tartaria. Giants and monsters are biblical so you bet I believe in them. Dog headed people you say? Like Dogmen? Like the ones Vic Cundiff documents on his podcast Dogman Encounters #yourwelcome and #nowayIwouldn’teverwanttomeetone
Unfortunately these most likely liberal dirtbag theologians will look down the nose at the human race and conclude they aren't ready for the truth. Similar to how liberal dirtbags conclude minorities are too dumb to get ID to vote.
No ID to VOTE, but VAX ID to eat out, see a movie, travel and purchase groceries.
They never DON'T project—either their own sins onto others, or what they're about to do (Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, etc.). Now watch this:
In Project Bluebeam, the plan is to use high-tech equipment to literally project onto the "salt layer" in the atmosphere movie-like images of supernatural beings, across the entire nation at once. This is designed to cause a mass psychotic/religious experience that too many would find undeniable, simply due to the widespread simultaneous experience of it.
Some pundits have written that [their] ultimate goal is to instill a new global religion to replace those of the past. Of course it goes without saying that it will be monstrously, incalculably evil, and most people won't fall for it, but there it is.
They think they are greater than God. They are not. It will be interesting when we all see them recognize the TRUTH.
That would be like, so hot. Infernally hot.
You’re talking out your ass. They very well could have convincing technology.
Plot twist: they're not aliens. They're demons.
....and it turns out DOOM was prophetic.
This! ☝🏻
Nephilim coming soon to a theater near you...
A great delusion that would trick even the elect IF that were possible.
And maybe you'd like to become one? We have the technology...
This is just government payoff for these religious leaders that towed the line on covid.
Jesus is coming SOON!
there IS extraterrestrial life. we KNOW there are beings in Heaven.
pretty simple, imo.
But aliens aren't God, only God is God.
you don't know the definition of extraterrestrial life?
are you aware of angels?
they are just that.
Angels DO exist. the Bible tells me so.
Why is INVITATION TO SEX CLUB popping up in the comments?
Deport button is effective.
Very, already made use of :)
Spambots. ((The Cabal)) is running out of human shills to brigade us so they have to resort to botnets
When things are about to go crazy we always get crazy spam. Just keep reporting them by clicking "Deport"
Thanks for that!
It's the only thing in his profile. Just repetitions of the same sex ad. I have notified the mods.
The tinfoil hat crowd would give the world the largest collective told you so in human history.
Considering what we've been put through, I will express mine with some ripe Anglo Saxon terminology - even if I have to repent afterwards.
nothing everyone already knows aliens are real we would honestly be more concerned with if we shpuld call them his her ornthey or ze or some stupid shit…like we are long past the whole aliens thing
What a coincidence...
24 is how many "faces" are on the "soccer ball" of the Army Vaccine
Post 24 also references all the clowns not seeking re-election.
I hope they can get Matthew McConaughey to re-play his role as Palmer Jess.
Whatever became of the news that the “intergalactic federation of planets” (or something like that) had made contact with the US and Israel? I assume now it was code but at the time it was comical, and very Star Trek-ish…
Well, they also hire artists to imagine what their probes will find, before sending the probes. Those artists are often surprised by how accurate their imaginations are!
Just check the JPL job sites.
IMO, it would not be as big a deal as some would like to think. This is not 1850. People understand that the universe is vast and that there must be other life forms.
Before convid hit the enemy was already planting seeds for their psychosis of “antivaxxers”.
This plandemic scam isn’t obviously working. I wonder if they are moving to the next phase:
Getting ready for the Great Deception?
An attempt to use "wider tube" to share their poison fake narrative?
Sun explosions are not big enough?
Something big is coming. And we know - it's NOT UFO.
GITMO activated?
They have a psyops plan in place tantra to convince people. The extra terrestrial are spirit beings called devil spirits.
I need to stock up on the alien candy popcorn for the Blue Beam show.
So you mean to tell me that we've been experiencing UFOs publicly for 50ish years and nobody thought to do this yet? Fat fuckin chance lol
Plot twist: Jesus is also an alien and he's still alive
Usually you are coherent
We are wondering off the script, when we talk extra guests in the house.
Where are they? Happy to send a welcome party to greet them.
You didn't answer my question
what was that discord you deleted?
What script
Perhaps, JIC recite the following: "Klaatu Barada Nikto"... Ya just never know... 😊
OMG, sumbuddy that hasn't seen the 50s The Day the Earth Stood Still... 👀
A classic film that held earth in judgement for the madness, but saved by the actions of a few sane folks.
I believe you are partially correct. Sometimes it's a human posting, other times it's a bot. Makes complete sense (and is relevant) in some comments and threads, and other times it's gibberish.
Kind of amusing as long as people understand that it's a 50/50 chance it's the bot they're replying to.