... isn't that it gave congress the power to tax, we needed that for the government to continue running, the problem is that it put NO limitations on its ability to tax.
Look at the bill of rights. Its a bill of negative rights. The government may not do XYZ to its citizens. We handed them a stack of blank checkbooks with no limit to how many they could write or how large the checks could be. They've been steadily raise both the number and size of the checks for decades with no one top stop them.
They conceal the massive drain on society and massive cost in dollars by spreading the taxes out as you've shown above. If all taxes were banned but one and the entire burden was place say on the income tax people would see they aren't paying 25% they're paying 70%. Then the jig would be up.
We a constitutional amendment... not to repeal the 16th but instead to limit it.
#1 The government can't tax the same money twice. Meaning you as a citizen can't earn a paycheck, pay taxes on it as income, and then also pay taxes on it as a sales tax then pay more taxes on it when you die and pass it on to your children. That's all the same money from the same paycheck.
#2 The government can't tax property or wealth. The idea that a person can own a piece of property 100% but the government can show up with a tax bill that if you don't pay it they can then take that property from you is insane. You might as well not even own the property at all... that's communism.
#3 The government should have a hard limit on the taxes it can collect. IE 35%. That's a full third or your money. Combined with #1 it will prevent them from simply stealing people's money like they do today. How you split that between local state and fed is a good question that is too complicated for here.
#4 All taxes should be equal for all citizens regardless of race, sex, income, wealth, etc, etc. You carve out specific exceptions like raising children but you make a point of limiting those in some way. The point is that taxing a billionaire at 30% but a person who makes 40k at 10% is inherently unfair. Of course the huddled masses will always vote for higher taxes on the rich guy. Then then get to see some of that money even if its just in the form of more government services. If the little guy had to also pay 5% extra in order to take 5% more from the rich guy then they would never vote for that. This one is way more complicated but VERY important.
#5 I think is the most important part. The money should be collected by the state and local government and then forwarded to the feds. The current system is that the feds collect it all up and dole it out to whichever state behaves the way the feds want. That has to stop. It giver the federal gov too much power.
I could go on and on and on... The 16th is the whole problem and it needs to be fixed. Not repealed. Fixed.
AND ADD THAT THERE SHOULD BE NO "BENEFIT TAXES" TO THOSE WHO DONT MAKE THAT MUCH IN WAGES YET GET THOUSANDS IN "TAX CREDITS" i.e. single mothers who work part time, with 5 kids, and get tax "refunds" in the thousands.
States take taxes directly, not through the fed, be they part of income tax, fuel taxes, some sales taxes though those may go through a county. I know I always can see the amounts of my paychecks that went directly to my state, and sometimes I get a smaller tax refund directly from the state, though this last year I ended up paying them like $200 by the end of everything. So many taxes and dollars go straight to the state, and don't have to go through the feds at all.
I don't mind paying a fee for a boating license, or pilot's license, or driver's license. Those require skills and aptitude to safely operate. And we continually see what happens when people don't have the aptitude or don't use the skills they have when operating heavy machinery.
What I have a problem with is paying the taxes, fees, etc on everything else, ESPECIALLY to hunt, fish, or grow your own freaking food. We don't have a fucking king, so it shouldn't be illegal to hunt or fish without a license, especially when it's on private property. Nor should we continually have to pay taxes on said private property, purchases, etc.
And I'd be ok with paying a flat rate income tax if it were legally presented to The People for a vote By THE PEOPLE. THAT'S where we all went wrong. Creating a Representative Govt is fine. It's when you then give up ALL of your liberties and freedom to said representatives hoping they'll exercise that responsibility honestly while faithfully adhering to the Constitution. Literally EVERYTHING in the U.S. Code is bureaucratic bunk that wasn't voted on BY THE PEOPLE. Nor were any of the Constitutional Amendments. Here in FL, those require a passing vote BY THE PEOPLE, or it doesn't fly.
When we do finally get around to remaking a new govt, THIS HAS TO BE WRITTEN INTO THE CONSTITUTION. We can have a representative govt for us for day to day ops and to come up with the rules and laws, but WE, THE PEOPLE MUST HAVE THE ABSOLUTE LAST SAY in whether they get passed. And not no simple majority 50.5-51% bullshit, either. 2/3 majority, no less.
