As I have explained in the past, Trump needed to step away from the Presidency for a short time for many reasons. First and foremost, to let the rats run lose. They think Trump is out of the picture, its back to business as usual. Corrupt officials will be tracked and monitored. Flushing out the fake MAGA supporters, watching who sucks up to the Biden regime. Watching the reactions/comments from all the players to the different scenarios as they play out is a good way to determine who is loyal to the USA.
Trump explained the benefits of walking away for a while back in 1992 in a interview with Charlie Rose. "Someday I would like to lose everything just to see who is loyal and who is not loyal". Here at the 2:40 mark,
We look at Ukraine, we see Putin destroying the deep state and biolabs. Could this be accomplished if Trump was in office? Highly doubtful. If these biolabs were on our own soil it would be easy to shut them down. Given they were in Ukraine, could Trump use our own military to take out targets in Ukraine that were funded with dark money from our own Dept of Defense? How many conflicts of interest do you see there?
Obviously, it is in humanities best interest to destroy these labs to prevent future deep state pandemics. We have Bill Gates threatening humanity with future pandemics, Ukraine would have been the origination the next virus.
What would be the media response if Putin attacked Ukraine while President Trump was in office? If Putin attacked Ukraine, Trump sat back and watched without intervening, the media would immediately link Trump and Putin as working together. The Russia, Russia, Russia story would be pulled out of the playbook again. They would say Trump is consenting or complying with Russia aggression. Trump would become a Russian asset again. With Biden in office, who gets the blame? Who looks weak now?
This takedown of the deep state in Ukraine could only be accomplished by Putin and it had to be done with Trump out of the picture.
I think the upcoming scenario with China and Taiwan is another time when it may be best if Trump is out of the picture. Remember, Trump has always been anti-war, he wants to maintain that persona. If the CCP tries to invade Taiwan, its going to get ugly, there will be many casualties. I think a CCP invasion of Taiwan will backfire on the CCP and lead to the fall of the CCP.
Taiwan has a very large ground force and have bought a shit ton of military equipment from the USA while Trump was in office, they are ready for any aggression.
We hear that China and Russia are building a alliance. This article explains, "Lately, few in the media have commented about Chinese President Xi Jinping’s participation in over 30 meetings with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. Fewer still have speculated on the nature of their communications."
The CCP along with Fauci is responsible for the Virus leak from Wuhan. Xi knows the CCP has outlived their welcome and China can never flourish with the CCP controlling things. (The same scenario plays out with the Democrats here in the USA.) China is adopting hatred from the entire planet thanks to the CCP. This must be ended. I think Xi and Putin are working out the details of the CCP demise centered around this upcoming Taiwan invasion. It is not a secret that Xi is not in lockstep with the CCP. Here is a video explaining how Xi is possibly working to undermine the CCP and they know it.
The upcoming market crash is another good example. Trump wants to eliminate the Federal Reserve, they have enslaved us with so much debt, we could never pay it back. Trump wants to usher in a new currency and eliminate all the debt. A fresh start. How do you accomplish this? Answer: Let it all burn to the ground under Biden's watch. This will be the last straw that breaks the camel's back.
Once the economy implodes, people will be pissed and demanding Biden's removal. Remember the economy was booming under Trump, the sharp contrast is easy to see even for a normie. Shortly after the economic implosion, all the election fraud data comes out on Truth Social. This is why the election fraud evidence has not been acted upon, it is all about timing. The normies will then realize Trump actually won in 2020 and with the current economic destruction, they will be begging for Trump's return.
Have you heard of the Scaramucci Effect? Trump was famous for doing this several times. Put in an acting cabinet official, let them come in and create all sorts of controversy by declassifying things, pissing off the deep state and afterwards put in the permanent replacement who has clean hands. Biden is Scaramucci, Trump will return with clean hands and save the day.
Everything has happened for a reason.
Everything has been planned down to the smallest detail.
Everything playing out in the short time period Biden has been in office, planned.
Be patient and know the best is yet to come.
Stay safe my frens!!!
This advocates for a much bigger plan than nearly anyone I know has conceived.
So it's nice to see I'm not the only one. :)
Anyone who thinks that Trump is a loser or willing to lose, doesn't know Trump.
