Sounds good in theory, but doing so puts pedo eyes in that classroom like a kid eyes candy in the candy store. Plus innocent children who wet their pants, struggle with reading or math etc become gossip fodder among the parents. As a teacher I was all in for cameras until I carefully considered protecting the children.
There’s the ticket and whatever they do. I had a teacher in high school who would call the girls he liked up behind his podium during and after class to “go over” questions and wrong answers on tests, then he would tell dirty jokes and get handsy in inappropriate places. He did it to me, and other girls told me about what he did to them.
Huh? I teach and I'm rarely in the front other than the initial whole group instruction. Rest of the time I'm wandering between groups and working in small groups.
Then perhaps teachers are legally required to stand at the front of the classroom as part of their jobs, with the camera trained on them from the start of class until the end of class. At no point is the teacher allowed to be alone or in private with the children, since teachers have lost trust with parents and the community and now have to be treated like sexual predators. Are there a handful of teachers who are not sexual predators and/or simply abusive to the children? Yes, there are a few. But they did not stand up when their colleagues turned against the parents so I am actually fine with them now having to stand under camera observation throughout the day. You teachers did it to yourselves. Nobody trusts or respects teachers any more, and most teachers are considered about one level up from actual pedophiles.
The camera feeds should not be freely broadcast online though. Parents in that classroom should be given access to the link and the password to maintain some privacy.
I'm a teacher. I can't tell you how crucial it is for many students to be by them and have 1 on 1 conversations/explanations.
Especially when half the class is tier 1 ELL students who come with an educational level 4 years below. I have newcomers in 6th-8th grade who can't even fucking add 3+4 bro. And I'm not gonna be in the front of the room teaching people how to add.
Exactly. And it'd be INCREDIBLY rich for the left to start having concerns over privacy. Lmao. But what do they say again? Why act all sus if they've got nothing to hide? The schools don't own the property. The people who pay their taxes do. They should have a say what goes where.
A decent teacher doesn't stand in front of the class. But mingles among the students. I wish I had a better answer. I know we aren't talking about decent teachers, but how would you suggest actually only following a teacher?
Ban teachers from moving from the front of the classroom. Too many teachers are sexual predators and cannot be trusted to be that close to children. You teachers did this to yourselves. The world considers you abusive child sex predators now.
What about whenever concerns have been raised about specific teachers, for them to both wear a camera and have one trained in them secretly at all times
As I said, keep the camera trained at the front of the class or wherever the teacher sits. S/he might move around, that's fine. You can still hear what they're saying. If they do something untoward while they're out of camera range, hopefully the children will speak up or, if they are older kids, will have it on video themselves. There are far, far, far too many horrible teachers out there and there have been for decades. Time to take out the trash. Also, this doesn't have to be available to everybody, just school officials and parents. No need for every Tom, Dick and Harry on the internet to have access.
A lot of pedophiles have kids of their own or are looking perfectly normal on the outside appearance. Just because a parent has a kid in the class does not instantly keep creeps out. Most children who are abused are abused by family or those people close to them that they know.
Yep, this desperate excuse just shows how badly these perverted and abusive teachers don’t want parents seeing what they do with their kids all day. “But but but but if you keep tabs on me then the peodphiles will wiiiiiinnn.” No. That is just an excuse to prevent observation. What is this teacher up to that they don’t want the parents to see what they do with the children day?
Don’t like it, then don’t choose a career that requires you to be around other people’s children all day. And maybe you should have thought about that before you let perverts and groomers take over your profession.
But the truth is, we know why these teachers are terrified of cameras and it’s because they are sexualizing the kids.
I don’t believe there are these bands of online pedophiles who are going to hack into a grainy security camera feed of a teacher standing at the front of a classroom just for those few moments when a kid walks up to the front desk to hand in a paper or write on a chalkboard. That isn’t happening. But what IS happening is thousands and thousands of sex grooming teachers are diagramming anal sex on the chalkboard for pre-teens and even kindergarten kids.
Except that Facebook is already activating the cameras on your child's devices that most Americans give them much too young. Seeing a child walk around with a smart device at 5 and 6 years old makes me want to puke.