Yes...the "representatives" don't represent we the people...the majority represent their wallet via lobbying...spend the vast majority of their time in office fundraising to get re-elected and produce nothing in terms of improving the quality of life for their constituents. Look at Biden...he's done zero for all of his years in office. He just takes credit for the what little work of others that just happened to occur when he was fogging a mirror in office!
We are over-taxed without being able to stop the insanity. We do need to fix this!
Founding Fathers were fed up with giving 2 weeks of their annual income to the king. We give fucking 4 months + of our annual income to the government.
Same with the Jews in the bible under the Romans, they were upset over a 1% yearly property tax!! Amazing how times have changed. This level of taxation is unheard of. And the ultra wealthy pay none of it! At least the British and Romans were respectable enough to impose the same taxes on themselves as they had with their subjects, and they would actually build things with it! Which the Democrats hardly ever do.
I think people think it’s just SO expensive to operate the country. Things are shit snd we think the solution is to throw more money. 45 and Florida as showing us that we can stop the hemorrhaging and release us from this slave state.
You say the Democrats don't want to and don't hardly ever build things with the money they want to spend, but weren't they just trying to pass an infrastructure bill, that would give money for lots of construction projects on roads, bridges, trains, high speed internet infrastructure, updating power grids, etc. Trump promised an infrastructure bill but never even helped come up with a proposal bill when he and the Republicans controlled both houses of Congress. I'd say at least the Democrats are showing actual proposals and trying to pass something that would put lots of Americans to work and improve our infrastructure. It's all a uniparty anyway, so we might as well try to get improvements for citizen's lives and our society where we can get it.
You forgot Gas Tax's / Fishing Licenses - Hunting Licenses / Offroad Wilderness permits / Vehicle Registrations Bi-Annually / SHIT - i could go on for a while.
FUCK the Cabal's Government.
That's great. Everyone needs to know and appreciate our productive farmers. Around me, very few finish their beef. They send the calves up the supply chain. It's like they refuse to make any money.
And finger printing, background state police check, NICS check, and license fee (and 2 references) for purchasing a Firearms license in places like NJ. And having to go through the process for every handgun permit (though I think they reuse the fingerprints on file)
Waaaaaaay ahead of you buddy. Like 14 years since and I get 1090'd. Sub contracting construction. I have a few friends doing it too. Still haven't taken shit from me.
I'm on paper now doing something different working under w2 for 4 years but still nothing.
Yes they are. My husband and I went to the highest elevation at Tam Sauk Mtn on our Anniversary this year expecting it to be super cool and while beautiful, was sadly disappointed at elevation though. It was meager compared to Cascades in WA. Mountains, beaches and San Juan Islands I do miss though.
The answer to those questions is: you are a debt slave. The current form of enslavement in this world.
We've had conquered/captured slaves, feudal slaves, share croppers, company slaves (where debts could never be paid by wages), and now tax debt slavery.
Your country's debt interest = the income tax generated. The income tax revenue goes straight to your masters. From tax agency to central bank to the BIS. The BIS officers are immune to all the laws of your land (above the law). The board members are hidden.
Rise people, compliance is going to bring about hell on Earth.
Next up: 24/7 surveillance slavery. If that happens globally...well, let's just say we should be doing ALL we can to stop it.
Robot dogs patrolling the streets checking your social credit score...all money tracked and tied to your ID...all forms of communication monitored....no borders to escape...prison planet.
All money is basically already tracked. And if you're worried about surveillance, worry about your cell phone. It's an instant access to all aspects of your life that has a handy gps locator in it. Software can read and predict your action or wants. Microphones and cameras could be on with you having zero knowledge.
Any chat apps generally are listening and using things you talk about in chat, for different things, to know what things to advertise to you later elsewhere on the internet. They k know who you talk with when, and how long, save who that person interacted with, she the next person, and so on.
