Nuremberg..? You mean those fake trials where they hung out, what 17 scapegoats and then moved the other 1600 fuckers to the US and placed within our government..?
No thanks to a Nuremberg sequel for me. This time let’s see all the guilty bastards hang!
Forums like the chans and this place use it as a gate keeping system. Some places on the web use errors as slang/dialect or what have you. Outsiders tend to miss much of the conversation because they are to busy judging. Often revealing a narrow or closed mind. ;)
ah, yes. "when he said numberg trials, what could that be? what... could... racking my brain. couldn't be Nuremberg, could it? no, no, no. he would have said Nuremberg. it's gotta be something. I should probably ask if he meant Nuremberg. but if everyone else knows that's what was meant then I'll look like a retard. I know - I'll ask, but in a way that lets me come across as a passive douche. if I get called out for that, I can say "I truly, like the retard I am, was just trying to clarify. that's why you always play both sides - so you come out on top."
is that it? is that what you meant? I'm just trying to cover my bases here to either shit on you or help your lizard brain understand, bless your heart.
So now we gotta think/talk like libs to fit in? Seriously, my FB feed is lousy with BLM people trying to tell me that Ebonics is just as good as English and that people who try and keep a modern day tower of babel from coming about are the 'racist gatekeepers' trying to enforce white man's English on everyone.
Im not going to argue with you. I gave you advice that you might have better discussions if you were a little more open minded instead of inserting control over others speech.
If you cant deal with a little friendly advice, maybe you shouldnt be giving any either? Have a nice day fren.
People actually died from COVID because the therapeutics that would have helped them not end up in hospital (where they were administered protocols, courtesy of Dr Fauci, that were responsible for their deaths) were banned worldwide! Medications that people had been prescribed for decades to treat other ailments (i.e. Hydroxychloroquine for Lupus) suddenly became unavailable even to those patients because the rest of us were prohibited from having access - so we’d get sicker and have to go to hospital. I don’t think we stop to think about the very beginning of this scam, when they were all predicting that hospitals were going to be overrun with critically ill patients. How did they know that? Because they manipulated the ENTIRE thing. The virus and the vaxxes have always been just a means to an end - to force their “great reset” and bring in a One World Order. And depopulation isn’t about saving the planet - it’s about eliminating the opposition. What have we seen with the truckers - there’s power in numbers. Canadians (who’ve been quietly complying for the most part) suddenly came out in droves in freezing temps when they were given a voice by a group that was strong enough and motivated enough to say, “ENOUGH with compliance”! They can’t rule when there are thousands of people fighting back - they’re cowards and they’ll hide, just like Trudope has - and Biden has. What we should be paying attention to is how they fold when a contingent of Patriots confront them. I read somewhere here this morning that we’ve successfully held the line - now the time for action is beginning. Compliant no more!
Because no one “dies from Covid” at home, it’s logical to assume doctors and nurses are intentionally murdering patients in hospitals, either through malice or dereliction of duty. The standards protocols for respiratory viruses was changed a few weeks before the start of the pandemic, after having been established for decades. Most people who “died from Covid” appear to have been “murdered by Remdesivir”. A big focus of the Nuremburg 2.0 trials needs to be who changed the established protocols for treatment, who benefitted from Remdesivir, who aided and benefitted in the suppression of hydroxychloriquine and ivermectin, and which doctors and nurses were complicit in the agenda and which were simply following orders out of ignorance, cowardice, or incompetence. Virtually every doctor who participated in this crime against humanity should have their medical license stripped. The ones at the top should be tried and executed on the world stage before an international military tribunal.
Virtually every doctor who participated in this crime against humanity should have their medical license stripped. The ones at the top should be tried and executed on the world stage before an international military tribunal.
As people wake up they will simply leave the fake news doctors. After two shots and still getting COVID what simpleton would ask the doctor if another jab of the same concoction would magically be a good thing. How many people are figuring it out after getting jabbed and still getting sick. They also see some folks who didn’t get jabbed or sick.
I updooted this because I don't think it's worthy of 0 or negative points IMO. This is almost 100% correct. It may be true that co-morbidities cause deaths in other diseases too and this is correct, yet there are a plethora of diseases that lead to death without co-morbidities. Covid is such a low risk disease in and of itself. It's almost like it's the flu. It's almost like the only change in the past two years is that every death that could be attributed to covid, was, thus over inflating this whole thing. They used that concern/ fear to drive their evil mandates, trying to speed up their plan. Frankly it failed. We should celebrate it. We should point out their flaws in their ideology at every point and mock them mercilessly for being so stupid. To those who fell for it, we need to ride a tight line. They deserve some mocking, but they will eventually join us, so not mocking them endlessly is preferred.
