There are real "heil hitler" dogwhistles and then there are ones they inventively come up with. I am prettttyyy sure 99% of people that say "honk honk" do not mean it as a dogwhistle, and I don't think it was started like that either (though knowing what I do about the chans it would definitely be possible, I suppose). It's always in the context of clown world though so it doesn't make any sense for it to be a dogwhistle.
They always do manage to come up with the dumbest shit like that though. I still can't tell if its them being "closeted" national socialists or them being so insanely scared of national socialists (or us) that they try to do the associate thing? IDK anymore.
Now do it for two years and they'll start to understand how I've felt about these motherfucking lockdowns, mandates, passports, constant testing to work and other covidiot bullshit.
Oh gaaaawd. They are soooo childish. Why are they soooo maaaad? Are they mad, at me? I mean, I like was just going along with what they said was safe on that show. You know that show... The show where they tell you about wonderful new drugs and it's interrupted about what going on in the world.
Are they real people, or is it just some dude with a bot farm coaxing a bunch of redditards into believing the lies? We already know China owns reddit. That's why I don't even pay any attention to that shit anymore.
at this point I feel like I can tell who is DNCCP and who is organic. There are certain words and ways of phrasing things that just don't seem like a real person with english as a first language would say them. Plebbit seems like it's at least 25% un-organic, at least to me. And another 25% I swear are pedos and sex predators, terrified of the day when the hammer falls.
I find it horrible and funny at the same time. I don't think shitting on people's stuff is a very good way of making your point... but it sure is effective.
yall I am so sorry this is sort of almost a meme for ants... hopefully its readable when you enlarge it. My salt harvester is being held together with duct tape and paper clips. This is the best rez I could get with my old rusty equipment.
Sorry mate. The 'ol salt factory is running full tits tonight. The blasted salt in the air is foggin' up the len. Ain't much we can do, 'til the salt clears out.
Screenshot software exists. Idk what it was called but that's how neon revolt got massive high quality screen caps for all the shit he was writing articles on.
yea, ive explained myself like a billion times, but my machine won't run a photo editing program of any kind or it self destructs. Don't ask. Just imagine me making memes on a toaster wired up to a speak-n-spell, because that's about where we're at here on the tendie front.
I thought the funniest one was the one complaining about someone shouting 'This isn't China' and then saying he wanted out of the country - presumably to go to China as that is the implied preference.
Of all the words I'm sick to death of hearing of from the left, I think trauma is up there. Trauma trauma trauma. Trauma this, trauma that. It may have even surpassed Nazi at this point.
If any of these people are actually as traumatized as they claim they need to check into an institution and get off of reddit
They are "fair weather" antifa, meaning they're so weak they can't fathom going outside if the air temp is less than 72 F. If they get cold they whine and complain and then they all crawl to the nearest Starbucks for hot chocolate and vegan soy milk caramal machiattos with extra whip.
As they cry in their cheerios that were delivered by truckers, sitting on their couch that was delivered by truckers, in a room built with wood, drywall and metal all delivered by truckers... and the list goes on. If not for truckers, they would not be in the middle of downtown with their soy boy scooters and city bikes with a chime bell. I suggest they realize what side their toast is buttered on.
Ummmm guys your missing the point…they’re standing for YOUR freedom. Hello??! So humiliating if they’re not bots or shills. I can’t even read all of their whining posts. Obviously the 4-6%.
I get the citizen’s anger, but you also have to get the truckers’ anger. Thanks to them and long road trips, we have food on the table. To be mandated to take a shot which provides short term, if any efficacy, is wrong. We still do not know the longterm results of this shot. By disrupting your daily life, you will complain about the noise and about no food on the table. The government will have to backdown. In terms of using your lawn as a toilet, there is no excuse for that.
Lawn toilet probably never happened. If Antifa took a poop on his property, and then burned his dwelling to the ground this moron would say they were justified in doing do. Clown Town.
They have some creative conspiracy theories.
Going to have to go to one continuos honk so these people don't get so triggered.