Any website or app you visit generally tracks your demographics, what operating system you're on, your IP address and location, how long you're on the website and what your usage patterns are. A lot of people have smart watches, so they can determine your heart rate at any given moment, or anything else the watch measures.
People are worried about some possible microchip or weird surveillance state. If they're serious about that, they should give up their cell phones and any computer with a mic or webcam built in that can't be unplugged. Cell phones are the perfect spying device, and there's absolutely no reason to freak people out with some chip when ptb can and probably do gather all data from your cell phones already. And no Freedom or Patriot phone or about anything else except niche phones with custom operating systems and no apps will protect you. Some people don't care or consider it not a real issue, and gladly give up some forms of privacy to use phone and apps and internet messengers and all that. As I said, people who want your data have no reason to rock the boat by pushing some microchip on everyone when they have spying device that nearly every single person gladly uses and takes everywhere with them.
I've always been conservative (I'm 64). Up until very recently I would never have considered abolishing the IRS. But the thought that hard-earned money is taken from my family by the voracious government hand to support the fucking traitors in our government to give to China, Iran and their own bank accounts, makes me sick. They have absolutely defiled our beautiful country. When we take over all three branches in November, I hope the first thing we do is repeal the income tax amendment, followed by abolishing all the three letter agencies.
Start with limiting their incomes and implementing term limits. Their job is to serve the people, and if they can’t serve the people making the average people’s wage then WTF are they doing. I’m sure there’s a top notch QB out there willing to play pro football for $50k per year just for the chance; same for politics
Been asking that since I was a child. All the grown up would say is its for education and roads. Well I gotta have an alignment every year and I'm still retarded so....idk
The point of taxes is not to collect revenue, but to control you. If they actually needed the money, we wouldn't be over a trillion more in the hole every year. If they actually needed the money, there would be a flat tax automatically taken from your check and no need for tax forms at all. The IRS could just be a big ass computer.
Over 90% of everything the federal government does is unconstitutional. Before 1913, most of the federal revenue came from tariffs. We should go back to that.
The IRS basically already knows how much you may owe at the end of the year, or what your refund may be. They could have the ability for tax payers to input any necessary information into a website like turbo tax does already. The only reason they don't, she why filling personal taxes is so complicated you more or less need to use are least turbo tax, or maybe even a personal accountant, is because these industries heavily lobby Congress to keep these tax codes and standards overly complicated. That's directly what keeps turbo tax, H&R Block, and other tax services in business. They're nothing but a middle man that does nothing the IRS couldn't do, and then you get to pay the middle man for the privilege.
My family members' finances are simple enough that they can file through turbo tax for free.
I make less than all of them but work as an independent contractor and have to pay to file my taxes. I already pay more taxes than a normally employed person, so I get double screwed. It's bullshit.
My tax return is very simple. I've done my own taxes for 50 years. I'll never be rich enough for my taxes to be complicated enough to require outside help. List income, subtract standard deduction, look up tax in the table. Nothing to it.
I’ve been wondering about this for a while. We’re literally taxed to death, just about. But how can we stop paying them altogether? They’re automatically pulled from our paychecks, sales tax is automatically generated at registers/checkout, vehicle registration and license renewal (don’t get me started on the fact I’m paying $100+ JUST for a damn sticker on my car.. give me a whole new plate at that cost) are automatic as well. In summary, all the taxes are automatic. Not sure how we could even boycott/revolt against taxation.
Yep, and if you don’t get that $100+ sticker every year, you get pulled over and fined MORE than that amount. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
I've been against taxes before I even worked. It just seemed so damn unfair. Then you grow up and realize that basically everything is taxed, and even simply living is expensive almost to the point of unobtainability. Taxes are a big reason why.
I hope they're abolished, and we're given our tax money back.
If anyone has been able to not pay income taxes successfully, without any real trouble, and safely provide for a wife and kids I'd like to know your story.
And don't forget the fee they charge to pay your taxes with a credit card. It would cost me almost $300 to pay my PP and Real Estate taxes with a credit card in the City of St. Louis. I opted for snail mail with a forever stamp.
This is a great point. Can you imagine if the sons of liberty had waited on a plan, instead of having a tea party? We wouldn't be taxes like this today... Oohhh wait...