New studies out say Epstein Barr virus that’s latent will be reactivated and thats part of the risk. Then there’s autoantibodies like they see in MS with Epstein Barr.
New information coming out why in some children and young people they get super sick. Because people are sick enough for there families to take them to the hospital.
I don’t go to the hospital when I don’t need to why are so many people running for hospital care? If hospitals ran out and kidnapped people that’s one thing but they are showing up asking for help. Signing the care contract to be admitted under the care of a hospital doctor.
Also they found autoantibodies in many who have Covid that are similar in lupus and guess what medicine treats lupus?
So they are keeping a wrap on the autoantibodies found in Covid so people won’t figure out that Trump may have been right about hydroxychloroquine for preventative or early treatment. You guys need to pay attention to this!
“Serum anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA) were detectable in approximately one-third of patients7. “
“Anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA) are autoantibodies to the nuclei of your cells. 98% of all people with systemic lupus have a positive ANA test, making it the most sensitive diagnostic test for confirming diagnosis of the disease.”
“Hydroxychloroquine is used to treat discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or lupus). It is also used to treat acute and chronic rheumatoid arthritis. This medicine is available only with your doctor's prescription.”
Covid seems to screw up your immune system, and I bet the vaccine does to. This is how we fight them because these are from actual medical journals they respect.
Hydroxychloroquine treats the autoantibodies they are now finding in Covid infection!!!!
“Results: Rheumatoid-associated autoantibodies were detected in 20.16% of patients (26/129) following infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). In addition, IgM-RF was primarily present in critically ill patients, while IgA-RF was mainly present in mild patients.”
I'm not sure a single person died of covid. It has never been shown to exist, for example by having an isolated sample. They made the vaccine from a computer model of what it might look like.
There was a report posted on the Johns Hopkins site proving that the CDC moved deaths from the flu column and several other columns over to their fake covid column.
It was just another flu. No more people died in the past two years than in any other flu season. The hospitals are not slammed. The media was using video from other countries. The funeral homes are not stacked high with bodies. I'm old and look at the local obituaries a lot, and I've seen no increase in the numbers of death notices.
So no, I don't think anyone did actually die of covid.
The virus still hasn't been isolated. There still isn't a real test for it. The current tests give positives on anything you use them on, fruits, tap water, etc.
So there is no proof that the virus is anything but a different strain of flu.
You might as well say they died of a cold. A lot of people died because of the mistreatment in the hospital. Ventilators killed a lot, and their drug of choice killed too.
Ok so they haven’t isolated it. Let’s go with that. How do you explain people talking about getting something they have never had before? You can’t just say oh it’s a cold/flu! When people have personally had it and said no this was not like the cold or flu.
No restrictions and your legislature needs to pass a law that these unscientific mandates can never be enacted again-mandates which take away your rights of bodily autonomy, freedom to work, go to school without restrictions, healthcare without restrictions, and freedom of movement between provinces, countries, businesses without stipulations.
The things you listed are already enshrined in both the US constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (not sure what the EU is like) as well as ratfied by many nations in the Nuremberg Code. The existing laws need to be upheld and violators need to be brought to justice. Swift and severe justice.
But don’t expect B.C. to be “opening things up completely,” she said, as experience has shown “that when you do things precipitously, you can get a rebound that can be really hard on people and hard on us because we start to see more transmission again.”
They know what’s coming! They may have got their million $ bonus, a new home in the Maldives and a bonus in their pension fund, but it’s not going to do them any good when they are placed on trial for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
Remember that EO 45 signed way back in 20 December, 2017.
DCPD-201700923 - Executive Order 13818-Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption.
Well there’s a clause that states:
‘Human rights abuse or corruption, blocking property of persons involved’.
Q 64.
Jun 29, 2018 12:59:18 AM EDT
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 03ac69 No. 1953310
Jun 29, 2018 12:25:43 AM EDT
Anonymous ID: ffd993 No. 1952748
I almost hope they don't ask. It would be fun to watch them try to manage the spin when 90% of the country is aware of you and all that you've been shining a light on, while the MSM still can acknowledge it. I can see them squirming now
It must happen.
Conspiracy no more.
Think of every post made.
It would force us to prove everything stated to avoid looking crazy, correct?
What do they fear the most?
