He said multiple times, at least I know he did on the Anthony Cumia show, about how he’s a Christian even though he’s a homosexual. I don’t know how you reconcile those two things, but at least there’s a spark of hope for him to repent
He has obviously repented to write something like that. I believe, in fact I’m pretty sure. that Milo is now a Christian. Regardless, let’s hold him up in prayer.
As I understand he and his 'hisband' have been refraining from sex. He had an interview with the guy from 'God hates fags' ( can't remember family name) and he spoke frankly about his sins.
The Good News is that anyone can be forgiven and transformed into the Kingdom of Light.
I Cor 6:9-11 " 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [b]homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God."
I wish someone would tell Milo that amino acids therapy can really help reestablish those deadened senses. They are really a life-saver and that is no exaggeration.
Poor guy, I feel his pain. It has always been his mind that attracts me; he is brilliant. I wish him the best, and hope that he has handed this all over to God, who loves him. Has Milo ever sat down with Jordan Peterson. Because like him or not he too is brilliant and he also knows what it means to be tormented by your own mind and by past drugs, prescribed or otherwise. These are two people over whom I feel a great sense of worry. They seem at opposite ends of the scale right now, Milo who has deadened feelings, and JP, who feels everything deeply.
Great observation. Milo would probably do well to sit down with Jordan. I miss Milos brilliant mind as well. Damn he was so fast in thinking on the fly. Sad, that breitbart did not stand behind him, but i suspect a lot we do not know.
Eat meat and nothing else. Mostly beef. You will have plenty of amino acids for repair and nothing in your diet that is destructive. Look up an MD named Dr. Shawn Baker. He knows the way. Helped my sister and I immensely.
Can you have any seafood or is it literally just beef, chicken, pork, lamb, elk, bison? I know seafood isn’t technically “meat”, but it is included in a low carb diet, which is why I ask. 😬
Youre only saying that because thats what modern Drs say.
The same ones who push poisons instead of treatments, tell you to stop eating everything your body needs, and replace it with an endless supply of pills and treatments.
Meat being considered bad for you is a recent thing.
But outside of other people's anecdotes about their meat diets, I find that hard to believe its "meat", when fast food and others have systematically replaced good meat with soy fillers and plant substitutions over the years.
If you put garbage "meat" in your body, youre going to feel like trash.
I'm still interested in these "meat lobbyists" tho, as Ive never remembered a time where meat was being pushed as good for you, outside of fast food burgers being pushed.
I'm sorry, I didn't see your reply til today. My learning about the amino acids and emotions, was the book, "The Mood Cure". It is on Amazon. It is all there! This book is a life-saver. https://amzn.to/3u3gWtD
They did do an interview, I don't recall all the specifics, but it was contentious. Something about how Milo had been abused as a teen by a priest, Milo processed that as "he wanted it, and liked it" and to prove that to himself went about a gay lifestyle. Peterson pointed out that he might have done that as an ego defence to avoid the reality, that he is a victim who does not want victimhood, so his lifestyle and the way he remembered the abuse was more about denial of reality to save himself torment, than a true account.
Milo was offended by this idea, but subsequently we see he has absorbed it. Ultimately Peterson, I think, may have precipitated his conversion.
Peterson asked him to consider the abuse from the perspective of himself prior to the abuse, rather than as the "bullet proof" persona he developed as a defence.
Very very interesting timeline of events between them. Deserves a retrospective re-examination and has application to a lot of leftist ideas too (like how the government should provide for people, rather than they face up to their own sense of helplessness, and get their shit together and take responsibility)
I too think that leftist ideas can be "cured" because ultimately the hopes of the left and right are the same, by different paths, but the left path leads to hardship through a gate that promises fulfilment, while the right leads to fulfilment through a gate that promises hardship. It is a nut that needs cracking, and a journey down that left path (we are on this journey now) is essentially "the plan" so yay for us, but of course we will have to face the hardship and at the end, choose another path labelled more hardship, but that will eventually deliver us to fulfilment.... a paradox and a pain in the arse (no pun).