Ask yourself why the Alaska and Hawaii Omnibus Acts, which modified federal laws at the times that Alaska and Hawaii changed from federal territories to states of the Union, removed Alaska and Hawaii from definitions within various federal laws, and did not add them elsewhere? Why do the income tax laws mention the 50 states for petroleum excise taxes, but fail to refer to them for income taxes?
You forgot the yuge fuel tax that people just ignore. Registration, insurance, drivers licenses it never ends.
These are the big ones but once you go down the rabbit hole it never ends. We need a REVOLUTION 2.0
I've said this a hundred times and no one seems to listen. The problem with...
... isn't that it gave congress the power to tax, we needed that for the government to continue running, the problem is that it put NO limitations on its ability to tax.
Look at the bill of rights. Its a bill of negative rights. The government may not do XYZ to its citizens. We handed them a stack of blank checkbooks with no limit to how many they could write or how large the checks could be. They've been steadily raise both the number and size of the checks for decades with no one top stop them.
They conceal the massive drain on society and massive cost in dollars by spreading the taxes out as you've shown above. If all taxes were banned but one and the entire burden was place say on the income tax people would see they aren't paying 25% they're paying 70%. Then the jig would be up.
We a constitutional amendment... not to repeal the 16th but instead to limit it.
#1 The government can't tax the same money twice. Meaning you as a citizen can't earn a paycheck, pay taxes on it as income, and then also pay taxes on it as a sales tax then pay more taxes on it when you die and pass it on to your children. That's all the same money from the same paycheck.
#2 The government can't tax property or wealth. The idea that a person can own a piece of property 100% but the government can show up with a tax bill that if you don't pay it they can then take that property from you is insane. You might as well not even own the property at all... that's communism.
#3 The government should have a hard limit on the taxes it can collect. IE 35%. That's a full third or your money. Combined with #1 it will prevent them from simply stealing people's money like they do today. How you split that between local state and fed is a good question that is too complicated for here.
#4 All taxes should be equal for all citizens regardless of race, sex, income, wealth, etc, etc. You carve out specific exceptions like raising children but you make a point of limiting those in some way. The point is that taxing a billionaire at 30% but a person who makes 40k at 10% is inherently unfair. Of course the huddled masses will always vote for higher taxes on the rich guy. Then then get to see some of that money even if its just in the form of more government services. If the little guy had to also pay 5% extra in order to take 5% more from the rich guy then they would never vote for that. This one is way more complicated but VERY important.
#5 I think is the most important part. The money should be collected by the state and local government and then forwarded to the feds. The current system is that the feds collect it all up and dole it out to whichever state behaves the way the feds want. That has to stop. It giver the federal gov too much power.
I could go on and on and on... The 16th is the whole problem and it needs to be fixed. Not repealed. Fixed.
AND ADD THAT THERE SHOULD BE NO "BENEFIT TAXES" TO THOSE WHO DONT MAKE THAT MUCH IN WAGES YET GET THOUSANDS IN "TAX CREDITS" i.e. single mothers who work part time, with 5 kids, and get tax "refunds" in the thousands.
States take taxes directly, not through the fed, be they part of income tax, fuel taxes, some sales taxes though those may go through a county. I know I always can see the amounts of my paychecks that went directly to my state, and sometimes I get a smaller tax refund directly from the state, though this last year I ended up paying them like $200 by the end of everything. So many taxes and dollars go straight to the state, and don't have to go through the feds at all.
I could not agree more with your post!
Damn straight we do, I am done with this bullshit.
This country was started with The Boston Tea Party due to taxation of their tea. We need to have a Revolution 2.0.
All this bloat could fund UBI many times over. Probably for the whole world.
I don't mind paying a fee for a boating license, or pilot's license, or driver's license. Those require skills and aptitude to safely operate. And we continually see what happens when people don't have the aptitude or don't use the skills they have when operating heavy machinery.
What I have a problem with is paying the taxes, fees, etc on everything else, ESPECIALLY to hunt, fish, or grow your own freaking food. We don't have a fucking king, so it shouldn't be illegal to hunt or fish without a license, especially when it's on private property. Nor should we continually have to pay taxes on said private property, purchases, etc.