Anyone who thinks that Trump is the leader of "Team White Hat" or whatever one's preferred name for them is, is almost assuredly incorrect. I view him as their Brand Manager and Motivational Speaker.
Impressive girth, too.
It’s all about that yaw
Trump told us for four years. He told us exactly what would happen if he weren't President. Everyone expected he'd win the election in a landslide, which he did, but nearly nobody expected he'd lose, which he didn't, and see all those horrible scenarios played out. But here we are. How does the quote go?..."you can't just tell the people, you have to show them"...or something like that?
He also said something bigs gonna happen.
Trump keeps saying “this would not be happening if I were in the White House.”
I believe this is not a “told you so” statement. I believe he is telling us he had to leave in order for this plan to be carried out.
Yes, absolutely! I was going to add this in my post and I forgot about it. Thanks for bringing it up. I keep things in my head for a few days, piecing things together till I find time to sit down and put it in to words that makes sense. This one flew right out the barn.
That gif is gold, pure orange gold.
I agree completely with your post except you explained it far clearer than I could have. I also think that Pence had his part to play and I'm not so quick to write him off. If the election had been contested by him, then this plan could not be played out. Excellent post.
"It takes more courage to do nothing"
He told us he was going to lie low.
The vaccine is the shot heard around the world. He couldn't stop it, any more than he could get HCQ approved for early treatment. So he bowed out and let them steal it. Because I don't think he wanted to President while so many people were getting poisoned.
Trump at the Whirlpool Manufacturing plant in August of 2020:
I remember this firmly and fondly. Thanks for reminding us.
The Q team alluded to Biden getting in the office (even if he doesn’t actually have any power) in Q post #4822 & post #4821. Also the Law of War manual tells us in Chapter 11 that to satisfy very specific Law of War requirements there must be an “occupying power” before the Military takes back control, which Biden fulfills since he is owned by China/Ukraine and probably others. This was planned LONG ago. The Patriots did not miss anything. Justice is coming and there’s nothing that can stop it. God bless my fellow Patriots. WWG1WGA!
We will have our Brave New World, not their New World Order!
Have you read the book? I'd much rather both societies be gone with the wind.
Yeah, I dont want a Brave New World or the New/One World Order. They arent exactly that much different from one another.
Everything is a lie. Look how much lies are on the Internet, imagine books and scrolls that are hidden or destroyed.
Much has been lost. One example, the library of Alexandria:
Very aware of the Alexandria library and that’s only one instance.
15 years ago I could never have dreamed the Internet would be so heavily censored. Google is removing frontline doctors from search results. Unreal.
It was full of Talmudic occult literature. Burn that shit to the ground.
I believe in God, Trump and the plan... Since Q first mentioned the plan on 8chan I've believed... I always will... Thank you OP... ☕☕☕
Agree completely. Astute observations anon.
This is the way.
This is the way.
This is the way.
How do we protect ourselves financially for those who have little means to prepare like a prepper?
Even if you have little money and space, stock up on dried beans and rice. With some cheese, it's a fairly close complete protein. Not quite as good as meat but getting there. Also peanut butter. For greens, get you a seed sprouter or make one with a jar and cheesecloth. Seed and bean sprouts are easy, take only a few days and have more vitamins and minerals than the grown plants. And require no soil or space other than a few inches on your counter.
excellent suggestions. Thank you very much
Canned sardines are also a good pick. They can be bought relatively in expensively esp if you get more during sale times.
For longer storage, you can get a fairly decent vacuum sealer on Amazon for around $35. You can get monster jars of peanut butter at Walmart for pretty cheap, although the price is going up pretty fast with this inflation.
I wish I knew the answer for the financial issues if OP is right. Those of us who depend on savings and retirement will be up a creek. We don't have big bucks to run out and buy a lot of precious metals or crypto.
Silver is an exceedingly good deal if you can get it for spot or a little over.
24.27 - The silver to gold ratio price wise is about 75 :1, which may not be sustainable long term. There are groups short selling silver , which doesn't make much sense to me, especially if we move to solar energy.
