Went out on my front porch this morning for a smoke and cup of coffee. The full moon was low in the west, Venus was exceptionally bright and low in the east, and dawn was breaking.
I stayed on the porch watching this heavenly light show for nearly an hour. Along with it I watched neighbors going to work, kids going to school, robins building a nest in my front yard, three huge flights of Canadian geese at high altitude, fog rising off the river, and other Canadian geese flying to and from the river.
Eventually the moon set and Venus disappeared just as the sun peeked over the mountain. Never saw a star or planet hang on so long into daylight. It is gong to be a good day.
God's creation trumps the media, the politicians, the oligarchs, and even Q. All you need to do is stop, look, and listen.
Time to clean the house. My grandson is coming over for the weekend. I'll catch up on the doom and gloom of the world of politics Monday.
I am leaving soon to spend the week end in my « rural shack »… I expect to see flowers on the trees, feel the fresh smell of the fields after the morning rain and to hear plenty of awakening bird songs.🤗
Thanks God, I prefer this to the Netflix poisoned turds my urban colleagues crave.🙏🏻
And you did well as shared joys are always enhanced! Thanks a lot!🤗
"... there's a bathroom on the right..."
Bring it, Proud Mary!!
Just came here to post this! LMAO! I could make a list of all the song lyrics I got wrong. Remember the Neil Diamond song "Forever in Blue Jeans"? My best friend back in the day thought it was "A Reverend in Blue Jeans".
Got another one. Remember Aaron Neville's remake of "Everybody Plays the Fool"? My toddler son would belt out, "Everybody plays with food!"
LOL! Everyone brings their own perspective to the table. This is exactly what a kid would think. 😀
Cool you have a get-away cabin. I need something like that. Have a wonderful weekend.
It is a wise person who learns to count their blessings! Let's all try harder.
Visit a sister .win at Positive.win for some uplifting reflections like these. We need to see the beauty in this world if we are to hold on to our humanity.
Thanks for the reality check. I'm going to have breakfast and go for a snowshoe. The forest is my brain soother.
Have a wonderful weekend. That sounds like an amazing start to one. We heard our first geese up here in Manitoba this week, so they are coming home. Hmmm, I wonder if they have to show a vax pass to get back into Canada...
I wouldn’t be surprised, especially considering they are HONKING! All of you have a wonderful weekend, too. Hugs from Ontario!
they have to quarantine two weeks and download the ArriveCan app.
You guys can have all your street shitters back now.
-Signed North Carolina
When i go to my favorite bakery or tea shop, when I take my wife shopping, when we sit down to have a good meal..I am reminded it isn't man, it's government, the media, and the devil
God made an amazing universe, but he also gave us that same creative spark. One day we will take the cities back and you will be able to enjoy their splendors just like you enjoy the outdoors
Just a little more time, patience and we'll get there
You take your wife shopping? You are a GOOD man!
I love this so much. Literally smiling the entire read. Thanks for this reminder, and I hope you have the best weekend you've had in years!
God is good.
Thank you for sharing with us. I breathed in every word of description with a satisfied breath of life.
Great post
You have east and west mixed up, but otherwise enjoy your day and we'll hold the fort of despair until you join us again!
Thanks. My former boss called me Mr Dyslexia.
better than sexdylia.
There was a very bright visible planet very low in the eastern sky this morning. Moon set was also on the west side for me.
Watching celestial objects (sun, moon, stars, meterorites, etc.) is one of the best things to do to ground ourselves in realization at how little we are compared to the rest of creation (the universe) and remember that even though we are so small, God loves us even more than the objects in the sky, which is why He gave His Son to us.
Yes, yes, yes. It is truly the simple things that keep me grounded and hopeful 🤍
Beautiful. Have a great time.
Beautiful place you must have there.
The only thing that could add to that is the beautiful sound of liberals REEEEEING from Biden getting arrested for his corrupt Ukranian business dealings with his son Hunter.
That moment is coming, and soon. Can Ya FEEL IT? 😁
I feel an itch. Or maybe a tickle deep down. But I won't laugh until I see that fucker crying getting perp walked with his head down with CNN showing it to the world on live tv.