Public awakening.
If they ask.
They self destruct.
They know this is real.
See attacks.
The build is near complete.
Growing exponentially.
You are the frame.
You are the support.
People will be lost.
People will be terrified.
People will reject.
People will need to be guided.
Do not be afraid.
We will succeed.
Timing is everything.
Think Huber.
Think DOJ/FBI reorg.
Think RESIGNATIONS (loss of control).❗️❗️
How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?
It must be compelling to avoid a divide (political attack/optics).
We are the majority (growing).
Sheep No More
Reading this EO, and I do believe it has already happened….see posts on Prince
al waleed bin talal- that these wretched people for their CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and not just their involvement in sex trafficking, but their involvement in the VAX - at every level, their assets will be confiscated and in the end distributed back to We The People. Worldwide.
They will attempt to placate us. Get us to claim victory and go home.
But these people are evil, duplicitous cunts who will immediately continue forward with culling the herd and the enslavement of the survivors.
This is a zero sum war. There is no magnanimous victory that will not result in their betrayal of humanity. Evil does what evil does and these people are evil. Truly evil. Thats not hyperbole.
It is time for this world and the Good People who are the overwhelming majority to take control from those who have forced suffering upon us since the beginning of Time. To do so there can be no half measures, there can be no compromise.
They think they can force an illusory victory upon us because at our core we are good, kind-hearted people and evil has been taking advantage of us for 6000 years. But they have underestimated our resolve this time. We will see this through to the end. To their end. Forever.
But yet I have to listen to her stupid advertising about protecting the children and the best way to do that is to vaccinate the 5-11 year olds...... I can't wait for them all to "disappear".
“I think many experts believe that so-called herd immunity may not be achievable with this virus because it undergoes constant evolution. So what you’re looking at is this endemic state where people will get reinfected over time as immunity wanes,” chief public health officer Theresa Tam told a House of Commons health committee in mid-January.“
This is from that article.
I just want to say that I’ve been harping on the fact that coronavirus is a cold virus, one that causes in a very small population severe disease. But up to 20 percent may need hospital support with oxygen and we see that with influenza. Although not quite as much.
The virus mutates to evade all immunity like a cold does. Evade natural immunity and immunity from the previous vaccines. That’s why the vaccines won’t work over time.
They will keep having to make them and when there are so many variants over time they will be guessing which main variants to include in the vaccine just like the flu vax.
Vaccine will fail over time but may offer some protection if they guess the variants right one year. But at what risk? Risk for some may not be worth it and it should be your choice.
Great but we still need Nurnberg trials for her & every one of them
Yes. Maybe the trials will consider their latest actions and let them hang out in jail and be treated like prisoners rather than traitors.
Yeahhhhhhhhhhh, no.
It's the only way they don't turn around and lock everyone down again after the Freedom Fighters leave.
Nuremberg..? You mean those fake trials where they hung out, what 17 scapegoats and then moved the other 1600 fuckers to the US and placed within our government..?
No thanks to a Nuremberg sequel for me. This time let’s see all the guilty bastards hang!
What's a nurnberg? Did you mean Nuremberg?
In -27 degree Canada it is commonly enunciated as numberg when the tongue is frozen to the nosesickle mustacheberg
Grammar facism wins zero arguments here. Factually correct grammar is probably the only "fact" we dont care about.
Grammar is a large component of how you think. Large enough that sloppy grammar reveals sloppy thinking.
agreed. at the very least they should want to edit it to be correct...
'pretty is as pretty does'
Or dyslexic that have a hard time.
Forums like the chans and this place use it as a gate keeping system. Some places on the web use errors as slang/dialect or what have you. Outsiders tend to miss much of the conversation because they are to busy judging. Often revealing a narrow or closed mind. ;)
OR because they are too busy trying to figure out WTF the person with the horrible grammar fucking meant.
ah, yes. "when he said numberg trials, what could that be? what... could... racking my brain. couldn't be Nuremberg, could it? no, no, no. he would have said Nuremberg. it's gotta be something. I should probably ask if he meant Nuremberg. but if everyone else knows that's what was meant then I'll look like a retard. I know - I'll ask, but in a way that lets me come across as a passive douche. if I get called out for that, I can say "I truly, like the retard I am, was just trying to clarify. that's why you always play both sides - so you come out on top."
is that it? is that what you meant? I'm just trying to cover my bases here to either shit on you or help your lizard brain understand, bless your heart.