As our political oppressors have tried to make us forget the past two years, there is risk with so many things in life. I totally agree that it creates the risk of putting pedo eyes in the classroom, but if the counter-vailing benefit is that itL
discourages pedo teachers
exposes left wing hate speech indoctrination
minimises teacher bullying
then I think we have to have a conversation about whether the benefits outweigh the risks. As communists have said forever "give me the child for a few years and I will give you the man". We've had generations of bad teachers teaching kids how not to think (replacing it with overt indoctrination and grooming), along with electoral integrity - fixing education is the co-primary objective for all western nations. Parents have a right to know what their kids are being subjected to, now that the fascistic left is saying things like "Parents don't know what's best for their kids, teachers do" they need to be monitored 100% of the time.
no kidding... during the china virus bullshit... in order to do on-ling schooling parents had to sign an agreement that they would not be allowed to view the classes the kids were subjected to. that's quite revealing that our kids are mentally poisoned all day... everyday at school... very few teachers are any good... many just don't care and lots of them push the woke pc china agenda.... totally despicable human-like substances! if you're an offended teacher... you're one of them.
If I was a teacher, I would have wanted the parents to observe because I would stand behind what I was doing and know that I was serving those parents as the teacher they wanted me to be. I would probably NOT want the camera in the classroom, just because being on security cam is psychologically exhausting, but I would be okay with it to stop the scourge of sexual predators in the school system, and I think I would actually encourage parents to go and watch not just the live feeds of the lessons, but the archive as well.
So the way these teachers are reeeing, it suggests there has been a lot more child sex grooming going on than even the “based” ones are willing to admit.
Surveillance is not a solution. Laws are not solutions. They become necessary when there is a deep proplem.
What is needed is a deeper, cultural change, where teachers are not indoctrinated, where they are part of the community, and work together with parents.
The system where our society and communities are broken up, fractured, fragmented, divided - this is the root cause, and this needs to be resolved.
Countries like Australia continue to seek more regulation, more laws, more surveillance, and it destroys our humanity.
Recovering humanity is what is required. I support the Florida law, by all means, but it's only necessary because the root problem has metastasized so greatly.
Raising children is not the job, responsibility or privilege of a teacher. Teachers teach specific things especially in grade school. (Reading, Writing, Maths and History. Not revisionist communist racist history but the truth bad or good.
Exactly, why is this so hard to understand for these perverts? Children don't need to learn about sex or sexuality. They need to be children and allow their brain chemistry to mature unadulterated by ideas and actions to mature for them.
I'm all for identifying these creeps, giving them jail time and then having them permanently marked as pedophiles, complete with the restrictions of not being allowed near any children and having to register as sex offenders everywhere they move for the rest of their warped, twisted, deviant, miserable little lives.
If I had my way they would all be sporting forehead tattoos and be microChiped and tracked 24/7!
It blows my mind how relaxed and accepting such a huge part of our society seems to be about this whole mess. I am NOT seeing the outrage that this deserves, not at all, and that just pisses me off even more!
IMO - Our culture has changed. Less than half of parents read to their children. Less than 1/4 do homework with them. I pay field trip fees for a few kids each year. When we "share snacks" less than half of parents provide a classroom snack. Many if those same parents complain their kids classroom snack isn't (fill in the any description you want) enough. A few years ago I had a parent complain to my boss and the school board that I had her child cleaning the classroom during recess to pay for my pencils they broke when their child was mad at me. As long as we are changing the world, can we get more parents involved in raising their kids? I know many people here want to get on the "every teacher is evil" podium, but there is a tired patriot here who really loves kids and wants the best for them. Please pray for our kids, and pray we invite God back into our schools.
You made a kid clean your classroom to pay for your pencils? That is weird. The kid isn’t your work slave. Are you sure you aren’t the same as your colleagues? Would you have made the kid come over to your house and wash your car? Make your bed? Cook you breakfast?
If he broke his own pencils, the loss of them would be a consequence. How often do you allow people to break your stuff? Is it fair to expect workers to pay for materials from their own pocket, which are destroyed by others?
We need some sort of t-shirt or meme about sex offenders having to go ion the registry and being allowed to live within 5 miles of a school zone but at the same time points to these teachers.
Wait what? Was someone teaching sex to kindergartners and pre-k kids? That's horrible. I have a 7-year old and even at that age, it's still questionable to teach kids about sex.