Oh man that’s even worse on the ears 🤣 … DO ITTTT
H🤡NK H🌎NK‼️‼️‼️
There are real "heil hitler" dogwhistles and then there are ones they inventively come up with. I am prettttyyy sure 99% of people that say "honk honk" do not mean it as a dogwhistle, and I don't think it was started like that either (though knowing what I do about the chans it would definitely be possible, I suppose). It's always in the context of clown world though so it doesn't make any sense for it to be a dogwhistle.
They always do manage to come up with the dumbest shit like that though. I still can't tell if its them being "closeted" national socialists or them being so insanely scared of national socialists (or us) that they try to do the associate thing? IDK anymore.
In the previous great awakening subreddit, before it was banned, you often saw people saying “Honk Honkler,” which was a bit more blatant
If that’s a anon who infiltrated the thread… well done !
Now do it for two years and they'll start to understand how I've felt about these motherfucking lockdowns, mandates, passports, constant testing to work and other covidiot bullshit.
They haven't even BEGUN to suffer.
Fuck em.
Oh gaaaawd. They are soooo childish. Why are they soooo maaaad? Are they mad, at me? I mean, I like was just going along with what they said was safe on that show. You know that show... The show where they tell you about wonderful new drugs and it's interrupted about what going on in the world.
Exactly. I have no patience for those singing the Zoom Class Blues...
Wow what a shit ton of retarded ass people
about an hour's worth of harvesting in r/ottowa. go to their convoy megathread and grab a rake and a bucket.
Are they real people, or is it just some dude with a bot farm coaxing a bunch of redditards into believing the lies? We already know China owns reddit. That's why I don't even pay any attention to that shit anymore.
Reddit is largely bots, astroturfers and NPCs. And you'd be surprised how sophisticated the bots are.
at this point I feel like I can tell who is DNCCP and who is organic. There are certain words and ways of phrasing things that just don't seem like a real person with english as a first language would say them. Plebbit seems like it's at least 25% un-organic, at least to me. And another 25% I swear are pedos and sex predators, terrified of the day when the hammer falls.
Speaking of shit, i gotta meet that mad lad who left a stanley steamer on zer fire escape. Freaking legend
I find it horrible and funny at the same time. I don't think shitting on people's stuff is a very good way of making your point... but it sure is effective.
Most definitely foul. But hey, unusual warfare and all. They wanna bio attack me, ill bio attack them!!!
yall I am so sorry this is sort of almost a meme for ants... hopefully its readable when you enlarge it. My salt harvester is being held together with duct tape and paper clips. This is the best rez I could get with my old rusty equipment.
Sorry mate. The 'ol salt factory is running full tits tonight. The blasted salt in the air is foggin' up the len. Ain't much we can do, 'til the salt clears out.
Screenshot software exists. Idk what it was called but that's how neon revolt got massive high quality screen caps for all the shit he was writing articles on.
yes, I am aware. my problem lies deep within the bowels of my machine. it probably just needs a good stiff round of ivermectin.
Alt-printscreen for active window, Ctrl-printscreen for whole desktop - just paste it in paint or Gimp
yea, ive explained myself like a billion times, but my machine won't run a photo editing program of any kind or it self destructs. Don't ask. Just imagine me making memes on a toaster wired up to a speak-n-spell, because that's about where we're at here on the tendie front.
Don't worry about it.
I clicked on the heading to get the picture in a new window, then just held down <CTRL> whilst rolling my mouse wheel up to zoom in.
No problem.
Frenns in trucks. = love trucks
Frawgs luv trucks!
You found Q’s 4-6%
Again I think it’s a bit higher maybe 8 to 10% includes all your “I won’t give up the mask!” That doesn’t work ... 😂
Not gonna lie, I laughed at "sleep deprivation is a war crime."
That shit is funny.
I thought the funniest one was the one complaining about someone shouting 'This isn't China' and then saying he wanted out of the country - presumably to go to China as that is the implied preference.
