I'm always impressed with folks who can do that sort of thing. I've been seeing a lot of 1st amendment audits on YT shorts lately and it's so hard to watch these little tyrants try and bully citizens for filming public servants on public land. I know some of them are not truly there because they're trying to keep cops honest and accountable. Some of them are hoping a dumb shit with a badge will step over the line and allow them to win some taxpayer money to retire on, but it's still impressive to me. I've dealt with good cop bad cop IRL and it takes a lot of courage to stand there with your head held high knowing they can get away with a lot more than you if they feel like it.
The left can't have strong men who know how to survive in the woods and perform manly tasks like hunting and navigation. It goes against their NWO pussificstion of man.
I guess we can be grateful that we had scouts. When we win the world back from the reptilians, then we can reinstate scouting as it once was for future generations.
The boy scout grew up and decided he wanted the super secret merit badges. May he be successful by the time this is done. Hard to find someone with the brains AND the balls to take these people on, face to face. He's also entertaining to boot, what's not to like?
This patch came presewn on EVERY boy scouts uniform shirt.
Not necessarily.
The Quality Unit patch is for when a troop meets a certain number of set requirements (i.e: At least two Assistant SMs; one adult certified in Youth Protection training; certain number of outdoor outings, etc.) - basically like when a school gets national accreditation. These patches change every year and your troop would have to reapply every year.
Same! I am ashamed to say that while I went full bore into scouting until about 2000, the last 3 years or so I did the minimum required and finished my last required merit badge like a week before my 18th birthday. But being much older now, I realize that scouts taught me things that I never would have learned anywhere else. I am so thankful I had that experience.
I loved this statement.
Also that he says he is an introvert, huge respect for the things he's done knowing that.
I'm always impressed with folks who can do that sort of thing. I've been seeing a lot of 1st amendment audits on YT shorts lately and it's so hard to watch these little tyrants try and bully citizens for filming public servants on public land. I know some of them are not truly there because they're trying to keep cops honest and accountable. Some of them are hoping a dumb shit with a badge will step over the line and allow them to win some taxpayer money to retire on, but it's still impressive to me. I've dealt with good cop bad cop IRL and it takes a lot of courage to stand there with your head held high knowing they can get away with a lot more than you if they feel like it.
James was an Eagle Scout.
It takes a crap ton of commitment and work to make Eagle.
Unfortunately, the Left has destroyed the Boy Scouts and the organization is a shell of its former self.
The left can't have strong men who know how to survive in the woods and perform manly tasks like hunting and navigation. It goes against their NWO pussificstion of man.
There are now all-girl boyscout troops. 🤡
And troops lead by sanctioned homo-pedos.
Yet another example of weakening of society by tearing down via infiltration. Must rebuild these kinds of institutions
I managed to get mine in 2010 right before the Boy Scouts went downhill.
Congrats on being awarded Eagle.
I guess we can be grateful that we had scouts. When we win the world back from the reptilians, then we can reinstate scouting as it once was for future generations.
Important point. Everything the DS has infested and destroyed needs to be rebuilt stronger and from the ground up.
I'm an Eagle, too. His rank badge on his uniform in the picture is Life Scout, one below Eagle.
I laughed at the "Q" highlight. I had three of those patches on my uniform for three consecutive years our troop earned the award.
What was the badge for if I may ask? I couldn't read the writing on it well.
It says "Quality Unit 2002". Basically, if we had good attendance at events for the whole troop, we get the award.
Just so we're all clear on this, O'Keefe is not Q.
We can't know he is part of it, we can't know he isn't either... just so we're clear on this
I didn't think he was, but, after reading your comment, now I do.
I think O’Keefe is working with military Intel
OMG I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
I can’t read it.
Quality Unit 2002
It also has a big Q right next to it
That Q has been on that badge design since it was introduced in 1986. The only thing that changes is the year and the color.
It's not about the words. Look on the left.
Yes I see it now, my phone was slow to load and the image was super blurry.
Ahh. Fair.
He always seemed OP to me. Like someone or God is protecting him and giving him courage
Someone is God.
James O'Keeffe is amazing. Someday when he's not too busy I hope he writes his autobiography.
Husband is an Eagle scout, from the 70s.🇺🇸
The boy scout grew up and decided he wanted the super secret merit badges. May he be successful by the time this is done. Hard to find someone with the brains AND the balls to take these people on, face to face. He's also entertaining to boot, what's not to like?
That is awesome
A true reporter
Damn, James is a "getter done" kind of guy! The guy's got talent and patience.
We found the original Q! : )
Looks order of the arrow too good for him
He has hardly aged!
All Boy Scouts had that patch
I would say coincidence but..
Kind of a silly thing to point out as being relevant. Sorta like finding significance in seeing the number “17” somewhere.
I didn't know there was a hockey merit badge
OMG—totally thought it was going to be a swastika or something.
Not necessarily.
The Quality Unit patch is for when a troop meets a certain number of set requirements (i.e: At least two Assistant SMs; one adult certified in Youth Protection training; certain number of outdoor outings, etc.) - basically like when a school gets national accreditation. These patches change every year and your troop would have to reapply every year.
I had my Eagle board of review in 2003 also
Same! I am ashamed to say that while I went full bore into scouting until about 2000, the last 3 years or so I did the minimum required and finished my last required merit badge like a week before my 18th birthday. But being much older now, I realize that scouts taught me things that I never would have learned anywhere else. I am so thankful I had that experience.