CMP North, at Camp Perry Oak Harbor, Ohio. Home of the National Matches (Well, what's left of them.) The NRA pulled out a few years ago, and now it's a smaller event.
Yeah nobody knows the cascades like the hunters in those areas. And i don't know a single person who owns a gun and it's only 1 gun lol. Pretty sure we have a gun for every kind of animal plus multiple hand guns, an AR, and half of us have bows lol.
From a hilarious Netflix documentary series Tiger King. Dudes a gay redneck who raises tigers for his tourist trap. People were convinced the antagonist lady killed her husband but I think that was disproven last year. Actually enjoyed that ride after it blew up on release.
There was never an invasion planned for us....... the fallback is breaking the USA up..... like the Soviet Union was..... now look at Ukraine and other former Soviet states/countries and that is the Soros strategy for the USA ......
I see the northern Idaho nazi reference has been scrubbed... Guess it's for the best but it's kind of an inside joke at this point that they think everyone in northern Idaho is a literal nazi
People have a terrible misunderstanding of Oregon and Washington. We each have a couple of cities that make up like 65% of our population, which in turn controls our politics. The other 35% have enough guns to arm everyone in the state no problem.
I am in the north east and I wear short in the winter. In fact, I haven't worn anything but shorts in about 6 years. And that was to a funeral. I even shovel snow in shorts, and if the snow is light and not deep I'll wear sandals too.
But I am also armed to the teeth. Short wearing shotgunners live here
I'm in "Redneck" country, lol. Lots of hunters out this way, so they can hit their targets and can be camouflaged for long periods of time waiting for said target. They also teach their kids young how to use rifles and hunt. There is also open & conceal carry here also, so a bad guy can never know for sure who will be able to fight back. And if you don't think this old gal isn't packing something in her bag, then you got a surprise coming, lol.
I'm not "backwoods," but I do know a lot of the old ways. I also have all the Foxfire books in my huge library. My property does have a few trees, as well as an outhouse and a chicken house. There are other buildings as well, but they shall remain nameless.
Impossible corn maze full of farmers, lol. And, this part wouldn't be too tough. Hilarious. Kudos to whomever created this.
But what is CMP people?
civilian markmanship program. I had to look it up.
Oh, thank you.
They ship some good ammo too
CMP North, at Camp Perry Oak Harbor, Ohio. Home of the National Matches (Well, what's left of them.) The NRA pulled out a few years ago, and now it's a smaller event.
They're not kidding about that corn in Iowa. That's not just marketing. They really do have a lot of corn.
Government subsidies will do that.
From my bedroom window I can see a 2000 acer corn field, not even the largest farm near me.
I drive Route 20 across Iowa when I go to South Dakota to restore my sanity, and it is corn fields literally as far as the eye can see.
yes^ iowa is so beautiful in July, green rolling hills everywhere! hot and humid, but looks like a postcard.
That was my favorite besides the one in northern California "this part wouldn't be that tough".😁😂
Yeah, the "this part shouldn't be too hard" certainly would not apply to Oregon and WA ex-Portland/Seattle.
Yeah nobody knows the cascades like the hunters in those areas. And i don't know a single person who owns a gun and it's only 1 gun lol. Pretty sure we have a gun for every kind of animal plus multiple hand guns, an AR, and half of us have bows lol.
Appear weak when you are strong...
They whited out what it really said in Idaho and Montana, it said Nazis.
and that is fake btw.
Not necessarily. There was a collection of white supremacists in northern Idaho. Cleared out years ago though.
Oh yeah I'm not denying that they existed, but they got ratted out.
It's a trap. We're trying to funnel them in.
everyone invading would def stop at Joe Exotic... haha
good lord that guy.
What's that all about?
From a hilarious Netflix documentary series Tiger King. Dudes a gay redneck who raises tigers for his tourist trap. People were convinced the antagonist lady killed her husband but I think that was disproven last year. Actually enjoyed that ride after it blew up on release.
AK: even the liberals have guns.
There was never an invasion planned for us....... the fallback is breaking the USA up..... like the Soviet Union was..... now look at Ukraine and other former Soviet states/countries and that is the Soros strategy for the USA ......
This is what that author PhilipK Dick claimed to see in other multiverses.
That dude is a deep rabbit hole. Wheeewwww
As a person that wears shorts in the winter I can confirm that this is 100% accurate
They're all over the south too. I can confirm...probably the most underreported of all our assets.
I see the northern Idaho nazi reference has been scrubbed... Guess it's for the best but it's kind of an inside joke at this point that they think everyone in northern Idaho is a literal nazi
I like machine gun collectors :)
I call incomplete--no area for hillbillies? They have left out my heritage. I am sure it's there near redneckville somewhere...
People have a terrible misunderstanding of Oregon and Washington. We each have a couple of cities that make up like 65% of our population, which in turn controls our politics. The other 35% have enough guns to arm everyone in the state no problem.
Just shows you how ignorant our side is too I guess.
Can't tell if this is irony or not.
Congrats on your standard capacity magazine ban.
Yeah, no one has any thirty-round magazines there. None that anyone knows of.
Lots of ex-military out here in the country.
you spelled “disarm” wrong
Backwoods people who still know the old ways, lol. Makes me think of the movie Deliverance.
This is true. Machine gun lovers move to an actual desert to collect them.
Yeah I totally feel safe in NY
I love how Hawaii is down there just like... HI👋
I love it! Don't fuck with the seals.
Hysterical!!! Love Maine - people who wear shorts in Winter!😂😂
I wonder what was deleted from WA, ID, and MT.
Yeah, the map has been around for 2 years and they removed it recently (lol)
OMG I completely missed that until you said it.
Corn mazer who also wears shorts and Crocs outside in winter.
I like the large print REDNECKS! I know a few here in MS. Kek
I am in the north east and I wear short in the winter. In fact, I haven't worn anything but shorts in about 6 years. And that was to a funeral. I even shovel snow in shorts, and if the snow is light and not deep I'll wear sandals too.
But I am also armed to the teeth. Short wearing shotgunners live here
I am in the back country. Long range kill shots !
This is one of the backgrounds on my work computer:
Love how the area I grew up is just labeled " Good Luck"
Alaska: even the liberals have guns.
Lmao. you're saying the only real liberals come from Alaska?
As an Idahoan, thank you for censoring the Nazi label over Idaho.
What are cmp people?
I'm in "Redneck" country, lol. Lots of hunters out this way, so they can hit their targets and can be camouflaged for long periods of time waiting for said target. They also teach their kids young how to use rifles and hunt. There is also open & conceal carry here also, so a bad guy can never know for sure who will be able to fight back. And if you don't think this old gal isn't packing something in her bag, then you got a surprise coming, lol.
I'm not "backwoods," but I do know a lot of the old ways. I also have all the Foxfire books in my huge library. My property does have a few trees, as well as an outhouse and a chicken house. There are other buildings as well, but they shall remain nameless.
This part wouldn't be that tough
we can give them California if they ask nicely.
No way. Rooftop Korean is holding down LA for us.
War? Come fuck wit Detroit.
All my multinational gaming Buddies ask me where I live I say Michigan they have no idea until I say Detroit
Oh yeah, we have police and military as well...and a pretty large prison population.