I have the same question. Thanks. I have planned to garden this year in a very small way. I don't know what one does with investment accounts.
The financial system will crash and burn but I think Trump will react quickly to this. He will not let the American people suffer or starve. Once the current system goes down, I think the new system will be up and running rather quickly.
I think any money lost in 401K's due to the stock market failure will be replaced. Money lost and stolen from pension funds will be replaced. All the debt will be wiped out also, the Federal Reserve will take it with them. Would you be able to live without any worries if all your debt was eliminated?
Any cash you have on hand can be turned in for the new currency although there may be a exchange rate.
I think the whole system is going to go through a revaluation. Based on the value of the new currency, the prices on consumer products will be revaluated and adjusted.
For example, the price of a gallon of gas will drop to $1 but when you turn in a $20 fiat note for new currency you may only get $5 in return. The depreciation of our currency that has accumulated over the last 50 years will vanish. With the prices of good and value of currency it will be like we are living back in the 1970's again.
At least this is the way I envision it.
Don't worry, buy enough food to last you for a few weeks and you should be good.
Truly comforting
Are you asking specifically about finances, or about how to stock up on goods/food/etc. if you don’t have the $ to do so?
I was asking for all those who don't have the means or location to grow food.
Got some very good ideas. I do think that those that do have the means, need to plan like they don't. You can't eat silver or gold and when the economy crashes and burns unless someone is willing to take a one ounce coin of silver for a meal, you're liable to go hungry. I have the means. Certainly not rich but I buying a lot of freeze dried food and such. IRA's and Savings might disappear putting everyone on the same playing field of course. We will have to help each other.
Well... I was going to say a little at a time but time is closing in. Go with cheap things like rice and beans. Multivitamins. Add extras as you go.
Excellent observation, well stated.
I wish I could upvote this more than once. Thanks, I think you've fairly well brought it all into 500 words or less, and very nicely. Good job. I sincerely hope this is true.
It’s my belief that the worldwide financial system is so shot that nothing can be done to fix it, even if Trump was in office; this is why ‘Resets’ happen, it is a way to destroy the creditors and ‘reset’ the worldwide economy, it’s usually an economic method, a **Fiat Reset **if you will …
However with the ‘Great Reset’, it’s a play to reset more than just the economy, it’s every single aspect of humankind as evident with the documents we’ve seen from the Davos group. With new technology advancement, the ultimate forms of control can be implemented.
Unless a fiat ‘Reset’ happens, some form of collapse is imminent, some form of recession or depression, we’ve seen this throughout history. Money is the ultimate form of control from the private central banks, they own the world. They steal from us through taxes, and currency debasement.
When we got off the Gold standard and introduced the petro-dollar system, the acceleration went into overdrive, I think we’re overdue. This was supposed to happen with Hillary if she won. The Plandemic would be the ‘reset’ catalyst needed to force control into the entire population across the world… Thank God Trump and the patriots won!
Lies can’t be hidden forever, to keep a lie alive, you need to keep lying, and lie some more. It’s builds to a point until something breaks… Biden will be the asshole that will take the fall, publicly and officially. The cabal will fall, and a new age of freedom will grow…
But as always, we will go through this again in who knows, 200 years? Same shit, different century.
This will destroy the dnc forever. These hedge funds need to go. There is thousands times more debt than money. Time for a reset.
Absolutely. I am comfy AF. Just waiting for MOASS so I can open my brewery with a 17% discount for all frens.
I'll probably sit back and do nothing once I start collecting tendies.
I love every word of that. Thanks. Yes, I remember how he used the Scaramucci strategy before.
I hope this plays out that Trump and Q's plan to clear the swamp ends in 2024 and Trump gets his 2nd term before the third. Huge numbers, wins bigely. Med beds will keep him looking young.
this is a great post/thanks for sharing. really summarizes what's going on; Trump walking into the sunset while all these other storylines are taking place. Also shows how big Q is/how much planning is involved.
I was just pondering the China Russia alliance. Putin sleeping in the stands at the olympics seemed like a taunt, like I'm not afraid of you at all. So now Putin is taking out bio labs in ukraine, supposedly. China has biolabs, so they're probably next on the list which is why Xi-Ping is brown-nosing hard, lol
You mean Fake Biden, but other than that, yes.