What's a good age to learn about the birds and the bees? I was 14 when I found out about the female anatomy in a classroom video. I left the school that day in a dazed state of shock. 😱
I learned from a neighbor friend more than sex ed and my mom was worthless. She stuck a book (really lame one to boot) in front of me and said “here, read this”. That was her sex talk
My parents presented me with a whole set of books when I was about 12. I think the series was called “ Lifecycle” or something. I remember they were red and white hard bound books with age appropriate text - not babyish but not college level either - with lots of color illustrations and diagrams. My parents said “Here. Read every word of these books and let us know if you have any questions.” Honestly I was perfectly okay with this approach. I was a reader and really didn’t want to discuss the subject with my parents anyway.
Was it around the early 1980’s? It may have been the of same book series. I loved to read and would disappear into my books for days until I was done. My parent teacher notes went home and I was reprimanded many times for getting caught in the back of class reading romance novels during math, history, science (the classes I sucked at). As a sheltered shut in until I moved out on my own, I wished I had a mom I could talk to, especially since I was never allowed to have friends over, go to friends houses or talk on the phone with anyone without my mom over my shoulder making sure I didn’t say something wrong.
That book was a crappy education and so was sex ed in school.
I got the books on the mid 70s so it’s likely they were around in the 80s. Yeah they gave a dry and incomplete sex ed. Nothing exactly inspirational. They made me wonder what all the big deal was. But I guess I got marginally more detail than I got at my traditional Catholic school. The romance novels may have taught you you more.
This is more common than you think, that the parent doesn't actually teach sex Ed stuff, or is not equipped to do it well. This is why schools have tried to fill in the gap, because without at least some guidance, kids and teenagers will naturally need explanations about their bodies, and will start to explore things. Do we want teenagers sent loose to explore such things with 0 guidance or knowledge? I'm not sure that would turn out well. And as I mentioned, the school has stepped in to try to fill the gaps left by situations like yours when you were growing up. In theory it makes sense at least.
That’s just a bunch of progressive child grooming bullshit. No, we do not need teachers to step in and shape a child’s sexuality. Just stop. Just fucking stop with that brainwashing. Sexuality is personal and private and it’s up to each person to work through it on their own. They have friends to talk to and if their is an adult there for them, it is their parents. And then STOP. It is not your place as another adult to get in there and start “shaping” the sexuality of another man’s child. To even make that claim is disgusting, but you don’t realize it because you’re so indoctrinated you are just spitting out slogans. Just back away from the kids here dude. It’s not your place.
She’s exactly right. I work with kids. Childhood is the only time in life when you’re completely innocent, carefree, and every day is an adventure. Why destroy that? Simple. They hate children and what they stand for. They want miserable, sex-obsessed drones from birth basically.
All by design... Feel so bad for our next generation! Almost no way to navigate this "tech" obsessed world without being bombarded with sexualized debauchery.
Very perceptive comment. I imagine many teachers are following orders much like doctors following protocols when it comes to recommending the jab. They don't want to risk losing their jobs so they go along to get along. They turn a blind eye to the appropriateness, not wanting to disturb the apple cart. I also assume there are a few pervs who genuinely get off talking about sex to kids.
In Illinois, it's 500 feet. Punishable by automatic costs to join the Teachers' Union. Although that comes with benefits far in excess of the fine. So, there's that.
In Illinois, it's 500 feet. Punishable by automatic costs to join the Teachers' Union. Although that comes with benefits far in excess of the fine. So, there's that.
I'm all for cameras is the classroom so parents and interested parties can see what they are paying for. They will be horrified!
Sounds good in theory, but doing so puts pedo eyes in that classroom like a kid eyes candy in the candy store. Plus innocent children who wet their pants, struggle with reading or math etc become gossip fodder among the parents. As a teacher I was all in for cameras until I carefully considered protecting the children.
The camera shouldn't be on the children, only the teacher at the front of the class.
There’s the ticket and whatever they do. I had a teacher in high school who would call the girls he liked up behind his podium during and after class to “go over” questions and wrong answers on tests, then he would tell dirty jokes and get handsy in inappropriate places. He did it to me, and other girls told me about what he did to them.
Teachers move around all the time lol, schools aren't like British prep schools on TV.
Huh? I teach and I'm rarely in the front other than the initial whole group instruction. Rest of the time I'm wandering between groups and working in small groups.