You sure went ham for something you don't care about. :-P
LOL that isnt ham fren. That was suggestion to help you fit in, handshake. :)
So now we gotta think/talk like libs to fit in? Seriously, my FB feed is lousy with BLM people trying to tell me that Ebonics is just as good as English and that people who try and keep a modern day tower of babel from coming about are the 'racist gatekeepers' trying to enforce white man's English on everyone.
Now (w)ho's mad? :))
Im not going to argue with you. I gave you advice that you might have better discussions if you were a little more open minded instead of inserting control over others speech.
If you cant deal with a little friendly advice, maybe you shouldnt be giving any either? Have a nice day fren.
Nürnberg is the German name for the city.
This guy bergs
i've yet to see a handshake that wasn't some kind of prick.
Even if they do end the restrictions, don't stop the convoy. Keep honking horns until they really fall apart.
The entire world stopped because the media said you might die from the "sniffles".
People actually died from covid, sir. But it's danger was over exaggerated and they suppressed cures.
People actually died from COVID because the therapeutics that would have helped them not end up in hospital (where they were administered protocols, courtesy of Dr Fauci, that were responsible for their deaths) were banned worldwide! Medications that people had been prescribed for decades to treat other ailments (i.e. Hydroxychloroquine for Lupus) suddenly became unavailable even to those patients because the rest of us were prohibited from having access - so we’d get sicker and have to go to hospital. I don’t think we stop to think about the very beginning of this scam, when they were all predicting that hospitals were going to be overrun with critically ill patients. How did they know that? Because they manipulated the ENTIRE thing. The virus and the vaxxes have always been just a means to an end - to force their “great reset” and bring in a One World Order. And depopulation isn’t about saving the planet - it’s about eliminating the opposition. What have we seen with the truckers - there’s power in numbers. Canadians (who’ve been quietly complying for the most part) suddenly came out in droves in freezing temps when they were given a voice by a group that was strong enough and motivated enough to say, “ENOUGH with compliance”! They can’t rule when there are thousands of people fighting back - they’re cowards and they’ll hide, just like Trudope has - and Biden has. What we should be paying attention to is how they fold when a contingent of Patriots confront them. I read somewhere here this morning that we’ve successfully held the line - now the time for action is beginning. Compliant no more!
Because no one “dies from Covid” at home, it’s logical to assume doctors and nurses are intentionally murdering patients in hospitals, either through malice or dereliction of duty. The standards protocols for respiratory viruses was changed a few weeks before the start of the pandemic, after having been established for decades. Most people who “died from Covid” appear to have been “murdered by Remdesivir”. A big focus of the Nuremburg 2.0 trials needs to be who changed the established protocols for treatment, who benefitted from Remdesivir, who aided and benefitted in the suppression of hydroxychloriquine and ivermectin, and which doctors and nurses were complicit in the agenda and which were simply following orders out of ignorance, cowardice, or incompetence. Virtually every doctor who participated in this crime against humanity should have their medical license stripped. The ones at the top should be tried and executed on the world stage before an international military tribunal.
A trillion percent yes on this.
As people wake up they will simply leave the fake news doctors. After two shots and still getting COVID what simpleton would ask the doctor if another jab of the same concoction would magically be a good thing. How many people are figuring it out after getting jabbed and still getting sick. They also see some folks who didn’t get jabbed or sick.
Agreed 100%
And rejected and scorned by society for life. I know I will.
I hate them now for what they're doing to innocent children...and that will not change over time.
People died from their co-morbidities, and the lack of early intervention. No one dies "from" covid.
I updooted this because I don't think it's worthy of 0 or negative points IMO. This is almost 100% correct. It may be true that co-morbidities cause deaths in other diseases too and this is correct, yet there are a plethora of diseases that lead to death without co-morbidities. Covid is such a low risk disease in and of itself. It's almost like it's the flu. It's almost like the only change in the past two years is that every death that could be attributed to covid, was, thus over inflating this whole thing. They used that concern/ fear to drive their evil mandates, trying to speed up their plan. Frankly it failed. We should celebrate it. We should point out their flaws in their ideology at every point and mock them mercilessly for being so stupid. To those who fell for it, we need to ride a tight line. They deserve some mocking, but they will eventually join us, so not mocking them endlessly is preferred.
You could say that about any disease.
New studies out say Epstein Barr virus that’s latent will be reactivated and thats part of the risk. Then there’s autoantibodies like they see in MS with Epstein Barr.
New information coming out why in some children and young people they get super sick. Because people are sick enough for there families to take them to the hospital.