What about the torture of the J/6 patriots? Are they just collateral damage along with Assange? He has direct evidence that Russia did NOT hack the DNC and has been wanting to provide evidence. How many more have sacrificed? And how many more will loose everything in trying to expose communism?
Which brings us to the forth branch of the government? The Intelligence community -- CIA, FBI, DOJ, ODNI, etc. etc, all have a vested self-interest to maintain the Russia, Russia, Russia lies? What about how a president (Obama) has destroyed how our oversight works between the IC and the Gang of Eight? Everything was destroyed before Trump ever went into office. Congress also brushed aside the corruption and chose the "Get Trump" agenda.
In Comey's own words “The White House was informed through the National Security Council,” (the NSC). A direct admission that Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, was totally informed of the intelligence operation(s) against Donald Trump. Again, the implications were ignored!
What is the most infuriating is that Obama's Administration is still in the White house. NO ONE has been held accountable, no one has been arrested; IN FACT, the same people, THE SAME DAMN PEOPLE continue to inflict PAIN on us as they sit in all branches of Government.
How many more will be caught up in the collateral damage and suffer for generations? We are so tired of this shit, the lies, the corruption, Antifa, BLM, the indoctrination, the media, pedophilia, the IC, DC, the Democrats, The taxes, the inflation and the filth inside our culture!
These believers of Marxism (Traitors) MUST be executed "for the greater good" and for National Security.
The greater good
I get that, this country needs to be on the balls of it's ass, the only way your going to wake up the numb ass public.
Even that wont
That meakes a whole lot of sense. Thanks for your analysis.
And knowing that Trump obviously knew what was about to happen when he first banned masks in public places outside of costume parties and hospitals right before the pandemic (when antifa would use them to commit crimes) and then he said “I don’t want to see any 3am vote changes and fake ballots” On the night of elections. (Right before they happened) Like Mike Lindell said, t was a miracle that it all went down this way because it exposed the truth.
Maybe Japan will become involved? They'll probably mass produce Hello Kitty rifles.
I mean, could you imagine the total shitshow if Trump declared martial law via the insurrection act and tried to stay in office?
That was their plan all along. They would've LOVED to spin Jan. 6 as Trump's Reichstag Fire no matter how backwards that comparison is. They would've had the media and BLM/Antifa spun into a frenzy, and then they could've brainwashed the sheep into supporting a coup.
why is it that we continue to assume that taiwan is "clean"? is it simply because we contrast them against a known "evil"? i, for one, am beyond the point where i assume that there is an easy answer. why do we forget to assume that RINOs are everywhere?
To my knowledge Taiwan has never tried anything shady with the USA. They are a major trading partner; we get all of our computer chips from them. This is one reason we cannot let them fall into the hands of the CCP.
We can make chips here although we would be better without all go on to the front no body in there right mind cares
taiwan is the remains of the pre-mao chinese government--they weren't driven out in a revolution because they were lily white boys who never did anything wrong. and, we need to make our own chips.
Scaramucci Effect...
Pence and 6 Jan 2021.
Chris Miller
18 December 2020 December 2020
VP Pence and Defense Leaders Commemorate 1st Birthday Space Force
"To feign disorder, one must possess strict discipline. To feign cowardice, one must posses great courage. To feign weakness, one must possess great superiority. Order and disorder depend on organization and structure. Courage and cowardice depend on posture and circumstances. Strengths and weaknesses depend on formation and disposition of the army."
Sun Tsu - The Art of War - Chapter 5 Military Strategy Classics of Ancient China / 2013 / page 109
Excellent work!, well summarized fren
That was a really great post fren. Pretty much everything you said there is spot on.
I have been saying since last January. Donald Trump will be inaugurated as the 47th President on January 22nd 2023 for a two year term. He will run in 2024 and be president for 10 years and at the end the deep state, federal reserve, fbi, cia, pedo's and cabal billionaires will be vanquished from this earth forever. Enjoy the rest of 2022 it is going to be the greatest year in History from our perspective.
I agree the WordPress coms guy said similar that POTUS has to be insulated. Biden the fall guy.