What a bunch of mentalists.
also my fave... I keep keking about it in fresh waves.
I like how their posts are all basically saying "only we can protest"
"So many Hitlers!" - Elon Musk
I wonder what mr "my depression and anxiety" is going to do about it. I'm betting on nothing, it's easier to seethe.
Perhaps he'll start a pop-up shop selling earplugs?
Naah, that's not them, that's us!
They definitely need a simple response to help their stress,
I suggest using "COPE"
Oh look, the cowards in their natural habitat instead of emboldened by soros funded group friends
It's scared.
H🤡NK H🌎NK‼️‼️‼️
Remember the Chapelle show sketch on the Mtv Real World show?
"What is wrong with you people!! Some of us have to work tomorrow!!"
"What do you mean "you people?"
"Time for a house meeting ya'll" LOL.
Of all the words I'm sick to death of hearing of from the left, I think trauma is up there. Trauma trauma trauma. Trauma this, trauma that. It may have even surpassed Nazi at this point.
If any of these people are actually as traumatized as they claim they need to check into an institution and get off of reddit
Where's the Canadian branch of Antifa to counter protest. Or did they run out of Soros funding... Patriots in control?
It's cold there, so they ain't playing outside
Plus getting bitch slapped REALLY stings
They are "fair weather" antifa, meaning they're so weak they can't fathom going outside if the air temp is less than 72 F. If they get cold they whine and complain and then they all crawl to the nearest Starbucks for hot chocolate and vegan soy milk caramal machiattos with extra whip.
also possible that watching their comrades get vanned during BLM riots had sort of a chilling effect on their enthusiasm to participate.
Could be. Also they're so lazy that not even a $500 check from Soros can get them off their butts.
they do try so hard to create this narrative on reddit arent they? expect the same on television
Cry me a river.
They're just pissed because it's not them rioting, burning, and looting.
But the BLM and Antifa riots where stuff was looted and buildings burned was perfectly OK.
Damn Commie retards.
Who on Earth is spending 50$ a month on a youtube channel? Thats malarky!
As they cry in their cheerios that were delivered by truckers, sitting on their couch that was delivered by truckers, in a room built with wood, drywall and metal all delivered by truckers... and the list goes on. If not for truckers, they would not be in the middle of downtown with their soy boy scooters and city bikes with a chime bell. I suggest they realize what side their toast is buttered on.
"they made me take the drugs myan"
Honk honk...They found out boys SHUT IT ALL DOWN!! LOL! I love the simp who's reaction was to cancel YouTube subscription to his "muh lady" HAHAHA!
3rd from the bottom is upset because "you never know who is a nazi!!!" but his reddit name is "Swagstikaa" aka "Swastika." WOW.
Very funny stuff!
Some serious salt their,might have to go mining myself.
like every third comment either has the word "babies" "crybabies" "toddler" or "tantrum" in it.
And then full 'nother third is talking about being personally traumatized by protesters.
like KEK, make up your mind.
I Like the one who gave 1,000 to a you tuber and then felt betrayed, that they were a patriot. Who the heck gives money to a you tuber
Ummmm guys your missing the point…they’re standing for YOUR freedom. Hello??! So humiliating if they’re not bots or shills. I can’t even read all of their whining posts. Obviously the 4-6%.
I get the citizen’s anger, but you also have to get the truckers’ anger. Thanks to them and long road trips, we have food on the table. To be mandated to take a shot which provides short term, if any efficacy, is wrong. We still do not know the longterm results of this shot. By disrupting your daily life, you will complain about the noise and about no food on the table. The government will have to backdown. In terms of using your lawn as a toilet, there is no excuse for that.
Lawn toilet probably never happened. If Antifa took a poop on his property, and then burned his dwelling to the ground this moron would say they were justified in doing do. Clown Town.
you should see what they do to the lawns at the start line for the Boston Marathon.
no way! for real?!?
Yep, they squat on the lawns to get that last dump before the race
Why the hell are you still here? It’s pretty obvious you’re a glowie just by looking at your comment history.