Then perhaps teachers are legally required to stand at the front of the classroom as part of their jobs, with the camera trained on them from the start of class until the end of class. At no point is the teacher allowed to be alone or in private with the children, since teachers have lost trust with parents and the community and now have to be treated like sexual predators. Are there a handful of teachers who are not sexual predators and/or simply abusive to the children? Yes, there are a few. But they did not stand up when their colleagues turned against the parents so I am actually fine with them now having to stand under camera observation throughout the day. You teachers did it to yourselves. Nobody trusts or respects teachers any more, and most teachers are considered about one level up from actual pedophiles.
The camera feeds should not be freely broadcast online though. Parents in that classroom should be given access to the link and the password to maintain some privacy.
I'm a teacher. I can't tell you how crucial it is for many students to be by them and have 1 on 1 conversations/explanations.
Especially when half the class is tier 1 ELL students who come with an educational level 4 years below. I have newcomers in 6th-8th grade who can't even fucking add 3+4 bro. And I'm not gonna be in the front of the room teaching people how to add.
Are you teaching sex?
No, sir. I watched a lotnof BS in terms of narrative passed as truth by otherwise good people and it pains me. There are many still asleep.
Rip the bandaid off. The "awakening" people talk about is more in based places. The blue areas are still as faggy as ever.
Exactly. And it'd be INCREDIBLY rich for the left to start having concerns over privacy. Lmao. But what do they say again? Why act all sus if they've got nothing to hide? The schools don't own the property. The people who pay their taxes do. They should have a say what goes where.
Or at least the audio.
A decent teacher doesn't stand in front of the class. But mingles among the students. I wish I had a better answer. I know we aren't talking about decent teachers, but how would you suggest actually only following a teacher?
Ban teachers from moving from the front of the classroom. Too many teachers are sexual predators and cannot be trusted to be that close to children. You teachers did this to yourselves. The world considers you abusive child sex predators now.
What about whenever concerns have been raised about specific teachers, for them to both wear a camera and have one trained in them secretly at all times
As I said, keep the camera trained at the front of the class or wherever the teacher sits. S/he might move around, that's fine. You can still hear what they're saying. If they do something untoward while they're out of camera range, hopefully the children will speak up or, if they are older kids, will have it on video themselves. There are far, far, far too many horrible teachers out there and there have been for decades. Time to take out the trash. Also, this doesn't have to be available to everybody, just school officials and parents. No need for every Tom, Dick and Harry on the internet to have access.
A camera could be i stalled at the back of class in each corner with recognition for each teacher to follow them specifically.
Couldn't you could easily have them password protected so only the families of students could get in?
A lot of pedophiles have kids of their own or are looking perfectly normal on the outside appearance. Just because a parent has a kid in the class does not instantly keep creeps out. Most children who are abused are abused by family or those people close to them that they know.
Keeping it limited to the parents of the class eliminates at a most likely 99.9% rate.
There really aren't that many pedophiles in U.S. population relative to the normal people.
Yep, this desperate excuse just shows how badly these perverted and abusive teachers don’t want parents seeing what they do with their kids all day. “But but but but if you keep tabs on me then the peodphiles will wiiiiiinnn.” No. That is just an excuse to prevent observation. What is this teacher up to that they don’t want the parents to see what they do with the children day?
Don’t like it, then don’t choose a career that requires you to be around other people’s children all day. And maybe you should have thought about that before you let perverts and groomers take over your profession.
But the truth is, we know why these teachers are terrified of cameras and it’s because they are sexualizing the kids.
People they know? Like a teacher?
Do you protect from the people who have no access to your kids, or do you protect from the people who do?
Two problems, but one can't be solved easily -- pedophiles will still do whatever they can to take peeks.
But what can be resolved are the teachers and their gross misbehavior.
I don’t believe there are these bands of online pedophiles who are going to hack into a grainy security camera feed of a teacher standing at the front of a classroom just for those few moments when a kid walks up to the front desk to hand in a paper or write on a chalkboard. That isn’t happening. But what IS happening is thousands and thousands of sex grooming teachers are diagramming anal sex on the chalkboard for pre-teens and even kindergarten kids.
Couldn't agree with that last statement more.
Except that Facebook is already activating the cameras on your child's devices that most Americans give them much too young. Seeing a child walk around with a smart device at 5 and 6 years old makes me want to puke.