Plus meditating and micro-dosing psilocybine will create new neurons in your brain so that one can establish new neuronal paths in the brain. All is definitely not lost for people who have abused their brains.
Most health issues both physical and mental can be solved by changing your diet. The FDA and big pharam doesn’t want you to know that.
Eat how your ancestors ate. Meat, good dairy, fruit, honey, organs etc. Real food. Don’t over think it just start incorporating it. If you want to have pasta, beer, ice cream etc. every once in awhile no big deal. Just stick to carnivore/carnivore adjacent most of the time. The testimonies of people who are animal based eaters are out there. Dr Shawn Baker and Dr Paul Saldino have great advice.
I went back to this style of eating recently and it's been wonderful. I'm eating one large meal a day with unsweetened coffee, herbal tea, or water whenever I'm thirsty. No sugar or processed food, lots of animal products, potatoes and un-enriched rice, and colorful veggies. Butter...on everything, even in the coffee lol
I'm loving it so far. One meal is easy to cook and it actually makes me really enjoy and look forward to cooking it. I have more energy, I sleep better, and I've noticed my mood and overall pain level has improved.
The standard American diet is literally designed to make people ill. Stuff people with toxic garbage so they get sick and then big pharma can profit off them. The whole system is fucked and evil, top to bottom.
While I cut down on more carbs then you do I applaud you! Eat the natural way. Stick to what your body feels good regardless.
Edit: if you are someone who likes beer, soda, energy drinks etc. I recommend getting some flavored seltzer water to fight off the cravings and get those bubbles in.
I add butter and collagen powder, with some heavy whipping cream. Blend it well with an immersion blender so the butter doesn’t just float on top. It’s often the only thing I’ll consume in a day.
It sounds odd, but you end up with a very rich and creamy cup of coffee. I also add in half a teaspoon of golden milk powder. It's a mix of organic spices like turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, and black pepper fruit that compliments the coffee really well.
I agree. Husband and I went carnivore last July. For the most part, we’ve stuck with it because we’re happy with it. It’s an adjustment for sure. It’s really eye opening to experience how particular foods affect how you feel. People freak out about eating that way and I look at it like an elimination diet. Do carnivore 30-90 days and then add foods back in to see how you do with them. I can totally see Dr Baker visiting this site. He’s pretty open about his feelings with everything happening in the world. There are a lot of great carnivore people that have YouTube channels. Yeah yeah I know....YouTube.
Milo, if you read this. Abstain from those sins. You are young. Give it at least a year. I once got dropped from a woman i loved greatly and did not date again for almost 10 years.
Visit our national parks and go hiking. Watch your health. Eat and sleep right. Spend time with yourself.
Read and contemplate.
Id suggest marcus aurelius meditations to start and become more stoic.
Hike and enjoy nature while repairing your mind and body.
Abstain from physical materialistic pleasure.
Work on your spirituality.
Jesus and the gospel would help more than you could imagine.
I am very selective with what I read and watch. When someone asks me "Why don't you watch show x/y/z?" I usually reply "My mind is valuable real-estate. I won't give it away to some decrepit idea."
Of course, I believe in free speech and the exchange of ideas. But I am careful with which ideas I entertain. Ideas take root - even if you do not want them to do so. Even if you do not agree with the idea, the fact that it was let in permits the idea to change you - and you become numb to it. It normalizes behavior of which you would ordinarily object.
Indeed. I now watch very little, mainly stick to old films and shows because of this. So much that is sinful and depraved has now become accepted as the norm. We need a spiritual awakening; most are so deep in the sewer they don't notice the stench any more.
I'm also very selective in what I allow people to tell me. No, I'm not sitting there with my hands over my ears going lah lah lah, I can't hear you. But if someone tries to talk to me about 1. gossip, 2. horrible things that are in their heads, 3.Horrible things that happened to someone they don't know or don't care about, I just tell them, no thanks I don't want that garbage in my head. Save it for someone who might enjoy it.