And I'd be ok with paying a flat rate income tax if it were legally presented to The People for a vote By THE PEOPLE. THAT'S where we all went wrong. Creating a Representative Govt is fine. It's when you then give up ALL of your liberties and freedom to said representatives hoping they'll exercise that responsibility honestly while faithfully adhering to the Constitution. Literally EVERYTHING in the U.S. Code is bureaucratic bunk that wasn't voted on BY THE PEOPLE. Nor were any of the Constitutional Amendments. Here in FL, those require a passing vote BY THE PEOPLE, or it doesn't fly.
When we do finally get around to remaking a new govt, THIS HAS TO BE WRITTEN INTO THE CONSTITUTION. We can have a representative govt for us for day to day ops and to come up with the rules and laws, but WE, THE PEOPLE MUST HAVE THE ABSOLUTE LAST SAY in whether they get passed. And not no simple majority 50.5-51% bullshit, either. 2/3 majority, no less.
Yes...the "representatives" don't represent we the people...the majority represent their wallet via lobbying...spend the vast majority of their time in office fundraising to get re-elected and produce nothing in terms of improving the quality of life for their constituents. Look at Biden...he's done zero for all of his years in office. He just takes credit for the what little work of others that just happened to occur when he was fogging a mirror in office!
We are over-taxed without being able to stop the insanity. We do need to fix this!
Even death tax
...and inflation --- the hidden tax.
Founding Fathers were fed up with giving 2 weeks of their annual income to the king. We give fucking 4 months + of our annual income to the government.
Same with the Jews in the bible under the Romans, they were upset over a 1% yearly property tax!! Amazing how times have changed. This level of taxation is unheard of. And the ultra wealthy pay none of it! At least the British and Romans were respectable enough to impose the same taxes on themselves as they had with their subjects, and they would actually build things with it! Which the Democrats hardly ever do.
I think people think it’s just SO expensive to operate the country. Things are shit snd we think the solution is to throw more money. 45 and Florida as showing us that we can stop the hemorrhaging and release us from this slave state.
You say the Democrats don't want to and don't hardly ever build things with the money they want to spend, but weren't they just trying to pass an infrastructure bill, that would give money for lots of construction projects on roads, bridges, trains, high speed internet infrastructure, updating power grids, etc. Trump promised an infrastructure bill but never even helped come up with a proposal bill when he and the Republicans controlled both houses of Congress. I'd say at least the Democrats are showing actual proposals and trying to pass something that would put lots of Americans to work and improve our infrastructure. It's all a uniparty anyway, so we might as well try to get improvements for citizen's lives and our society where we can get it.
I believe it was both
You forgot Gas Tax's / Fishing Licenses - Hunting Licenses / Offroad Wilderness permits / Vehicle Registrations Bi-Annually / SHIT - i could go on for a while. FUCK the Cabal's Government.
That was the plan, and It didn’t happen overnight, I loathe the ignorance of my parents’ generation.
I'd love to put you on some LOL. Near East TN? Corn fed beef. Almost organic.
That's great. Everyone needs to know and appreciate our productive farmers. Around me, very few finish their beef. They send the calves up the supply chain. It's like they refuse to make any money.
All of these are permits, fees licenses, etc. for doing what we have the RIGHT to do. Again, when enough people KNOW that, it will stop.
I buy second hand. No need for all that nonsense.
Good point! Having a marketable skill and the barter/trade system = freedom
And finger printing, background state police check, NICS check, and license fee (and 2 references) for purchasing a Firearms license in places like NJ. And having to go through the process for every handgun permit (though I think they reuse the fingerprints on file)
Why indeed. How do we pull ourselves together en masse and stop paying at the very least income tax.
Waaaaaaay ahead of you buddy. Like 14 years since and I get 1090'd. Sub contracting construction. I have a few friends doing it too. Still haven't taken shit from me.
I'm on paper now doing something different working under w2 for 4 years but still nothing.
It tough, but possible. To work for cash only. Has its drawbacks.