As our political oppressors have tried to make us forget the past two years, there is risk with so many things in life. I totally agree that it creates the risk of putting pedo eyes in the classroom, but if the counter-vailing benefit is that itL
There definitely needs to be a conversation. Parents should know what's being taught.
Agreed. And to keep the pedos away, access should only be granted to parents with the proper creds.
Lots of preschools have live feeds from classrooms accessible to parents only. Same thing should be done with K-12.
And security, you know for all the guns and knives walking around shooting and stabbing people and the drugs that magically overdose and kill kids
no kidding... during the china virus bullshit... in order to do on-ling schooling parents had to sign an agreement that they would not be allowed to view the classes the kids were subjected to. that's quite revealing that our kids are mentally poisoned all day... everyday at school... very few teachers are any good... many just don't care and lots of them push the woke pc china agenda.... totally despicable human-like substances! if you're an offended teacher... you're one of them.
If I was a teacher, I would have wanted the parents to observe because I would stand behind what I was doing and know that I was serving those parents as the teacher they wanted me to be. I would probably NOT want the camera in the classroom, just because being on security cam is psychologically exhausting, but I would be okay with it to stop the scourge of sexual predators in the school system, and I think I would actually encourage parents to go and watch not just the live feeds of the lessons, but the archive as well.
So the way these teachers are reeeing, it suggests there has been a lot more child sex grooming going on than even the “based” ones are willing to admit.
Surveillance is not a solution. Laws are not solutions. They become necessary when there is a deep proplem.
What is needed is a deeper, cultural change, where teachers are not indoctrinated, where they are part of the community, and work together with parents.
The system where our society and communities are broken up, fractured, fragmented, divided - this is the root cause, and this needs to be resolved.
Countries like Australia continue to seek more regulation, more laws, more surveillance, and it destroys our humanity.
Recovering humanity is what is required. I support the Florida law, by all means, but it's only necessary because the root problem has metastasized so greatly.
Raising children is not the job, responsibility or privilege of a teacher. Teachers teach specific things especially in grade school. (Reading, Writing, Maths and History. Not revisionist communist racist history but the truth bad or good.
Exactly, why is this so hard to understand for these perverts? Children don't need to learn about sex or sexuality. They need to be children and allow their brain chemistry to mature unadulterated by ideas and actions to mature for them.
Certainly explains our current predicament. Infest them early with normalized debauchery, constant conditioning and coercion.
Gotta be a connection between all the indoctrination, and the mental health crisis here... Do other countries have this much of a wide-spread issue?
People are trusting. They just can’t believe we have been under attack for years.
I'm all for identifying these creeps, giving them jail time and then having them permanently marked as pedophiles, complete with the restrictions of not being allowed near any children and having to register as sex offenders everywhere they move for the rest of their warped, twisted, deviant, miserable little lives.
And castrated
If I had my way they would all be sporting forehead tattoos and be microChiped and tracked 24/7!
It blows my mind how relaxed and accepting such a huge part of our society seems to be about this whole mess. I am NOT seeing the outrage that this deserves, not at all, and that just pisses me off even more!
IMO - Our culture has changed. Less than half of parents read to their children. Less than 1/4 do homework with them. I pay field trip fees for a few kids each year. When we "share snacks" less than half of parents provide a classroom snack. Many if those same parents complain their kids classroom snack isn't (fill in the any description you want) enough. A few years ago I had a parent complain to my boss and the school board that I had her child cleaning the classroom during recess to pay for my pencils they broke when their child was mad at me. As long as we are changing the world, can we get more parents involved in raising their kids? I know many people here want to get on the "every teacher is evil" podium, but there is a tired patriot here who really loves kids and wants the best for them. Please pray for our kids, and pray we invite God back into our schools.
You made a kid clean your classroom to pay for your pencils? That is weird. The kid isn’t your work slave. Are you sure you aren’t the same as your colleagues? Would you have made the kid come over to your house and wash your car? Make your bed? Cook you breakfast?
If he broke his own pencils, the loss of them would be a consequence. How often do you allow people to break your stuff? Is it fair to expect workers to pay for materials from their own pocket, which are destroyed by others?
Well said.
We need some sort of t-shirt or meme about sex offenders having to go ion the registry and being allowed to live within 5 miles of a school zone but at the same time points to these teachers.
I can’t imagine if I had been taught the evil messed up crap they are teaching now though.