I don’t go to the hospital when I don’t need to why are so many people running for hospital care? If hospitals ran out and kidnapped people that’s one thing but they are showing up asking for help. Signing the care contract to be admitted under the care of a hospital doctor.
Also they found autoantibodies in many who have Covid that are similar in lupus and guess what medicine treats lupus?
So they are keeping a wrap on the autoantibodies found in Covid so people won’t figure out that Trump may have been right about hydroxychloroquine for preventative or early treatment. You guys need to pay attention to this!
“Serum anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA) were detectable in approximately one-third of patients7. “
“Anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA) are autoantibodies to the nuclei of your cells. 98% of all people with systemic lupus have a positive ANA test, making it the most sensitive diagnostic test for confirming diagnosis of the disease.”
“Hydroxychloroquine is used to treat discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) or systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or lupus). It is also used to treat acute and chronic rheumatoid arthritis. This medicine is available only with your doctor's prescription.”
They are also finding autoantibodies for RA.
Covid seems to screw up your immune system, and I bet the vaccine does to. This is how we fight them because these are from actual medical journals they respect.
Hydroxychloroquine treats the autoantibodies they are now finding in Covid infection!!!!
“Results: Rheumatoid-associated autoantibodies were detected in 20.16% of patients (26/129) following infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). In addition, IgM-RF was primarily present in critically ill patients, while IgA-RF was mainly present in mild patients.”
I'm not sure a single person died of covid. It has never been shown to exist, for example by having an isolated sample. They made the vaccine from a computer model of what it might look like.
There was a report posted on the Johns Hopkins site proving that the CDC moved deaths from the flu column and several other columns over to their fake covid column.
It was just another flu. No more people died in the past two years than in any other flu season. The hospitals are not slammed. The media was using video from other countries. The funeral homes are not stacked high with bodies. I'm old and look at the local obituaries a lot, and I've seen no increase in the numbers of death notices.
So no, I don't think anyone did actually die of covid.
Ya well I know 3 people personally who died of it. They were not old.
Also I am good friends with an pulmonary nurse in the ER.
There is such thing as a flu season. It’s not during the summer.
Also Many people on this site got Covid and it was nothing like they have every had before.
My friends have had Covid and they described the same thing “nothing like they had before”
The virus still hasn't been isolated. There still isn't a real test for it. The current tests give positives on anything you use them on, fruits, tap water, etc.
So there is no proof that the virus is anything but a different strain of flu.
You might as well say they died of a cold. A lot of people died because of the mistreatment in the hospital. Ventilators killed a lot, and their drug of choice killed too.
Ok so they haven’t isolated it. Let’s go with that. How do you explain people talking about getting something they have never had before? You can’t just say oh it’s a cold/flu! When people have personally had it and said no this was not like the cold or flu.
People die from all kinds of shit, SIR. We do what we fucking can, but whatcha gonna do? Shit happens.
Sir yes sir!
You’re right there was no nursing home scandals to pump the Covid deaths up.
You are all correct on this one. Don't get upset at the semantics of others.
If you go home... the Canadian Government or provinces can re-impose the Covid restrictions ANY TIME THEY WANT.
All they have to claim is "new variant"... and it's suddenly a new emergency needing more restrictions, masks, vaccines, etc... .
Don't stop until those officials resign.
Totally agree with you. Remove the USA DemonRats and Rinos as well. Club GITMO is gonna be happenin!!
And exactly which bolt to remove from the steering column
What's the downside?
No restrictions and your legislature needs to pass a law that these unscientific mandates can never be enacted again-mandates which take away your rights of bodily autonomy, freedom to work, go to school without restrictions, healthcare without restrictions, and freedom of movement between provinces, countries, businesses without stipulations.
The things you listed are already enshrined in both the US constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (not sure what the EU is like) as well as ratfied by many nations in the Nuremberg Code. The existing laws need to be upheld and violators need to be brought to justice. Swift and severe justice.
But don’t expect B.C. to be “opening things up completely,” she said, as experience has shown “that when you do things precipitously, you can get a rebound that can be really hard on people and hard on us because we start to see more transmission again.”
They know what’s coming! They may have got their million $ bonus, a new home in the Maldives and a bonus in their pension fund, but it’s not going to do them any good when they are placed on trial for CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
Remember that EO 45 signed way back in 20 December, 2017.
DCPD-201700923 - Executive Order 13818-Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption.
Well there’s a clause that states:
‘Human rights abuse or corruption, blocking property of persons involved’.