Me too, 2012 was my last year of income tax, still paying way too much thru all these other bs taxes. Death/Slavery by a million tiny cuts.
Move to New Hampshire, Tennessee, Florida, Texas, South Dakota, Wyoming, Washington State, or Alaska.
We only last yr escaped the madness in WA for MO
Yo I got family in Missouri! Which part?
And btw, I have seen a sasquatch
South Central
Them Ozarks sure are purtty.
Yes they are. My husband and I went to the highest elevation at Tam Sauk Mtn on our Anniversary this year expecting it to be super cool and while beautiful, was sadly disappointed at elevation though. It was meager compared to Cascades in WA. Mountains, beaches and San Juan Islands I do miss though.
Mount Magazine shouldn't be that far from y'all and it's 1000 feet higher than Tam Sauk.
The answer to those questions is: you are a debt slave. The current form of enslavement in this world.
We've had conquered/captured slaves, feudal slaves, share croppers, company slaves (where debts could never be paid by wages), and now tax debt slavery.
Your country's debt interest = the income tax generated. The income tax revenue goes straight to your masters. From tax agency to central bank to the BIS. The BIS officers are immune to all the laws of your land (above the law). The board members are hidden.
Rise people, compliance is going to bring about hell on Earth.
Next up: 24/7 surveillance slavery. If that happens globally...well, let's just say we should be doing ALL we can to stop it.
Robot dogs patrolling the streets checking your social credit score...all money tracked and tied to your ID...all forms of communication monitored....no borders to escape...prison planet.
All money is basically already tracked. And if you're worried about surveillance, worry about your cell phone. It's an instant access to all aspects of your life that has a handy gps locator in it. Software can read and predict your action or wants. Microphones and cameras could be on with you having zero knowledge.
Any chat apps generally are listening and using things you talk about in chat, for different things, to know what things to advertise to you later elsewhere on the internet. They k know who you talk with when, and how long, save who that person interacted with, she the next person, and so on.
Any website or app you visit generally tracks your demographics, what operating system you're on, your IP address and location, how long you're on the website and what your usage patterns are. A lot of people have smart watches, so they can determine your heart rate at any given moment, or anything else the watch measures.
People are worried about some possible microchip or weird surveillance state. If they're serious about that, they should give up their cell phones and any computer with a mic or webcam built in that can't be unplugged. Cell phones are the perfect spying device, and there's absolutely no reason to freak people out with some chip when ptb can and probably do gather all data from your cell phones already. And no Freedom or Patriot phone or about anything else except niche phones with custom operating systems and no apps will protect you. Some people don't care or consider it not a real issue, and gladly give up some forms of privacy to use phone and apps and internet messengers and all that. As I said, people who want your data have no reason to rock the boat by pushing some microchip on everyone when they have spying device that nearly every single person gladly uses and takes everywhere with them.
Tax and insurance are exactly the same thing.
Isn't it hilarious?
I've always been conservative (I'm 64). Up until very recently I would never have considered abolishing the IRS. But the thought that hard-earned money is taken from my family by the voracious government hand to support the fucking traitors in our government to give to China, Iran and their own bank accounts, makes me sick. They have absolutely defiled our beautiful country. When we take over all three branches in November, I hope the first thing we do is repeal the income tax amendment, followed by abolishing all the three letter agencies.
Yeah, it's a pretty tall order...
Start with limiting their incomes and implementing term limits. Their job is to serve the people, and if they can’t serve the people making the average people’s wage then WTF are they doing. I’m sure there’s a top notch QB out there willing to play pro football for $50k per year just for the chance; same for politics
Been asking that since I was a child. All the grown up would say is its for education and roads. Well I gotta have an alignment every year and I'm still retarded so....idk
The point of taxes is not to collect revenue, but to control you. If they actually needed the money, we wouldn't be over a trillion more in the hole every year. If they actually needed the money, there would be a flat tax automatically taken from your check and no need for tax forms at all. The IRS could just be a big ass computer.
Over 90% of everything the federal government does is unconstitutional. Before 1913, most of the federal revenue came from tariffs. We should go back to that.