Wait what? Was someone teaching sex to kindergartners and pre-k kids? That's horrible. I have a 7-year old and even at that age, it's still questionable to teach kids about sex.
What's a good age to learn about the birds and the bees? I was 14 when I found out about the female anatomy in a classroom video. I left the school that day in a dazed state of shock. 😱
Now kids can watch porn on their mobiles. Sad.
I learned from a neighbor friend more than sex ed and my mom was worthless. She stuck a book (really lame one to boot) in front of me and said “here, read this”. That was her sex talk
My parents presented me with a whole set of books when I was about 12. I think the series was called “ Lifecycle” or something. I remember they were red and white hard bound books with age appropriate text - not babyish but not college level either - with lots of color illustrations and diagrams. My parents said “Here. Read every word of these books and let us know if you have any questions.” Honestly I was perfectly okay with this approach. I was a reader and really didn’t want to discuss the subject with my parents anyway.
Was it around the early 1980’s? It may have been the of same book series. I loved to read and would disappear into my books for days until I was done. My parent teacher notes went home and I was reprimanded many times for getting caught in the back of class reading romance novels during math, history, science (the classes I sucked at). As a sheltered shut in until I moved out on my own, I wished I had a mom I could talk to, especially since I was never allowed to have friends over, go to friends houses or talk on the phone with anyone without my mom over my shoulder making sure I didn’t say something wrong. That book was a crappy education and so was sex ed in school.
I got the books on the mid 70s so it’s likely they were around in the 80s. Yeah they gave a dry and incomplete sex ed. Nothing exactly inspirational. They made me wonder what all the big deal was. But I guess I got marginally more detail than I got at my traditional Catholic school. The romance novels may have taught you you more.
Very dry and yes they sid
This is more common than you think, that the parent doesn't actually teach sex Ed stuff, or is not equipped to do it well. This is why schools have tried to fill in the gap, because without at least some guidance, kids and teenagers will naturally need explanations about their bodies, and will start to explore things. Do we want teenagers sent loose to explore such things with 0 guidance or knowledge? I'm not sure that would turn out well. And as I mentioned, the school has stepped in to try to fill the gaps left by situations like yours when you were growing up. In theory it makes sense at least.
Yes, of course it makes sense but as you stated "teenager", TEENAGER.
NOT 4,5,6 year olds!
I am all for "sex education", and yes, the parents these days bear a majority of the responsibility for what is happening today.
Parents have failed their children in some of the most basic ways! It is NOT the teacher or schools job to raise or discipline our children!
Removing God, the Flag and respect, reverence for our country, our forefathers, our origins is one of the biggest mistakes we have ever made.
(I could go on and on)
That’s just a bunch of progressive child grooming bullshit. No, we do not need teachers to step in and shape a child’s sexuality. Just stop. Just fucking stop with that brainwashing. Sexuality is personal and private and it’s up to each person to work through it on their own. They have friends to talk to and if their is an adult there for them, it is their parents. And then STOP. It is not your place as another adult to get in there and start “shaping” the sexuality of another man’s child. To even make that claim is disgusting, but you don’t realize it because you’re so indoctrinated you are just spitting out slogans. Just back away from the kids here dude. It’s not your place.
This shit has NO place in ANY school. PERIOD. An adult who thinks different is insane and shouldnt be near kids.
She’s exactly right. I work with kids. Childhood is the only time in life when you’re completely innocent, carefree, and every day is an adventure. Why destroy that? Simple. They hate children and what they stand for. They want miserable, sex-obsessed drones from birth basically.
All by design... Feel so bad for our next generation! Almost no way to navigate this "tech" obsessed world without being bombarded with sexualized debauchery.
Very perceptive comment. I imagine many teachers are following orders much like doctors following protocols when it comes to recommending the jab. They don't want to risk losing their jobs so they go along to get along. They turn a blind eye to the appropriateness, not wanting to disturb the apple cart. I also assume there are a few pervs who genuinely get off talking about sex to kids.
In Illinois, it's 500 feet. Punishable by automatic costs to join the Teachers' Union. Although that comes with benefits far in excess of the fine. So, there's that.
Or any child for that matter
In Illinois, it's 500 feet. Punishable by automatic costs to join the Teachers' Union. Although that comes with benefits far in excess of the fine. So, there's that.