Q 64.
Jun 29, 2018 12:59:18 AM EDT
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 03ac69 No. 1953310
Jun 29, 2018 12:25:43 AM EDT
Anonymous ID: ffd993 No. 1952748
I almost hope they don't ask. It would be fun to watch them try to manage the spin when 90% of the country is aware of you and all that you've been shining a light on, while the MSM still can acknowledge it. I can see them squirming now
It must happen.
Conspiracy no more.
Think of every post made.
It would force us to prove everything stated to avoid looking crazy, correct?
What do they fear the most?
Public awakening.
If they ask.
They self destruct.
They know this is real.
See attacks.
The build is near complete.
Growing exponentially.
You are the frame.
You are the support.
People will be lost.
People will be terrified.
People will reject.
People will need to be guided.
Do not be afraid.
We will succeed.
Timing is everything.
Think Huber.
Think DOJ/FBI reorg.
Think RESIGNATIONS (loss of control).❗️❗️
How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?
It must be compelling to avoid a divide (political attack/optics).
We are the majority (growing).
Sheep No More
Reading this EO, and I do believe it has already happened….see posts on Prince al waleed bin talal- that these wretched people for their CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and not just their involvement in sex trafficking, but their involvement in the VAX - at every level, their assets will be confiscated and in the end distributed back to We The People. Worldwide.
Nothing Will Stop What Is Coming. NOTHING! Q
They will attempt to placate us. Get us to claim victory and go home.
But these people are evil, duplicitous cunts who will immediately continue forward with culling the herd and the enslavement of the survivors.
This is a zero sum war. There is no magnanimous victory that will not result in their betrayal of humanity. Evil does what evil does and these people are evil. Truly evil. Thats not hyperbole.
It is time for this world and the Good People who are the overwhelming majority to take control from those who have forced suffering upon us since the beginning of Time. To do so there can be no half measures, there can be no compromise.
They think they can force an illusory victory upon us because at our core we are good, kind-hearted people and evil has been taking advantage of us for 6000 years. But they have underestimated our resolve this time. We will see this through to the end. To their end. Forever.
This is doesnt end until every one of these criminals are held accountable!
Time to move the goal posts on them.
Next we need trubrandan to resign.
They we move it again,we need trials........
Yeah, it wasn't the pressure by the truckers that we are ending covid restrictions.
Translation: Don't you dare think your protests work. We don't want more of them!
Can’t WAIT for the USA Convoy!!! 🚚🚛🚚🚛🚚🚛🚚🚛🚚🚛🚚🚛🚚🚛🚚🚛🚚🚛🚚🚛🚚
Wow! Like magic!
I thought that was "Dr" Jill Biden at first. Same dead eyes.
Bonnie Henry of BC
She talks to the public as if they are children
Her whole motto is “be safe, be calm, be kind”
That’s something stupid you’d maybe tell your 4 year old, even that I’d never utter that bs to them
Liberals/socialists are majority raised without fathers so that’s why they like big government taking care of them
But yet I have to listen to her stupid advertising about protecting the children and the best way to do that is to vaccinate the 5-11 year olds...... I can't wait for them all to "disappear".
They don't get it. It is already too late.
If they say it's not because of the truckers, then it's definitely because of the truckers.
How about this. The people declare it over. You start it back up we hang you until you dont need a mask.
“I think many experts believe that so-called herd immunity may not be achievable with this virus because it undergoes constant evolution. So what you’re looking at is this endemic state where people will get reinfected over time as immunity wanes,” chief public health officer Theresa Tam told a House of Commons health committee in mid-January.“
This is from that article.
I just want to say that I’ve been harping on the fact that coronavirus is a cold virus, one that causes in a very small population severe disease. But up to 20 percent may need hospital support with oxygen and we see that with influenza. Although not quite as much.
The virus mutates to evade all immunity like a cold does. Evade natural immunity and immunity from the previous vaccines. That’s why the vaccines won’t work over time.
They will keep having to make them and when there are so many variants over time they will be guessing which main variants to include in the vaccine just like the flu vax.
Vaccine will fail over time but may offer some protection if they guess the variants right one year. But at what risk? Risk for some may not be worth it and it should be your choice.
That’s why the army vaccine that covers precious and future variants may be the best shot (no pun) if people want to take a vaccine.
Lock them up, lock them up, lock them up
Every time I come across a problem in my life I always say “fuck it” and then as if it’s sacrilege I have to add “we’ll do it live”