Milo, like Gavin and Owen, were a huge threat to the narrative because they don’t look and sound like the stuffy, nerdy Shapiro conservatives they put on TV, and yet their positions are much further right than anything in mainstream media. They were/are also way too funny, intelligent, charismatic, and hip to be allowed on TV, because they could quickly flip normies to their positions. Plus they don’t take shit and their comebacks are sharper and quicker than anyone on TV. I think that’s why these three were cancelled harder than almost anyone out there.
Good point. Doctors tend to be scumbags who relish this kind of shit. I think seeing the disappointment in their patients’ faces gives them a little ego-thrill. I have very very very little respect for doctors. Scumbag profession for a bunch of evil narcissists who think they’re God. People used to make lawyer jokes, but I think all those jokes should be rebooted with doctors. At least lawyers have some respect for the written word and established precedent, since their entire profession is based around that. But doctors? They will flip the established, decades-long treatment for a respiratory virus in favor of Big Pharma poisons as long as their scumbag pocketbooks get lined. I would be fucking embarrassed to be a doctor in 2022. You assholes should tell people you make your money sodomizing yourself on OnlyFans. It’s more respectable.
There are echoes of the old respect doctors once had but those are rapidly fading. I think eventually they will be replaced with healers and the word “doctor” will be known as a kind of slur. If you think about it, what does it mean to “doctor”? It means to forge, to commit fraud. It’s like they were admitting who they were the whole time.
Uncle is a gun toting hardcore conservative doctor. He gets political advice from me and we generally agree on everything. Found out I refused to be vaxxed. Got into it a little (not too heated) but I laid down facts about other failed coronavirus vax and mRNA being untested poison.
A few weeks later he came back to me and said he talked to his other doctor friends (including another one who refuses to be vaxxxed)…he is seeing the light in that the medical profession has lost an enormous amount credibility over COVID and big pharma pulling strings. Still stands by the vax, but the seed has been planted. It takes time for people to break the conditioning.
Those who came before us paid for this information with their lives, they left us cultural norms to protect us. Now we arrogantly tear down the walls they built to protect us.
The guy is somewhat right. But it sounds like he's a bit down in the dumps.
Listen up Milo, and any other anons. He has good advice, but if you find yourself in the dumps you need to turn to God. His love and wisdom can rejuvenate your soul in ways others cant.
The only way i was able to stay sane for the last 30 years of being awake, while everyone around me was asleep was because of meditating on His word and putting His lessons to work in my life after studying them in scripture.
If you are not a believer in God, then focus on love, because God is the source of it, so you can follow the strings of love and find the source of love. Yes this is a valid entry point.
This is all part of the Great Awakening. A lot of people we thought were controlled opposition were put there to "find their way to Jesus" but in reality to encourage their followers to do the same.
Anyone in position of influence right now who has not committed crimes against children, expect this to happen - maybe in slower stages. I am thinking AOC, for instance.
This isnt even a lie. People think marijuana isnt addictive but then the ones that smoke hit the blunt every day and lose their mind when they cant. I used to smoke half an ounce a day. By the grace of God I went sober in 2018 and God blessed me with my baby girl a year later. Do I miss it? Sometimes, but what I miss more is being able to just be happy without it. My poor husband tries to impress ne and make me laugh all the time and it used to be so easy for him but now everything is so mundane. I have absolutely no patience and no regard for hurting people's feelings. I want the old me back.
I hope he continues on his path towards Christ. He dedicated his life to St. Joseph and has been abstaining from homosexual sex with his husband. Some of the greatest saints were the worst sinners. He could be one.
Wish I could have gotten this across to my first husband’s family:
Husband- he was ex but my present husband and I were still friendly with ex and his family for my son’s sake- died of a cocaine overdose.
Ex sil died in a house fire because she was too drunk to get out.
Ex bil died in a car wreck after taking quualudes.
His wife died of AIDS the next year.
My son with ex husband is an addict and our family was on a horrible roller coaster ride for 10 years until he went to jail and got sober.