Enjoy the time away fren! I just can't understand how someone can look at the sky, nature, anything, and not think it was carefully hand crafted by a loving creator. God is truly the greatest artist ever. So much beauty in the world around us that it's hard to believe it was just a random explosion a long time ago. God bless you and have fun with your grandson 😁
This is what it’s all about. Being at peace with our Lord and Savior. Everything else, is a raindrop in eternity.
Baskin in the light of Gods glorious grace. Thanks for sharing. Think I'll try to plot another course for todays activities.
Also, you're an incredible storyteller. Truly filled my mind with awe and my heart with wonder.
Please do keep writing in more such uplifting stories on here for us all, even made up ones (fictional) will do. Because, at the end of the day, JOY WILL CHANGE OUR VERY WORLD.
If the dark ones can put out their entirely MADE UP fake news and fake stories and fake propaganda and fear porn to fill us up with doom and gloom, so can we counter it with our very own stories of Love, Light, Joy, Beauty, and Peace.
We had a beautiful sunrise in NC this morning, too. Clear orange skies in the east with Venus shining bright. I take my dog out first thing every morning, and it's a nice way to start the day with just the sound of the birds singing. Our Creator gave us a beautiful planet that some wish to destroy, so appreciate it every day.
What if I told you, you don't have to? Think about it ;)
That being said, this post made my fucking day. I truly wish that a ONE HUNDRED PERCENT POSTS on here were filled with positive, loving, joyful, beautiful, and, above all, divine energies such as yours (and dare I say we can even look at negative things through a positive (aka optimistic) lens --- if one truly makes an effort).
Because you, my friend, have truly "got it", so to speak. Ponder upon this whenever such is possible, and I can fucking GUARANTEE YOU THIS, you will NOT regret it in the very slightest.
God bless!
I can relate. Last night for about an hour I was depressed. I rarely get depressed. All the evil in the world. Stupid zombie blind people, ignorant churches worshiping the Jew and Israel, reading from bibles that were parasited by the Jew inserting their modern name into God's Word and changing key scriptures to make it look like the Jews are God's chosen people and our Lord was a Jew and everyone fell for it. There's very little doubt in my mind who is the underlying blood line of the Jew today, it is Esau and Edom.
Romans 9:13 “As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.”
And in the meantime many here are trying to come up with a different name to give the Judeo Communist Satanist's to hide behind. The latest is "Nazi". Unbelievable.
I too need to get refocused and maybe plan a get away trip in my vehicle and head out of SoCal, maybe to Arizona and look around. I hear Prescott is pretty and it's 2nd Amendment friendly.
You sir have a blessed weekend and enjoy that coffee. :)
Beautiful, have a good weekend!
Well done, fren. Well done.
Pictures or it didn't happen.... j/k. But seriously sounds awesome. Instead of Disney this year I'm taking my family to rural 'Merica!
Our son and grandson are flying in from Idaho tomorrow and we have a cabin the woods waiting for us in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Going to enjoy God's beautiful creation and have a wonderful time with family! ❤️❤️❤️
It’s so beautiful there. I’m about 30 miles South; LOVE IT.
Howdy, neighbor! We're about 30 miles north of Chattanooga. :-)
Whoa!! I’m on Watts Bar Lake!!!
I know where that is. :-)
👍🏽 (homie) 😁
Well, I'm a white girl, but if you want to call us homies, that's quite alright by me! LOL
Excellent post, thank you anon.
love you fren for this mindset of yours ...
Lucifer, the morning star.
Appears so bright, until the true light comes.
I too had a beautiful morning.
I awoke to the sounds of roosters, and then pitter pattered to my kitchen, started a cup of tea, and had a delicious pancake. I then took care of feeding and watering the cats, and then headed out the door for my daily usual.
Drove 5 miles away down a 2 Lane Highway to Anini Beach. I approached the water with my snorkel in hand, ready for my daily swim.
This happens to be an area that is corridor off by a reef - so the waves break a mile or two out, the water is very calm, and there are no sharks!
The highlight of my day is swimming with the sea turtles. I see them so often now, that I’ve began giving them names. Based on markings on their shells. The calming salt waters, The free flowing turtles, and the ability to exercise in God‘s beautiful nature is more than anybody could ask for.
I am grateful!
Thank you for sharing and the smile!
Have a fantastic weekend.
Really appreciate you sharing this.
This scene immediately came to mind as I read this.