The IRS basically already knows how much you may owe at the end of the year, or what your refund may be. They could have the ability for tax payers to input any necessary information into a website like turbo tax does already. The only reason they don't, she why filling personal taxes is so complicated you more or less need to use are least turbo tax, or maybe even a personal accountant, is because these industries heavily lobby Congress to keep these tax codes and standards overly complicated. That's directly what keeps turbo tax, H&R Block, and other tax services in business. They're nothing but a middle man that does nothing the IRS couldn't do, and then you get to pay the middle man for the privilege.
My family members' finances are simple enough that they can file through turbo tax for free.
I make less than all of them but work as an independent contractor and have to pay to file my taxes. I already pay more taxes than a normally employed person, so I get double screwed. It's bullshit.
My tax return is very simple. I've done my own taxes for 50 years. I'll never be rich enough for my taxes to be complicated enough to require outside help. List income, subtract standard deduction, look up tax in the table. Nothing to it.
Look Biden, Obama, Hilary et al can't afford to buy all them mansions without a little bit of corruption now can they.
It's a scam.
especially in view of the SHIT SANDWICH we are served daily in nys government. ...
who want us dead
not just in NY my fern.......
i know but sotomayor is from nys
I’ve been wondering about this for a while. We’re literally taxed to death, just about. But how can we stop paying them altogether? They’re automatically pulled from our paychecks, sales tax is automatically generated at registers/checkout, vehicle registration and license renewal (don’t get me started on the fact I’m paying $100+ JUST for a damn sticker on my car.. give me a whole new plate at that cost) are automatic as well. In summary, all the taxes are automatic. Not sure how we could even boycott/revolt against taxation.
Yep, and if you don’t get that $100+ sticker every year, you get pulled over and fined MORE than that amount. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t.
Vivien Kellems wiki
Money is taxed every time it changes hands, epitome of criminal.
Income tax on wages is a fraud
Wages are not income, wages are an equal exchange of labor for money.
Real income is profit or capital gains.
Why do we pay taxes when they print it into oblivion? That's a better question.
The only reason they tax, is to keep everyone leveled as best they can, to keep as much for themselves as possible.
I don't mind paying taxes to support a decently functioning society...
But when I pay for no other reason other than to prove my subservience...?
There is a consorted effort to bury America.
We mustn't let that happen.
It's all unconstitutional. If the people KNOW this, it stops.
I've been against taxes before I even worked. It just seemed so damn unfair. Then you grow up and realize that basically everything is taxed, and even simply living is expensive almost to the point of unobtainability. Taxes are a big reason why.
I hope they're abolished, and we're given our tax money back.
So we're at like 50% now?
So we can fund the deep state swamp..
If anyone has been able to not pay income taxes successfully, without any real trouble, and safely provide for a wife and kids I'd like to know your story.
Because the government likes rape you over and over and over.
Taxation is Theft
And don't forget the fee they charge to pay your taxes with a credit card. It would cost me almost $300 to pay my PP and Real Estate taxes with a credit card in the City of St. Louis. I opted for snail mail with a forever stamp.
Have been asking myself these questions for a very long time.
Because Satanic pedophile rings require many matrix slaves.
And pay taxes on my Social Security Benefits that I already paid taxes on.
This is a great point. Can you imagine if the sons of liberty had waited on a plan, instead of having a tea party? We wouldn't be taxes like this today... Oohhh wait...
It is great that it is on a dental consulting site
Ask yourself why the Alaska and Hawaii Omnibus Acts, which modified federal laws at the times that Alaska and Hawaii changed from federal territories to states of the Union, removed Alaska and Hawaii from definitions within various federal laws, and did not add them elsewhere? Why do the income tax laws mention the 50 states for petroleum excise taxes, but fail to refer to them for income taxes?
Yo dog, I heard you like death taxes.
And if they remove the rights of unvaxxed individuals, should they be mandated to pay taxes? The social contract has been broken IMO.
I actually had an exchange with Snowden on Twatter once about this. I said taxation is theft, he busted out with the tired Roads and Bridges bullshit.
That is taken care of with a gas tax bullshit. These pieces of excrement need to be hung by their neck until they can no longer breathe.