Like Milo says don’t do drugs. For your family’s sake if you suspect a loved one is taking drugs, pray and do your best to get them help. We tried and it didn’t work until he almost died in jail and decided to stay sober. All I can say again is PRAY and love them. My love and prayers are with any families battling this hell.
You will become the sum of what you have consumed.
Well put.
Only way out is through the saving Blood Of Jesus, God's mercy and grace are infinite.
He said multiple times, at least I know he did on the Anthony Cumia show, about how he’s a Christian even though he’s a homosexual. I don’t know how you reconcile those two things, but at least there’s a spark of hope for him to repent
He has obviously repented to write something like that. I believe, in fact I’m pretty sure. that Milo is now a Christian. Regardless, let’s hold him up in prayer.
Your sentiment shows a lot of grace. This is the way.
As I understand he and his 'hisband' have been refraining from sex. He had an interview with the guy from 'God hates fags' ( can't remember family name) and he spoke frankly about his sins.
Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist Church?
Yes. Look up Milo's interview with him.
How do they reconcile? The enemy lies to them about GOD making them that way. So, if GOD made me this way, it's not a sin.
Don't mind me, just looking for a baseball-sized rock. 👍😇🤣
There's no such thing as a homosexual Christian.
The Good News is that anyone can be forgiven and transformed into the Kingdom of Light. I Cor 6:9-11 " 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [b]homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God."
The last interview I saw, he said he wasn’t a homosexual anymore. He said he was reformed.
I know that. You know that. They have been told for years that G_D made them that way. In their mind, there is no sin.
Bless your heart
I was just gonna say this. The only way to recover and be whole is to repent of your sins accept Christ as your Savior.
I wish someone would tell Milo that amino acids therapy can really help reestablish those deadened senses. They are really a life-saver and that is no exaggeration. Poor guy, I feel his pain. It has always been his mind that attracts me; he is brilliant. I wish him the best, and hope that he has handed this all over to God, who loves him. Has Milo ever sat down with Jordan Peterson. Because like him or not he too is brilliant and he also knows what it means to be tormented by your own mind and by past drugs, prescribed or otherwise. These are two people over whom I feel a great sense of worry. They seem at opposite ends of the scale right now, Milo who has deadened feelings, and JP, who feels everything deeply.
Great observation. Milo would probably do well to sit down with Jordan. I miss Milos brilliant mind as well. Damn he was so fast in thinking on the fly. Sad, that breitbart did not stand behind him, but i suspect a lot we do not know.
Hopefully, he rises again and still on our side.
What is amino acid‘s therapy? Interested for myself.
Same here. Inquiring minds want to know.
Eat meat and nothing else. Mostly beef. You will have plenty of amino acids for repair and nothing in your diet that is destructive. Look up an MD named Dr. Shawn Baker. He knows the way. Helped my sister and I immensely.
Can you have any seafood or is it literally just beef, chicken, pork, lamb, elk, bison? I know seafood isn’t technically “meat”, but it is included in a low carb diet, which is why I ask. 😬
Seafood definitely included.
Fuck no. This will kill your heart.
Youre only saying that because thats what modern Drs say.
The same ones who push poisons instead of treatments, tell you to stop eating everything your body needs, and replace it with an endless supply of pills and treatments.
Meat being considered bad for you is a recent thing.
^^This is Truth. The “red meat is bad” narrative can be traced directly to the climate change cow farts narrative.
No, meat being “good” for you is a product of meat industry lobbying. Red meat is a known carcinogen.
Then what do you suggest is "healthy"?
But outside of other people's anecdotes about their meat diets, I find that hard to believe its "meat", when fast food and others have systematically replaced good meat with soy fillers and plant substitutions over the years.
If you put garbage "meat" in your body, youre going to feel like trash.
I'm still interested in these "meat lobbyists" tho, as Ive never remembered a time where meat was being pushed as good for you, outside of fast food burgers being pushed.
I'm sorry, I didn't see your reply til today. My learning about the amino acids and emotions, was the book, "The Mood Cure". It is on Amazon. It is all there! This book is a life-saver. https://amzn.to/3u3gWtD
They did do an interview, I don't recall all the specifics, but it was contentious. Something about how Milo had been abused as a teen by a priest, Milo processed that as "he wanted it, and liked it" and to prove that to himself went about a gay lifestyle. Peterson pointed out that he might have done that as an ego defence to avoid the reality, that he is a victim who does not want victimhood, so his lifestyle and the way he remembered the abuse was more about denial of reality to save himself torment, than a true account. Milo was offended by this idea, but subsequently we see he has absorbed it. Ultimately Peterson, I think, may have precipitated his conversion. Peterson asked him to consider the abuse from the perspective of himself prior to the abuse, rather than as the "bullet proof" persona he developed as a defence.
Very very interesting timeline of events between them. Deserves a retrospective re-examination and has application to a lot of leftist ideas too (like how the government should provide for people, rather than they face up to their own sense of helplessness, and get their shit together and take responsibility)
I too think that leftist ideas can be "cured" because ultimately the hopes of the left and right are the same, by different paths, but the left path leads to hardship through a gate that promises fulfilment, while the right leads to fulfilment through a gate that promises hardship. It is a nut that needs cracking, and a journey down that left path (we are on this journey now) is essentially "the plan" so yay for us, but of course we will have to face the hardship and at the end, choose another path labelled more hardship, but that will eventually deliver us to fulfilment.... a paradox and a pain in the arse (no pun).
You might need to elaborate on this for recovering pedes
Plus meditating and micro-dosing psilocybine will create new neurons in your brain so that one can establish new neuronal paths in the brain. All is definitely not lost for people who have abused their brains.
Most health issues both physical and mental can be solved by changing your diet. The FDA and big pharam doesn’t want you to know that.
Eat how your ancestors ate. Meat, good dairy, fruit, honey, organs etc. Real food. Don’t over think it just start incorporating it. If you want to have pasta, beer, ice cream etc. every once in awhile no big deal. Just stick to carnivore/carnivore adjacent most of the time. The testimonies of people who are animal based eaters are out there. Dr Shawn Baker and Dr Paul Saldino have great advice.
Humans were hunter-gathers for a reason.
I went back to this style of eating recently and it's been wonderful. I'm eating one large meal a day with unsweetened coffee, herbal tea, or water whenever I'm thirsty. No sugar or processed food, lots of animal products, potatoes and un-enriched rice, and colorful veggies. Butter...on everything, even in the coffee lol
I'm loving it so far. One meal is easy to cook and it actually makes me really enjoy and look forward to cooking it. I have more energy, I sleep better, and I've noticed my mood and overall pain level has improved.
The standard American diet is literally designed to make people ill. Stuff people with toxic garbage so they get sick and then big pharma can profit off them. The whole system is fucked and evil, top to bottom.
While I cut down on more carbs then you do I applaud you! Eat the natural way. Stick to what your body feels good regardless.
Edit: if you are someone who likes beer, soda, energy drinks etc. I recommend getting some flavored seltzer water to fight off the cravings and get those bubbles in.
I switched to flavored seltzer. More refreshing than beer, and you can guzzle it like crazy, still drive safely, and gain no weight.
Fun fact, the body stops burning fat while alcohol is in the bloodstream
Careful, its acidity might rot your teeth.
Coffee and butter! Well, well. Interesting.
I add butter and collagen powder, with some heavy whipping cream. Blend it well with an immersion blender so the butter doesn’t just float on top. It’s often the only thing I’ll consume in a day.
It sounds odd, but you end up with a very rich and creamy cup of coffee. I also add in half a teaspoon of golden milk powder. It's a mix of organic spices like turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, and black pepper fruit that compliments the coffee really well.
I agree. Husband and I went carnivore last July. For the most part, we’ve stuck with it because we’re happy with it. It’s an adjustment for sure. It’s really eye opening to experience how particular foods affect how you feel. People freak out about eating that way and I look at it like an elimination diet. Do carnivore 30-90 days and then add foods back in to see how you do with them. I can totally see Dr Baker visiting this site. He’s pretty open about his feelings with everything happening in the world. There are a lot of great carnivore people that have YouTube channels. Yeah yeah I know....YouTube.
Milo, if you read this. Abstain from those sins. You are young. Give it at least a year. I once got dropped from a woman i loved greatly and did not date again for almost 10 years.
Visit our national parks and go hiking. Watch your health. Eat and sleep right. Spend time with yourself.
Read and contemplate.
Id suggest marcus aurelius meditations to start and become more stoic.
Hike and enjoy nature while repairing your mind and body.
Abstain from physical materialistic pleasure.
Work on your spirituality.
Jesus and the gospel would help more than you could imagine.
What hurts to give it a try?
Feel for him. He can still write. Americans love a comeback story. Hopefully, he can get better.
It takes humility, courage and honesty to own up like this. I respect him for that.
Agreed. Imagine writing that. Must have been difficult. I believe it is sincere and by no means am i some kind of pollyanna.
The first step is recognizing your issues
For those that know, these are trying times. Stay strong fren.
Same God can heal you both and me too. Same boat brother.
This is the best advice.
I am very selective with what I read and watch. When someone asks me "Why don't you watch show x/y/z?" I usually reply "My mind is valuable real-estate. I won't give it away to some decrepit idea."
Of course, I believe in free speech and the exchange of ideas. But I am careful with which ideas I entertain. Ideas take root - even if you do not want them to do so. Even if you do not agree with the idea, the fact that it was let in permits the idea to change you - and you become numb to it. It normalizes behavior of which you would ordinarily object.
Indeed. I now watch very little, mainly stick to old films and shows because of this. So much that is sinful and depraved has now become accepted as the norm. We need a spiritual awakening; most are so deep in the sewer they don't notice the stench any more.
I'm also very selective in what I allow people to tell me. No, I'm not sitting there with my hands over my ears going lah lah lah, I can't hear you. But if someone tries to talk to me about 1. gossip, 2. horrible things that are in their heads, 3.Horrible things that happened to someone they don't know or don't care about, I just tell them, no thanks I don't want that garbage in my head. Save it for someone who might enjoy it.
Milo, like Gavin and Owen, were a huge threat to the narrative because they don’t look and sound like the stuffy, nerdy Shapiro conservatives they put on TV, and yet their positions are much further right than anything in mainstream media. They were/are also way too funny, intelligent, charismatic, and hip to be allowed on TV, because they could quickly flip normies to their positions. Plus they don’t take shit and their comebacks are sharper and quicker than anyone on TV. I think that’s why these three were cancelled harder than almost anyone out there.
Without doubt. I always liked him, very smart. It was sad to see him descend into the abyss, good to know he is coming out of it.
He’s my favorite faggot. Hopefully he turns away from homosexuality.
“The doctor tells me this will never change”
Complete lies. The brain always repairs itself from receptor damage. It just takes time.
Good point. Doctors tend to be scumbags who relish this kind of shit. I think seeing the disappointment in their patients’ faces gives them a little ego-thrill. I have very very very little respect for doctors. Scumbag profession for a bunch of evil narcissists who think they’re God. People used to make lawyer jokes, but I think all those jokes should be rebooted with doctors. At least lawyers have some respect for the written word and established precedent, since their entire profession is based around that. But doctors? They will flip the established, decades-long treatment for a respiratory virus in favor of Big Pharma poisons as long as their scumbag pocketbooks get lined. I would be fucking embarrassed to be a doctor in 2022. You assholes should tell people you make your money sodomizing yourself on OnlyFans. It’s more respectable.
Who the hell trusts doctors anymore?
There are echoes of the old respect doctors once had but those are rapidly fading. I think eventually they will be replaced with healers and the word “doctor” will be known as a kind of slur. If you think about it, what does it mean to “doctor”? It means to forge, to commit fraud. It’s like they were admitting who they were the whole time.
Uncle is a gun toting hardcore conservative doctor. He gets political advice from me and we generally agree on everything. Found out I refused to be vaxxed. Got into it a little (not too heated) but I laid down facts about other failed coronavirus vax and mRNA being untested poison.
A few weeks later he came back to me and said he talked to his other doctor friends (including another one who refuses to be vaxxxed)…he is seeing the light in that the medical profession has lost an enormous amount credibility over COVID and big pharma pulling strings. Still stands by the vax, but the seed has been planted. It takes time for people to break the conditioning.
Ask God for help in the name of Jesus Christ. He will hear and heal you. By His stripes we were healed...past tense. Claim it.
Those who came before us paid for this information with their lives, they left us cultural norms to protect us. Now we arrogantly tear down the walls they built to protect us.
The guy is somewhat right. But it sounds like he's a bit down in the dumps.
Listen up Milo, and any other anons. He has good advice, but if you find yourself in the dumps you need to turn to God. His love and wisdom can rejuvenate your soul in ways others cant.
The only way i was able to stay sane for the last 30 years of being awake, while everyone around me was asleep was because of meditating on His word and putting His lessons to work in my life after studying them in scripture.
If you are not a believer in God, then focus on love, because God is the source of it, so you can follow the strings of love and find the source of love. Yes this is a valid entry point.
Check out the Ishaya's Ascension teaching. Website is Ishaya.info Simple meditation with less stress and more joy.
If Milo lives long enough he will find himself again, as long as he stays sober - but it can take 10 or more years.
This is all part of the Great Awakening. A lot of people we thought were controlled opposition were put there to "find their way to Jesus" but in reality to encourage their followers to do the same.
Anyone in position of influence right now who has not committed crimes against children, expect this to happen - maybe in slower stages. I am thinking AOC, for instance.
Pray for them, that's our job. Pray for many that can be saved so they can heal and start helping to put things right.
Consume carefully
Milo loves Trump (daddy)
God bless you, Milo. We all have our “cross to bare”. I am so incredulous as to how God works through us sinners! I love all of you!
This isnt even a lie. People think marijuana isnt addictive but then the ones that smoke hit the blunt every day and lose their mind when they cant. I used to smoke half an ounce a day. By the grace of God I went sober in 2018 and God blessed me with my baby girl a year later. Do I miss it? Sometimes, but what I miss more is being able to just be happy without it. My poor husband tries to impress ne and make me laugh all the time and it used to be so easy for him but now everything is so mundane. I have absolutely no patience and no regard for hurting people's feelings. I want the old me back.
Nice. Milo is staying on the road
I hope he continues on his path towards Christ. He dedicated his life to St. Joseph and has been abstaining from homosexual sex with his husband. Some of the greatest saints were the worst sinners. He could be one.
Those who are forgiven much love much.
First step to recovery: don't listen to the doctor. Their knowledge is very limited. With God all things are possible.
Wish I could have gotten this across to my first husband’s family:
Husband- he was ex but my present husband and I were still friendly with ex and his family for my son’s sake- died of a cocaine overdose.
Ex sil died in a house fire because she was too drunk to get out.
Ex bil died in a car wreck after taking quualudes. His wife died of AIDS the next year.
My son with ex husband is an addict and our family was on a horrible roller coaster ride for 10 years until he went to jail and got sober.
Like Milo says don’t do drugs. For your family’s sake if you suspect a loved one is taking drugs, pray and do your best to get them help. We tried and it didn’t work until he almost died in jail and decided to stay sober. All I can say again is PRAY and love them. My love and prayers are with any families battling this hell.
So sad, satan knows how to destroy people. Sadly many are destroyed by prescription drugs they are told or feel they need. Keep praying.
Pray off and on all day every day. Big Pharma = Satan
Which is why I refuse to watch anime.
Gay. Ha!! Get it!!
Wow. Absurdly amazing.
Reject modernity. Embrace tradition.
Damn, that's just what I needed to read right now. Tomorrow's a new day.
Proverbs 4:23
Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it [are] the issues of life. (Proverbs 4:23, KJV)